BREANA NIX CASE UPDATE On Tuesday February 22nd Brittany Noojin and myself attended a meeting with Blount County District Attorney Pamela Casey, Assistant DA Scott Gilliland, Sheriff Mark Moon, and Investigator Chad Long. The meeting lasted over 7 hours. The purpose of the meeting was to view the evidence that had not been presented to the family to date. We reviewed: 1. Over three hours of body cam footage from four officers body cams. We are not positive if this is all the footage from that day but we did view everything they presented 2. The 911 audio call 3. The response reports 4. Phone records 5. Hospital records 6. The autopsy, autopsy photos, toxicology report 7. Various subpoenas, documents, and witness statements. 8. Evidence collected during served search warrants. It was the first time we had seen most of this data and evidence. We were not given copies and not allowed to photography or in any way duplicate the documents. It was a great deal of data to review in a short period of time (even though it was seven hours it was a vast amount of information) We understand this next part will be frustrating for many, it’s frustrating to us, but it’s a ages old law and tradition: as has been disclosed by the DA’s Office this case was sent to Grand Jury the following day February 23, 2022. Grand Jury hearings are notoriously secretive even to those involved. There is very little we can say here as we must stay within the law. There are three outcomes of a Grand Jury. Indictment (probable cause found to charge a defendant), no-bill (no probable cause found at the time, further investigation (a Grand Jury can request further investigation be done). What we can say and stay within the law of secrecy is that the case is NOT closed. The same Grand Jury will be convening again at an already determined date that is within the next 45 days. We have further investigating to do in the next 45 days so we all know the truth about the death of Breana Nix. While in-between Grand Jury sessions we have to be very careful to act within the law. It will be hard for us to answer specific questions. Please do not take us being more quiet than usual as an indication of anything other than we are respecting the legal system. We do believe there is more evidence to be compiled, however the DA’s Office and the Sheriff’s Office were extremely professional with us, they did not refuse to answer any of our questions. There were a few questions they did not have the answer for but we hope those questions are being looked into. At my suggestion, because of the body cam footage and the graphic nature of it, Breana’s mother and father did not attend, only Brittany and myself. Brittany and I would like to thank the DA’s Office and the Sheriff’s Office for their time and transparency. It’s a bit overdue but I believe they are now cooperating with us. Although we may appear more quiet that usual over the next 45 days, we promise we are working hard on this case, and we encourage you to keep Breana’s name relevant. We can’t talk but you can talk. We will update you in the next 45 days with more substantial news. Keep Breana’s memory and her family in your thoughts and prayers. Brittany Noojin Steve Fischer
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