T hi si swh aty ourd ig it alf utu rel ook sli ke : G overn mentso fth e“fr eewor ld ”area lr eadymov ingt owar dsin sta ll i ngD igi t alI Dtor epl ac e o lde rsyst emsofi den ti fi ca ti on. But whate xact lyi s“Di gi ta lID ?” S imp lyp ut; iti sac oll ec ti ono fre cor dsa bou tyo uat ta che dtoag ove rnme ntd ata bas eco nta ini ng: •U serna me•P a sswor d•D a teofB irt h•S o cia lSecu ri ty/ Ins uran ceNumber•Med ica lHi sto ry •O nli neSea rchPat te rns•Onl in ePurc h a si ngPatt ern s•Trans act ionHi st ory•Sch oolRe cord s •P oli ceI nte ract i ons•Pol it i calL eani ngs•Char it abl eHis tor y•C r edit Rat in g•S o cia lCre dit Scor e I nor dert ose cur eth ati nf orma ti on, gov ern men tswi llu set hef oll owi ngb io met ri ci de nti fi er s: F aci alr eco gni ti ons can Afi nge rpr in t- li kege omet ri cmapofy ourf acewi ll beus edtoco nfi rmyo uri den ti ty . Th iswi ll al sobeus edfo rCCT Vtra cki ngan dtarg ete dadpl ace menti nth ere alwor ld . R eti nal Sca n Afu llp rof i leof yourey ewil lbec rea tedan dusedt oid ent i fyyo uatspe ci ficacc essp oin ts. Th is ,li keo the ride nti f ier s,c anbeus edtoi den ti fyyo ubef orea ll owi ngyouin ter neta cces s. T HUMBS CAN Y ourt humba nd/orf in gerp ri ntsmayal sobeus edtoc onf i rmy o uri den ti ty . Y oumaybed eni ede ntr ytogov ernmen tbui l din gsorbu si nes seswi th outa uth ent i cat i on. G ene ti cSc an A stec hnol ogyp rog res ses ,th ismet hodofi den ti tyau the nti ca ti onwi llb eco memo rep opu lar . Y ourGe net icPr ofi l ewi llb etest edo n-si t etoconf ir my o uri dent i ty. B usi ne ssesa ndgo ver nme ntswi lls haret hi si nfo rma ti onwi the achot hera sth eyc ompi leyo urda ta Yo uwil lbef orc edt oauth ent ic atea lon gwi thp hysi ca lpo ses si onoft heI Di nthef ormof : q uan tum I DCA RD Q RAP P I MPL ANT t att oo y OURDAT AWIL LBEMON IT ORE D,S CORE DANDGRA DEDB YARTI FI CAL INT ELL IG ENC E,G OVE RNME NT, ANDB USI NES SES . yOURS CORE SWIL LBEUS EDT OAUTO MATI CaL LYDE TER MIN EYOURAC CES STOSO CI ETYA NDLE VEL OFPR IVI LE GES . D ig it alI Di sth een dof huma nri ght s F ormo rei nf or mat i on, vi si tgl ob al fr eed om. su bst ac k. co m Wh ati sso ci alc red ita nda n“E SGS COR E”? T hedat ac o mp i ledinyou rdig ita lIDwil lberat edandsc o r edbas edonifyo urbeha vio randopi ni onsar e i nal ig nment wi thgovern mentpol icyandage nda.T hemo r eoutof ali gnmenty ouarewi thwhat isdef i ned a sa“goodciti ze n,”themor ed i ff i c ul ti twil lbefo ryoutoacc essgov ernments erv ice s,en joyp riv il ege s, t ran sact ,earnalivi ng,o rshopatspec ifi cbusi nes ses . I fyo urscoregoeslowenou gh,youwil lbebl ackl i ste dandcompl ete lyshut outofs oci ety . A n“ESGScor e”isthebusi nes svers ionof socia lcred it . E nvi ro nmental ,Soci al ,andGove rnan cemetri cswil lbeuse dtodet ermi nei facompan y’spr oduc t, o per ati ons, messagi ng,andi deol ogi esar einali gnment wit hsust ai nabl edev elo pment/equ it ypol ic ie s. B usi ness eswit hv er ylowscor eswil lbeuna bletous etran sact io nsyst ems,g etl oans ,oreve nrene wa l i cen se,an dcust o merswhosup portt hos eb u sines seswi llh avet hei rsoci al credi tsc oresl ower edal so. T hissy s t emwil lbeatt ache dtoyou rdig it alI D , whic hyouwi ll befor cedtobi omet ri cauth ent ica tewit h. Y ouwil l b eunabl etodoanyt hi ngwit hou t y ourid ent it yatt ach ed,a ndevery thi ngyo udowil lbeuse dto a djus tyourl evel of f ree domandacc esstosoc iet yorth egood sandservi ce syounee d. I twil lbesol dtoy o uasbe nefi ci al .A“sa feandsec urewayt over if yyourid ent it yonl in e.” I nfa ct, itwi l lco mpl ete lyremov eyourr ig htt opri va cy,e nab leca shl es ssoci et y,a ndbr in gahou taworl d wh eresi mpl ydi sag ree ingwit hyou rowngov ern mentc oul dremo veyouo fyou rri ght tosur vi veat all . P ubl ic-Pri vat ePart ner shi psar egove rnmen tsandbu sin esseswor ki ngto geth ertof und ament all y c hangey ourli f efore ver. Youar enotb ein gprop erlyi nf ormedoft heneg ati veuse sfo rthi stec hnol ogy , y ourcon senti snotb ein gsoug ht. Thi stec hno log yisbei ngin stal l edasyo ureadth isa ndwil ls oon c ont role veryasp ectof youre xi ste nce . Y oumaya greean dbeh avei nal i gnme ntwi t hth ego ver nme ntd efi ni ti ono fa“ goo dci t ize n”t oda y,b ut h avey oual ways ?Wil ly outo morr ow? Man yor gan iz ati onsa ndal li anc esarewor ki ngtob uil dandi mpl emen tth eses yst emso very ou, suc has : Th eWor ldE cono micFor um,GAVI ,I D202 0,Th eWHOP a ndemi cTr eat yandmo re. T ole arnmo rea ndf i ndo uth owy ouc ans ta nda gai ns tth iso ppr ess io n,v is it glo bal f ree dom. su bst ac k. co m
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