Employee Digital Experience (EDX) Microsoft Managed Desktop (MMD) Onboarding User Guide for the MMD Enterprise Rollout January 2022 Narvesh Prasad 1 . Microsoft two factor authentication Setting Up Windows ➢ To set up Windows: 1. Select the following to set up Windows on your AMP laptop: • Language: English (United Kingdom) • Region: Australia • Keyboard layout: US • Second keyboard: Skip 2. Now connect to your Wi-Fi network or wired connection, then click Next twice (see next page if you need help with this) 3. Your laptop will restart. Please check your laptop for prompts. Set up will automatically continue after restart. 2 . Connecting to Wifi When asked to connect to a Wifi. 1. If you are in an AMP office please connect to AMP_GUEST (Best to click connect automatically) 2. Enter your AMP LAN ID and password 3. Accepts the user policy Success you are Password Warning – New Starters If you have tried entering your temporary password 2 times to sign into AMP_GUEST and its not accepting it stop using it and contact tech support 8048 8888 or tech bar if in the office for a password reset as your password has expired. Signing into MMD From Home If connecting from home please select your home Wi-Fi (You will need your home Wi-Fi password) 3. Setting up your AMP Profile 1 2 ➢ To set up your AMP account profile: 1. Log in with your AMP email address and password Do not enter your LAN ID and username! 2. Select Approve to use Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) This process will require you to check on your device for restart prompts! 4 3 3. Sign in with your AMP email address and password 4. You can now continue working on your device while your laptop installs your applications in the background Microsoft Two Factor Authentication 1. If you are a new starter and don’t have your MFA setup (as per screenshot you will see no options available when you reach the “help us protect your account” screen) If you are working from home please connect tech support on 8048 8888 to have it setup If you are in the office please pop down to the tech bar. Welcome to Microsoft Managed Desktop (MMD) Congratulations! You have installed MMD. Now it is time for you to complete your post-onboarding activities. 4. Sign In Make sure you are connect to some type of WIFI before signing in Sign in using EMAIL ADDRESS & PASSWORD Once logged into windows 1. Make sure your still connected to a WIFI 2. While in the office, if you cant connect to AMP_GUEST please follow the below Right click on AMP_GUEST then click forget, the reconnect to AMP_Guest. 5. Running Updates ➢ It’s a must to run windows update 1. Click the Start button then type UPDATE 2. Click on “CHECK FOR UPDATES” You will need to do this 2 or 3 times after restarting laptop 3. You will need to restart when you see the following on your taskbar “Orange dot” or in your start menu. Keep running updates and restarting your laptop till you see a screen with a green tick 6. Check List Once all up to date: Check to make sure you can use. Installing follow me printing on MMD – Make sure you are connected to 1. Company Portal (IF not installed follow steps below) AMP_CONNECT(MMD) wifi or using VPN if connected to other wifi network 2. Outlook 1. Open Edge browser 3. Google Chrome 2. Click FAVOURITES (looks like a shooting start top right hand conner) 4. Adobe Reader DC 3. Click on AMP FAVOURITES folder 5. AMP SSL VPN 4. Click ADD PRINTER 5. Once page loades search for SECURE 6. Click the plus (+) button next to SECURE_PRINTING_SYDBRIS 7. Tick YES to set printer as default the click ADD PRINTER 8. Click OPEN on the next pop up Installing Company Portal 9. DONE – PRINTER ADDED If company portal was not installed automatically 1. Click Start then type in Store – open Microsoft Store 2. Search for Company Portal 3. Click Get (No need to sign in when prompted) 4. Once installed should appear in your start menu If you are changing your laptop (Swap and Go) please continue to the next page 7. Restoring your Bookmarks, Network Drives and Signatures ➢ Restore your Chrome Bookmarks: 1. Open your Chrome Browser 2. Follow steps 1-3 from previous slide in File Explorer 3. Open the ChromeBookmarks folder 4. Double click on RestoreBookmarks to run the file. ➢ Re-map your network drives: 1. Follow steps 1-3 from previous slide in File Explorer 2. Open DriveMapBackup folder and double click DrivesBackup to run the file. ➢ Restore your Outlook signatures: 1. Follow steps 1-3 from previous slide in File Explorer 2. Open the OutlookSignatures folder and double click RestoreSignatures to run the file 3. Launch Outlook and in the Search Bar and type Signature 4. Under Actions, click the right arrow next to Signature, and click Signatures 5. From the New Messages and Replies/Forwards drop down menus, check that your signature is selected. 8. Software Centre replaced with the new Company Portal ➢ If you can’t find an application previously installed on your laptop, reinstall applications from Company Portal: 1. From the Start Menu launch Company Portal 1 2 3 2. Click Apps from the left hand-side menu 3. A list of available apps for installation will appear 4. Select the application and click Install. Can’t find the application you need in Company Portal? Click here to view the MMD App Packaging Tracker. Congratulations! Onboarding to MMD is now complete You have now completed the end-to end MMD onboarding process and laptop rebuild. We’d love to know about your experience. Please leave your feedback here
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