Please call or email us with your reservation, then mail completed form with payment to: SNHHBRA - PO BOX 495 LONDONDERRY, NH 03053 OR call with your credit card payment Seating is limited and on a first come first serve basis. For additional information or questions, please contact Lisa Bowman at (603) 475 - 2855 or e - mail to Tuesday, August 31st - 7:05 pm Fisher Cats vs. Sea Dogs Northeast Delta Dental Stadium A Night at the Fisher Cats & Summer Social Private 3rd base party deck SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Get your company name and logo out there ! Bring your family, staff or friends ! SOLD GRAND SLAM - $500.00 (exclusive offer) *live links to your website Banner on display at the event 2 tickets to the event 6 mo. newsletter ad HOME RUN—$300.00 (2) 2 tickets to the event 3 mo. newsletter ad _____ STEAL - $200.00 3 mo. newsletter ad * _____ BUNT—$100.00 1mo. newsletter ad Contact information E - mail: Name: __________________________________ Company: ___________________________________ Phone #: Payment Information: Amount Enclosed: $______________ Check ______ M/C______ Visa______ Discover____Amex ________ Card #: __________________________________________________ Exp. Date: ____________ CSC : Name on Card: _______________________________________ Card Billing Address: Signature: ________________________________________________ City: __________________________ ST _____ Zip GET YOUR TICKETS HERE!! Single ticket: $40.00 ea. 4 tickets: $120.00, each additional $35.00 Includes: Private third base party deck and suite, all you can eat BBQ buffet including: pulled pork, chicken, sides, soft drink and make your own ice dream sundaes. SOLD Ice Cream Sundae Sponsor - $ 300.00 Don’t delay, seating is limited and will sell out quickly! Joint with the Greater Manchester Nashua local