Karl Nova wins Ruth Rendell Award 2020 for outstanding contribu:on to literacy 23703:Layout 1 20/3/17 10:09 Page 7 Hip Hop ar(st, author and poet Karl Nova (Rhythm and Poetry, Caboodle Books) has won the coveted Ruth Rendell Award for his outstanding contribu(on to raising literacy levels in the UK in the last year. Former winners of the Award include Children’s Laureate Cressida Cowell, Andy McNab and Tom Palmer Karl’s unwavering commitment to con(nuing and furthering his work to inspire young readers and writers through his crea(ve wri(ng workshops, talks and poetry con(nued during lockdown through digital channels which enabled him to reach children and young people all over the UK and beyond. Poetry? In 2021 , Karl Nova’s achievements included: Fron:ng the Premier League Wri:ng Stars poetry When I was a kid compe::on, inspiring over 7,000 entries with his poem poetry seemed boring Beau%ful Ambi%on and returning to his old primary complex words on a page school to deliver an assembly and individual poetry that almost le! me snoring workshops to Key Stage One and Key Stage Two classes, I felt no connec"on as well as officially opening the school's new library the language seemed foreign if it fought for my a#en"on Being an ambassador for Na:onal Poetry Day, sharing a it was pointless warring new poem, ‘see through my eyes’ to celebrate the day I was introduced to texts and inspire children and young people to get involved held in high esteem I did recognise the genius Delivering crea:ve wri:ng workshops in person and but they meant nothing to me digitally to children and young people all over the UK and all that changed interna:onally including at Hay Fes:val and Bradford when I heard an M.C Literature Fes:val speak a poe"c language that really hit deep it's like I woke up from being fast asleep everything seemed to slow down I felt my soul leap I was amazed how his words transformed him from being a skinny geek into someone enormous He gained energy as he kept performing :Layout 1 Something 20/3/17 was 10:09 Page in awakened 9 me that was dormant it deeply moved me to pick up a pen and put down lines of my own lots of gems 8 I discovered, buried deep in my soul I dug deeper struck oil and found gold now I share all these riches that I've found communica!ng feelings and thoughts through sound now that's poetry I'm glad that I've found Winner of the 2018 CLiPPA Poetry Book Of The Year the kind that speaks to me 9780995488540 £5.99 Caboodle Books right here and right now. STOP PRESS never I‘The Curious go to schools Case to perform ofworkshops, and do Karl Nova’ I ask the the new Karl Nova :tle being rush g people if they like poetry and the answer is normally no. When if they like rap, the answer is normally yes. released When I show them in January 2021
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