„The best dynamic medicine ball exercises for basketball players”. Strength and Conditioning Coach licenced by Australian Strength & Conditioning Association and Polish Academy of Physical Education Todays basketball is very dynamic game with a lot of changing action. To meet the demands of the game, need to prepare Your body comprehensively as well as You can. Upper body work dynamically when You changing running direction, try to fake opponent, passing and receiving the ball in many various, often difficult situations. Your workouts need to comply and develop various abilities like acceleration, deceleration, in different plains. Must be able for eccentric, isometric and concentric movements. I prepared some exercises using medicine ball, for dynamic upper body effort. Exercises are grouped in pression for them: 1) from explosive to slowdown and stop movement 2) from explosive to explosive - series movements 3) from isometric effort to: - explosive - explosive and stop Acceleration in basketball is not only, main and most important ability for the player. Opposed moves to it, is also equal and need to be train as well. Every time when you stop the movement (stop the ball or stop your body) from fast moves, working on deceleration. Deceleration is one of the most important ability ! There are tons of situations during the game when quick stop is required. The faster you are able to stop, the fasteer you can make another move, like react on opponent moves or when you try to fake Your opponent . Basic rule: All exercises start from stable position, brace your core, keep lumbar spine stiff. 1) Make move as fast as you can, then stop the movement also as fast as you can and hold position for 1- 2 secound. Repeat 3 to 5 each side 2) make series 3 to 5 reps (each side) explosive moves, as fast as you can, without stoping when you change direction of movement. 3) ask your partner to hold the ball (make resistance) when you try to pull (or push) it in movement direction. Keep this isometric contraction for about 3 seconds. (count backwards) Then partner releaseing the ball and You make the move ( throw, push, pull...) explosively, as fast as You can. Repeat 3 to 5 each side.