Trauma can have a devastating effect on people’s Trauma can lives emotionally, psychologically, and push one’s fight physically. Ask your GP or flight system or mental health care provider if the Stellate into “high gear.” Ganglion Block (SGB) is right for you. The Stellate 1. Head to our website by scanning Ganglion Block the below QR code. can calm this involuntary neurological 2. Ask your doctor /provider to email us with your information and their reaction. contact details to [email protected] 3. Have a complimentary consult with our Patient Services Team. Breakthrough Treatment for Symptoms of Trauma Call 1800 921 445 or 03 9021 6262 Who we are Stella is a team of medical doctors, Why SGB? How it works Stella physicians inject a local anaesthetic psychologists, Patient Care Coordinators, SAFE into the stellate ganglion nerve to “reset” and tireless advocates who are committed 100+ year history with very little risk. the Fight or Flight reflex, which leads to an to your healing. We have been established immediate sense of calm in the majority of in Australia for over 12 months and have a RAPID patients. network of physicians who deliver the SGB The results of a successful SGB treatment for PTSD and trauma sufferers. Combining biological interventions with procedure most patients experience psychological interventions can help relief of symptoms within 1-2 patients get the best outcomes possible. treatments. Learn more by visiting our website in CONVENIENT Australia <20 min outpatient procedure. Eugene Lipov, MD EFFECTIVE Chief Medical Officer Stemming from his personal struggle with loss and PTSD, Dr. Lipov has dedicated himself to understanding and Based on the US experience, data shows over 83% success rate in Trauma is relieving symptoms of trauma. Please complex but researching SGB and its impact on PTSD. Driven by his work, Stella has treated thousands of patients worldwide visit our website to learn more. who suffer from trauma related to various events, such as finding relief military-related PTSD, military sexual trauma (MST), PTSD due to first responder trauma, non-military sexual trauma, childhood trauma, and many others. Responded Clinically Stella Patient doesn’t have to Treatment Significant Average PCL Improvement Results Dr. Robert Wright -5 -10 ~3x Better Result to be. Stella CMO (Australia) In a new study conducted, which Dr. Wright matriculated at Baylor College of Medicine appeared in the January 2022 edition of in Houston Texas as a presidential scholar in 1983 the peer-reviewed Pain Physician Journal, completing his M.D. degree in 1987 and received training in anesthesiology and chronic pain management at the it shows that SGB is an effective treatment -28.9 University of Utah. After service in the US Air Force, he for trauma symptoms no matter your entered practice as a pain specialist and contributed gender, trauma type, PTSD-related drug to evolving regional and national standards of care in interventional pain management. In the early 2000’s, he National Center for Stella use, history of suicide attempts or age. co-directed the emerging pain clinic at Cedars-Sinai hospital PTSD Guidance Results and helped create their world-class pain management Reference: Pain Physician 2022 Jan;25(1):77-85. Utility department. He’s a recognized pioneer and innovator Sample of 327 patients treated between December 2016 of Cervical Sympathetic Block in Treating Post-Traumatic contributing many novel techniques and new technologies to and February 2020. Data has been reviewed by an IRB Stress Disorder in Multiple Cohorts: A Retrospective the pain management field. He now resides in Sydney leading and submitted to a peer reviewed journal for publication Analysis Eugene G Lipov¹, Ryan Jacobs², Shauna Springer³, research and training for Stella Australia. (acceptance pending). Kenneth D Candido⁴, Nebojsa Nick Knezevic⁵
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