Step 3 Sign the read-only transaction to log in to Commonwealth! Step 2 Connect with your Metamask wallet (or another Wallet Connect-enabled wallet). Step 1 Click on the “log In” button in the top right of the screen. Connecting to Commonwealth Useless DAO Commonwealth Guide You are now part of the Useless DAO on Commonwealth Step 2 For a new idea being put forward, select 1- Ideation. If you’ve already prepared a proposal, select 2- Debate. Then write your text and click Create Thread! Step 1 Click the black plus icon in the upper right corner of the screen to start a new thread Creating a Proposal Useless DAO Commonwealth Guide Step 3 Confirm your voting choice. Step 4 Click sign to confirm your vote. Note: this is a read-only transaction. It won’t cost anything and does not provide any access to your wallet or funds. Step 2 Once you are on the vote screen, choose the option you would like to vote for and click vote (for mobile there is tab near the top called “Info & Results”where the vote is located). Step 1 Navigate to the proposal you want to vote on and look on the right side of the screen where there is a link to that proposals vote. Voting on Commonwealth Useless DAO Commonwealth Guide