'm:btWnittb ~ranb 1Lobgt of ~ntitnt jfrtt ann ~tttpttb ;ffiasons of <!Englanb <!&tbttof lltottbutt at the ESPECIAL GRAND LODGE to be held at the ROYAL ALBERT HALL LONDON on the occasion of the 250th ANNIVERSARY of the founding of the PREMIER GRAND LODGE, and for the INSTALLATION of H.R.H. the DUKE of KENT, C.G. V.O., A.D.G. as GRAND MASTER 27th June, 1967 At 4 p.m. the f lI,owlnl. 1'10 ( 1011 will ('llh I Ill( Hall:- TWO DEPUTY GRAND DIRt! :'1'( R' 1" 1!l{I(MON II!.· DUDLEY L. PATERSON AIR MAR IrAL 11{ VI(:I'OI :111 IM, fi. . V.O., fi .B.H, ,'./J., 1),/1,(;. THE GRAND TYLER JAMES YOUNG THE GRAND STEWARDS W. R. HORNBY STEER, D.L., P.G.D. OLIVER A. E. J. MAl< WUR STANLEY A. PAIGE, D.F.C. GEORGE . BARNlll'I COLIN F. W. DYER HON. CHRISTOPHER H. L. BATHUR I IAN L. MACKESON-SANDBACH PETER H. P ALMlllt WILLIAM R. LEWIS RONALD F. BRANDON HUBERT B. BOOTY, T.D. WILLIAM A. CLARKE EDWARD NEWTON EDWARD G. LLOYD, M.C. IAN D. MAcDoNALD JOHN K. WHITE EDWARD F. STUDD WING CDR. ROGER 1. PERKS THE ASSISTANT GRAND PURSUIVANTS MAURICE F. WOODS HARRY W. STUCHBERRY THOMAS J. PARKINS PETER MYERS THE GRAND PURSUIVANT ARTHUR W. GALVIN, D.C .M. THE ASSISTANT GRAND STANDARD BEARERS JOHN H. STRINGER CHARLES P. B. SHIPPAM, M.B.E., O.St.J. JAMES W. SHEPARD COLIN L. MACDOUGALL, O.B.E. PERCY T. GRIFFITH RONALD E. COLLINS THE ASSISTANT GRAND SWORD BEARERS LT.-COL. JOSEPH A. LOVESAY SURGEON LT.-COMMDR. CD) GRAHAM A. CONDREY r THE ASSISTANT GRAND DIRECTORS OF CEREMONIES THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD 1; GENERAL P RP II MAJoR DONALD S. ROBERTSON JAMES N. PEARSON ALEXANDERS. FRERE, .B.E., P.G.W. STANLEY C. L. HAINE JOHN W. GLANFIELD COMMDR. ARTHUR O. GILLETT STANHOPE E. FURBER THE DEPUTY GRAN REGISTRAR GUY G. EDEN, C.B.E. ERNEST P. M. DREWETT WALTER S. WIG LHSWORTH JOHN W. DEAL LEONARD G. DAVEY OSMUND D. BANCROFT CHARLESD. ANDERSON THE GRAND REGISTRAR ERSKINE SIMES, Q.C., P.G.W. THE ASSISTANT GRAND SUPERINTENDENTS OF WORKS IAN MURRAY LEsLIE, D.B.E. RICHARD W. GLEED, T.D. u THE GRAND TREASURER DEREK H. MAYS-SMITH, T.D. THE ASSISTANT GRAND SECRETARY THE GRAND CHAPLAINS J. DENNIS E. BARNARD RT. REv. LORD BISHOP OF REV. CANON RICHARD TYDEMAN THE GRAND SUPERINTENDENT OF WORKS PORTSMOUTH, D.D. FRANCIS J. TRUMPER, D.B.E., T.D., P.G.D. I PROVINCIAL AND DISTRICT GRAND MASTERS THE ASSISTANT ~RAND REGISTRARS ERIC S. SPECK Zambia KENNETH O. G. HUNTLEl" RODNEY 1. S. BAX, Q.C. DONALD A. MUNRO Canterbury, N.Z. HERBERT K. POTTS Cumberland and Westmorland THE ASSISTANT GRAND CHAPLAINS ALARIC PARIS South America, N.D. 11 DONALD FORDWOOD, M.B.E., E.R.D. Bengal REv. WILLIAM H. HITCHINSON REv. THOMAS H. FURNEAUX RT. HON. LORD SWANSEA,D.L. South Wales, E.D. THE DEPUTY GRAND SWORD BEARER THOMAS B. FELTHAM, D.B.E. Herefordshire SIR STANLEY HARLEY Warwickshire SURGEON REAR-ADMIRAL JOHN M. HOLFORD, C.B., D.B.E. H. DARROCH MACGILLIVRAY,M.B.E. Newfoundland CHARLES H. V. ELLIOTT, T.D. Nottinghamshire FOUR JUNIOR GRAND DEACONS CLAUDE L. SHROFF Auckland, N.Z. WILFRID SHARP GORDON J. REDGROVE COL. E. PERRY MORGAN, M.B.E., T.D. Cornwall JOHN R. ILLINGWORTH ALFREDW. FLETCHER HIS HONouR RAMSEY G. JOHNSON, D.B.E. Isle of Man MAJ.-GEN. RICHARD L. BOND, G.B., C.B.E., D.S.D., M.C. FOUR SENIOR GRAND DEACONS Hampshire and Isle of Wight DR. HENRY J. WADE ARTHUR J. PLATT, C.B.E. MAJOR H. WILSON KEyS, M.C., T.D. Staffordshire HIS HONouR JUDGE MYER A. B. ANTHONY R. C. HIGHAM, T.D. ARTHUR A. J OHNSTONE Cheshire KING-HAMILTON, Q.C. HOWARD G. POTTS, M.B.E., T.D. Buckinghamshire CHARLESM. JENNINGS Ceylon GRAND INSPECTORS STANLEY W. COOPER, D.B.E. Ghana GEORGE MEIKLE, D.B.E. W. K. HEATH BERTRAM GUILLAUME Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire (Leeward Islands) ,~ COL. JOHN G. T. ECCLES, D.L. Lincolnshire (Cyprus) COL. ALEXANDERWOODS, M.B.E., T.D., D.L. Hertfordshire J. CHARLESHOPE, O.S.M. MAJoR C. ROWLAND CHADWICK, D.B.E. 1 FREDERICKT. B. WHEELER Surrey (Montreal and Halifax) (Arabian Gulf) BERTRAND L. CLIFT Jersey THE PRESIDENT I OF THE BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE \ LT.-COL. OSBERT W. D. SMITH, D.L. Worcestershire RT. HON. THE EARL OF WARWICK, D.L. Essex COL. SIR CULLUM WELCH, Bt., D.B.E., M.C., P.G.W. DR. HERMANN M. SELZER Pakistan RICHARD C. LEE, C.B.E. Hong Kong and the Far East THE GRAND SECRETARY FRANCIs J. HECTOR Bristol JAMES W. STUBBS, P.G.W. CYRIL H. CREWS Devonshire SAYED MOHAMED SALIH EL SHANGITI Sudan THE RIGHT WORSI IPFUL BRIG. ARNOLD DE L. CAZENOVE, C.B.E., D.S.a., M. v.a., D.L. Somerset ASSISTANT GRAN)) MASTER NORMAN MOORE Middlesex MAJOR-GENERAL SIR AI,),AN I. . AD AIR, LT.-COL. ROBERT H. INGHAM CLARK Berkshire Bt., K.C. v.a., C.B., D.S. ., M.C., D.L. HON. SIR LIONEL BRETT Nigeria CAPT. BASIL A. MALLENDER Derbyshire THE RIGHT WORSHIPFUL ARTHUR JOLLY Sussex COL. FREDERICK WALTON, M.C., T.D., D.L. Durham DEPUTY GRAN MASTER BRIG. C. BERNARD S. MORLEY, C.B.E., T.D., D.L. RT. HON. rns EARL CADO AN, M.C., D.L. Leicestershire and Rutland RT. HON. LORD KENYON, D.L. North Wales THE GRAND SWORD BEARER SIR GILBERT INGLEFIELD, T.D. Bedfordshire LAURENCE E. RUTHERFORD West Lancashire MAJOR-GENERAL SIR LEONARD H. ATKINSON, K.B.E. JOHN G. FOLLY Transvaal DR. KENNETH B. CLARKE Dorset THE MOST WORSHIPFUL PRO GRAND MASTER CAPT. ALAN J. THOMPSON, M.B.E. Rhodesia RT. HON. THE EARL OF SCARBROUGH, MOST HON. THE MARQuESS OF ZETLAND, T.D., D.L. K.G., G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E., G.c.v.a., T.D. Yorkshire, N. & E. Ridings RT. HON. LORD RATHCREEDAN, ~.D. Oxfordshire THE GRAND STANDARD BEARERS V. REv. EDWARD L. FROSSARD, O.B.E. Guernsey and Alderney LESLIE E. A. LORD Otago and Southland, N.Z. FREDERICK S. TOFIELD JEREMIAH LAGDEN H. CLIFFORD SMITH Yorkshire, West Riding ERNEST C. CHUBB Natal A DEPUTY GRAND DIRECTOR OF CEREMONIES REGINALD W. HAXELL S. America, Southern Division JOHN K. NEWSON-SMITH COL. E. RODERICK HILL, D.S.a. Monmouthshire JOSEPH M. S. COATES, a.B.E. Northumberland BRIG. c. ESMOND DE WOLFF, C.B., C.B.E. Malta THE GRAND DIRECTOR OF CEREMONIES HON. WILLIAM R. S. BATHURST, T.D. Gloucestershire FRANK WILLIAM RADFORD DOUGLAS, P.G.W. COMMDR. RT. HON. THE EARL OF STRADBROKE Suffolk COL. G. TREVOR KELWAY, C.B.E., T.D., D.L. South Wales, W.D. The representatives of the Time Immemorial Lodges BISHOP PERCY HERBERT, K.C.V.a. Norfolk will enter Grand Lodge and discharge their duty by handing RT. HON. LORD METHUEN, R. A. Wiltshire RT. HON. LORD FORESTER Shropshire over the Great Lights and the Wren Maul to the M.W. Pro RT. HON. LORD CORNWALLIS, K.B.E., M.C. Kent Grand Master. RT. HON. THE EARL OF DERBY, M.C., P.Dep.G.M. East Lancashire Grand Lodge will be opened in ample form by the Most Worshipful Pro Grand Master. TWO JUNIOR GRAND DEACONS REGINALD G. CHINN MAJOR GRAHAM F. GIBB The Most Worshipful Pro Grand Master will be saluted according to antient form. THE JUNIOR GRAND WARDEN RT. HON. VISCOUNT RIDLEY, T.D. !'j The Most Worshipful Pro Grand Master will welcome Representatives of the United Grand Lodge of England TWO SENIOR ~RAND DEACONS h near other Grand Lodges, one of whom will reply. J JOHN E. C. BAILEY, C.B.E. RICHARD Q. GURNEY The Most Worshipful Pro Grand Master will direct THE SENIOR GRAND WARDEN that the Deputations from Ireland, Scotland and other FIELD MARSHAL RT. HON. EARL ALEXANDER OF TUNIS, K.G., G.C.B., Grand Lodges Overseas throughout the world be a.M., G.C.M.G., C.S.I., D.S.a., M.C., D.L., A.D.C., P.G.W. received. They will enter Grand Lodge, be received by the Most Worshipful Pro Grand Master, and be conducted to ~i5 l\opaI ~igbne55 places on the Dais. the Iluke of ]kent, The Visiting Deputations will be saluted according to G.C.V.O.,A.D.C. antient form. Grand Master Congratulations on the 250th anniversary of the W. Bro. Lieut.-Cdr. Richard Buckley, R.N':J founding of the premier Grand Lodge will be conveyed Private Secretary to H.R.H. the Duke of Kent. and a reply given by the Deputy Grand Master. The Standard of the Grand Master borne by R.W. Bro. Hon. Fiennes Cornwallis, A prayer of thanksgiving will be offered by a Grand O.B.E':J P.G.W. Chaplain. The Chain and Jewel of the Grand Master The arrival of the Most Worshipful The Grand on a Cushion borne by Master will be announced. W. Bro. Viscount Chelsea, P. G. Stwd. THE GRAND DIRECTOR I OF CEREMONIES The Most Worshipful Pro Grand Master will direct the Grand Director of Ceremonies to form a Deputation The Most Worshipful Pro Grand Master will address to escort the Most Worshipful The Grand Master into the Most Worshipful The Grand Master. Grand Lodge. A Prayer will be offered by a Grand Chaplain. The following Procession will escort the Most The Most Worshipful Pro Grand Master will Worshipful The Grand Master into Grand Lodge:- administer the Obligation to the' Most Worshipful The Grand Master. TWO DEPUTY GRAND DIRECTORS OF CEREMONIES The Most Worshipful Pro Grand Master will invest FOUR GRAND STEWARDS and install the Most Worshipful The Grand Master. TWO ASSISTANT GRAND DIRECTORS OF CEREMONIES ,The Most Worshipful Pro Grand Master will be TWO JUNIOR GRAND DEACONS conducted to his seat on the right of the Throne. THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent will be pro- THE GRAND SECRETARY claimed Grand Master by the Grand Director of Cere- THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES monies. THE DEPUTY GRAND REGISTRAR The Most Worshipful The Grand Master will be FOUR PAST GRAND WARDENS saluted according to antient form. SIX PROVINCIAL AND DISTRICT GRAND MASTERS Representatives of the Visiting Deputations will FOUR SENIOR GRAND DEACONS address the Most Worshipful The Grand Master. The Most Worshipful Pro Grand Master will address the Most Worshipful The Grand Master. The Most Worshipful The Grand Master will reply. The Most Worshipful The Grand Master will announce his intention to make certain appointments to Grand Rank and to London and Overseas Grand Rank. The Most Worshipful The Grand Master will signify his pleasure that Provincial and District Grand Masters shall be entitled to confer Honours in their Provinces and Districts in celebration of the occasion. Grand Lodge will be closed in ample form by the Most Worshipful The Grand Master. The first verse of the National Anthem will be sung by all the Brethren. The Most Worshipful The Grand Master, accom- panied by his Grand Officersand the Visiting Deputations, will retire in Procession from Grand Lodge. The representatives of the Time Immemorial Lodges will retire bearing the Three Great Lights and the Wren Maul. Printed by the WLP Printing Group London and Southend ENTRY OF OFFICIAL VISITORS Names will be announced over loudspeakers as Brethren enter the auditorium and descend the stairs. First Group: The Most Worshipful Grand Masters of: Finland (Pro G.M.) Southern Africa Columbia (Cartagena) Columbia (Bogota) Puerto Rico Ecuador South Australia Western Australia Utah Peru Nevada Greece Washington West Virginia Kansas - Mexico Iowa Minnesota Texas Wisconsin Florida Arkansas Venezuela Michigan Illinois Missouri Alabama Maine Tennessee Louisiana District of Columbia Ohio Rhode Island Georgia New Jersey Austria Second Group: Belgium, G.Sec. India, G.Sec. Belgium, G.M. India, G.M. Israel, G.Sec. Saskatchewan, G.Sec. Israel, G.M. Saskatchewan, G .M. Alberta, G.Sec. Norway, Dep.G.M. Alberta, G.M. Norway, G.M. New Zealand, G.Sec. Victoria, G.Sec. New Zealand, G.M. Victoria, G.M. New South Wales, G.Sec. Manitoba, G.Sec. New South Wales, G.M. Manitoba, G.M. British Columbia, G.Sec. Quebec, G.Sec. British Columbia, G.M. Quebec, G.M. New Brunswick, G.Sec. Nova Scotia, G.Sec. New Brunswick, G.M. Nova Scotia, G.M. Th zroupr Iceland, G.Sec. Iceland, G.Chancellor Iceland, G.M. (H.E. The President) Germany, G.Sec. France, G.Sec. Germany, G.M. France, Dep.G.M. France, G.M. Switzerland, G.Sec. Canada (Ontario), G.M. Switzerland, G.M. South Carolina, Dep.G.M. California, G.Sec. South Carolina, G.M. California, G.M. Pennsylvania, G.Sec. New Hampshire, G.Sec. Pennsylvania, G.M. New Hampshire, G.M. North Carolina, G.Sec. North Carolina, Dep.G.M. North Carolina, G.M. The following groups will be announced as individual deputations: 4. Maryland, G.Sec. 5. New York, G.Sec. Maryland, G.M. New York, Dep.G.M. New York, G.M. 6. Virginia, Dep.G.M. 7. Sweden, G.Sec. Virginia, G .M. Sweden, Asst.Dep.G.M. 8. Netherlands, Dep.G.M. 9. Denmark, G.Chancellor Netherlands, G.M. Denmark, Dep.G.M. Denmark, G.M. 10. Massachusetts, G.Marshal Massachusetts, G.M. 11. Scotland, G.Sec. Scotland, J.G.W. Scotland, S.G.W. Scotland, Sub.G.M. Scotland, G .M.M. 12. Ireland, G.Sec. Ireland, G.Treas. Ireland, J.G.W. Ireland, S.G.W. Ireland, Dep.G.M. Ireland, G.M. 1
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