Parish Donation TOWARDS AN AMAZING PARISH Outline 1. Background 2. A Vision, A System, A Hope 3. Implementation 4. Conclusion 5. Q & A Background ◦ 16 Churches/Chapels + (2 religious institutions) + (3 coming soon) ◦ Religious institutions (Montfort & Woori Jib) ◦ 3 religious houses ◦ Franciscan Sister, Gabrielite Brothers, Clerical Society of the Most Holy Trinity of Mirinae ◦ 3 coming soon ◦ Mook, Potuki, Mahansung ◦ 11 zones ◦ Parishioners (est. 16,000 - 18,000) ◦ Families (est 3,800 – 5,000) Background ◦ Financial Resources ◦ Sunday Collections ◦ Mass Intentions ◦ Government grants ◦ Advent carolling /Lenten appeals ◦ Fundraising ◦ Marriage registration fees ◦ Photo shooting fees ◦ Online donation Background ◦ Financial Expenditure ◦ Mission Staff/Crews Salary ◦ Utility Bills ◦ Clergy & Religious allowance ◦ Vehicles maintenance & repair ◦ Office Stationaries/Printing ◦ Rectory households expenses ◦ Liturgy ◦ Buildings maintenance & repair ◦ Mission hostels ◦ Miscellaneous A Vision • A better way than the conventional methods like fundraising dinners, raffles, concerts, bazaars • A less burdening , relaxing, easier method and more spiritual (Malachi 3:10, Lk 6:38, Acts 20:35) A System • A norm that would be interconnecting all the parish networks e.g individual parishioners, family, KKKD, Kg. Catholic Community, zones and Mission Office for the parish financial supports. • A more organized method with transparency and proper monitoring that eventually would benefit the whole communities in the parish and motivate them to live the Gospel values. A Hope • A maximum financial support that would help transforming the whole parish/zones: • Car Park and Multipurpose Hall • Cafeteria • Gallery • Offices for all ministries and lay movements • Parish cemetery • Better administration and pastoral facilities Implementation STEP 1 Chairpersons of Kampung CC (Catholic Community) and KKD (Komuniti Kristian Dasar) to enlist all families/ individual parishioner in their respective CC/KKD and pass a copy of the list to Zone Pastoral Chairpersons. Implementation STEP 2 Zone Pastoral Chairpersons to pass the list of the family/individual parishioner in their respective zone to the Parish Mission Office together with the list of the Kampung CC/KKD chairpersons. Implementation STEP 3 Zone Finance Committee Chairpersons to take the donation envelopes from the Mission Office and the list of chairpersons of Kampung CC (Catholic Community)/KKD (Komuniti Kristian Dasar) for their respective zones. Implementation STEP 4 Zone Finance Committee Chairpersons to pass the donation envelopes to the chairpersons of Kampung CC (Catholic Community) and KKD (Komuniti Kristian Dasar) in their respective zones. Implementation STEP 5 Chairpersons of Kampung CC (Catholic Community) and KKD (Komuniti Kristian Dasar) to pass the donation envelopes to all families/individual parishioners in their respective areas and keep a proper record. Implementation STEP 6 Chairpersons of Kampung CC (Catholic Community) and KKD (Komuniti Kristian Dasar) to ensure continuous supply of the donation envelopes and to keep updated record of all families/individual parishioners in their respective areas. Implementation STEP 7 Chairpersons of Zone Finance and Property Committee to get the record from chairpersons of Kampung CC (Catholic Community) and KKD (Komuniti Kristian Dasar) and submit to the Mission Office. Implementation STEP 8 The Mission Office will sort out the donation pledge from the record and ensure that all donors’ data be kept in strict confidentiality. Implementation STEP 9 The Mission Office will send a friendly reminder to all the listed donor from time to time (weekly, monthly and yearly). Implementation STEP 10 Cash and cheque donation can be passed directly to the Mission Office or to be put in the “Parish Donation Box” placed in every zone church. Otherwise, parishioners may donate via online banking transactions. Implementation STEP 11 Chairpersons of Zone Finance and Property Committee or his authorised representative to send the “Parish Donation Box” to the mission office every week together with the Sunday Collection Boxes. Implementation STEP 12 Parish Donation is to be distinguished from those Sunday Collections or other established form of donations in the parish. Implementation STEP 13 Parish Donation pledge is renewable annually. Implementation STEP 14 Donors who wish to have receipt may collect it from the Mission Office. Otherwise, all received donations will be acknowledged individually via Mission Office WhatsApp. Implementation STEP 15 Parishioners may also get the donation envelope directly from the Mission Office or to fill up the “Google Form” at the parish website: /parish-donation/ Implementation STEP 16 The Parish Priest, together with the Parish Finance and Property Council will decide the distribution of the received donation to zones, Parish Catechists Fund and Parish Education Fund annually or as and when required. Conclusion • Not entirely new: • Parish Giving • Catholic Online Giving • Family Offering Collection, etc. • Need sometimes to adapt/be part of the system • Quite a work for the mission staff and the Kg.CC/KKD leaders • It can be abused… • A workable system for our parish. • It would transform our parish Question & Answers Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Lorem ipsum et tula lorem ipsum et Lorem ipsum et tula Lorem ipsum et tula Lorem ipsum et tula lorem ipsum lorem ipsum et lorem lorem ipsum et lorem lorem ipsum et lorem ipsum ipsum ipsum A1 A2 A3 A4 Lorem ipsum et tula lorem ipsum et Lorem ipsum et tula Lorem ipsum et tula Lorem ipsum et tula lorem ipsum lorem ipsum et lorem lorem ipsum et lorem lorem ipsum et lorem ipsum ipsum ipsum Thank You & God Bless! Fr. Wilfred Atin 17 December 2020
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