RIVERMEAD LODGE, No. 8278 BY-LAWS Consecrated October 1969 BY-LAWS I.-The Lodge shall meet at the West- wood Masonic Centre, Bellegrove Road, Welling, Kent and shall hold regular meetings on the fourth Tuesday in Janu- ary, March, May, November, at such hour as the Master shall direct. 2.-The Master and the Treasurer shall be elected by ballot at the regular meet- ing in May. The Master Elect shall be installed at the regular meeting in November. 3.-Subject to the provisions of Rule 113, Book of Constitutions, the Tyler shall be elected by show of hands at the regular meeting in May. 4.-The Lodge Committee shall con- sist of the Founder Members, Master, Wardens, Past Masters of and in the Lodge, Treasurer, Secretary and two other members to be elected annually by the Lodge at the regular meeting in Novem- ber. This Committee shall consider and report to the Lodge on all proposals for subscription. The visitor's fee at dinners membership and on any matters specially shall be such amount as the Lodge shall referred to it by the Lodge. Six members from time to time determine by resolu- of the Committee shall form a quorum. tion after notice on the summons. The Master shall have the privilege of 5.-The Audit Committee shall consist inviting two guests to each dinner, free of two Past Masters of or in the Lodge of the visitor's fee. Any member whose who shall be elected annually by the subscription is unpaid for one year shall Lodge at the regular meeting in Novem- be liable to be excluded from the Lodge, ber. The accounts shall be made up to after due notice, in accordance with Rule 30th September each year and shall be 181, Book of Constitutions. , presented to the Lodge duly audited, at the regular meeting in November. A 7.-Any member who, for reasons ac- copy of the accounts and of the Audit ceptable to the LOdge, is unable regularly Committee's certificate that all balances to attend the meetings, may, on written have been checked and that the accounts application to the Secretary and by have been audited shall be sent to all resolution of the Lodge, be considered a members with the summons convening non-dining member and shall pay a sub- the meeting. scription of £3.00 annually in advance on 1st November. When attending the 6.-The Initiation fee shall be £30.00, Lodge and dining, such member shall the joining fee £12.00 and the re-joining pay the current visitor's fee. fee £6.00, such fees to be exclusive of subscription. The annual subscription (ex- 8.- The admission of candidates for cept for non-dining membership as pro- initiation and joining shall be regulated vided for in By-Law No. 7) shall be by the provisions of Rules 157 to 166, £9.00, payable in advance on 1st Book of Constitutions. On the ballot for November. The Secretary's services shall a candidate for initiation or joining two be deemed equivalent to payment of black balls shall exclude. 9.-A Member desirous of terminating (a) Notice of motion in writing stating his membership of the Lodge shall tender the precise amendment or amend- his resignation in writing to the Secre- ments proposed shall be given in tary, or orally in open Lodge, in accord- open Lodge at a regular meeting. ance with Rule 183, Book of Constitut- (b) The Motion shall be set out in the ions and he shall be entitled to the summons for the next regular Certificate mentioned in Rule 175, Book meeting or for an Emergency of Constitutions, stating the circumstances meeting summoned for the pur- in which he left the Lodge. Should he at pose, and shall at such meeting be any future time wish to rejoin, he shall be put to the Lodge. subject to the rules relating to joining members. (c) A resolution for amendment, of which notice shall have been given 10.-Payment of any sum exceeding as aforesaid, shall be carried if a £10.00 if for other _than ordinary pur- majority of the members voting poses, may be made only by resolution shall vote in favour of it, but it of the Lodge, of which notice has been shall not be effective until ap- given in the summons, except in a case proved by the Provincial Grand of emergency, when such payment may Master and by the Grand Master. be authorised by the Master and re- ported to the Lodge at the next regular Should there be any objection to the meeting. introduction of a Candidate for Initiation, or a Brother for Joining, it is recommen- ll.-Except as otherwise required by ded that such objection be mentioned Rule 141, Book of Constitutions, amend- privately to the Master or Secretary who ment of these By-Laws or of any of may communicate with the proposer and them may be made only in the following give him the opportunity of withdrawing manner:- his Candidate. By-Laws approved by the R. W. Provincial Grand Master this 14th day of July, 1970. F. G. V. LOVELL, Provincial Grand Secretary. Approved by the M.W. The Grand Master. J. W. STUBBS, 16/7/1970 Grand Secretary.
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