1 Volume 2 Issue II, July 2020 PDF of the CURSOR 5.0 Volume 2 Issue II, July 2020 2 Contents VASUDHAIVA KUTUMBAKAM ........................................................................................................ 4 Different Countries and Their Culture .............................................................................................. 9 COVID 19, LOCKDOWN AND THE NEW NORMAL ..................................................................... 10 Retail Stores: Upgrade or Perish? ................................................................................................. 15 IEEE Professional Volunteer award to Dr. Rajashree Jain from IEEE Pune Section ..................... 19 Best IEEE Student Branch Student Chair Award .......................................................................... 20 SICSR Faculty Members Attend ICCAKM – 2020 in Amity University, Dubai ............................... 21 SICSR Alumni participated in Guinness World Record ................................................................. 22 Karman Chawla attended Android App Development Workshop at IIT Bombay ........................... 25 Kushan Chatterjee selected to attend ASEAN Career fair 2020 .................................................... 26 Dr. Sarika Sharma declared as the Researcher of the Quarter ...................................................... 27 Aman Kumar Nirala participated in International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems ................................................................................................ 28 SICSR placed 1st Rank of Top BCA Colleges in India .................................................................. 29 SICSR placed 2nd Rank of Top BBA Colleges in India and 1st Ranked in the Western Region in a Survey ........................................................................................................................................... 30 Himani Dalal has been recognised as the top performer of the “50 Days of Euler” conducted by ACM and ACM- W ......................................................................................................................... 31 Acievements of Ashutosh Kumar of MSc CA ................................................................................ 32 Talent Diaries, an Initiative By BBA-IT Students ............................................................................ 33 Prof. Dr. Jatinderkumar R. Saini, Director invited to Berlin School of Economics and Law for a fellowship ....................................................................................................................................... 34 'Eiffel In Love With Academics' ...................................................................................................... 35 Q&A With Our Director................................................................................................................... 39 Student’s Outlook ........................................................................................................................... 41 Q&A With Our International Student .............................................................................................. 44 Rutuja Godase, Priyanka S and Nirmit Pahwa successfully completed Global Immersion Program (GIP) at Foreign Universities ......................................................................................................... 47 Digital Transformation of Talent Management ................................................................................ 50 ‘Swachhata Pakhwada’ at SICSR.................................................................................................. 51 IEEE Student Branch Guest Session - Project Management ......................................................... 52 Alumni Interaction - Discussion of ERP Packages and their real life integration scenarios ........... 55 Unify Pre-fest ................................................................................................................................. 56 Rose Day at SICSR-Cultural Event ............................................................................................... 58 Seminar on Climate Change Litigation .......................................................................................... 59 ‘Unify 2020’-Annual Cultural Fest of SICSR .................................................................................. 61 'Unify 2020', Day 0 ......................................................................................................................... 64 'UNIFY 2020' - Day 1 ..................................................................................................................... 65 'UNIFY 2020' - Day 2 ..................................................................................................................... 68 3 IEEE Student Branch- SIGHT Project............................................................................................ 71 Project Competition - SICSR ACM Student Chapters Activities ..................................................... 72 SICSR IEEE Student Branch-Water Quality Monitoring Using IoT and Cloud ............................... 73 Webinar on GitHub - SICSR ACM Student Chapters Activities ...................................................... 76 Alumni Engagement at SICSR- Mr. Manish Singh......................................................................... 77 Webinar Series, SICSR ACM Student Chapters and SICSR ISACA Student Group Activities ..... 80 Guest Session on Self Help - Ms Priti Phatale............................................................................... 81 Secure Coding Practices-SICSR ACM Student Chapters and SICSR ISACA Student Group Activities ........................................................................................................................................ 82 International Faculty Webinars ...................................................................................................... 83 4 VASUDHAIVA KUTUMBAKAM It all starts with a young man full of dreams and confidence to cherish a desire with anticipation to bring in a change in this world. ‘Kutumb’ i.e. family in Sanskrit is a group of people anchored and united together with selfsame values inculcated in them to accomplish happiness and prosperity amongst each other. Every individual born on this planet is tied down to a family. Family doesn’t just define a set of people possessing the same ancestry or bloodline. It all comes down to people manifesting growth, caring and merriment together. Every family is an integral part of this world and each one in conjunction makes amends to the mankind to make it a better place to live in. Our lives as human beings in concert as families are passages on a voyage being discovered each and every day, this wold is a simple canvas that we paint on frequently, elegantly and abruptly as life continues on. And in the end it’s in our hands to make this painting the most magnificent and beautiful to look at. This was the young man’s dream. To bring every person around this world to generate one big massive family. To bring in abundant number of people with diversity based on ideas, values, individuality, religion, culture, skills and ethics. Imagine a vast, huge or enormous foundation of people, seekers of knowledge with uniqueness bonded together with just the same maxim of conscience. This is where ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ comes in. This ideology defines or illuminates “ the world is one family” meaning every individual around the globe forthcoming to this foundation is considered as a family, as one of ours, as part of our pack. The passage of time can stimulate individual’s personal values and choices whether or not she /he will belong or segregate from the norm, however this does not determine reclusiveness but a personal choice based on the individual’s systematic 5 values and beliefs in life based on their experiences. That is where the supreme foundation “Symbiosis International University” works with. Every student at this foundation, Symbiosis, is instilled with this prime ideology. 6 Splitting ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ as Vasudha meaning earth, Eva meaning emphasising and Kutumbakam meaning family is a blend of this idea to make this world, a beautiful family. Symbiosis International University believes in providing and impacting students with multicultural, multilingual and multinational approach. Student from all around the globe from diverse backgrounds and contrasting heritages come together as one to learn, to grow and progress in life. Symbiosis has come a long way so far since 1971 and today is home to students from more than 74 different countries in the world. “Families are like branches on the trees. They grow in different directions, yet their roots always remain the same”. Students of Symbiosis comprise and evolve with the same roots or values for the rest of their life. Kutumba or family support is extremely pivotal to an individual in the course of their life because the world is full of warships, petrifying incidences that lending a supporting hand or being the one to receive is the feeling of being safe. We, homo-sapiens live in an era where growth is the constant change. Every being is entitled to grow, to learn, to educate, to excel in life and choose to succeed in life according to their visions. Our modern story is based on adaption and education. And therefore education is a social institution that transmits attitudes, knowledge, beliefs, values and skills to its member through systematic learning. Here at Symbiosis, this is one of the main objectives. The academical culture at Symbiosis is a hub of knowledge, ideas and innovation. This institution doesn’t just promote education, but is a mixture of distinct fields like cultural activities, sports, music, art, entertainment, law, technology, home sciences, commerce and so much more. Significantly Symbiosis International University believes in rendering or providing a home to all the students from abroad or international students. One of the motives of internationalization was to invite and expose international students across the globe to the Indian culture and ethics, festivals, traditions, sites and style of teaching or sort of education. This is the reason why these students wish the world to be an emblem of civilization and development because only then the world will be a better place to raise our progeny. Hence, Symbiosis International University infuses the ideology “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” to bring in the change in the minds of the upcoming youth to ameliorate the generation and to treat everyone with respect and sense of sensitivity. This youth, our youth and upcoming generation are the rise of change in this world and it all starts with the primary objective of education that we as students attain from. 7 This ideology was conceived by honourable Dr.S.B Mujumdar Sir who has won many awards. His ideas have grown to become massive dreams and success stories for hundreds of students and would proceed for many more. 8 CURSOR 5.0 | VOLUME 2 ISSUE 2, JULY 2020 9 Different Countries and Their Culture Here are some exciting facts related to different countries and their culture. In India, it is necessary to remove shoes, sandals, etc while entering the house. If any guests arrive then he has to remove his shoes outside the house. Taking footwear inside the house is considered as bad behavior. But in countries like the US, it is not necessary to do so. Most of the population of Saudi Arabia is Muslim and they consider Friday as their holy day. Due to this, the weekends in Saudi Arabia were on Thursday and Friday but the Saudi business was suffering a lot as the international weekends do not match. Therefore, the king in 2013 issued law and switched the weekends to Friday and Saturday. Alcoholic beverages are banned in Saudi Arabia. While in some countries gifting someone an alcoholic drink is considered as an expression of gratitude. Leaving the unconsumed alcohol behind in the party is considered an appreciation to the host and it is considered rude to take any alcohol back while departing. In Germany, people are very punctual, they reach on time at any party or meeting and expect others to do the same. But in a country like Venezuela, there is a tradition to arrive late for any party or meeting. If you arrive 15-30 minutes late then also you need not be sorry for that. In the party, if people reach on time in Venezuela then it is considered that the person is greedy or he is very eagerly waiting to eat. In France when you enter a small shop or meet anyone then it is important to greet like Hello, Hi, etc, and when you leave the conversation or at the time of departing it is necessary to say goodbye. If you don’t greet them they consider it rude behavior. If you want to appreciate someone’s cooking then you need to slurp the soup loudly, in countries like China, Japan, or Korea while in western countries it is considered as misbehaviour to create noise while eating. CURSOR 5.0 | VOLUME 2 ISSUE 2, JULY 2020 10 COVID 19, LOCKDOWN AND THE NEW NORMAL Millions across the globe are feeling the heat of the COVID-19 outbreak. We have seen the plummeting stock market, large events getting canceled, implementation of lockdown, and many more. This has led to the importance of technology which has never been more apparent. The way we live has changed immeasurably since the lockdown. Well, from then onwards people are at home, doing their work from home, buying the groceries, medicines, and all the other essential goods online and having it shipped to their door. In fact, we have shifted to remote working, transacting everything digitally. The virus which will have a colossal long-term impact on our society has also shown a remarkable impact on the future of technology too. This has led to innovation and experimentation, creating an opportunity for the organizations to accelerate their digital transformation. Considering human behavior, this has created an urgent need for technology, especially in the health care sector for improvement in diagnostic and operational efficiency. This has generated a wave where all of us have understood the significance of technology in our life. Even governments worldwide have launched apps for tracking the users regarding risks, best practices and relevant advisories pertaining to the containment of the virus. The two great companies, Apple and Google have partnered for building and launching a comprehensive solution, a contact tracing technology for this pandemic. They have the objective of harnessing the power of technology to help the countries of the world to slow down the effect of this virus and return to normalcy. Considering the scientific predictions we may be dealing with this pandemic for a year or two, also there is a threat that we may face similar kinds of situations in the future also. And because of the reliance of human labor on the economy which has affected dreadfully, this has led to focus more on Artificial Intelligence to do the jobs which are life- threatening for humans. As per Forbes, the adoption of cloud data will unlock remote oversight, remote work, and optimization as cloud databases are uniquely suited to help manufacturers aggregate the 11 data across multiple on-premises systems, something that enables reduced travel and distance during COVID-19. Today, there is a great need as the manufacturers are looking for solutions that can directly solve their pain points, having a potential long-term impact. 12 Since there is a high risk of contracting COVID-19 through direct contact, this has resulted in the creation of contact less interfaces which have been seen in becoming a norm. It has also contributed to Telehealth which refers to a broader scope of remote healthcare services, emerging as a solution to slow the spread of the virus and ensuring healthcare systems can continue serving all patients. Telehealth uses electronic information and telecommunications technologies to support long-distance clinical health care, patient and professional health-related education, public health, and health administration. Technologies include videoconferencing, the web, store-and-forward imaging, streaming media, and terrestrial and wireless communications. At this point, it probably seems insensitive and inappropriate to discuss Industry 4.0 in the way it was discussed pre-crisis. The business drivers of Industry 4.0 pre-crisis were focused on competitive advantage, cost reduction, productivity, sustainability, and innovation. The goal was to make smooth businesses to run better. Now, we can believe Industry 4.0 is not only as applicable far more relevant moving forward. The priorities for most manufacturers today fall into three distinct stages: Stage 1 – Survival; Stage 2 – Recovery and Stage 3 – Business as usual in the new post crisis paradigm. Today the goal of all the manufacturers is to get to Stage 3 as soon as possible at the lowest cost. The crisis has caused many traditional businesses to take up digital services and discover new tools for adaptation. Longer-term this might put economies during a better position to accelerate productivity growth and adapt to the web era, but within the short term companies that have put off digital transformation will struggle. Although businesses have had reason to embrace digital workflows in the past, COVID-19 has provided another strong incentive to move towards a smart factory, complete with smart manufacturing or smart printing processes. While conventional wisdom says that a dedicated office space is required to maximize productivity but this theory is being put to test during COVID-19. The lockdown has brought a transition in education systems too. Since many of the examinations got canceled and delayed, this led to acceptance of the online mode of examination from the traditional offline mode. In no time, many national level and international level exams will be conducted through the online method, ensuring all the safe practices for the same. Apart from exams, this has facilitated the continuity of education through remote learning. Many edutech firms came up with the offering of free learning courses or giving attractive discounts. This has brought a chance to all or those who want to upgrade their skills. It is rightly said that humans shape technology and technology shapes their lives. Technology has one of the most important roles to play in enabling us to meet the challenges presented by the pandemic and to be better prepared for whatever comes next. COVID-19 will reshape tech priorities for corporations and governments, including greater investment in Telehealth, cloud infrastructure, and contactless digital alternatives to touch interfaces. 13 CURSOR 5.0 | VOLUME 2 ISSUE 2, JULY 2020 14 15 Retail Stores: Upgrade or Perish? The article will elaborate on what the future holds for all retail stores, it will also give a gist of the present scenario, and where retailers stand. Present Scenario: In the light of the present scenario, where most brick and mortar stores have been shut out of business, or the sales are severely down. Though there was an initial increase in the purchase by customers, where most of them were trying to bulk up on the essentials – which also caused the historic toilet paper shortage in Australia – offline sales have been down ever since. The thing to consider here, is the customer’s state of mind, presently, they rarely wish to step out of the house, due to dangers of coming in contact with a positive. The traditional way in which retailing has been thrown out of the window, and as retailers eye for new methods to retain their sales rates. More than 25% of shoppers have claimed to prefer contactless payments and home delivery options, with a high percentage of people declaring not to return to brick and mortar until a vaccine for the virus is found. To add to that, the World Health Organization recently warned that the coronavirus which causes Covid-19, may become an endemic like HIV, and may never subside; WHO thus calls for mass action to counter the virus. It may as well be taken to prove the point, that traditional marketing and retailing schemes are now facing compulsory evolution. With more and more people, fearing traditional shopping, the offline stores look at a risk of losing all business, unless they come up with innovative solutions to tackle the problem at hand. With a change being seen in the behaviour of customers, the offline stores have suffered. The online stores however, have seen something that can be termed as a flourish in the sales, considering that most users are willing to lay back, and do their shopping online. So far the increase in the online sales is an advantage to the online retailers, however, there has also been noticed a delay in the shipments, due to the increased 16 pressure on the supply chains. The question of the hour now is, whether companies will be able to adapt to the abruptly changing customer behaviour or will the companies perish to the change. 17 A key factor to note in this changing conditions, is how some industries and sectors of the markets are flourishing, while the others not so much. While the electronics sector is holding a firm 42.7%, the automobile industry is down low. Changes in the market: Here are the prospective changes that one can expect to see in the new post-corona market: i. Direct delivery to customers will increase: This feature will be seen in all sectors of the market, whether it be the electronic sector, clothing sector, and even the grocery sector. On the same note, the grocery market has finally flourished online, letting go of the age old dogma of having to “feel one’s avocado”, people are finally realising that maybe online groceries are the way ahead. Or maybe, the major holdouts will now realise, what could’ve been an added bonus to their business, groceries! ii. Payments will become contactless: this is something that is already very much in use by college students, and other people who do not like to carry around too much money in person. The online payment option will now become a necessity, as people will try and avoid using cash, which has been exchanged over countless hands. With more and more stores now allowing for the cashless payment options over checkout, this is another major change that the industry will see in the market. On the same note, other forms of mobile payments applications, in addition to the ones that the retailer’s applications, will become more mainstream, and will see a boom in the number of customers. Given the choice, people will start to prefer using online payment options. Perhaps Modi's digitization drive will finally take the turn, he expected it to. iii. Checkout-free stores: this is a relatively new concept, where the customers are required to scan a barcode online in order to enter a store, they may then pick up whatever they want from the store, pay at the checkout and walk out of the store. The payment on the checkout is done via the help of the application for the store, by doing the same, the customer is saved from having to stand in long queues, and thus the chances of coming in contact with people is reduced. Amazon has already started to work in the same field, as they have developed their Amazon-Go experience over USA. iv. The idea of dark stores will prosper: the traditional concept of a store, as a place where one shops is about to change. The “store” will be more of a place for the procurement of good and services for a customer, rather than a place to shop at. Retailers are usually incorporating something known as “dark stores”, which are warehouses in essence. The retailers set up their dark stores in several localities, they then take the orders from the customers, and complete the orders directly to the customers. This way, the customers fulfil their needs, without having to actually go to the market. Pickup stores will start to become increasingly common in the market, places where people simply pick up their orders, something analogous to a vending machine 18 perhaps, that exist only to fulfil the needs of the customers, and then that is it. v. Automation will come through in a big way: robots will start to replace mankind in industries. Automation of industries will start to take place, with more and more retailers aiming to automate their retail shops, and incorporating robots and drones in order to help the in-store customers (if any). The thing to worry about right now, is that even though the customers are placing their orders online, the person delivering those orders at their doorstep is only human, and that is one scary proposition. So, in comes Amazon, yet again saving the day, Amazon Prime Air, a new service that can deliver packages up to five pounds, contactless, and wait-for-it, by using a drone! This is the best time, when Amazon can fire its Air delivery, because this is the right market for drone delivery. Something of the same magnitude can be seen to take over traditional delivery, in the near future. We cannot say about flying cars in 2020, but we can surely see robots delivering us our packages. Now, there are pros and cons to this, while it may mean lesser human jobs, at the same time, it would mean that the business models can continue to function still. Moreover, by deploying something like automated delivery, the retail industry, as a whole, will be ready to continue functioning, if ever something like a virus re-emerges. Conclusion: The main problem for all retail stores currently, is to sustain these abrupt changes, and to survive in the market. While big companies will see this as an opportunity to seize the market, and hold greater shares, the smaller companies will need to keep an eye out, to persist. The retailers will have to look forward to innovative solutions to cope up for the lost business, even though the economists have predicted an extremely unstable market, there are prospects for brighter times, provided, there are innovative ways the retailers can incorporate. “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” - Steve Jobs - Steve Jobs References: i) https://www.forbes.com/sites/jiawertz/2018/11/28/5-trends-that-will-rede... ii) https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/pages/consumer-business/articles/retail-... iii) https://retail.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/industry/trends-that-wi... iv) https://www.talk-business.co.uk/2019/11/11/how-the-retail-industry-has-c... v) https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/situatio... CURSOR 5.0 | VOLUME 2 ISSUE 2, JULY 2020 19 IEEE Professional Volunteer award to Dr. Rajashree Jain from IEEE Pune Section SICSR Faculty Dr. Rajashree Jain honored with the Professional Volunteer Award from the IEEE Pune Section the award was bestowed to her during the Annual General Body Meeting of the IEEE Pune Section held on 10 January 2020. CURSOR 5.0 | VOLUME 2 ISSUE 2, JULY 2020 20 Best IEEE Student Branch Student Chair Award IEEE Best Student Chair of the year 2019 under IEEE Pune Section was given to Mr. Ashutosh Kumar , a master degree student of SICSR. He received the award on 10 January 2020 in Annual General Meeting of IEEE Pune Section. CURSOR 5.0 | VOLUME 2 ISSUE 2, JULY 2020