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muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- Did You Ever See A Lassie nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.avi | | |-- Do Re Mi - Music Man (Medley) nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- Do Your Ears Hang Low nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- Do re mi song ( Do-Re-Mi ) nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- Down By The Station nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- Dream Of A Secret Song nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- Edelweiss nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- Eensy Weensy Spider (Itsy Bitsy) nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.avi | | |-- Everybody Loves Saturday Night nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- Eyes Eyes Eyes nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- Five Little Monkeys nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.avi | | |-- Flowers In My Mind nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- Goin_ To Boston nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- Good Morning nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- Good News nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- Good Night nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- Happy Birthday To You nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.avi | | |-- Head Shoulders Knees and Toes nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.avi | | |-- Hello nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush.avi | | |-- Hey Lolly Lolly nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- Hickory Dickory Dock nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- Hokey Pokey nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- How_s The Weather Today nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- Humpty Dumpty nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- Hush little baby nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- I_m A Little Teapot nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- I_m A Music Man nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- If You Are Happy nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.avi | | |-- In A Cottage In A Wood.avi | | |-- Jennifer Jennifer nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- Jimmy Crack Corn nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- Jingle Bells nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- Joy to the world nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- Kum Ba Yah (Kumbaya My Lord) nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.avi | | |-- La Cucaracha nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- Lavender_s Blue nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- Let us sing together nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- Letters To The Moon nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- Little Bird_s Song nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- Little Birds Song (Medley) nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- Little Calf nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- Little Fox nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- Little Hans nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- Little Peter Rabbit nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- Little Toad Little Toad nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- London Bridge is Falling Down nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.avi | | |-- Looby Loo nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.avi | | |-- Lovely Day nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- Mary Had A Little Lamb nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.avi | | |-- Mozart_s Lullaby nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.mp4 | | |-- My Bonnie Lies over the Ocean nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.avi | | |-- My Eyes Nose Mouth Ears nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.avi | | |-- My balloons nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.avi | | |-- Oats Peas Beans and Barley Grow nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.avi | | |-- Oh My Darling_ Clementine nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.avi | | |-- Oh! Susanna nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.avi | | |-- Oh! Where Has My Little Dog Gone.avi | | |-- Old Blue.avi | | |-- Old MacDonald Had A Farm nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.avi | | |-- Rain_ Rain_ Go away nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.avi | | |-- Roll Over nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.avi | | |-- Shake My Hand nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.avi | | |-- Six Little Ducks nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.avi | | |-- Skip To My Lou nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.avi | | |-- Song Of Whales nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.avi | | |-- Ten Little Indians nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.avi | | |-- The Farmer In The Dell nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.avi | | |-- The Muffin Man nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.avi | | |-- This Is The Way nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.avi | | |-- This old man nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.avi | | |-- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.avi | | |-- Ugly Duckling nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.avi | | |-- Wheels On The Bus nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.avi | | `-- Who_s Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf nursery rhymes _ children songs with lyrics muffin songs.avi | |-- Elemetary | | |-- 20,000_Leagues_Under_the_Sea-Jules_Verne_Audio | | |-- A_Christmas_Carol-Charles_Dickens_Audio | | |-- A_Descent_Into_the_Maelstrom-Edgar_Allan_Poe_Audio | | |-- A_Hackers_Revenge-John_Backhouse_Audio | | |-- A_Midsummer_Nights_Dream-William_Shakespeare_Audio | | |-- A_Scandal_In_Bohemia-Conan_Doyle_Audio | | |-- A_Shot_in_the_Night-Ridley_Andrew_Audio | | |-- A_Taste_of_Murder-Sue_Arengo_Audio | | |-- Aladdin-Ruth_Hobart_Audio | | |-- Ali_Baba_and_the_Forty_Thieves-Antoine_Galland_Audio | | |-- Alien_at_School-Michelle_Brown_Audio | | |-- Amazon_Rally-Amos_Eduardo_Audio | | |-- Anne_of_Green_Gables-Lucy_Maud_Montgomery_Audio | | |-- At_the_Old_Swimming_Hole-Sara_Paretsky_Audio | | |-- At_the_Worlds_End-Irene_Trimble_Audio | | |-- Audrey_Hepburn-Chris_Rice_Audio | | |-- Batman_Begins-Goyer_David_Audio | | |-- Berenice-Edgar_Allan_Poe_Audio | | |-- Black_Cat-Edgar_Allan_Poe_Audio | | |-- Blackbeards_Treasure-Jenny_Dooley_Audio | | |-- Cinderella-Ruth_Hobart_Audio | | |-- Dantes_Peak-Dewey_Gram_Audio | | |-- Dead_Mans_Chest-Irene_Trimble_Audio | | |-- Dracula-Bram_Stoker_Audio | | |-- Emil_and_the_Detectives-Kastner_Erich_Audio | | |-- Halloween-Joss_Whedon_Audio | | |-- Hampton_House-Jenny_Dooley_Audio | | |-- Home_for_Christmas-Andrea_M_Hutchinson_Audio | | |-- How_is_Your_Mother-Simon_Brett_Audio | | |-- In_the_dark-E_Nesbit_Audio | | |-- Island_of_Dr_Moreau-H_G_Wells_Audio | | |-- Journey_to_the_Center_of_the_Earth-Jules_Verne_Audio | | |-- Ligeia-Edgar_Allan_Poe_Audio | | |-- Miami_Police_File_the_Onell_Case-Clemen_D_B_Gina_Audio | | |-- Missing_in_Sydney-Andrea_M_Hutchinson_Audio | | |-- Moonfleet-John_Meade_Falkner_Audio | | |-- Mr_Bean_in_Town-Richard_Curtis_Audio | | |-- Orpheus_Descending-Jenny_Dooley_Audio | | |-- Peter_Pan-J_M_Barrie_Audio | | |-- Psycho-Robert_Bloch_Audio | | |-- Robin_Hood-Sally_M_Stockton_Audio | | |-- Simon_Decker_and_the_Secret_Formula-Jenny_Dooley_Audio | | |-- Sleeping_Beauty-Charles_Perrault_Audio | | |-- Slowly_Slowly_in_the_Wind-Patricia_Highsmith_Audio | | |-- Spider-man-Stan_Lee_Audio | | |-- Spider-man_2-Stan_Lee_Audio | | |-- Swan_Lake-Jenny_Dooley_Audio | | |-- The_Absence_of_Emily-Jack_Ritchie_Audio | | |-- The_Adventure_of_the_Blue_Carbuncle-Conan_Doyle_Audio | | |-- The_Adventures_in_The_Grasslands-John_Bookworm_Audio | | |-- The_Beauty_and_the_Beast-Jeanne_Marie_Leprince_De_Beaumont_Audio | | |-- The_Bird_of_Happiness_and_Other_Wise_Tales-Herdon_Tim_Audio | | |-- The_Black_Cat-John_Milne_Audio | | |-- The_Blue_Scarab-Jenny_Dooley_Audio | | |-- The_Canterbury_Tales-Geoffrey_Chaucer_Audio | | |-- The_Canterville_Ghost-Oscar_Wilde_Audio | | |-- The_Client-John_Grisham_Audio | | |-- The_Count_of_Monte_Cristo-Alexandre_Dumas_Audio | | |-- The_Curse_of_the_Black_Pearl-Irene_Trimble_Audio | | |-- The_Doll-Gallico_Paul_Audio | | |-- The_Earthquake-Laird_Elizabeth_Audio | | |-- The_Everest_Story-Tim_Vicary_Audio | | |-- The_Facts_in_The_Case_of_Mr_Valdemar-Edgar_Allan_Poe_Audio | | |-- The_Fall_of_the_House_of_Usher-Edgar_Allan_Poe_Audio | | |-- The_Five_Orange_Pips-Conan_Doyle_Audio | | |-- The_Hitch_Hiker-Tim_Vicary_Audio | | |-- The_Lady_in_the_Lake-Raymond_Chandler_Audio | | |-- The_Lady_or_the_Tiger-Frank_Stockton_Audio | | |-- The_Last_Unicorn-Gammack_J_E_Audio | | |-- The_Last_of_the_Mohicans-James_Fenimore_Cooper_Audio | | |-- The_Lost_Treasure_of_Bodega_Bay-Clemen_D_B_Gina_Audio | | |-- The_Million_Pound_Bank_Note-Mark_Twain_Audio | | |-- The_Mummy-David_Levithan_Audio | | |-- The_Night_of_the_Green_Dragon-Dorothy_Dixon_Audio | | |-- The_Nightmare_Before_Christmas-Tim_Burton_Audio | | |-- The_No1_Ladies_Detective_Agency-Alexander_Smith_Audio | | |-- The_Oblong_Box-Edgar_Allan_Poe_Audio | | |-- The_Phantom_Airman-Allan_Flewin_Jones_Audio | | |-- The_Problem_Of_Cell_13-Jacques_Futrelle_Audio | | |-- The_Railway_Children-E_Nesbit_Audio | | |-- The_Rajahs_Diamond-Robert_Louis_Stevenson_Audio | | |-- The_Silver_Swans-Gallico_Paul_Audio | | |-- The_Speckled_Band-Conan_Doyle_Audio | | |-- The_Stranger-Norman_Whitney_Audio | | |-- The_Tales_from_the_Arabian_Nights-Antoine_Galland_Audio | | |-- The_True_Story_of_Pocahontas-Kelly_Reinhart_Audio | | |-- The_Waxwork-Alfred_Burrage_Audio | | |-- The_Wonderful_Wizard_of_Oz-L_Frank_Baum_Audio | | |-- The_Yellow_Face-Conan_Doyle_Audio | | |-- The_pit_and_the_pendulum-Edgar_Allan_Poe_Audio | | |-- Three_is_a_Lucky_Number-Margery_Allingham_Audio | | |-- Treasure_Island-Robert_Louis_Stevenson_Audio | | |-- Turn_of_the_Screw-James_Henry_Audio | | |-- Urban_Myths-Phil_Healey_Audio | | |-- Woodrow_Wilson_Tie-Patricia_Highsmith_Audio | | `-- Zorro-Sally_M_Stockton_Audio | |-- English Graded Readers Mega Collection (15.2.2012) | | |-- 001-013 Penguin Readers Level 0-1 | | |-- 014-031 Penguin Readers Level 2 | | |-- 032-053 Penguin Readers Level 3 | | |-- 054-076 Penguin Readers Level 4 | | |-- 077-099 Penguin Readers Level 5-6 | | |-- 100-118 Czytamy w oryginale | | |-- 119-132 English Club Beginner-Elementary | | |-- 133-147 English Club Pre-Intermediate-Intermediate | | |-- 148-155 English Club Upper-Intermediate-Advanced | | |-- 156-162 Cambridge English Readers | | |-- 163-184 Oxford Library Stages 1-2 | | |-- 185-205 Oxford Library Stages 3-4 | | |-- 206-215 Oxford Library Stages 5-6 | | |-- 216-258 Black Cat Publishing Reading & Training Steps 1-6 | | |-- 259-286 Password Readers Levels 1-5 | | |-- 287-330 Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press Readers Steps 1-5 | | |-- 331-338 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Weep Not, Child.pdf | | |-- 010 Dead Cold.pdf | | |-- 011 The House by the Sea Audio | | |-- 011 The House by the Sea.pdf | | |-- 012 Strong Medicine Audio | | |-- 012 Strong Medicine.pdf | | |-- 013 Wild Country.pdf | | |-- 014 When Summer Comes.pdf | | |-- 015 Eye of the Storm | | |-- 016 The Amsterdam Connection Audio | | |-- 016 The Amsterdam Connection.PDF | | |-- 017 The University Murders Audio | | |-- 017 The University Murders.PDF | | |-- 018 All I Want Audio | | |-- 018 All I Want.PDF | | |-- 019 A Tangeled Web Audio | | |-- 019 A Tangeled Web.PDF | | |-- 020 Death in the Dojo Audio | | |-- 020 Death in the Dojo.PDF | | |-- 021 Dragons' Eggs Audio | | |-- 021 Dragons' Eggs.PDF | | |-- 022 Forget to Remember Audio | | |-- 022 Forget to Remember.PDF | | |-- 023 In the Shadow of the Mountain Audio | | |-- 023 In the Shadow of the Mountain.PDF | | |-- 024 The Sugar Glider Audio | | |-- 024 The Sugar Glider.PDF | | |-- 025 Windows of the Mind Audio | | |-- 025 Windows of the Mind.PDF | | |-- 026 The Cat in Boots.pdf | | |-- 027 The Black Hen.pdf | | |-- 028 The Adventures of Six Friends Audio | | |-- 028 The Adventures of Six Friends.pdf | | |-- 029 The Adventures in The Grasslands Audio | | |-- 029 The Adventures in The Grasslands.pdf | | |-- 030 Humpty and his Family Audio | | |-- 030 Humpty and his Family.djvu | | |-- 031 Romeo and Juliet.pdf | | |-- 032 Rebecca.pdf | | |-- 033 Don Quixote.pdf | | |-- 034 Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of Boscombe Pool.pdf | | |-- 035 Grey Owl.pdf | | |-- 036 Alice in Wonderland Audio | | |-- 036 Alice in Wonderland.pdf | | |-- 037 The Merchant of Venice Audio | | |-- 037 The Merchant of Venice.PDF | | |-- 038 A Murder Is Announced Audio | | |-- 038 A Murder Is Announced.PDF | | |-- 039 Jamaica Inn.pdf | | |-- 040 The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling.pdf | | |-- 041 The Citadel Audio | | |-- 041 The Citadel.PDF | | |-- 042 Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp.pdf | | |-- 043 Sherlock Holmes and the Sport of Kings.djvu | | |-- 044 Agata Christie Woman of Mystery.pdf | | |-- 045 The Star Zoo Audio | | |-- 045 The Star Zoo.pdf | | |-- 046 White Death.pdf | | |-- 047 Chemical Secret.pdf | | |-- 048 The Man with Three Names.pdf | | |-- 049 Forty Years of Pop.pdf | | |-- 050 The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner.pdf | | |-- 051 The Bottle Imp.djvu | | |-- 052 Katherine Mansfield Short Stories.pdf | | |-- 053 What a World 1 Amazing Stories from Around the Globe.pdf | | |-- 053 What a World 1 Audio | | |-- 054 What a World 2 Amazing Stories from Around the Globe.pdf | | |-- 054 What a World 2 Audio | | |-- 055 Moby Dick.pdf | | |-- 056 The Invisible Man.pdf | | |-- 057 The Red Badge of Courage.pdf | | |-- 058 The Call of the Wild.pdf | | |-- 059 A Tale of Two Cities.pdf | | |-- 060 Othello.pdf | | |-- 061 A Midsummer Night's Dream.pdf | | |-- 062 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.pdf | | |-- 063 Gulliver's Travels.pdf | | |-- 064 King Lear.pdf | | |-- 065 A Christmas Carol.pdf | | |-- 066 The Mutiny on Board H.M.S. Bounty.pdf | | |-- 067 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.pdf | | |-- 068 The Man in the Iron Mask.pdf | | |-- 069 Frankenstein.pdf | | |-- 070 The Prince and the Pauper.pdf | | |-- 071 Romeo and Juliet.pdf | | |-- 072 The Mysterious Island.pdf | | |-- 073 Tom Sawyer.pdf | | |-- 074 Dracula.pdf | | |-- 075 The Swiss Family Robinson.pdf | | |-- 076 The Scarlet Letter.pdf | | |-- 077 The Three Musketeers.pdf | | |-- 078 The Last Of The Mohicans.pdf | | |-- 079 The Great Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.pdf | | |-- 080 Twelfth Night.pdf | | |-- 081 Jane Eyre.pdf | | |-- 082 The War of the Worlds.pdf | | |-- 083 The Taming Of The Shrew.pdf | | |-- 084 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea.pdf | | |-- 085 A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court.pdf | | |-- 086 Julius Caesar.pdf | | |-- 087 Kidnapped.pdf | | |-- 088 The Merchant Of Venice.pdf | | |-- 089 The Tempest.pdf | | |-- 090 Black Beauty.pdf | | |-- 091 Around The Worls In Eighty Days.pdf | | |-- 092 The Time Machine.pdf | | |-- 093 As You Like It.pdf | | |-- 094 Treasure Island.pdf | | |-- 095 The Best Of Poe.pdf | | |-- 096 Hamlet.pdf | | |-- 097 Macbeth.pdf | | |-- 098 At the Beach.pdf | | |-- 099 Schools Audio | | |-- 099 Schools.pdf | | |-- 100 Eyes Audio | | |-- 100 Eyes.pdf | | |-- 101 Sunny and Rainy.pdf | | |-- 102 Earth Audio | | |-- 102 Earth.pdf | | |-- 103 Your Five Senses.pdf | | |-- 104 Wonderful Water Audio | | |-- 104 Wonderful Water.pdf | | |-- 105 Super Structures Audio | | |-- 105 Super Structures.pdf | | |-- 106 How We Make Products Audio | | |-- 106 How We Make Products.pdf | | |-- 107 Free Time around the World Audio | | |-- 107 Free Time around the World.pdf | | |-- 108 Machines Then and Now.pdf | | |-- 109 All about Desert Life.pdf | | |-- 110 How to Stay Healthy.pdf | | |-- 111 Why We Recycle Audio | | |-- 111 Why We Recycle.pdf | | |-- 112 Activity Book.pdf | | |-- 112 Animals at Night Audio | | |-- 112 Animals at Night.docx | | |-- 112 Animals at Night.pdf | | |-- 113 Incredible Earth Audio | | |-- 113 Incredible Earth.pdf | | |-- 113 Teaching Notes.pdf | | |-- 114 All about Ocean Life Audio | | |-- 114 All about Ocean Life.pdf | | |-- 114 Teaching Notes.pdf | | |-- 115 Wild Weather.pdf | | |-- 116 Great Migrations.pdf | | |-- 117 Homes around the World.pdf | | |-- 118 Transportation Then and Now.pdf | | |-- 119 Activity Book.pdf | | |-- 119 Exploring Our World Audio | | |-- 119 Exploring Our World.pdf | | |-- 120 Animal Life Cycles Audio | | |-- 120 Animal Life Cycles.pdf | | |-- 121 Your Amazing Body.pdf | | |-- 122 All about Space.pdf | | |-- 123 Clothes Then and Now.pdf | | |-- 124 Food around the World Audio | | |-- 124 Food around the World.pdf | | |-- 125 Activity Book.pdf | | |-- 125 Caring for Our Planet Audio | | |-- 125 Caring for Our Planet.pdf | | `-- Book Covers.rar | |-- English Grammar Tenses with Fun | | |-- 1. Introduction | | |-- 10. Past Continuous Tense | | |-- 11. Past Perfect Tense | | |-- 12. Past Perfect Continuous | | |-- 13. Past Tenses Test. Grammar Revision | | |-- 14. Future Simple Tense | | |-- 15. Future Continuous Tense | | |-- 16. Future Perfect Tense | | |-- 17. Future Perfect Continuous | | |-- 18. Future Tenses Test. Grammar Revision | | |-- 2. Present Simple Tense | | |-- 3. Content and Structure Words. Pronunciation | | |-- 4. Present Continuous Tense | | |-- 5. Present Perfect Tense | | |-- 6. Regular and Irregular Verbs | | |-- 7. Present Perfect Continuous Tense | | |-- 8. Present Tenses Test. Grammar Revision | | `-- 9. Past Simple Tense | |-- English Made Simple Excellent English Expressions | | |-- 001 Introduction.mp4 | | |-- 002 Chalk And Cheese.mp4 | | |-- 003 Down And Out.mp4 | | |-- 004 Hustle And Bustle.mp4 | | |-- 005 Meet And Greet.mp4 | | |-- 006 Name And Shame.mp4 | | |-- 007 Out And About.mp4 | | |-- 008 Part And Parcel.mp4 | | |-- 009 Peace And Quiet.mp4 | | |-- 010 Pick And Choose.mp4 | | |-- 011 Rant And Rave.mp4 | | |-- 012 Safe And Sound.mp4 | | |-- 013 Spick And Span.mp4 | | |-- 014 Sick And Tired.mp4 | | |-- 015 Thick And Thin.mp4 | | |-- 016 Touch And Go.mp4 | | |-- 017 Ups And Downs.mp4 | | `-- 018 Wine And Dine.mp4 | |-- English Pronunciation Books and Audio books Collection - Mantesh | | |-- Audio books | | `-- Books | |-- Extra English video course | | |-- 01.extra.english_PocketPC.avi | | |-- 02.extra.english_PocketPC.avi | | |-- 03.extra.english_PocketPC.avi | | |-- 04.extra.english_PocketPC.avi | | |-- 05.extra.english_PocketPC.avi | | |-- 06.extra.english_PocketPC.avi | | |-- 07.extra.english_PocketPC.avi | | |-- 08.extra.english_PocketPC.avi | | |-- 09.extra.english_PocketPC.avi | | |-- 10.extra.english_PocketPC.avi | | |-- 11.extra.english_PocketPC.avi | | |-- 12.extra.english_PocketPC.avi | | |-- 13.extra.english_PocketPC.avi | | |-- 14.extra.english_PocketPC.avi | | |-- 15.extra.english_PocketPC.avi | | |-- 16.extra.english_PocketPC.avi | | |-- 17.extra.english_PocketPC.avi | | |-- 18.extra.english_PocketPC.avi | | |-- 19.extra.english_PocketPC.avi | | |-- 20.extra.english_PocketPC.avi | | |-- 21.extra.english_PocketPC.avi | | |-- 22.extra.english_PocketPC.avi | | |-- 23.extra.english_PocketPC.avi | | |-- 24.extra.english_PocketPC.avi | | |-- 25.extra.english_PocketPC.avi | | |-- 26.extra.english_PocketPC.avi | | |-- 27.extra.english_PocketPC.avi | | |-- 28.extra.english_PocketPC.avi | | |-- 29.extra.english_PocketPC.avi | | |-- 30.extra.english_PocketPC.avi | | |-- AlReader-windows-mobile-fb2-reader.CAB | | |-- Detailed_story_lines.pdf | | |-- Making_the_most_of_extra.pdf | | |-- PDF DJVU | | |-- Video avi player windows mobile CorePlayer v1.3.2a Build-6909 for | | |-- Work book 1.pdf | | |-- subtitles eng rus srt | | |-- transcripts doc fb2 | | `-- video windows | |-- Harry Potter - AUDIO | | |-- 07 - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows | | |-- 1 - Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's | | |-- 2 - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets | | |-- 3 - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban | | |-- 4 - Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire | | |-- 5 - Harry Potter and the Order of the phoenix | | `-- 6 - Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince | |-- Hot English Magazine | | |-- No. 140 | | |-- No. 142 | | |-- no.147.pdf | | |-- no.151.pdf | | |-- no.152.pdf | | |-- no.155.pdf | | |-- no.156.pdf | | |-- no.158.pdf | | |-- no.160.pdf | | |-- no.161.pdf | | |-- no.162.pdf | | |-- no.163.pdf | | |-- no.164.pdf | | |-- no.165.pdf | | |-- no.166.pdf | | |-- no.174.pdf | | |-- no.175.pdf | | |-- no.180.pdf | | |-- | | |-- | | |-- | | |-- | | |-- | | |-- | | |-- | | |-- | | |-- | | |-- | | |-- | | |-- | | |-- | | |-- | | |-- | | `-- no180.7z | |-- Intermediate | | |-- 1984-George_Orwell_Audio | | |-- 450_from_Paddington-Agatha_Christie_Audio | | |-- Alexander_the_Great-Beddall_Fiona_Audio | | |-- Bleak_House-Charles_Dickens_Audio | | |-- Breakfast_at_Tiffanys-Truman_Capote_Audio | | |-- Cat_Among_the_Pigeons-Agatha_Christie_Audio | | |-- Cold_Mountain-Frazier_Charles_Audio | | |-- Count_Vlad-Jenny_Dooley_Audio | | |-- Kings_Ransom-Ed_Mcbain_Audio | | |-- Middlemarch-George_Eliot_Audio | | |-- North_and_South-Elizabeth_Gaskell_Audio | | |-- The_Curious_Case_Of_Benjamin_Button-F_Scott_Fitzgerald_Audio | | |-- The_Little_Prince-Saint_Exupery_Antoine_Audio | | |-- The_Murder_of_Roger_Ackroyd-Agatha_Christie_Audio | | |-- The_Thames_Murderer-Allsworth_Anne_Audio | | |-- The_Three_Musketeers-Alexandre_Dumas_Audio | | |-- The_War_Of_The_Worlds-H_G_Wells_Audio | | |-- Tom_Jones-Henry_Fielding_Audio | | `-- Vanity_Fair-William_Makepeace_Thackeray_Audio | |-- Learn English online with a native British teacher | | |-- 00 None | | |-- 01 Elementary Beginners | | |-- 02 Vocabulary | | |-- 03 Lower intermediate | | |-- 04 Common Idioms | | |-- 05 Upper intermediate | | |-- 06 Advanced | | `-- 07 Business English | |-- Listening Practice Through Dictation (PDF+Audio) | | |-- LPTD - No pictures.pdf | | |-- LPTD course- Files pdf with pictures | | |-- ListeningPracticeThroughDictation_1 | | |-- ListeningPracticeThroughDictation_2 | | |-- ListeningPracticeThroughDictation_3 | | `-- ListeningPracticeThroughDictation_4 | |-- Lucky Luke Comics | | |-- Lucky Luke 001-015 (2006-2009) GetComics.INFO | | |-- Lucky Luke 016-030 (2009-2011) GetComics.INFO | | |-- Lucky Luke 031-045 (2011-2014) GetComics.INFO | | |-- Lucky Luke 046-060 (2014-2016) GetComics.INFO | | `-- Lucky Luke 061-066 (2016-2017) GetComics.INFO | |-- Master Spoken English (Advanced Students) | | |-- 1997 The Use And Training of The Human Voice 3rd Edition - (WITH BOOKMARKS).pdf | | |-- DVD 1 Master Spoken English.rar | | |-- DVD 2 Master Spoken English.rar | | |-- DVD 3 Master Spoken English.rar | | |-- DVD 4 Master Spoken English.rar | | |-- DVD 5 Master Spoken English.rar | | `-- PRAISE Vocal Training for a Dynamic Speaking Voice Workbook 1.pdf | |-- Preintermediate | | |-- A_Kiss_Before_Dying-Ira_Levin_Audio | | |-- About_a_Boy-Nick_Hornby_Audio | | |-- Anna_Karenina-Leo_Tolstoy_Audio | | |-- Appointment_with_Death-Agatha_Christie_Audio | | |-- Around_the_World_in_Eighty_Days-Jules_Verne_Audio | | |-- Being_Frank-Ian_Rankin_Audio | | |-- Board_Games-Butler_James_Audio | | |-- Cinderella_Man-Marc_Cerasini_Audio | | |-- David_Copperfield-Charles_Dickens_Audio | | |-- Death_in_Edinburgh-R_E_Syme_Audio | | |-- Death_on_Harris-R_E_Syme_Audio | | |-- Diamonds_Are_Forever-Ian_Fleming_Audio | | |-- Don_Quixote-Miguel_De_Cervantes_Audio | | |-- Forrest_Gump-John_Escott_Audio | | |-- Gladiator-Dewey_Gram_Audio | | |-- Gone_with_the_Wind-Margaret_Mitchell_Audio | | |-- Gone_with_the_Wind_2-Margaret_Mitchell_Audio | | |-- Grapes_of_Wrath-John_Steinbeck_Audio | | |-- Great_Mysteries_of_Our_World-Clemen_D_B_Gina_Audio | | |-- Gullivers_Travels-Jonathan_Swift_Audio | | |-- Heart_of_Darkness-Joseph_Conrad_Audio | | |-- Little_Women-Louisa_May_Alcott_Audio | | |-- Logans_Run-William_Nolan_Audio | | |-- Lord_Jim-Joseph_Conrad_Audio | | |-- Macbeth-William_Shakespeare_Audio | | |-- Management_Gurus-David_Evans_Audio | | |-- Moby_Dick-Herman_Melville_Audio | | |-- Murder_at_Coyote_Canyon-Clemen_D_B_Gina_Audio | | |-- My_Cousin_Rachel-Daphne_Du_Maurier_Audio | | |-- Nicholas_Nickleby-Charles_Dickens_Audio | | |-- One_Day-Nicholls_David_Audio | | |-- Owl_Hall-Robert_Campbell_Audio | | |-- Persuasion-Jane_Austen_Audio | | |-- Playback-Ian_Rankin_Audio | | |-- Prime_Suspect-Lynda_La_Plante_Audio | | |-- Rebecca-Daphne_Du_Maurier_Audio | | |-- Rob_Roy-Walter_Scott_Audio | | |-- Robinson_Crusoe-Daniel_Defoe_Audio | | |-- Romeo_and_Juliet-William_Shakespeare_Audio | | |-- Shakespeare_-_His_Life_and_Plays-Will_Fowler_Audio | | |-- Silas_Marner-George_Eliot_Audio | | |-- Spider-man_3-Stan_Lee_Audio | | |-- The_Age_of_Innocence-Edith_Wharton_Audio | | |-- The_Call_of_the_Wild-Jack_London_Audio | | |-- The_House_of_the_Seven_Gables-Nathaniel_Hawthorne_Audio | | |-- The_Long_Shot-Terry_Tomscha_Audio | | |-- The_Lost_World-Conan_Doyle_Audio | | |-- The_Monkey_King-Wu_Cheng_Audio | | |-- The_Murders_in_the_Rue_Morgue-Edgar_Allan_Poe_Audio | | |-- The_Mysterious_Affair_at_Styles-Agatha_Christie_Audio | | |-- The_Old_Curiosity_Shop-Charles_Dickens_Audio | | |-- The_Old_Man_and_the_Sea-Ernest_Hemingway_Audio | | |-- The_Picture_of_Dorian_Gray-Oscar_Wilde_Audio | | |-- The_Prisoner_of_Zenda-Anthony_Hope_Audio | | |-- The_Sign_Of_Four-Conan_Doyle_Audio | | |-- The_Street_Lawyer-John_Grisham_Audio | | |-- The_Tenant_of_Wildfell_Hall-Anne_Bronte_Audio | | |-- The_Thirty-nine_Steps-John_Buchan_Audio | | |-- The_Tragical_History_of_Doctor_Faustus-Christopher_Marlowe_Audio | | |-- The_Willing_Ghost-Robert_Wellington_Audio | | |-- Three_men_in_a_boat-Jerome_K-Jerome_Audio | | |-- Time_Machine-H_G_Wells_Audio | | |-- Woman_in_white-Wilkie_Collins_Audio | | `-- Women_in_Business-David_Evans_Audio | |-- Real American English Dialogues (TEFL ESL learn english practice english) | | |-- Dedication.doc | | |-- Dialogue Cover.ppt | | |-- Part One | | `-- Part Two | |-- Secrets of Spoken English Fundamentals for Intermediates | | |-- 1. Module 1 native pronunciation of the word YOU to YA with essential grammar | | |-- 10. Woulda coulda shoulda | | |-- 2. How to use the verb TO WANT perfectly and when to use the contraction WANNA | | |-- 3. Gonna | | |-- 4. The case of the dissapearing T | | |-- 5. How to use the verb To have to like a native speaker | | |-- 6. How to pronounce the word her like a native speaker | | |-- 7. How to use the word him like a native speaker | | |-- 8. How to pronounce the word them like a native speaker | | `-- 9. To have got to and gotta | |-- Story | | |-- Video | | `-- mp3 | |-- TOEIC 5 FULL TESTS | | |-- TOEIC Full Test 1 | | |-- TOEIC Full Test 2 | | |-- TOEIC Full Test 3 | | |-- TOEIC Full Test 4 | | `-- TOEIC Full Test 5 | |-- Target KET for School | | |-- Target KET for Schools Audio.rar | | `-- Target KET for Schools Book.rar | |-- The Oxford Dictionary of Current English (Oxford Quick Reference), 2nd Edition | | `-- The Oxford Dictionary of Current English (Oxford Quick Reference), 2nd Edition.pdf | `-- Vocabulary books | |-- Advanced | |-- English for Everyone.pdf | |-- Intermediate | `-- The Big Book of English Verbs.pdf |-- English Lessons Collection 3 | |-- 8. Dolphin Readers | | |-- 0. A Day with Baby | | |-- 0. A Game of Shapes | | |-- 0. Baby Animals | | |-- 0. My Family | | |-- 0. doctor-doctor-dolphin-readers-starter-level | | |-- 0. monkeying-around-dolphin-readers-starter-level | | |-- 0. silly-squirrel-dolphin-readers-starter-level | | |-- 1. How's the Weather | | |-- 1. Jake the Hero | | |-- 1. Little Helpers | | |-- 1. Lost Kitten | | |-- 1. Meet Molly | | |-- 1. Number Magic | | |-- 1. On Safari | | |-- 1. Where Is It | | |-- 2. Candy for Breakfast | | |-- 2. Circles and Squares | | |-- 2. Double Trouble | | |-- 2. Lost!_Level_2_Dolphin_Readers_2005 | | |-- 2. Moving House | | |-- 2. Numbers, Numbers Everywhere | | |-- 2. Super Sam | | |-- 3. Dolphin Readers Level 3 Wonderful Wild Animals | | |-- 3. Just Like Mine | | |-- 3. New Girl in School | | |-- 3. Students in Space | | |-- 3. Uncle Jerry's Great Idea | | |-- 3. What Did You Do Yesterday | | |-- 4. City Girl, Country Boy | | |-- 4. In the Ocean | | |-- 4. Students_in_Space_OXFORD_Dolphin_Readers_L3 | | |-- 4. The Tough Task | | |-- 4. Up and Down | | |-- 4. We Won the Cup | | `-- 4. Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow | |-- Business one to one | | |-- Advanced | | |-- Intermediate | | `-- Pre Intermediate | |-- CAMBRIDGE IELTS 16 | | |-- Cambridge IELTS 16-Audio | | `-- Cambridge IELTS 16.pdf | |-- Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ( FULL Ebooks + Audio) | | |-- Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English 1 | | |-- Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English 2 | | |-- Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English 3 | | |-- Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English 4 | | |-- Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English 5 | | `-- Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English 6 | |-- Cambridge English Complete IELTS Bands 3 Levels | | |-- Cambridge - Complete IELTS Bands 4-5 | | |-- Cambridge - Complete IELTS Bands 5-6 | | `-- Cambridge - Complete IELTS Bands 6.5-7.5 | |-- Cambridge Tests for starters, movers and flyers | | |-- Tests for flyers | | |-- Tests for movers | | `-- Tests for starters | |-- Cambridge test - Starter , Mover, Flyer | | |-- Flyer | | |-- Flyer, Mover, Starter 2018 | | |-- Mover | | `-- Starter | |-- Collins Ebooks | | |-- | | |-- Work_on_Your_Grammar_Advanced.pdf | | |-- Work_on_Your_Idioms.pdf | | |-- Work_on_your_Phrasal_Verbs.pdf | | |-- work_on_your_vocabulary_elementary.pdf | | `-- work_on_your_vocabulary_intermediate.pdf | |-- Collins TOEFL iBT | | |-- 224_2- Collins. Vocabulary and Grammar for the TOEFL Test_2013 | | |-- Collins Skills for TOEFL. Listening and Speaking.pdf | | |-- Collins skills for TOEFL iBT Reading and Writing.pdf | | |-- Listening and | | |-- TOEFL Reading Writing | | `-- TOFEL | |-- Cutting edge 3rd edition | | |-- Cuting edge Pre Intermediate.rar | | |-- Cutting Edge Advanced.rar | | |-- Cutting edge Elementary.rar | | |-- Cutting edge Intermediate.rar | | |-- Cutting edge Starter.rar | | `-- Cutting edge Upper Intermediate.rar | |-- Daily Reading Comprehension | | |-- Daily Reading Comprehension Grade 1.pdf | | |-- Daily Reading Comprehension Grade 2.pdf | | |-- Daily Reading Comprehension Grade 3.pdf | | |-- Daily Reading Comprehension Grade 4.pdf | | |-- Daily Reading Comprehension Grade 5.pdf | | |-- Daily Reading Comprehension Grade 6.pdf | | |-- Daily Reading Comprehension Grade 7.pdf | | `-- Daily Reading Comprehension Grade 8.pdf | |-- Duolingo English Test | | |-- Duolingo | | |-- Duolingo notes | | |-- WRITE ABOUT THE TOPIC + WRITE ABOUT THE PHOTO - duolingo important notes | | `-- WRITE ABOUT THE TOPIC + WRITE ABOUT THE PHOTO - duolingo important notes.pdf | |-- Empower | | |-- Empower A1 Starter.rar | | |-- Empower A2 Elementary.rar | | |-- Empower B1 Pre-Intermediate.rar | | |-- Empower B1+ Intermediate.rar | | |-- Empower B2 Upper Intermediate.rar | | |-- Empower C1 Advanced.rar | | |-- Placement Tests | | `-- Word Lists | |-- English In Mind 2edition | | |-- 1 | | |-- 2 | | |-- 3 | | |-- 4 | | |-- 5 | | `-- Starter | |-- English Time full 1-6 | | |-- English Time 1 | | |-- English Time 2 | | |-- English Time 3 | | |-- English Time 4 | | |-- English Time 5 | | `-- English Time 6 | |-- English essential Elementary | | |-- English Essential Elementary 2.pdf | | |-- English Essential elementary 1.pdf | | `-- audios | |-- English essential beginner | | |-- English Essential Beginner.pdf | | `-- audio | |-- Everybody Up | | |-- Everybody Up 1 | | |-- Everybody Up 2 | | |-- Everybody Up 3 | | |-- Everybody Up 4 | | |-- Everybody Up 5 | | |-- Everybody Up 6 | | `-- Everybody Up Starter | |-- Everybody up | | |-- Everybody Up 1 Student Book full.pdf | | |-- Everybody Up 1 Workbook full.pdf | | |-- Everybody Up 2 Student Book full.pdf | | |-- Everybody Up 2 Workbook full.pdf | | |-- Everybody Up Starter Student Book full.pdf | | `-- Everybody Up Starter Workbook full.pdf | |-- Explore Our World | | |-- Explore Our World 1 Student Book full.pdf | | |-- Explore Our World 1 TB.pdf | | |-- Explore Our World 1 Workbook full.pdf | | |-- Explore Our World 2 Student Book full.pdf | | |-- Explore Our World 2 TB.pdf | | `-- Explore Our World 2 Workbook full.pdf | |-- Fairy Land | | |-- 12345_fairyland_2_teacher_s_book.pdf | | |-- Fairyland 1 - Activity book.pdf | | |-- Fairyland 1 - Pupil's-Book.pdf | | |-- Fairyland 2 - Activity book.pdf | | `-- Fairyland 2 - Pupil's book.pdf | |-- Family and Friend | | |-- Family and Friends 1 Class Book full.pdf | | |-- Family and Friends 1 Photocopy Masters Book full.pdf | | |-- Family and Friends 1 Teacher's Book full.pdf | | |-- Family and Friends 1 Testing and Evaluation Book full.pdf | | |-- Family and Friends 1 Workbook full.pdf | | |-- Family and Friends 2 Class Book full.pdf | | |-- Family and Friends 2 Photocopy Master Book full.pdf | | |-- Family and Friends 2 Teacher's Book full.pdf | | |-- Family and Friends 2 Testing and Evaluation Book full.pdf | | |-- Family and Friends 2 Workbook full.pdf | | |-- Family and Friends 3 Class Book full.pdf | | |-- Family and Friends 3 Photocopy Masters Book full.pdf | | |-- Family and Friends 3 Teacher's Book full.pdf | | |-- Family and Friends 3 Testing and Evaluation Book full.pdf | | |-- Family and Friends 3 Workbook full.pdf | | |-- Family and Friends 4 Class Book full.pdf | | |-- Family and Friends 4 Photocopy Masters Book full.pdf | | |-- Family and Friends 4 Testing and Evaluation Book full.pdf | | |-- Family and Friends 4 Workbook full.pdf | | |-- Family and Friends 5 Class Book full.pdf | | |-- Family and Friends 5 Photocopy Master Book full.pdf | | |-- Family and Friends 5 Testing and Evaluation Book full.pdf | | |-- Family and Friends 5 Workbook full.pdf | | |-- Family and Friends Starter Class Book full.pdf | | |-- Family and Friends Starter Teacher's Book full.pdf | | |-- Family and Friends Starter Testing and Evaluation Book full.pdf | | |-- Family and Friends Starter Workbook full.pdf | | |-- Grammar Friends 1 SB full.pdf | | |-- Grammar Friends 2 SB full.pdf | | |-- Grammar Friends 3 SB full.pdf | | |-- Grammar Friends 4 SB full.pdf | | |-- | | `-- family_and_friends_5_teacher_s_book.pdf | |-- Focusing on IELTS-2nd edition | | |-- Focusing on IELTS - Listening and speaking Skills (2011) | | |-- Focusing on IELTS Academic Practice Tests | | `-- Focusing on IELTS-Reading and Writing.pdf | |-- GRE folder | | |-- AWA GRE.pdf | | |-- GRE | | |-- GRE SMART GUIDE MATERIAL - Sohaib Niazi | | |-- GRE folder | | `-- The 5 lb. Book of GRE Practice Problems (2nd Edition) by Manhattan Prep[].pdf | |-- Headway 5th Edition | | |-- 01.Head Way 5ed Beginner | | |-- 02.Head Way 5ed Elementary | | |-- 03.Head Way 5ed Pre-Intermediate | | |-- 04.Head Way 5ed Intermediate | | |-- 05.Head Way 5ed Upper-Intermediate | | `-- 06.Head Way 5ed Advanced | |-- Incredible English | | |-- Incredible English 1 | | |-- Incredible English 2 | | |-- Incredible English 3 | | |-- Incredible English 4 | | |-- Incredible English 5 | | |-- Incredible English 6 | | `-- Incredible English Starter | |-- Interchange 5th Edition | | |-- Interchange 5th Intro | | |-- Interchange 5th-1 | | `-- Interchange 5th-3 | |-- Kid's Box | | |-- Kids Box 1 Activity Book full.pdf | | `-- Kids Box 1 Pupils Book full.pdf | |-- Let's Go | | |-- Let's Go 1 Student Book 4th Edition full.pdf | | |-- Let's Go 1 Workbook 4th Edition full.pdf | | |-- Let's Go 2 Student Book 4th Edition full.pdf | | |-- Let's Go 3 Student Book 4th Edition full.pdf | | |-- Let's Go 3 Student Book 4th Edition.pdf | | |-- Let's Go 3 Workbook 4th Edition full.pdf | | |-- Let's Go 4 Student Book 4th Edition full.pdf | | |-- Let's Go 4 Workbook 4th Edition full.pdf | | `-- Let's Go Let's Begin Student Book 4th Edition full.pdf | |-- Longman IELTS practice tests 1,2,3 | | |-- Longman IELTS Tests Plus 1 | | |-- Longman IELTS Tests Plus 2 | | `-- Longman IELTS Tests Plus 3 | |-- Macmillan Readers | | |-- Macmillan Readers Elementary Level | | |-- Macmillan Readers Intermediate Level | | |-- Macmillan Readers Pre Intermediate Level | | |-- Macmillan Readers Starter Level | | `-- Macmillan Readers Upper intermediate Level | |-- Navigate Beginner | | |-- Navigate Beginner A1 - 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TOEFL CBT (2000, Cliffs Notes) - | | |-- [Complete Guide to the Toefl Test] Bruce Rogers - Complete Guide to the Toefl Test_ IBT_E (2006, Heinle ELT) - | | |-- [Complete Guide to the Toefl Test] Bruce Rogers - TOEFL Secrets (2006, Heinle ELT) - | | |-- [Perfect Phrases Series] Roberta Steinberg - Perfect Phrases for the TOEFL Speaking and Writing Sections (Perfect Phrases Series) (2008, McGraw-Hill) - | | `-- [TWE)_ Everything You Need for the Test of Written English] Timothy Avants - Ace the TOEFL essay everything you need for the test of written English (2007, Sourcebooks) - | |-- TOEFL Step 1 | | |-- Toefl Primary Step 1 - Book1 | | |-- Toefl Primary Step 1 - Book2 | | |-- Toefl Primary Step 1 - Book3 | | |-- Toefl Primary Step 1 - Practic test | | `-- Toefl Primary Step 1 - Preparation book | |-- TOEFL Step 2 | | |-- Toefl Primary Step 2 - Book1 | | |-- Toefl Primary Step 2 - Book2 | | |-- Toefl Primary Step 2 - Book3 | | |-- Toefl Primary Step 2 - Practic test | | `-- Toefl Primary Step 2 - Preparation book | |-- Toefl | | |-- Complete Test 1-5 | | |-- Complete Test 6-8 | | |-- Practice Test 1-5 | | |-- TOEFL Grammar Guide.pdf | | |-- Toefl Post Test | | `-- Toefl Pre Test | |-- VOCA Essential vocabulary in context | | |-- Complete book on Pre K.pdf | | |-- Essential vocabulary in context1.pdf | | |-- Essential vocabulary in context2.pdf | | |-- Essential vocabulary in context3.pdf | | |-- Essential vocabulary in context4.pdf | | |-- Essential vocabulary in context5.pdf | | |-- Essential vocabulary in context6.pdf | | `-- Vocabulary for kinder garten.pdf | |-- kid's box booklets | | |-- Kids_Box_Updated_KB1_HomeBooklet_Home-School_Resources.pdf | | |-- Kids_Box_Updated_KB2_HomeBooklet_Home-School_Resources.pdf | | |-- Kids_Box_Updated_KB3_HomeBooklet_1_Home-School_Resources.pdf | | |-- Kids_Box_Updated_KB3_HomeBooklet_Home-School_Resources.pdf | | |-- Kids_Box_Updated_KB4_HomeBooklet_Home-School_Resources.pdf | | |-- Kids_Box_Updated_KB5_HomeBooklet_Home-School_Resources.pdf | | `-- Kids_Box_Updated_KB6_HomeBooklet_Home-School_Resources.pdf | |-- kid's box worksheets | | |-- Kid's Box Language Portfolio Level 2.pdf | | |-- Kid's Box Language Portfolio Level 3.pdf | | |-- Kid's Box Language Portfolio Level 4.pdf | | |-- Kid's Box Language Portfolio Level 5.pdf | | |-- Kid's Box Language Portfolio Level 6.pdf | | `-- Kids Box Language Portfolio Level 1.pdf | `-- ✅ It's me! 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Revision | |-- CAMBRIDGE IELTS (BOOK 1- 11) | | |-- 05 Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS 5 | | |-- Cambridge IELTS 7 - Book + Audio | | |-- Cambridge IELTS 8 - Book + Audio | | |-- Cambridge ielts 6 | | |-- IELTS Cambridge 9 Book + Audio | | |-- IELTS Cambridge Practice Test 4 | | |-- IELTS Cambridge Practice Tests 1 | | |-- IELTS Cambridge Practice Tests 2 | | |-- IELTS Cambridge Practice Tests 3 | | |-- IELTS Cambridge book 11 | | |-- IELTS WRITING SAMPLE TASKS | | `-- IELTS cambridge book 10 | |-- Cambridge | | |-- Cam14 | | |-- Cambridge IELTS 01 | | |-- Cambridge IELTS 02 | | |-- Cambridge IELTS 03 | | |-- Cambridge IELTS 04 | | |-- Cambridge IELTS 05 | | |-- Cambridge IELTS 06 | | |-- Cambridge IELTS 07 | | |-- Cambridge IELTS 08 | | |-- Cambridge IELTS 09 | | |-- Cambridge IELTS 10 | | |-- Cambridge IELTS 11 | | |-- Cambridge IELTS 12 | | |-- Cambridge 14 | | |-- Cambridge IELTS 13 | | `-- The-Official-Cambridge-Guide-To-IELTS-With-PDF-File-Audio- | |-- Cambridge - Grammar for IELTS Student's Book (With Answers and Audio CD) #foreignlanguagecollection | | |-- Grammar_IELTS.pdf | | `-- IELTS_Audio | |-- Collins IELTS | | |-- Collins Grammar for IELTS.rar | | |-- Collins.rar | | |-- Collins_Writing for IELTS.pdf | | |-- Practice test for IELTS-1 Collins.rar | | |-- Reading For IELTS (Collins).pdf | | `-- Speaking for IELTS (CL).rar | |-- Complete IELTS Series | | |-- Complete IELTS Band 4-5 WB | | |-- Complete-IELTS (Bands 6.5-7.5 SB) | | `-- CompleteIELTS Band55-65 | |-- Fluency for IELTS Speaking | | |-- 1. Introduction | | |-- 2. Part 1 of IELTS Speaking | | |-- 3. Part 2 of IELTS Speaking | | `-- 4. Part 3 of IELTS Speaking | |-- GMAT, GRE, TOEFL, IELTS & LSAT Books | | `-- GMAT | |-- Get 7-9 in IELTS Speaking IELTS Speaking Masterclass | | |-- Section 1. Basics and Preparation | | |-- Section 2 Vocabulary tips | | |-- Section 3 Expressing your opinions and ideas | | |-- Section 4 Grammar and pronunciation | | |-- Section 5 Time management | | |-- Section 6 Model answers for Part 2 | | `-- Section 7 Typical mistakes and course review | |-- Get Ready For IELTS A2 | | |-- Get Ready for IELTS Listening Pre-Intermediate A2+ (ORG).rar | | |-- Get Ready for IELTS Reading Pre-Intermediate A2+ (ORG).pdf | | |-- Get Ready for IELTS Speaking Pre-Intermediate A2+ (ORG).rar | | |-- Get Ready for IELTS Writing Pre-Intermediate A2+ (ORG).pdf | | |-- | | `-- Get-ready-for-ielts-workbook.rar | |-- HUGE COLLECTION IELTS MATERIALS | | |-- How to Repair Winrar Corrupted Files (.rar).mp4 | | |-- IELTS EXPERIENCE BAND 8 | | |-- IELTS GRAMMAR | | |-- IELTS LISTENING | | |-- IELTS PRACTICE TEST | | |-- IELTS PREPARATION | | |-- IELTS READING | | |-- IELTS SPEAKING | | |-- IELTS VIDEO | | |-- IELTS VOBCABULARY | | |-- IELTS WRITING | | `-- USEFULL OTHER MATERIALS | |-- IELTS Audio + Books (Not Organized) | | |-- 001 Practice for Part 4 of IELTS Listening.pdf | | |-- 001 Practice for Part 4 of IELTS Listening.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 01 (1).mp3 | | |-- 01 (2).mp3 | | |-- 01 - Track 1 (1).mp3 | | |-- 01 - Track 1 (2).mp3 | | |-- 01 - Track 1.mp3 | | |-- 01 Track 1 (1).mp3 | | |-- 01 Track 1 (1).wma | | |-- 01 Track 1 (2).mp3 | | |-- 01 Track 1 (2).wma | | |-- 01 Track 1 (3).mp3 | | |-- 01 Track 1 (3).wma | | |-- 01 Track 1 (4).mp3 | | |-- 01 Track 1 (4).wma | | |-- 01 Track 1 (5).mp3 | | |-- 01 Track 1 (5).wma | | |-- 01 Track 1 (6).mp3 | | |-- 01 Track 1 (6).wma | | |-- 01 Track 1 (7).mp3 | | |-- 01 Track 1.mp3 | | |-- 01 Track 1.wma | | |-- 01.MP3 | | |-- 01.mp3 | | |-- 02 (1).mp3 | | |-- 02 (2).mp3 | | |-- 02 - Track 2 (1).mp3 | | |-- 02 - Track 2 (2).mp3 | | |-- 02 - Track 2.mp3 | | |-- 02 Track 2 (1).mp3 | | |-- 02 Track 2 (1).wma | | |-- 02 Track 2 (2).mp3 | | |-- 02 Track 2 (2).wma | | |-- 02 Track 2 (3).mp3 | | |-- 02 Track 2 (3).wma | | |-- 02 Track 2 (4).mp3 | | |-- 02 Track 2 (4).wma | | |-- 02 Track 2 (5).mp3 | | |-- 02 Track 2 (5).wma | | |-- 02 Track 2 (6).mp3 | | |-- 02 Track 2 (6).wma | | |-- 02 Track 2 (7).mp3 | | |-- 02 Track 2.mp3 | | |-- 02 Track 2.wma | | |-- 02.MP3 | | |-- 02.mp3 | | |-- 03 (1).mp3 | | |-- 03 (2).mp3 | | |-- 03 - Track 3 (1).mp3 | | |-- 03 - Track 3 (2).mp3 | | |-- 03 - Track 3.mp3 | | |-- 03 Track 3 (1).mp3 | | |-- 03 Track 3 (1).wma | | |-- 03 Track 3 (2).mp3 | | |-- 03 Track 3 (2).wma | | |-- 03 Track 3 (3).mp3 | | |-- 03 Track 3 (3).wma | | |-- 03 Track 3 (4).mp3 | | |-- 03 Track 3 (4).wma | | |-- 03 Track 3 (5).mp3 | | |-- 03 Track 3 (5).wma | | |-- 03 Track 3 (6).mp3 | | |-- 03 Track 3 (6).wma | | |-- 03 Track 3 (7).mp3 | | |-- 03 Track 3.mp3 | | |-- 03 Track 3.wma | | |-- 03.MP3 | | |-- 03.mp3 | | |-- 04 (1).mp3 | | |-- 04 (2).mp3 | | |-- 04 - Track 4 (1).mp3 | | |-- 04 - Track 4 (2).mp3 | | |-- 04 - Track 4.mp3 | | |-- 04 Track 4 (1).mp3 | | |-- 04 Track 4 (1).wma | | |-- 04 Track 4 (2).mp3 | | |-- 04 Track 4 (2).wma | | |-- 04 Track 4 (3).mp3 | | |-- 04 Track 4 (3).wma | | |-- 04 Track 4 (4).mp3 | | |-- 04 Track 4 (4).wma | | |-- 04 Track 4 (5).mp3 | | |-- 04 Track 4 (5).wma | | |-- 04 Track 4 (6).mp3 | | |-- 04 Track 4 (6).wma | | |-- 04 Track 4 (7).mp3 | | |-- 04 Track 4.mp3 | | |-- 04 Track 4.wma | | |-- 04.MP3 | | |-- 04.mp3 | | |-- 05 - Track 5 (1).mp3 | | |-- 05 - Track 5 (2).mp3 | | |-- 05 - Track 5.mp3 | | |-- 05 Track 5 (1).mp3 | | |-- 05 Track 5 (1).wma | | |-- 05 Track 5 (2).mp3 | | |-- 05 Track 5 (2).wma | | |-- 05 Track 5 (3).mp3 | | |-- 05 Track 5 (3).wma | | |-- 05 Track 5 (4).mp3 | | |-- 05 Track 5 (4).wma | | |-- 05 Track 5 (5).mp3 | | |-- 05 Track 5 (5).wma | | |-- 05 Track 5 (6).mp3 | | |-- 05 Track 5 (6).wma | | |-- 05 Track 5 (7).mp3 | | |-- 05 Track 5.mp3 | | |-- 05 Track 5.wma | | |-- 05.mp3 | | |-- 06 - Track 6 (1).mp3 | | |-- 06 - Track 6 (2).mp3 | | |-- 06 - Track 6.mp3 | | |-- 06 Track 6 (1).mp3 | | |-- 06 Track 6 (1).wma | | |-- 06 Track 6 (2).mp3 | | |-- 06 Track 6 (2).wma | | |-- 06 Track 6 (3).mp3 | | |-- 06 Track 6 (3).wma | | |-- 06 Track 6 (4).mp3 | | |-- 06 Track 6 (4).wma | | |-- 06 Track 6 (5).mp3 | | |-- 06 Track 6 (5).wma | | |-- 06 Track 6 (6).mp3 | | |-- 06 Track 6 (6).wma | | |-- 06 Track 6 (7).mp3 | | |-- 06 Track 6.mp3 | | |-- 06 Track 6.wma | | |-- 06.mp3 | | |-- 07 - Track 7 (1).mp3 | | |-- 07 - Track 7 (2).mp3 | | |-- 07 - Track 7.mp3 | | |-- 07 Track 7 (1).mp3 | | |-- 07 Track 7 (1).wma | | |-- 07 Track 7 (2).mp3 | | |-- 07 Track 7 (2).wma | | |-- 07 Track 7 (3).mp3 | | |-- 07 Track 7 (3).wma | | |-- 07 Track 7 (4).mp3 | | |-- 07 Track 7 (4).wma | | |-- 07 Track 7 (5).mp3 | | |-- 07 Track 7 (5).wma | | |-- 07 Track 7 (6).mp3 | | |-- 07 Track 7 (6).wma | | |-- 07 Track 7.mp3 | | |-- 07 Track 7.wma | | |-- 07.mp3 | | |-- 08 - Track 8 (1).mp3 | | |-- 08 - Track 8 (2).mp3 | | |-- 08 - Track 8.mp3 | | |-- 08 Track 8 (1).mp3 | | |-- 08 Track 8 (1).wma | | |-- 08 Track 8 (2).mp3 | | |-- 08 Track 8 (2).wma | | |-- 08 Track 8 (3).mp3 | | |-- 08 Track 8 (3).wma | | |-- 08 Track 8 (4).mp3 | | |-- 08 Track 8 (4).wma | | |-- 08 Track 8 (5).mp3 | | |-- 08 Track 8 (5).wma | | |-- 08 Track 8 (6).mp3 | | |-- 08 Track 8 (6).wma | | |-- 08 Track 8.mp3 | | |-- 08 Track 8.wma | | |-- 08.mp3 | | |-- 09 - Track 9 (1).mp3 | | |-- 09 - Track 9 (2).mp3 | | |-- 09 - Track 9.mp3 | | |-- 09 Track 9 (1).mp3 | | |-- 09 Track 9 (1).wma | | |-- 09 Track 9 (2).mp3 | | |-- 09 Track 9 (2).wma | | |-- 09 Track 9 (3).mp3 | | |-- 09 Track 9 (3).wma | | |-- 09 Track 9 (4).mp3 | | |-- 09 Track 9 (4).wma | | |-- 09 Track 9 (5).mp3 | | |-- 09 Track 9 (6).mp3 | | |-- 09 Track 9.mp3 | | |-- 09 Track 9.wma | | |-- 09.mp3 | | |-- 1.1 2020-Part1-Cycling.pdf | | |-- 1.1 2020-Part1-Cycling.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 1.1 IELTS & TOEFL Vocabulary Masterclass.pdf | | |-- 1.1 IELTS & TOEFL Vocabulary Masterclass.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 1.1 IELTS-Speaking-Band-Descriptors-Fluency-Coherence.pdf | | |-- 1.1 IELTS-Speaking-Band-Descriptors-Fluency-Coherence.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 1.1 Part1HometownText.pdf | | |-- 1.1 Part1HometownText.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 1.1 Prepare-For-IELTS-IELTS-Speaking-The-Essentials.pdf | | |-- 10 - Track 10 (1).mp3 | | |-- 10 - Track 10 (2).mp3 | | |-- 10 - Track 10.mp3 | | |-- 10 Track 10 (1).mp3 | | |-- 10 Track 10 (1).wma | | |-- 10 Track 10 (2).mp3 | | |-- 10 Track 10 (2).wma | | |-- 10 Track 10 (3).mp3 | | |-- 10 Track 10 (3).wma | | |-- 10 Track 10 (4).mp3 | | |-- 10 Track 10 (5).mp3 | | |-- 10 Track 10 (6).mp3 | | |-- 10 Track 10.mp3 | | |-- 10 Track 10.wma | | |-- 10.1 2020-Part1-Wild-Animals-Text.pdf | | |-- 10.1 2020-Part1-Wild-Animals-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 10.mp3 | | |-- 11 - Track 11 (1).mp3 | | |-- 11 - Track 11 (2).mp3 | | |-- 11 - Track 11.mp3 | | |-- 11 Track 11 (1).mp3 | | |-- 11 Track 11 (1).wma | | |-- 11 Track 11 (2).mp3 | | |-- 11 Track 11 (2).wma | | |-- 11 Track 11 (3).mp3 | | |-- 11 Track 11 (3).wma | | |-- 11 Track 11 (4).mp3 | | |-- 11 Track 11 (5).mp3 | | |-- 11 Track 11 (6).mp3 | | |-- 11 Track 11.mp3 | | |-- 11 Track 11.wma | | |-- 11.1 2020-Part1-Muesums-Art-Galleries-Text.pdf | | |-- 11.1 2020-Part1-Muesums-Art-Galleries-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 11.mp3 | | |-- 11318_Cambridge_English_Pauline_Cullen,_Amanda_French,_Vanessa_Jakeman.pdf | | |-- 11319. 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Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS 1.pdf | | |-- 11506_Brook_Hart_Guy,_Jakeman_Vanessa_Complete_IELTS_Bands_4_5_Student's.pdf | | |-- 11507_Brook_Hart_Guy,_Jakeman_Vanessa_Complete_IELTS_Bands_4_5_Teacher's.pdf | | |-- 11508_Wyatt_Rawdon_Complete_IELTS_Bands_4_5_Workbook_with_Answers.pdf | | |-- 11509_Student's_Book_with_Answers_with_CD_ROM_and_Class_Audio_CDs.pdf | | |-- 11510_Brook_Hart_Guy,_Jakeman_Vanessa_Complete_IELTS_Bands_5_6_5.pdf | | |-- 11511. Cambridge - Complete IELTS Bands 5-6.5 Teacher_s Book.pdf | | |-- 11512_Cambridge_Complete_IELTS_Bands_6_5_7_5_Teacher_s_Book.pdf | | |-- 11513. Cambridge - Complete IELTS Bands 6.5-7.5 Workbook.pdf | | |-- 12 - Track 12 (1).mp3 | | |-- 12 - Track 12 (2).mp3 | | |-- 12 - Track 12.mp3 | | |-- 12 Track 12 (1).mp3 | | |-- 12 Track 12 (1).wma | | |-- 12 Track 12 (2).mp3 | | |-- 12 Track 12 (2).wma | | |-- 12 Track 12 (3).mp3 | | |-- 12 Track 12 (3).wma | | |-- 12 Track 12 (4).mp3 | | |-- 12 Track 12 (5).mp3 | | |-- 12 Track 12 (6).mp3 | | |-- 12 Track 12.mp3 | | |-- 12 Track 12.wma | | |-- 12.1 2020-Part1-Running-Text.pdf | | |-- 12.1 2020-Part1-Running-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 13 - Track 13 (1).mp3 | | |-- 13 - Track 13 (2).mp3 | | |-- 13 - Track 13.mp3 | | |-- 13 Track 13 (1).mp3 | | |-- 13 Track 13 (1).wma | | |-- 13 Track 13 (2).mp3 | | |-- 13 Track 13 (2).wma | | |-- 13 Track 13 (3).mp3 | | |-- 13 Track 13 (3).wma | | |-- 13 Track 13 (4).mp3 | | |-- 13 Track 13 (5).mp3 | | |-- 13 Track 13 (6).mp3 | | |-- 13 Track 13.mp3 | | |-- 13 Track 13.wma | | |-- 13.1 2020-Part1-Science-Classes-Text.pdf | | |-- 13.1 2020-Part1-Science-Classes-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 14 - Track 14 (1).mp3 | | |-- 14 - Track 14 (2).mp3 | | |-- 14 - Track 14.mp3 | | |-- 14 Track 14 (1).mp3 | | |-- 14 Track 14 (1).wma | | |-- 14 Track 14 (2).mp3 | | |-- 14 Track 14 (2).wma | | |-- 14 Track 14 (3).mp3 | | |-- 14 Track 14 (3).wma | | |-- 14 Track 14 (4).mp3 | | |-- 14 Track 14.mp3 | | |-- 14 Track 14.wma | | |-- 14.1 2020-Part1-Pens-Pencils-Text.pdf | | |-- 14.1 2020-Part1-Pens-Pencils-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 15 - Track 15 (1).mp3 | | |-- 15 - Track 15 (2).mp3 | | |-- 15 - Track 15.mp3 | | |-- 15 Day_s Practice for IELTS Speaking.pdf | | |-- 15 Days Practice for IELTS Writing.pdf | | |-- 15 Days’ Practice For IELTS Listening.pdf | | |-- 15 Track 15 (1).mp3 | | |-- 15 Track 15 (1).wma | | |-- 15 Track 15 (2).mp3 | | |-- 15 Track 15 (2).wma | | |-- 15 Track 15 (3).mp3 | | |-- 15 Track 15 (3).wma | | |-- 15 Track 15.mp3 | | |-- 15 Track 15.wma | | |-- 15 days Practice for IELTS Reading.pdf | | |-- 15.1 2020-Part1-Scenery-Text.pdf | | |-- 15.1 2020-Part1-Scenery-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 16 - Track 16 (1).mp3 | | |-- 16 - Track 16 (2).mp3 | | |-- 16 - Track 16.mp3 | | |-- 16 Track 16 (1).mp3 | | |-- 16 Track 16 (1).wma | | |-- 16 Track 16 (2).mp3 | | |-- 16 Track 16 (2).wma | | |-- 16 Track 16 (3).mp3 | | |-- 16 Track 16 (3).wma | | |-- 16 Track 16.mp3 | | |-- 16 Track 16.wma | | |-- 16.1 2020-Part1-Laughter-Text.pdf | | |-- 16.1 2020-Part1-Laughter-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 17 - Track 17 (1).mp3 | | |-- 17 - Track 17 (2).mp3 | | |-- 17 - Track 17.mp3 | | |-- 17 Track 17 (1).mp3 | | |-- 17 Track 17 (1).wma | | |-- 17 Track 17 (2).mp3 | | |-- 17 Track 17 (2).wma | | |-- 17 Track 17 (3).mp3 | | |-- 17 Track 17 (3).wma | | |-- 17 Track 17.mp3 | | |-- 17 Track 17.wma | | |-- 17.1 2020-Part1-Numbers-Text.pdf | | |-- 17.1 2020-Part1-Numbers-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 18 - Track 18 (1).mp3 | | |-- 18 - Track 18 (2).mp3 | | |-- 18 - Track 18.mp3 | | |-- 18 Track 18 (1).mp3 | | |-- 18 Track 18 (1).wma | | |-- 18 Track 18 (2).mp3 | | |-- 18 Track 18 (2).wma | | |-- 18 Track 18 (3).mp3 | | |-- 18 Track 18 (3).wma | | |-- 18 Track 18.mp3 | | |-- 18 Track 18.wma | | |-- 18.1 2019-Part1-Cake-Text.pdf | | |-- 18.1 2019-Part1-Cake-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 19 - Track 19 (1).mp3 | | |-- 19 - Track 19 (2).mp3 | | |-- 19 - Track 19.mp3 | | |-- 19 Track 19 (1).mp3 | | |-- 19 Track 19 (1).wma | | |-- 19 Track 19 (2).mp3 | | |-- 19 Track 19 (2).wma | | |-- 19 Track 19 (3).mp3 | | |-- 19 Track 19 (3).wma | | |-- 19 Track 19.mp3 | | |-- 19 Track 19.wma | | |-- 19.1 2019-Part1-Voices-Text.pdf | | |-- 19.1 2019-Part1-Voices-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 2.1 2021-Part1-Farms.pdf | | |-- 2.1 2021-Part1-Farms.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 2.1 IELTS-Speaking-Assessing-Lexical-Resource.pdf | | |-- 20 - Track 20 (1).mp3 | | |-- 20 - Track 20 (2).mp3 | | |-- 20 - Track 20.mp3 | | |-- 20 Track 20 (1).mp3 | | |-- 20 Track 20 (1).wma | | |-- 20 Track 20 (2).mp3 | | |-- 20 Track 20 (2).wma | | |-- 20 Track 20 (3).mp3 | | |-- 20 Track 20 (3).wma | | |-- 20 Track 20.mp3 | | |-- 20 Track 20.wma | | |-- 20.1 2019-Part1-Walking-Text.pdf | | |-- 20.1 2019-Part1-Walking-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 21 - Track 21 (1).mp3 | | |-- 21 - Track 21 (2).mp3 | | |-- 21 - Track 21.mp3 | | |-- 21 Track 21 (1).mp3 | | |-- 21 Track 21 (1).wma | | |-- 21 Track 21 (2).mp3 | | |-- 21 Track 21 (2).wma | | |-- 21 Track 21 (3).mp3 | | |-- 21 Track 21 (3).wma | | |-- 21 Track 21.mp3 | | |-- 21 Track 21.wma | | |-- 21.1 2019-Part1-Languages-Text.pdf | | |-- 21.1 2019-Part1-Languages-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 22 - Track 22 (1).mp3 | | |-- 22 - Track 22 (2).mp3 | | |-- 22 - Track 22.mp3 | | |-- 22 Track 22 (1).mp3 | | |-- 22 Track 22 (1).wma | | |-- 22 Track 22 (2).mp3 | | |-- 22 Track 22 (2).wma | | |-- 22 Track 22 (3).mp3 | | |-- 22 Track 22 (3).wma | | |-- 22 Track 22.mp3 | | |-- 22 Track 22.wma | | |-- 22.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Friends-Text.pdf | | |-- 22.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Friends-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 23 - Track 23 (1).mp3 | | |-- 23 - Track 23 (2).mp3 | | |-- 23 - Track 23.mp3 | | |-- 23 Track 23 (1).mp3 | | |-- 23 Track 23 (1).wma | | |-- 23 Track 23 (2).mp3 | | |-- 23 Track 23 (2).wma | | |-- 23 Track 23 (3).mp3 | | |-- 23 Track 23.mp3 | | |-- 23 Track 23.wma | | |-- 23.1 2019-Part1-Tiredness-Text.pdf | | |-- 23.1 2019-Part1-Tiredness-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 24 - Track 24 (1).mp3 | | |-- 24 - Track 24.mp3 | | |-- 24 Track 24 (1).mp3 | | |-- 24 Track 24 (1).wma | | |-- 24 Track 24 (2).wma | | |-- 24 Track 24.mp3 | | |-- 24 Track 24.wma | | |-- 24.1 2019-Part1-Concentration-Text.pdf | | |-- 24.1 2019-Part1-Concentration-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 25 - Track 25 (1).mp3 | | |-- 25 - Track 25.mp3 | | |-- 25 Track 25 (1).mp3 | | |-- 25 Track 25 (1).wma | | |-- 25 Track 25 (2).wma | | |-- 25 Track 25.mp3 | | |-- 25 Track 25.wma | | |-- 25.1 2019-Part1-Hair-Text.pdf | | |-- 25.1 2019-Part1-Hair-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 26 - Track 26 (1).mp3 | | |-- 26 - Track 26.mp3 | | |-- 26 Track 26 (1).wma | | |-- 26 Track 26 (2).wma | | |-- 26 Track 26.mp3 | | |-- 26 Track 26.wma | | |-- 26.1 2019-Part1-Litter-Garbage-Text.pdf | | |-- 26.1 2019-Part1-Litter-Garbage-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 27 - Track 27 (1).mp3 | | |-- 27 - Track 27.mp3 | | |-- 27 Track 27 (1).wma | | |-- 27 Track 27 (2).wma | | |-- 27 Track 27.mp3 | | |-- 27 Track 27.wma | | |-- 27.1 2019-Part1-Bags-Text.pdf | | |-- 27.1 2019-Part1-Bags-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 28 - Track 28 (1).mp3 | | |-- 28 - Track 28.mp3 | | |-- 28 Track 28 (1).wma | | |-- 28 Track 28.mp3 | | |-- 28 Track 28.wma | | |-- 28.1 2019-Part1-Music-Text.pdf | | |-- 28.1 2019-Part1-Music-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 29 - Track 29 (1).mp3 | | |-- 29 - Track 29.mp3 | | |-- 29 Track 29 (1).wma | | |-- 29 Track 29 (2).wma | | |-- 29 Track 29.mp3 | | |-- 29 Track 29.wma | | |-- 29.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Perfume-Text.pdf | | |-- 29.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Perfume-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 3.1 2020-Part1-Picnics.pdf | | |-- 3.1 2020-Part1-Picnics.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 3.1 Part1WorkText.pdf | | |-- 3.1 Part1WorkText.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 30 - Track 30 (1).mp3 | | |-- 30 - Track 30.mp3 | | |-- 30 Track 30 (1).wma | | |-- 30 Track 30 (2).wma | | |-- 30 Track 30.mp3 | | |-- 30 Track 30.wma | | |-- 30.1 2019-Part1-Smiling-Text.pdf | | |-- 30.1 2019-Part1-Smiling-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 31 - Track 31 (1).mp3 | | |-- 31 - Track 31.mp3 | | |-- 31 Track 31 (1).wma | | |-- 31 Track 31 (2).wma | | |-- 31 Track 31.wma | | |-- 31.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Crowded-Places-Text.pdf | | |-- 31.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Crowded-Places-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 32 - Track 32.mp3 | | |-- 32 Track 32 (1).wma | | |-- 32 Track 32 (2).wma | | |-- 32 Track 32.wma | | |-- 32.1 2019-Part1-Trust-Text.pdf | | |-- 32.1 2019-Part1-Trust-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 33 - Track 33.mp3 | | |-- 33 Track 33 (1).wma | | |-- 33 Track 33.wma | | |-- 33.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Water-Text.pdf | | |-- 33.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Water-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 34 - Track 34.mp3 | | |-- 34 Track 34 (1).wma | | |-- 34 Track 34.wma | | |-- 34.1 2019-Part1-Amusement-Parks-Text.pdf | | |-- 34.1 2019-Part1-Amusement-Parks-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 35 Track 35 (1).wma | | |-- 35 Track 35.wma | | |-- 35.1 2019-Part1-Islands-Text.pdf | | |-- 35.1 2019-Part1-Islands-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 36 Track 36 (1).wma | | |-- 36 Track 36.wma | | |-- 36.1 2019-Part1-Social-Networks-Text.pdf | | |-- 36.1 2019-Part1-Social-Networks-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 37 Track 37 (1).wma | | |-- 37 Track 37.wma | | |-- 37.1 2019-Part1-Sunshine-Text.pdf | | |-- 37.1 2019-Part1-Sunshine-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 38 Track 38 (1).wma | | |-- 38 Track 38.wma | | |-- 38.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Morning-Routine-Text.pdf | | |-- 38.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Morning-Routine-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 39 Track 39 (1).wma | | |-- 39 Track 39.wma | | |-- 39.1 2019-Part1-Markets-Text.pdf | | |-- 39.1 2019-Part1-Markets-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 3_1_IELTS_Speaking_Band_Descriptors_Grammatical_Range_Accuracy.pdf | | |-- 4.1 2020-Part1-Texting-PDF.pdf | | |-- 4.1 2020-Part1-Texting-PDF.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 4.1 Part1Study.pdf | | |-- 4.1 Part1Study.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 40 Track 40 (1).wma | | |-- 40 Track 40.wma | | |-- 40.1 2019-Part1-Makeup-Text.pdf | | |-- 40.1 2019-Part1-Makeup-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 41 Track 41 (1).wma | | |-- 41 Track 41.wma | | |-- 42 Track 42 (1).wma | | |-- 42 Track 42.wma | | |-- 42.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Teachers-Text.pdf | | |-- 42.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Teachers-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 43 Track 43.wma | | |-- 43.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Money-Text.pdf | | |-- 43.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Money-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 44 Track 44.wma | | |-- 44.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Colours-Text.pdf | | |-- 44.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Colours-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 45 Track 45.wma | | |-- 45.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Sunglasses-Text.pdf | | |-- 45.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Sunglasses-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 46 Track 46.wma | | |-- 46.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Writing-Text.pdf | | |-- 46.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Writing-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 47 Track 47.wma | | |-- 47.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Parks-Gardens-Text.pdf | | |-- 47.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Parks-Gardens-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 48 Track 48.wma | | |-- 48.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Space-Travel-Text.pdf | | |-- 48.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Space-Travel-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 49 Track 49.wma | | |-- 49.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Shoes-Text.pdf | | |-- 49.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Shoes-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 5.1 2020-Part1-Furniture-Text.pdf | | |-- 5.1 2020-Part1-Furniture-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 50 Track 50.wma | | |-- 50.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Paintings-Text.pdf | | |-- 50.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Paintings-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 51 Track 51.wma | | |-- 51.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Maps-Text.pdf | | |-- 51.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Maps-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 52.1 2019-Part1-Mathematics-Text.pdf | | |-- 52.1 2019-Part1-Mathematics-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 53.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Sharing-Text.pdf | | |-- 53.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Sharing-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 54.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Families-Text.pdf | | |-- 54.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Families-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 55.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Tea-Coffee-Text.pdf | | |-- 55.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Tea-Coffee-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 56.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Dictionaries-Text.pdf | | |-- 56.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Dictionaries-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 57.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Gifts-Text.pdf | | |-- 57.1 2018-Part1-Topic-Gifts-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 58.1 Part1-Newspapers-Text.pdf | | |-- 58.1 Part1-Newspapers-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 6.1 2020-Part1-Fish-Text.pdf | | |-- 6.1 2020-Part1-Fish-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 60.1 Part1-Computers-Text.pdf | | |-- 60.1 Part1-Computers-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 62.1 Part1-Freetime-Text.pdf | | |-- 62.1 Part1-Freetime-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 64.1 Part1-Transport-Text.pdf | | |-- 64.1 Part1-Transport-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 66.1 Part1-Travel-Text.pdf | | |-- 66.1 Part1-Travel-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 68.1 Part1-Festivals-Text.pdf | | |-- 68.1 Part1-Festivals-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 7.1 2020-Part1-Coronavirus-Text.pdf | | |-- 7.1 2020-Part1-Coronavirus-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 70.1 Part1-Clothes-Text.pdf | | |-- 70.1 Part1-Clothes-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 7581. WB_Complete_IELTS_Band_5-6_5.pdf | | |-- 8.1 2019-Part1-Jeans-Text.pdf | | |-- 8.1 2019-Part1-Jeans-Text.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- 9.1 2020-Part1-Staying-Up-Late.pdf | | |-- 9.1 2020-Part1-Staying-Up-Late.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- Best_Practice_Book_for_IELTS_Writing_230_IELTS_Writing_Samples_PDFDrive.pdf | | |-- Bridge to IELTS SB.pdf | | |-- Bridge to IELTS WB.pdf | | |-- C14T1S1.mp3 | | |-- C14T1S2.mp3 | | |-- C14T1S3.mp3 | | |-- C14T1S4.mp3 | | |-- C14T2S1.mp3 | | |-- C14T2S2.mp3 | | |-- C14T2S3.mp3 | | |-- C14T2S4.mp3 | | |-- C14T3S1.mp3 | | |-- C14T3S2.mp3 | | |-- C14T3S3.mp3 | | |-- C14T3S4.mp3 | | |-- C14T4S1.mp3 | | |-- C14T4S2.mp3 | | |-- C14T4S3.mp3 | | |-- C14T4S4.mp3 | | |-- CD1Track1.mp3 | | |-- CD1Track2.mp3 | | |-- CD1Track3.mp3 | | |-- CD1Track4.mp3 | | |-- CD1Track5.mp3 | | |-- CD1Track6.mp3 | | |-- CD1Track7.mp3 | | |-- CD1Track8.mp3 | | |-- CD2Track1.mp3 | | |-- CD2Track2.mp3 | | |-- CD2Track3.mp3 | | |-- CD2Track4.mp3 | | |-- CD2Track5.mp3 | | |-- CD2Track6.mp3 | | |-- CD2Track7.mp3 | | |-- CD2Track8.mp3 | | |-- Cambridge IELTS 1.pdf | | |-- Cambridge IELTS 11.pdf | | |-- Cambridge IELTS 12 PDF.pdf | | |-- Cambridge IELTS 14.pdf | | |-- Cambridge IELTS 14_Transcript.pdf | | |-- Cambridge IELTS 2.pdf | | |-- Cambridge IELTS 3.pdf | | |-- Cambridge IELTS 4 ans key.pdf | | |-- Cambridge IELTS 4 ans key.pdf_thumb.jpg | | |-- Cambridge IELTS 4.pdf | | |-- Cambridge IELTS 9.pdf | | |-- Cambridge ielts 6_test1.pdf | | |-- Cambridge ielts 6_test2.pdf | | |-- Cambridge ielts 6_test3.pdf | | |-- Cambridge ielts 6_test4.pdf | | |-- Cambridge ielts 7_.pdf | | |-- Cambridge ielts 8 self_.pdf | | |-- Grammar for IELTS ( PDFDrive )_2.pdf | | |-- IELTS Cambridge 13.pdf | | |-- IELTS express Intermediate.pdf | | |-- IELTS11_Test1_Section1.mp3 | | |-- IELTS11_Test1_Section2.mp3 | | |-- IELTS11_Test1_Section3.mp3 | | |-- IELTS11_Test1_Section4.mp3 | | |-- IELTS11_Test2_Section1.mp3 | | |-- IELTS11_Test2_Section2.mp3 | | |-- IELTS11_Test2_Section3.mp3 | | |-- IELTS11_Test2_Section4.mp3 | | |-- IELTS11_Test3_Section1.mp3 | | |-- IELTS11_Test3_Section2.mp3 | | |-- IELTS11_Test3_Section3.mp3 | | |-- IELTS11_Test3_Section4.mp3 | | |-- IELTS11_Test4_Section1.mp3 | | |-- IELTS11_Test4_Section2.mp3 | | |-- IELTS11_Test4_Section3.mp3 | | |-- IELTS11_Test4_Section4.mp3 | | |-- IELTS13-Tests1-4CD1Track_01.mp3 | | |-- IELTS13-Tests1-4CD1Track_02.mp3 | | |-- IELTS13-Tests1-4CD1Track_03.mp3 | | |-- IELTS13-Tests1-4CD1Track_04.mp3 | | |-- IELTS13-Tests1-4CD1Track_05.mp3 | | |-- IELTS13-Tests1-4CD1Track_06.mp3 | | |-- IELTS13-Tests1-4CD1Track_07.mp3 | | |-- IELTS13-Tests1-4CD1Track_08.mp3 | | |-- IELTS13-Tests1-4CD2Track_01.mp3 | | |-- IELTS13-Tests1-4CD2Track_02.mp3 | | |-- IELTS13-Tests1-4CD2Track_03.mp3 | | |-- IELTS13-Tests1-4CD2Track_04.mp3 | | |-- IELTS13-Tests1-4CD2Track_05.mp3 | | |-- IELTS13-Tests1-4CD2Track_06.mp3 | | |-- IELTS13-Tests1-4CD2Track_07.mp3 | | |-- IELTS13-Tests1-4CD2Track_08.mp3 | | |-- Speaking for IELTS ( PDFDrive ) (1).pdf | | |-- Speaking for IELTS ( PDFDrive ).pdf | | |-- Test 5 Section 1.mp3 | | |-- Test 5 Section 2.mp3 | | |-- Test 5 Section 3.mp3 | | |-- Test 5 Section 4.mp3 | | |-- Test 6 Section 1.mp3 | | |-- Test 6 Section 2.mp3 | | |-- Test 6 Section 3.mp3 | | |-- Test 6 Section 4.mp3 | | |-- Test 7 Section 1.mp3 | | |-- Test 7 Section 2.mp3 | | |-- Test 7 Section 3.mp3 | | |-- Test 7 Section 4.mp3 | | |-- Test 8 Section 1.mp3 | | |-- Test 8 Section 2.mp3 | | |-- Test 8 Section 3.mp3 | | |-- Test 8 Section 4.mp3 | | |-- Test1,Part1.mp3 | | |-- Test1,Part2.mp3 | | |-- Test1,Part3.mp3 | | |-- Test1,Part4.mp3 | | |-- Test1-s1.mp3 | | |-- Test1-s1.mp3_thumb.jpg | | |-- Test1-s2.mp3 | | |-- Test1-s2.mp3_thumb.jpg | | |-- Test1-s3.mp3 | | |-- Test1-s3.mp3_thumb.jpg | | |-- Test1-s4.mp3 | | |-- Test1-s4.mp3_thumb.jpg | | |-- Test2,Part1.mp3 | | |-- Test2,Part2.mp3 | | |-- Test2,Part3.mp3 | | |-- Test2,Part4.mp3 | | |-- Test2-s1.mp3 | | |-- Test2-s1.mp3_thumb.jpg | | |-- Test2-s2.mp3 | | |-- Test2-s2.mp3_thumb.jpg | | |-- Test2-s3.mp3 | | |-- Test2-s3.mp3_thumb.jpg | | |-- Test2-s4.mp3 | | |-- Test2-s4.mp3_thumb.jpg | | |-- Test3,Part1.mp3 | | |-- Test3,Part2.mp3 | | |-- Test3,Part3.mp3 | | |-- Test3,Part4.mp3 | | |-- Test3-s1.mp3 | | |-- Test3-s1.mp3_thumb.jpg | | |-- Test3-s2.mp3 | | |-- Test3-s2.mp3_thumb.jpg | | |-- Test3-s3.mp3 | | |-- Test3-s3.mp3_thumb.jpg | | |-- Test3-s4.mp3 | | |-- Test3-s4.mp3_thumb.jpg | | |-- Test4,Part1.mp3 | | |-- Test4,Part2.mp3 | | |-- Test4,Part3.mp3 | | |-- Test4,Part4.mp3 | | |-- Test4-s1.mp3 | | |-- Test4-s1.mp3_thumb.jpg | | |-- Test4-s2.mp3 | | |-- Test4-s2.mp3_thumb.jpg | | |-- Test4-s3.mp3 | | |-- Test4-s3.mp3_thumb.jpg | | |-- Test4-s4.mp3 | | |-- Test4-s4.mp3_thumb.jpg | | |-- Track 1.mp3 | | |-- Track 2 (1).mp3 | | |-- Track 2.mp3 | | |-- Track 3 (1).mp3 | | |-- Track 3.mp3 | | |-- Track 4 (1).mp3 | | |-- Track 4.mp3 | | |-- Track 5 (1).mp3 | | |-- Track 5.mp3 | | |-- Track 6 (1).mp3 | | |-- Track 6.mp3 | | |-- Track 7 (1).mp3 | | |-- Track 7.mp3 | | |-- Track 8.mp3 | | |-- Track01 (1).mp3 | | |-- Track01.mp3 | | |-- Track02 (1).mp3 | | |-- Track02.mp3 | | |-- Track03 (1).mp3 | | |-- Track03.mp3 | | |-- Track04 (1).mp3 | | |-- Track04.mp3 | | |-- Track05 (1).mp3 | | |-- Track05.mp3 | | |-- Track06 (1).mp3 | | |-- Track06.mp3 | | |-- Track07 (1).mp3 | | |-- Track07.mp3 | | |-- Track08 (1).mp3 | | |-- Track08.mp3 | | |-- Track_01.mp3 | | |-- Track_02.mp3 | | |-- Track_03.mp3 | | |-- Track_04.mp3 | | |-- Track_05.mp3 | | |-- Track_06.mp3 | | |-- Track_07.mp3 | | |-- Track_08.mp3 | | |-- Track_09.mp3 | | |-- Track_10.mp3 | | |-- Track_11.mp3 | | |-- Track_12.mp3 | | |-- Track_13.mp3 | | |-- Track_14.mp3 | | |-- cambridge_ielts_10.pdf | | |-- desktop (1).ini | | |-- desktop.ini | | |-- ielts-preparation-and-practice-general-training.pdf | | |-- ielts15_test1_audio1.m4a | | |-- ielts15_test1_audio2.m4a | | |-- ielts15_test1_audio3.m4a | | |-- ielts15_test1_audio4.m4a | | |-- ielts15_test2_audio1.m4a | | |-- ielts15_test2_audio2.m4a | | |-- ielts15_test2_audio3.m4a | | |-- ielts15_test2_audio4.m4a | | |-- ielts15_test3_audio1.m4a | | |-- ielts15_test3_audio2.m4a | | |-- ielts15_test3_audio3.m4a | | |-- ielts15_test3_audio4.m4a | | |-- ielts15_test4_audio1.m4a | | |-- ielts15_test4_audio2.m4a | | |-- ielts15_test4_audio3.m4a | | `-- ielts15_test4_audio4.m4a | |-- IELTS Lite Understanding IELTS Exam | | |-- 01 IELTS Overview | | |-- 02 IELTS Top Tips Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening | | |-- 03 Extra Dont loose marks | | `-- 04 Golden Rules | |-- IELTS Materials | | |-- 1. Cambridge IELTS | | |-- 2.1Simon Writing Task 1 | | |-- 2.2Simon Writing Task 2 | | |-- 3.Simon Reading | | |-- 4.Simon Speaking | | `-- 5.Essay Collection and Others | |-- IELTS Maximiser (All Books) | | |-- IELTS Reading Maximiser.pdf | | |-- IELTS Speaking Maximiser.pdf | | `-- IELTS Writing Maximiser.pdf | |-- IELTS Preparation For Beginners | | |-- 01 IELTS Reading | | |-- 02 IELTS Speaking | | |-- 03 IELTS Listening | | `-- 04 IELTS Writing | |-- IELTS Series | | |-- IELTS 1 | | |-- IELTS 12 | | |-- IELTS 2 | | |-- IELTS 5 | | |-- IELTS 6 | | |-- IELTS 7 | | |-- IELTS 10 | | |-- IELTS 11 | | |-- IELTS 13 | | |-- IELTS 14 | | |-- IELTS 3 | | |-- IELTS 4 | | |-- IELTS 8 | | `-- IELTS 9 | |-- IELTS TIPS AND TRICKS - 9 BAND SCORE (reading and speaking) | | |-- 01 READING | | `-- 02 Speaking | |-- IELTS Vocabulary Masterclass | | |-- 1. Synonyms for words starting with Very | | |-- 10. Downloadable PDF file | | |-- 11. Introduction | | |-- 2. Prepositions with explanation | | |-- 3. Phrasal Verbs | | |-- 4. Idioms and Phrases | | |-- 5. Complex Vocabulary for IELTS Writing and Speaking | | |-- 6. Complex Vocabulary for IELTS Writing and Speaking | | |-- 7. Complex Vocabulary for IELTS Writing and Speaking | | |-- 8. Complex Vocabulary for IELTS Writing and Speaking | | `-- 9. Complex Vocabulary for IELTS Writing and Speaking | |-- IELTS Writing - Editing Band 9 Essays IELTS Writing Task 2 | | |-- 1. Introduction | | |-- 2. All 5 IELTS Essay Question Types for Writing Task 2- Set 1 | | |-- 3. All 5 IELTS Essay Question Types for Writing Task 2- Set 2 | | `-- 4. All 5 IELTS Essay Question Types for Writing Task 2- Set 3 | |-- IELTS Writing, GT & Academic | | |-- 1. Tips and Tricks to score Band 7+ | | |-- 10. Essay Structure | | |-- 11. How to write an Introduction paragraph | | |-- 12. Cohesion and Coherence | | |-- 13. Agree or Disagree Essay sample One | | |-- 14. Agree or Disagree Essay, sample two | | |-- 15. Sample Essay, To what extent do you agree | | |-- 16. Sample Essay, To what extent you agree or disagree 2 | | |-- 17. Sample Essay, Discuss views and share Opinion | | |-- 18. Sample Essay, Discuss both views | | |-- 19. How to Structure a Letter, GT writing task one | | |-- 2. Phrases to improve your writing | | |-- 20. Sample Letter, question and Answer with explanations | | |-- 21. Writing Task One, Sample letter | | |-- 22. Writing Task One GT, Sample Letter | | |-- 23. Writing Task One, Sample letter three | | |-- 24. Writing Task One, Sample letter four | | |-- 25. Academic Writing Task 1, Structure and presentation | | |-- 26. Describe a graph, sample question and answer | | |-- 27. Describe a graph, Academic writing sample | | |-- 3. Transition words | | |-- 4. Topic wise advanced vocabulary | | |-- 5. Strong Verbs with sample sentences | | |-- 6. Advanced Adjectives | | |-- 7. Complex Sentences | | |-- 8. Compound sentences with Example | | `-- 9. Advanced sentence structure with Have had | |-- IELTS advantage | | |-- IELTS Advantage Reading Skills.pdf | | |-- IELTS Advantage Writing Skills.pdf | | `-- IELTS advantage listening | |-- IELTS_Collins English | | |-- Collins Vocabulary.pdf | | |-- Collins_Grammar_for_IELTS.pdf | | |-- Grammar Audio | | |-- Listening Audio | | |-- Listening for IELTS.pdf | | |-- Reading for IELTS.pdf | | |-- Speaking Audio | | |-- Speaking for IELTS.pdf | | |-- Vocabulary Audio | | `-- Writing for IELTS.pdf | |-- Magoosh IELTS Prep [FCO] | | |-- 0. Websites you may like | | |-- 1. Introduction to the IELTS | | |-- 2. IELTS Skills | | |-- 3. Reading | | |-- 4. Listening | | |-- 5. Speaking | | |-- 6. Writing | | `-- ii. Introduction to IELTS Grammar | |-- Master Your Vocab Skill | | |-- 4000 English Essential Words | | |-- Barron A-Z Audio Wordlist | | |-- Barron's 550 words | | |-- English Vocabulary 5000 Ivy League | | |-- Million dollar vocabulary | | |-- Study Skills | | |-- Vocabulary Booster | | `-- Word Master | |-- Pratical IELTS Strategies | | |-- IELTS Test Practice Book 1 - IELTS Fighter.rar | | |-- ielts-strategies-5-ielts-test-practice.pdf | | |-- practical ielts strategies 1- ieltsreading.pdf | | |-- practical ielts strategies 2 - ielts speaking.pdf | | |-- practical ielts strategies 3 - ielts writing task 1.pdf | | `-- practical-ielts-strategies-4-ielts-writing-task-two-(Academic-Module).pdf | |-- Udemy - IELTS General Training Express Course | | `-- ~Get Your Files Here ! | |-- Udemy-IELTS Band 7+ Complete Prep Course | | |-- 1. IELTS Band 7 Preparation Course General Overview | | |-- 10. General Reading Specific Question Type Answering Strategy | | |-- 11. General Exam Reading Live Session Question Review Strategy and Analysis | | |-- 12. IELTS Writing Academic Task 1 Strategy and Tactics | | |-- 13. Live (2018)) Academic Writing Task 1 Class 1 | | |-- 14. General Letter Lectures (How to do Task 1 General Letter) | | |-- 15. General Letter Live Class Recordings | | |-- 16. IELTS Writing Task 2 Strategy and Tactics (Academic and General Application) | | |-- 17. Live Writing Task 2 Classes (Academic and General) | | |-- 18. Key Tips for Better Writing Foundations of Writing 101 | | |-- 19. Computer Based Test Course Section | | |-- 2. IELTS Listening Strategy and Tactics (General and Academic Application) | | |-- 20. IELTS Speaking Section Strategy and Tactics | | |-- 21. Speaking Section 1 The Interview | | |-- 22. Speaking Sections 2 Short Presentation | | |-- 23. Speaking Section 3 The Follow-Up Questions | | |-- 24. Live IELTS Course Student Speaking Tests (Analysis and Suggestions for Success) | | |-- 25. Vocabulary Lists for IELTS Exam Prep | | |-- 3. Live Listening Class Uploads (Previous Live Classes Uploaded) | | |-- 4. IELTS Reading Basics Section (Academic and General) | | |-- 5. Academic Reading Scanning for Matching Vocabulary Section | | |-- 6. Academic Reading Specific Question Strategy and Tactics | | |-- 7. Academic Reading Live Class Recordings (Timed Strategy Review) | | |-- 8. General Reading Section Strategy Lectures for each Question Type | | |-- 9. General Reading Scanning for Matching Vocabulary Section | | |-- Download Paid Udemy Courses For Free.url | | |-- GetFreeCourses.Co.url | | `-- How you can help GetFreeCourses.Co.txt | |-- Writing Task 1 | | |-- IELTS Advantage Writing Skills.pdf | | |-- IELTS Journal Writing Task1.pdf | | |-- IELTS Made Easy Writing Task1.pdf | | |-- Simon Band 9 Task1 essays.pdf | | |-- Simon Writing Task 1 Workbook.pdf | | `-- Simon Writing Task 1.pdf | |-- Writing Task 2 | | |-- Essays from Examiners 2019.pdf | | |-- IELTS Advantage Writing Skills.pdf | | |-- IELTS Journal Writing Task2.pdf | | |-- IELTS Made Easy Writing Task 2.pdf | | |-- Liz Ideas for IELTS Essay Topics.pdf | | |-- Simon Ideas For Writing Task2.pdf | | `-- Simon Writing Task 2.pdf | `-- ielts-writing-task-1-academic-masterclass-get-band-7 | |-- 01 - welcome-aboard.mp4 | |-- 02 - fundamentals-of-writing-task-1.mp4 | |-- 03 - the-4-main-types-of-questions.mp4 | |-- 04 - how-to-get-a-high-score.mp4 | |-- 05 - how-this-course-is-structured.mp4 | |-- 06 - first-ingredient-task-achievement.mp4 | |-- 07 - second-ingredient-coherence-and-cohesion.mp4 | |-- 08 - third-ingredient-grammatical-range-accuracy.mp4 | |-- 09 - grammar-tenses.mp4 | |-- 10 - grammar-articles-and-agreement.mp4 | |-- 11 - grammar-active-vs-passive-voice.mp4 | |-- 12 - grammar-simple-and-compound-sentences.mp4 | |-- 13 - grammar-complex-sentences.mp4 | |-- 14 - grammar-relative-clauses.mp4 | |-- 15 - grammar-combining-elements.mp4 | |-- 16 - grammar-punctuation.mp4 | |-- 17 - grammar-writing-numbers.mp4 | |-- 18 - fourth-ingredient-lexical-resource.mp4 | |-- 19 - lexical-resource-vocabulary-for-trend-graphs.mp4 | |-- 20 - lexical-resource-vocabulary-for-comparative-graphs.mp4 | |-- 21 - lexical-resource-vocabulary-for-process-diagrams.mp4 | |-- 22 - lexical-resource-vocabulary-for-maps.mp4 | |-- 23 - introduction-to-part-2-the-recipe.mp4 | |-- 24 - the-basics-of-writing-introductions.mp4 | |-- 25 - how-to-write-introductions-for-trend-graphs.mp4 | |-- 26 - how-to-write-introductions-for-comparative-graphs.mp4 | |-- 27 - how-to-write-introductions-for-process-diagrams.mp4 | |-- 28 - how-to-write-introductions-for-maps.mp4 | |-- 29 - the-basics-of-writing-overviews.mp4 | |-- 30 - how-to-write-overviews-for-trend-graphs.mp4 | |-- 31 - how-to-write-overviews-for-comparative-graphs.mp4 | |-- 32 - how-to-write-overviews-for-process-diagrams.mp4 | |-- 33 - how-to-write-overviews-for-maps.mp4 | |-- 34 - the-basics-of-writing-specific-details.mp4 | |-- 35 - how-to-write-specific-details-for-trend-graphs.mp4 | |-- 36 - how-to-write-specific-details-for-comparative-graphs.mp4 | |-- 37 - 39-how-to-write-specific-details-for-process-diagrams.mp4 | |-- 38 - how-to-write-specific-details-for-maps.mp4 | |-- 39 - practice-question-1-in-real-time.mp4 | |-- 40 - breakdown-of-practice-question-1.mp4 | |-- 41 - practice-question-2-in-real-time.mp4 | |-- 42 - breakdown-of-practice-question-2.mp4 | `-- 43 - final-tips.mp4 `-- Language Bonus |-- Chinese Language Learning Pack | |-- 01.Book List | |-- 02.Chinese Writing System | |-- 03.Beginners Courses | |-- 04.Intermediate-Advanced Courses | |-- 05.Grammar, Workbooks, Usage | |-- 06.Vocabulary, Expressions, Idioms | |-- 07.Reading Books | |-- 08.Dictionaries, Phrasebooks, Conversation manuals | |-- 09.Society, Culture, History, Tourism | `-- 10.Miscellaneous |-- Japanese Language Learning Pack | |-- 01.Book List | |-- 02.Japanese Writing System | |-- 03.Audio Courses, Textbooks | |-- 04.Grammar, Workbooks, Usage | |-- 05.Vocabulary, Expressions, Idioms | |-- 06.Children's Books, Readers | |-- 07.Dictionaries, Phrasebooks | |-- 08.Society,Culture,History,Tourism | `-- 09.Miscellaneous `-- Korean Language Learning Pack (Updated) |-- 00 Book List |-- 01 Beginners Courses |-- 02 Intermediate-Advanced Courses |-- 03 Grammar, Workbooks, Usage |-- 04 Dictionaries, Phrasebooks, Vocabulary |-- 05 Culture, Society, History, Tourism `-- 06 Video Courses+Miscellaneous
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