4 Power Questions To Gain Clarity & Belief So You Can… Make More Money & Have More Success You might be asking who I am and why am I even qualified to be teaching on this stuff? My name is Nick Arapkiles. I’ve been an entrepreneur for over a decade and more specifically I’ve been in the mindset game ever since I played baseball. There was one particular game where I literally visualized hitting a walkoff homerun off the 7 on the scoreboard on the first pitch of the last inning. Crazy specific right? Well the crazier thing is that it actually happened. And that made me realize how powerful the mind is and I was always on the search to figure out how we can more easily replicate success. Why? Because if you’re anything like me, results would tend to be inconsistent. So over the last 10 years I’ve been developing strategies, techniques, and tools to master this and these 4 power questions are some of the most powerful things I can recommend in order to get what you want. And were going to use a GPS metaphor to drive all of this home. Now before we even dive into these questions I am going to give you a little context and some principles that will make them stick even harder and drastically help you in your life. This is the same process we take all our clients through that have been experiencing massive results like ● 5xing their income ● Adding $13k in monthly recurring revenue ● Losing 4% body fat ● Getting investors ● Securing keynote speaking gigs ● Finding dream partners …just to name a few. So if you take this seriously it really can alter your life in a big way. And if you want to take this to the next level make sure to visit www.JustGrowVisions.com (see more of the testimonials on this page) …and book a consultation call to see if you might be a fit for going through our process to gain more clarity, building up belief in yourself so you can make more money and have more success through vision videos. All you have to do is watch it on a daily basis. Now let's jump into how you can really get the most out of these questions. #1 Principle: The more detail the higher the probability. - If you want to get the most out of these questions go into as much detail as possible because then it is more real. When it is more real in your mind, then it’s more likely to happen. Most people stay on the surface level and that’s why most people get surface level results and happiness in their life. #2 Principle: Come back to this exercise every single month - These questions are awesome and extremely valuable, but not as much if you just go over them 1 time. It’s so much more powerful if you consistently come back to these questions and constantly update them. You as a person are always growing and evolving so these questions will keep you aligned with your growth And lastly… If you want to go even a little deeper and get more value out of these questions…my friend Marlon and I recorded an hour long podcast that goes into depth on how you can amplify your results with these questions. Here is the link to the youtube video of the podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrfY_Oa7KDU Now without further ado let’s jump into these 4 power questions in the GPS metaphor. 1. Where Am I? (Current Location) - This question is really powerful, but only if you’re truthful and honest about it. Instead, look at things for exactly what they are and where they are. - It’s just like looking at your GPS maps and tracking your CURRENT location. - If you don’t know exactly where you are they you’ll never know where you’re going - And again as we mentioned with principle #2 make sure to come back to this one very often to reassess exactly where you are. - It might be hard but it’ll help a lot. It was difficult to admit to myself back when I was broke and sleeping on a futon or when I was depressed and lonely or even making barely enough money to pay for my expenses but it showed me where I was on the map. - Which leads us into the next question… 2. Where Do I Want To Go? (Destination) - This is the ultimate question that people don’t know the answer to, but I encourage you to lose the phrase “I don’t know” because it’s a cop out. If you were to just decide on what you wanted then you’d be that much more likely to get it and discover if you wanted that or not…then you can decide which direction you want to go from there. - Being decisive is one of the biggest factors to getting results, don’t stay in limbo and rob yourself of that - Talk and write down where you want to go as if it’s 1 year from now and you’re explaining everything that happened. This will again make it more real and when it’s more real it’s more likely to happen. - Again it’s just like plugging in the address into the GPS. Once you plug it in then you just need to follow the path, but you do need a fuel source and that’s what the next question is… 3. Why? (Fuel Source) - This is one of the best questions ever. Why? If you can take all the things that you said you wanted in the last question and just ask yourself “why is it important” it will give you so much clarity and make you realize why you in fact want everything you said. - You might even realize that some of the stuff you said you want and where you want to go is not actually the case and you’ll get more clarity on the real things you want. - Another good exercise to utilize if you’re getting a little stuck on this section is the 7 levels deep why. Ask yourself why and go deeper 7 times on what you want and things will become very clear on why it’s important to you, giving you lots of clarity - Example: - I wanted to start a vision video company so I could attract everything into my life that I wanted… - Why? - So I could be a living example of how this stuff works - Why? - So I could inspire others do the same process - Why? - So more people could experience the lives they desired - Why? - To create massive change in the world - Why? - So more people could be enjoying their time on earth and make for a better experience for everyone - This will be the thing that keeps you motivated and allows your vehicle to keep on running. You’re essentially like a solar powered Tesla when you know your why as opposed to a car that keeps needing to fuel up - But what kind of vehicle do you need?...that is where the next question comes into place… 4. What Skill Do I Need To Sharpen & Master That Will Take Me To The Next Level? (Vehicle) - Once you know where you are, where you want to go (what you want), and why you want it…it’s now time figure out the skill you need to get there the quickest - This will help you get a plan of action on how to get where you want to go - Here’s a few examples: - When I knew I wanted to build a YouTube Ads Agency I knew I had to get really good at ad scripts, video, and media buying - When I knew I wanted to be a public speaker then I knew I had to elevate my verbal and non verbal communication - When I knew I wanted to build a vision video company then I knew I had to get really good at helping people craft their vision as well as marketing to new people So there you have it my friend. Those are the 4 power questions that will give you more clarity and belief so you can make more money and have more success. To recap 1. Ask where you are (current location) 2. Ask where you want to go and what you want (never say “I don’t know”...just plug in the GPS destination) 3. Ask why to make it more real and give you more energy (fuel source) 4. Ask what skill you need to master to get to the next level (vehicle) The key to these questions is to continue to come back to them over and over again. Do this exercise at least 1x a month and it’ll make a world of difference. And if you want to take this up to the next level where we literally walk you through this process with our professional team that’s been doing this stuff for over a decade as well as potentially create a vision video that will remind you of this process on the daily…all you have to do is watch your short video every morning… …then schedule a free consultation call over at www.JustGrowVisions.com This is the same process we take all our clients through that have been experiencing massive results like ● 5xing their income ● Adding $13k in monthly recurring revenue ● Losing 4% body fat ● Getting investors ● Securing keynote speaking gigs ● Finding dream partners …just to name a few. So book your call today to see if you might be a fit. Beside that thank you for reading this PDF guide on the 4 power questions to gain clarity & belief so you make more money and have more success. Make sure to add us on our social platforms and we’ll talk soon! Nick Arapkiles Nick’s Instagram JGV Instagram YouTube JustGrowVisions.com
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