SECTION 6: PRE-READING AND PREPARATION BECOME A SUPERLEARNER SECTION REVIEW SECTION 6 LECTURES ● Introducing the SQ3R System ● Pre-read Before You Read ● Creating Burning Interest: Perspectives, Prior Knowledge, & W/H Questions SECTION 6 SUMMARY SECTION 6: PRE-READING AND PREPARATION 2 KEY DEFINITIONS FROM SECTION 6 SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recall, Review) System → A technique designed to enhance curiosity and focus, improve reading speed, and boost overall retention. Pre Reading → A strategy used to prime the brain for reading with high retention by gaining an understanding of the structure of the text and generating curiosity SECTION 6: PRE-READING AND PREPARATION SECTION 6 SUMMARY 3 INTRODUCING THE SQ3R SYSTEM ● The SQ3R System fulfills all the criteria that adult learners need in order to learn effectively, and is designed to put the different types of memory on “high alert.” ● Stands for: Survey, Question, Read, Recall, Review ● Pre-reading is a speed-reader’s hidden weapon because it helps enhance curiosity and focus, improves reading speed, and boosts overall retention. ● Survey → Skim content before you read to prepare our mind ● Questions → Ask questions to improve motivation ● Read → Read, either speed reading or normal fashion ● Recall → Add details to the markers after reading each paragraph ● Review → Analyze the content from multiple perspectives, and connect it to previous knowledge. **spend most time here SECTION 6: PRE-READING AND PREPARATION SECTION 6 SUMMARY 4 PRE-READ BEFORE YOU READ ● To survey something means to investigate, examine, question, and record information about it. ● Pre-reading helps us speed up, while priming our brain for reading the text with high retention. ○ Look for areas of conversations and dialogue, and determine the outline and flow of the chapter ● For non-fiction, take a few seconds per page at a speed of about five to eight times our current reading speed ○ DON’T read the text or even try to. ○ Just look for titles, sub-headings, proper nouns, numbers, words, or things that just don't seem to fit in ● Pre-reading helps us gain an understanding of the structure of the text, and we build a mental map and start to generate thoughts and ideas about the text ● These points of curiosity will serve as temporary markers, for now, and we'll be able to upgrade them later with much more detailed, high-quality markers when we actually read the text. ● We're looking for those 20% of details that give us an 80% understanding of at least what we're going to be reading at least what the text is about. ● Eventually, you'll be able to spot and store high quality markers even in your pre-reading so that when you read, all you have to do is fill in those two to four more detail markers SECTION 6: PRE-READING AND PREPARATION SECTION 6 SUMMARY 5 CREATING BURNING INTEREST: PERSPECTIVES, PRIOR KNOWLEDGE, & W/H QUESTIONS ● Adult learners need to be curious about what they’re learning and connect it to their existing knowledge. ● Use your pre-reading time to inspire within yourself a burning curiosity or interest in what the text is about. ● Three techniques to create burning interest: ○ 1) Envision myself using the material ○ 2) Start asking questions ■ Look for things that don't fit in ○ 3) Consider different perspectives ■ What viewpoint do I anticipate the author taking? ■ What viewpoint do I have going into reading this article? ■ Where might the author be wrong? ■ Where am I open to being persuaded on this topic? ■ How could this article be improved? ■ What might critics of this article most likely say? ■ Who are some people that I might know that might agree or disagree on what this article is going to say? ● If you generate a lot of questions that you're very eager to answer, it will be a huge tool for concentration, comprehension, and retention. SECTION 6 SUMMARY SECTION 6: PRE-READING AND PREPARATION 6 KEY TAKEAWAYS FROM SECTION 6 ● The SQ3R system can be used to enhance curiosity and focus, improve reading speed, and boost overall retention. ● Pre-reading lets us quickly understand the structure of the text, set temporary markers, and primes our brain to read with high retention ● To create a burning interest, we must envision ourselves using the material, ask questions, and consider different perspectives