iltoltintial oetanh atbapttt of Royal Arcb ;l!tasous nf Wltst 1ttnt Special Convocation of Provincial Grand Chapter Installation of Excellent Companion The Rev. Canon Peter Churton Collins, B.D. as Grand Superintendent in and over West Kent by The Pro. First Grand Principal M.E.Companion Rt. Hon. The Earl Cadogan, M.C., D.L. At Freemasons' Hall, Great Queeu Street, Londou, WC2B 5AZ on Monday, the 12th day of February, 1979 at 11.45 a.m, (NOTE - Precise directions are given as to time and place of Meeting, arrangements for Clothing, etc., in the summons to the meeting.) Order of Procedure 1. Provincial Grand Chapter is opened by the Most Excellent The Pro First Grand Principal, Rt. Hon. The Earl Cadogan, M.C., D.L., assisted by Officersof the Supreme Grand Chapter. 2. To read the Dispensation permitting the Meeting to be held in London. 3. The M.E. Pro First Grand Principal addresses the Companions and states the object of the Meeting. 4. The Grand Director of Ceremonies retires to ascertain if the Grand Superintendent designate is without and returns bearing his Patent of Appointment which he submits to the M.E. Pro First Grand Principal for inspection. 5. The EE.Pro First Grand Principal' having examined the Patent directs a Deputation of nine Principals or Past Principals to retire with the Grand Director of Ceremonies and introduce the Grand Superintendent Designate. 6. The Grand Scribe E. is directed to read the Patent. 7. The M.E. Pro First Grand Principal addresses the Grand Superintendent designate and enquires if he can conscientiously undertake the duties of the Office. 8. Prayer by the M.B. Third Grand Principal. 9. The Grand Superintendent designate kneels and takes the Obligation, after which he IS Invested and placed in the Chair. 10. The M.B. Pro First Grand Principal is conducted to a Chair on the right of the Grand Superintendent. 11. The Grand Superintendent re-appoints the Second Provincial Grand Principal who is duly Obligated and Invested. The Grand Superintendent appoints the Third Provincial Grand Principal who is duly Obligated and Invested. 12. The Grand Director of Ceremonies proclaims the Grand Superintendent and the other two Provincial Grand Principals. 13. To elect and invest the Provincial Grand Treasurer. 14. To appoint and invest the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies and the Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies. 15. The Grand Superintendent re-appoints the Deputy Grand Superintendent who is duly Obligated and Invested. 16. The appointment of the other Provincial Grand Officers is confirmed. 17. The By-Laws of the Provincial Grand Chapter are submitted for approval. 18. Resolutions and Votes of Thanks are proposed, and any other business deemed necessary to give effect to the special object of the Meeting. 19. Provincial Grand Chapter is closed. Provincial Grand Scribe E. 2 Cromwell Avenue, Bromley, Kent, BR29AQ. January 1979. Jltobindal Oitanh OCbaptttof wr,st 'nitnt Excellent Companion The Rev. Canon Peter Churton Collins, B.D. Most Excellent Grand Superintendent. Excellent Companion Thomas Douglas Jenkins, P.G.Soj . . Deputy Grand Superintendent. Excellent Companion Leslie Leonard Alien, O.B.E., B.Sc., A.K.C., P.A.G.Soj. Second Provincial Grand Principal. Excellent Companion The Rev. Ronald William Cade Third Provincial Grand Principal. OFFICERS APPOINTED Prov.G.Sc.E. E.Comp. Stanley Walter Scarlett, P.A.G.Soj . •• G.Sc.N. Frank Henry Braithwaite •• G.Treas. Bryan Whinnett. P.G.Std.Br. " G.Reg. Ronald Albert Edwards " Dep.G.Reg. Frederick George Rickett " G.D.C. Gordon William Sinclair Davie " Prin.G.Soj. Albert Barry Stephenson " 1st AG.Soj. George Alfred Wale. l.P. •• 2nd AG.Soj. George Alfred Rogers " G.Swd.B. Arthur Sweett, M.M. " Dep.G.D.C. ... Jack Douglas Pollard " Asst.G.Sc.E. Stanley Arthur Brown " Dep.G.Swd.B. Norman George Smee •• G.Std.B. John Albert Edward Dowers William George Hanson Dennis Wilfred Santrey Clifford John Wilkinson " AG.D.C. Peter Eric Filmer " G.Org. Raymond Geoffrey Gray " G.Steward Comp. Stanley Arthur Bowen E.Comp. Edward Horace Weightman Edward George Tucker " G.Janitor Comp. William Charles Insley
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