The Global Freedom Movement Mission Statement The Global Freedom Movement is a movement of and for all sovereign human beings on planet Earth. We are inspired by the historical examples of peaceful revolution and the ideas and principles set forth by the Founding Fathers of the United States of America in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. We are committed to our families and the fight for freedom and seek to restore our inalienable rights which have been violated by government policy, mandate and law, written under the guidance and advisement of, and in alignment with, foreign organizations and individuals and their anti-human agendas. We submit to all people everywhere who wish to be free, that the supreme law which is above all law is Natural Law, and it is our Natural Right to be represented by government which respects and upholds and protects those Natural Rights, and that the current forms of government and the laws they have enacted over us have been harmful, undermine our representation, violate our Natural Rights, and subjugate us under illegitimate authority which has committed treason by serving the interests of a small group of powerful individuals and organizations which hold no right to be represented by the chosen custodians of our power. Our processes have been corrupted, compromised and subverted and we are left without proper recourse within the system built to hold OUR POWER, to correct or restore the balance so that our Natural Rights are respected, protected and upheld. We have therefore been given no choice but to exercise our Natural Right to protest, and to spread word of the situation until every sovereign individual has been made aware, so that we may agree to exercise our Natural Right to dismantle the institutions and systems which have been fatally corrupted, and to replace them with institutions, legal framework and constitution that truly represents the sovereign individual and protects and preserves our Natural Rights by completely limiting government from ever threatening them again. Our Natural Rights are not dependent on law or recognition by any institution or court. They are ours from birth and are born from our existence itself. We all possess these Natural Rights: -Life: everyone is entitled to live. -Liberty: everyone is entitled to pursue happiness and survival as long as it doesn't conflict with the first right. -Estate: everyone is entitled to own all they create or gain through gift or trade so long as it doesn't conflict with the first two rights. The Global Freedom Movement is a Decentralized Framework for Peaceful Revolution and the Restoration of Natural Rights for all Sovereign Individuals on Planet Earth Our mission is: - to educate the world to see how their sovereignty is being undermined. - to expose those who have been corrupting our governments or committing treason within them. - to build critical mass in the streets of sovereign individuals who engage in peaceful revolution tactics. - to win support so that we can find agreement in replacing corrupted systems that no longer serve us. - to give people a firm plan they can follow that will lead them to successful outcomes. - to bring the world a level of freedom never before known by humankind in every sovereign nation. GLOBALCITIZENSUNITED.SUBSTACK.COM TWITTER.COM/GLOBALFREEDOMM
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