Name: ______________________ Source Materials: Bible Reading: The Book of Daniel // Daniel Source Reading Part 1: Directions: Using the Daniel Source Reading answer Questions 1-10. 1. Which is not a famous story for the Book of Daniel? c Belshazzar’s Feast c Fiery Furnace c The Lion’s Den c Overthrow of Baal 2. What does the name “Daniel” mean in English? ________________________________________________________________________ 3. In captivity, Daniel spent most of his career as what? ________________________________________________________________________ 4. What five things characterized Daniel’s life? o _______________________________ o _______________________________ o _______________________________ o _______________________________ o _______________________________ 5. To which groups of people were Daniel’s prophetic ministry directed ________________________________________________________________________ 6. When is the supposed time in which the Book of Daniel was written? ________________________________________________________________________ 7. What is the nickname for the Book of Daniel? ________________________________________________________________________ 8. The Book of Daniel was originally written in what two languages: ____________________ & ____________________ 9. What four kingdoms will come and go before God establishes the Kingdom? o _________________________ o _________________________ o _________________________ o _________________________ 10. What are the two themes/emphases of the Book of Daniel? ___________________________________&___________________________________ Part 2: Directions: Using the Bible Reading: The Book of Daniel answer Questions 11-29. 11. Daniels three friends were given new names in the Chaldean language. What are they? Chp.1 o _________________________ o _________________________ o _________________________ 12. Daniel’s three friends made up their minds that they would not defile themselves by eating the king’s choice food and wine. What did they eat and drink instead? Chp.1 o Eat = _________________________ o Drink = _________________________ 13. King Nebuchadnezzar asked the magicians, the conjurers, the sorcerers, and the Chaldeans to do what? Chp.2 o Find the Golden Calf o Find the way into Narnia o Interpret & tell him the dream o Interpret his dream 14. Of all Nebuchadnezzar’s advisors, who was the one man who was able to interpret the dream? Chp.2 ________________________________________________________________________ 15. Whom does the interpreter of the dream give credit to for being able to answer the king’s request? Chp.2 ________________________________________________________________________ 16. Whoever does not fall down and worship the king’s golden image would be: Chp.3 o Hung from a tree o Thrown into the furnace of blazing fire o Thrown into the pit of lions o Torn asunder limb from limb 17. Daniel’s friends are killed by not bowing down to the image, but before they die they make a stand for God. Chp.3 o True o False 18. Nebuchadnezzar has a vision of a Great Tree that is chopped down. Daniel interprets the vision. What/Who does the tree stand for? Chp.4 ________________________________________________________________________ 19. Interpret the Writing on the Wall that King Belshazzar sees in his dream. Chp.5 o Mene = ___________________________________________________________ o Tekel = ___________________________________________________________ o Peres = ___________________________________________________________ 20. The ministers and satraps tried to find grounds for accusation against Daniel regarding the kingdom and succeeded. Chp.6 o True o False 21. Daniel prayed _____ times a day and has his windows opened toward _______________. Chp.6 22. Daniel was thrown into: Chp.6 o a pit of snakes o an abyss in the earth o the fiery furnace o the lion’s den 23. Darius makes a decree to all the nations in every language. Fill in the blanks. Chp.6 “I make a decree that in all the dominion of my kingdom men are to fear & tremble before the _______________. For He is the ______________ and enduring forever. And His kingdom is one which will not be ________________. And his dominion will be _______________. He delivers and rescues and performs _____________________ in heaven and on earth.” 24. With this list of the 4 beasts that Daniel sees in Chapter 7, elaborate & describe them. o Lion - ____________________________________________________________ o Bear - ____________________________________________________________ o Leopard - _________________________________________________________ o Iron Teeth - _______________________________________________________ 25. Who is the Ancient of Days? Chp.7 ________________________________________________________________________ 26. Who was the “little horn” waging war with? Chp.7 ________________________________________________________________________ 27. The horn that is different from the others will subdue 3 of the 10 kings. He will also speak out against whom? Chp.7 ________________________________________________________________________ 28. How long will this 4th king (little horn) rule the world and make alterations in time & in law? Chp.7 ________________________________________________________________________ 29. Ultimately what happens to the 4th beast’s kingdom? Chp.7 o Annihilated & destroyed forever o His dominion is an everlasting one & it lasts forever o It’s destroyed for a time but it’s revived and comes back to life o All of the above Part 3: Directions: Using the Bible Reading: The Book of Daniel answer Questions 30-. 30. The Ram represents two kings. Who are they? Chp.8 ___________________________________&___________________________________ 31. Some scholars suggest that verses 24-27 predict the exact time the Messiah will come. Chp.9 “From the issuing of a decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Messiah the Prince there will be ____________________ weeks & _____________________ weeks.” 32. Daniel was terrified by the vision he saw in this chapter. Who do you think the man is in verses 5-6? Chp.10 ________________________________________________________________________ 33. Many scholars believe the king described in this chapter refers to the Anti-Christ. Whether you believe it applies to him or not, write down seven actions/words/boasts this man will make. Chp.11 o __________________________________________________________________ o __________________________________________________________________ o __________________________________________________________________ o __________________________________________________________________ o __________________________________________________________________ o __________________________________________________________________ o __________________________________________________________________ 34. According to verses 1 & 2, Daniel describes a time of distress that has never occurred before. What will happen to those who sleep in the dust of the earth? Chp.12 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 35. How long will it be until the end of these wonders and all these events will be completed? Chp.12 ________________________________________________________________________ 36. And from the time that the regular sacrifice is abolished and the abomination is set up, there will be how many days? Chp.12 ________________________________________________________________________
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