OPEN LETTER TO KENT MADIN: CHAPTER 3 Ah, Mr Madin, I’m sure you realise that it’s time for us to continue … Just a quick question before we proceed: Have you stopped stalking female Police detectives on Facebook yet? I don’t need a story. Just a yes or no will do. My last Edition foreshadowed a revealing of all your aliases, and especially your favourites, the girls and women. How many actual, real journalists do you think will be very interested to read all about that? Especially when they discover that you are a massive fraud, with all your false claims of being a journalist. And your criminal deception, based on this false claim, in order to gain people’s trust so you can then spread defamation and complete lies. Basically, you have made a career of abusing people’s trust in journalists, which badly damages real journalists and makes their important work harder for them to do. Well, you and they must wait for the time being, because first up, it’s time to talk about your little online Temple of Earle, wallpapered with 40 or so pictures of me lifted from the web. How you must be so totally infatuated with me to do that. I honestly don’t mind, but it is incredibly revealing of you and your homoerotic fantasies, wouldn’t you agree? Yet after all that careful, loving work to create that wallpaper, I was surprised to hear that one person, at least, from the world’s current population of 7,800,000,000 people, saw your Temple of Earle and noted that all my images are gone. What happened? Have you found someone else? Don’t you love me any more? Have you been two-timing me behind my back? But wait, you’ve tried to hide it in a side pocket. Were you a bit embarrassed but not quite embarrassed enough to fully remove it? So are you now confirming that you are in fact a closet gay, infatuated with other men, and weaving a little bit of reverse logic that whoever notices is magically homophobic? Yes, thanks for confirming yet again the dimensions of your mental illness. Noted. So why did you remove it from your front page? Did someone else, like your brother perhaps, have a word in your shell-pink about how that site makes you a laughing stock and trashes your family name? Whatever, I think the removal is a good start, and now you need to keep going while the sweat is up and remove everything from that site and close it down. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I imagine you wouldn’t like someone to create a site using your name and fill it with horrible stuff. Except in your case it would all be true, wouldn’t it? Just a list of all the horrendous things you have done to other people, reported straight, would be enough to make many people nauseous. Come to think of it, that’s not a bad idea. And I can think of Police in five countries that would love to know that you are getting a dose of your own medicine. But imagine, poor little victim Kenty-Boy’s nose so badly out of joint, Oh, no! Still, Mr Madin, it’s just market forces, or free speech, is it not? Moving on, I’m heartened to see, right at the top of Google Search, Page one, a great result from dialling in ‘Kent Madin’. You’re famous. You must be pleased with that: some well earned recognition at last? That’s in addition to all the infamy you have single-handedly accrued among hundreds of staff, senior scientists and academics at four Universities, plus sponsors, colleagues, friends, and associates. While I have little experience of these things, I would be rash enough to hazard a guess that you are the most reviled person outside of Ted Bundy, who, like you, was very fond of using a range of fake aliases. Also like you, Bundy was a total misogynist, never took responsibility for his actions and always needed to feel as though he was in charge. While we will never know his full scope of crimes, we most certainly do know most of yours. And Mr Madin, don’t worry, your stalking and harassment are indeed criminal acts, a fact which you know very well because you have been told often enough by many people, have you not? By now I imagine that you must be like the drug dealer who knows the Cops are coming for him some day soon, and you’re wondering just when to cut and run. Mr Madin, I note that you have often told people that you don’t contact me directly because I have asked you not to. There are two things here that need correcting. Firstly you do attempt to contact me directly, on Academia for example, where you have sent several direct messages, and, using your fake female aliases, you send me direct, if completely idiotic, messages on my Gmail account and my personal University account. We all surmise you do this when you’re drunk on Saturday nights. The issue here is that you are a liar, aren’t you? Secondly, I have never asked you to not contact me. What I have asked you to do is take down your defamation site with my stolen name, a request you refused. So, again, you’re a liar, are you not? But then, almost everything you publish is either lies or twisted fabrication. You know, for someone who fancies himself as a bit of a researcher, you are appalling. You are so laughably bad. We have observed you time and again just fabricating stories because you either could not find the information, or people would not give you the information, in which case you simply invented something. And that something you invented was preposterous. Just ridiculous. Not exactly scientific process, is it? Not in any way like the skills and professionalism exhibited by your two brothers, Dr. Laurence (Larry) Madin, renowned former Director of Research and current Senior Science Advisor, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and Ian Madin, Senior Scientist and Deputy-Director of Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, throughout their illustrious careers, is it? I, and several others, have been through every weird claim you have made about my life, and every one of them is demonstrably false. Every single one. Isn’t that some kind of a record? Unfortunately for your BS narrative, every part of my whole life is very well documented and shows just how remarkably stupid your claims are. You are totally obsessed by your own fabrications, with no interest in the truth, and that fact alone, to every observer, screams Mental Illness. Only a mentally ill person does what you repeatedly do. Mr Madin, it’s clear to everyone that you are a very sick person and it’s time you and your family faced up to this. More than seven years of stalking and defaming one stranger? More than 10 years stalking and harassing another? And how many others, for how many years, Mr Madin? You’re not only an obsessed fantasist, but a deranged troublemaker, who invades other people’s private lives propelled by desperate attention-seeking. This tells us an awful lot about your childhood, when your two brothers, Larry Madin and Ian Madin, got all the attention from your high-profile, ambitious father, the late Professor Stewart Harvey Madin, Emeritus Professor of Public Health, UC Berkeley, and all you got was pathologically jealous. You are still trying to get even on that score, are you not? Except, instead of taking it out on the two guys you are pathologically jealous of, your long suffering brothers, you try to take it out on total strangers who live safely distant in other countries. So, matched with obsession, vindictiveness, and a psychopathic desire to cause pain, you are also a craven coward who is unable to take responsibility for the damage he deliberately causes to perfectly innocent people. As the black sheep of your family, the outstanding failure, your life is shrouded in pathos. Either you lacked the intellect, or indeed the gumption, to try and make something of yourself when you were given the opportunity on a plate, like your brothers did. And that’s why you have for most of your life had such low self- esteem. Just look at yourself. Not long ago you were boasting to ORI’s senior scientists that, wait for this, because your older brother ‘is an Oceanographer’ (in fact he’s not, he’s a marine biologist), therefore you know all about Ocean science. Dunced yourself there, Mr Madin. And to make matters totally bizarre, you directed our scientists to Woods Hole, where you said they would endorse your bona fides. That’s when everyone else realised you really are mentally ill. I can imagine you saying that you can’t be mentally ill because your father was a doctor. That’s the kind of logic you typically use. That letter I wrote to try and help your brother Dr Larry Madin deal with the fallout of your scandalous false claims, he handed onto you, risking censure for releasing documents confidential to WHOI. He did that to send you a warning to stop. He was trying to help you and limit the damage to WHOI. But mental illness being what it is, Mr Madin, you were simply not able to read the warning. And to make matters worse, and really threaten your brother, you published online a stolen confidential Woods Hole letter. You just can’t help yourself, can you? In fact, you seem increasingly unable to understand the English language. And, as a result, everything you touch turns rotten. I feel so sorry for your brothers, living in fear of what you will do next to damage their names. Well, you are certainly getting even with them on that score! That pathological jealousy again. So, all by yourself, you have senior scientists in at least four universities laughing at your childish naiveté and delusions of grandeur. You remind me of the child who sees a plane and proudly tells his indulgent father “I can see a plane so I must be a pilot”. But let’s look ahead for a moment. If you want to try and rehabilitate yourself Mr Madin, you should first remove what’s left of your <> site, that Google hasn’t already removed, and second, you should stop emailing and harassing other people trying to cause damage to innocent strangers. Until you do that, there can never be any forgiveness for your soul. But if you did do this, starting today, then you might stand some chance of redemption before you pass. You just never know when you are going to be taken. And by then, it’s too late. Best to act now, just to have some hope while you can. And think of your long- suffering mother, the much loved and admired, Katherine Ellen Madin. You say you’re looking forward to meeting up with her. So how are you going to answer her questions about your behaviour, attacking so many people. In the coming Episodes, just in case your mental impairment has caused you to forget, I will help you remember all your aliases, and examine your fantasy need to pretend to be other people, male and specially female (and on one occasion, a concrete gnome). And then it will be time to explore why you hate Universities, Scientists, Academics and Climate Science and have caused them, and the Police and Government departments in two Australian States, hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars dealing with your vexatious-litigant wild goose chases. So many people have had to put up with so much of your insanity. We have a lot of ground to cover on that one, and by getting it all into the public domain, mirroring what you always do, but with out the kinky yellow PostIt Notes, we’ll be providing investigators and indeed, screenwriters, with a very full and almost certainly gob-smacking dossier. There’s no doubt that your story of deranged evil is destined to become a brilliant movie, and I look forward to selling the rights for a multi-million dollar figure. So, as someone who sets himself up as The Interrogator or Inquisitor, who demands that complete strangers in foreign countries answer his impertinent and disrespectful questions, this multi-edition dossier, faithfully recording your seven-year criminal stalking and harassment career (yes, entirely your own work, so be proud of it), can be guaranteed to have thousands of piercing questions aimed at you in the not too distant future by real journalists. And the best part is that you’ll finally be the centre of attention. It’s just what you have always wanted. In fact, you’ll be very popular, just like your famous father was, but sadly, not for the same reasons. Actually, just a thought: by the time we get through the next half dozen chapters, just reporting on your criminal, immoral and unethical behaviour, and then we add my personal story to this, I think we’ll have a book, one which could be published as a case study on how destructive to all concerned mental illness can be. Freedom of speech and all that stuff you like. Happy? Should be fun. I’m sure your family will be delighted, and will buy copies for all their friends. Until the next Chapter …
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