34567 AUGUST 2 0 24 STUDY ARTICLES FOR: OCTOBER 7–NOVEMBER 10, 2024 2 WOULD you like to know how much Jehovah God loves you? Here is a good way for you to learn the answer: Study what he has done in order to save you from sin and death. Sin is a terrible enemy, one that you cannot de- feat on your own. We all sin daily, and we die because of sin. (Rom. 5:12) There is good news, though. With Jeho- vah’s help, we can defeat sin. In fact, our victory is abso- lutely certain! 2 Jehovah God has been helping humans fight against sin for some 6,000 years. Why? Because he loves us. He has loved humans from the very beginning, so he has gone to great lengths to help them in this fight. God knows that sin leads to death, and he does not want us to die. He wants us to live forever. (Rom. 6:23) That is what he wants for you. In this article, we will discuss three questions: (1) How did Jehovah offer hope to sinful hu- mans? (2) How did sinful humans in Bible times gain Je- hovah’s favor? (3) How did Jesus come to the rescue of sinful humankind? EXPRESSION EXPLAINED: In the Bible, the word “sin” may refer to wrong deeds, a failure to live or act in harmony with Jehovah’s moral standards. But the word “sin” may also refer to the imperfect, or sinful, condition that we have inherited from Adam. Inherited sin is the reason why we all die. 1-2. (a) What is sin, and how can we win our fight against it? (See also “Expression Explained.”) (b) What will we discuss in this article and in the other articles found in this issue of The Watchtower? (See also the note on page 32, “Dear Reader.”) What Jehovah Has Done to Rescue Sinful Humans STUDY ARTICLE 31 SONG 12 Great God, Jehovah “God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son.” —JOHN 3:16. FOCUS How Jehovah has been taking the initiative to help us battle against sin and how he has made it possi- ble for us to enjoy eternal life, free from sin. HOW DID JEHOVAH OFFER HOPE TO SINFUL HUMANS? 3 When Jehovah created the first man and woman, he wanted them to be hap- py. He gave them a beautiful home, the gift of marriage, and a fascinating as- signment. They were to fill the earth with their descendants, making the whole planet a paradise like the garden of Eden. He gave them only one simple restriction. And he warned them that if they broke that command by deliberate- ly rebelling against him, their sin would lead to death. We know what happened. An invisible spirit, one who had no love for God or for them, entered the pic- ture and tempted them to commit that sin. Adam and Eve gave in to that bad influence. Failing to trust their loving Father, they sinned. As we know, Je- hovah’s words proved true. From that day onward, they had to face the conse- quences: they began to grow old, and finally they died.—Gen. 1:28, 29; 2:8, 9, 16-18; 3:1-6, 17-19, 24; 5:5. 4 Jehovah had that sad account re- corded for our benefit. It helps us to understand why he hates sin so much. Sin separates us from our Father, and it leads to death. (Isa. 59:2) That is why Satan, the rebel spirit who instigated all this trouble, loves sin and seeks to promote it. He might have thought that he won a great victory in Eden. But he did not understand how loving Jehovah is. God never changed his purpose for the descendants of Adam and Eve. He 3. How did our first parents come to be sinners? 4. Why does Jehovah hate sin and help us fight against it? (Romans 8:20, 21) loves the human family, so he immedi- ately offered hope to all. (Read Romans 8:20, 21.) Jehovah knew that some of those descendants would choose to love him and would seek his help in fighting against sin. And as their Father and Cre- ator, he would give them a way to be set free from sin and draw close to him. What would Jehovah do to make all that possible? 5 Read Genesis 3:15. The first glim- mer of hope came when Jehovah pro- nounced his sentence on Satan. God foretold that an “offspring” would be the key to hope. This offspring would even- tually crush Satan, undoing all the evil that he had caused in Eden. (1 John 3:8) However, that offspring would suffer in the process. Satan would strike him, causing his death. That would hurt Je- hovah most deeply. But the pain would all be worth it in the end because count- less humans would be saved from sin and death. HOW DID SINFUL HUMANS IN BIBLE TIMES GAIN JEHOVAH’S FAVOR? 6 Through the centuries that followed, Jehovah gradually made it clearer and clearer how sinful humans could draw close to him. Abel, the second son of Adam and Eve, was the first human to put faith in Jehovah after the tragedy in Eden. Because Abel loved Jehovah and sought to please Him and draw close to Him, he offered up a sacrifice. Abel 5. When did Jehovah offer a first glimmer of hope to sinful mankind? Explain. (Genesis 3:15) 6. What did men of faith, such as Abel and Noah, do in order to draw close to Jehovah? AUGUST 2024 3 was a shepherd, so he took some of his young lambs and slaughtered them, offering them up to Jehovah. How did Jehovah respond? He “looked with fa- vor on Abel and on his offering.” (Gen. 4:4) Jehovah expressed approval of sim- ilar sacrifices offered up by people who loved him and trusted in him—such as Noah. (Gen. 8:20, 21) By accepting such sacrifices, Jehovah showed that sinful humans could gain his favor and draw close to him. 7 Jehovah asked Abraham, a remark- able man of faith, to do something ex- tremely difficult—to offer up his own son Isaac as a sacrifice. Abraham surely found this to be the most painful task imaginable. Nonetheless, he prepared to follow through with it. But God stopped him at the last moment. Still, that ex- ample teaches all people of faith a vi- tal truth—Jehovah would be willing to offer his own beloved Son as a sacri- fice. Jehovah loves humans that much. —Gen. 22:1-18. 8 Centuries later, the Law given to the nation of Israel called for many sacri- fices to atone for the sins of God’s peo- ple. (Read Leviticus 4:27-29; 17:11.) Such sacrifices pointed to a greater sac- rifice, one that would completely save mankind from sin. God’s prophets were inspired to explain that the promised off- The basis for Jehovah’s accepting the sacrifices of faithful humans in pre-Christian times was the future sacrifice of Jesus Christ, which would bring permanent relief from sin and death.—Rom. 3:25. 7. What do we learn from Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his own son? 8. What did the many sacrifices under the Law point to? (Leviticus 4:27-29; 17:11) spring, who turned out to be a special Son of God, would have to suffer and be put to death. He would be slaugh- tered like a sacrificial sheep. (Isa. 53: 1-12) Imagine: Jehovah would arrange for his own beloved Son to be sacri- ficed in order to save mankind—includ- ing you —from sin and death! HOW DID JESUS COME TO THE RESCUE? 9 In the first century C.E., God’s ser- vant John the Baptist pointed to Je- sus of Nazareth and said: “See, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29) These inspired words identified Jesus as the long- foretold offspring. He would offer up the promised sacrifice. Now more than ever before, there was a solid hope for sinful mankind—a complete victory over sin. — Read Hebrews 9:22; 10:1-4, 12. 10 Jesus focused special attention on people who felt weighed down by sin and invited them to become his follow- ers. He knew that sin was the root cause of mankind’s ills. So he reached out to men and women who were known to be sinners. Using an illustration, he ex- plained: “Healthy people do not need a physician, but those who are ill do.” He added: “I came to call, not righ- teous people, but sinners.” (Matt. 9: 12, 13) Jesus lived up to those words. He gently forgave the sins of the wom- an who washed his feet with her tears. (Luke 7:37-50) He taught vital truths 9. What did John the Baptist indicate about Je- sus? (Hebrews 9:22; 10:1-4, 12) 10. How did Jesus show that he “came to call” sin- ners? 4 THE WATCHTOWER to the Samaritan woman at the well, though he knew of her immoral life- style. (John 4:7, 17-19, 25, 26) God even empowered Jesus to undo the end re- sult of all sin—death. How? Jesus resur- rected people—male and female, chil- dren and adults.—Matt. 11:5. 11 It is no wonder that even people deeply caught up in sin were drawn to Jesus. He showed them compassion and empathy. They felt comfortable ap- proaching him. (Luke 15:1, 2) And Je- sus commended and rewarded such ones for showing faith in him. (Luke 19:1- 10) He provided a perfect, living picture 11. Why were sinful humans drawn to Jesus? of his Father’s mercy. (John 14:9) By word and deed, he showed that his com- passionate, merciful Father loves people and wants to help each of them to win the fight against sin. Jesus helped sinful people to want to change their ways and to follow him.—Luke 5:27, 28. 12 Jesus knew what lay ahead of him. More than once, he told his followers that he would be betrayed and executed on a stake. (Matt. 17:22; 20:18, 19) He knew that his sacrifice would take away the sin of the world, as John had pro- claimed and the prophets had foretold. Jesus also taught that after offering his 12. What did Jesus teach about his own death? In allowing his Son to be executed, Jehovah went through unimaginable pain in order to free us from sin and death (See paragraph 13) AUGUST 2024 5 life, he would “draw all sorts of men” to himself. (John 12:32) Sinful humans could please Jehovah by accepting Je- sus as their Lord and by following in his steps. If they did so, they would finally be “set free from sin.” (Rom. 6:14, 18, 22; John 8:32) So Jesus willingly and courageously faced his terrible death. —John 10:17, 18. 13 Jesus was betrayed, arrested, ver- bally abused, slandered, convicted, and even tortured. Soldiers led him to the site of execution and nailed him to a stake. As he faithfully endured all that agony, there was Someone who felt even more pain. That was Jehovah God. He held back his infinite power and re- frained from intervening. Why? What could move a loving Father to act in that way? In a word, love. Jesus said: “God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that every- one exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.” —John 3:16. 13. How did Jesus die, and what did his death teach us about Jehovah God? (See also picture.) 14 Jesus’ sacrifice is the ultimate proof of how much Jehovah loves the descen- dants of Adam and Eve. It proves how much Jehovah loves you. He went to great lengths, subjecting himself to the worst pain imaginable in order to rescue you from sin and death. (1 John 4:9, 10) Yes, he wants to help each one of us to fight against sin—and to win! 15 God’s gift, the ransom sacrifice of his only-begotten Son, makes it pos- sible for us to have our sins forgiv- en. But to receive God’s forgiveness, we must do something. What is that? John the Baptist and then Jesus Christ him- self provided the answer: “Repent, for the Kingdom of the heavens has drawn near.” (Matt. 3:1, 2; 4:17) So repen- tance is key if we truly want to fight against sin and draw close to our lov- ing Father. But what is involved in be- ing repentant, and how does it help us combat our sinful condition? The next study article will provide the answer. 14. What does Jesus’ sacrifice teach you? 15. What must we do in order to benefit from God’s gift of the ransom sacrifice of Jesus? HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? ̨ How did Jehovah offer hope to sinful humans? ̨ What did the animal sacrifices under the Law point to? ̨ How did Jesus come to the rescue of sinful humankind? SONG 18 Grateful for the Ransom Is the marking described at 2 Thessalonians 3:14 an action taken by the congregation or by individual Christians? ˇ The apostle Paul wrote to the Christians in Thessalonica, saying: “If anyone is not obe- dient to our word through this letter, keep this one marked.” (2 Thess. 3:14) Previously, we said that this was direction to the elders. If someone continued to ignore Bible princi- ples in spite of repeated counsel, the elders might give a warning talk to the congrega- tion. Thereafter, individual publishers would not socialize with the marked one. However, an adjustment is needed. Paul’s counsel evidently refers to an action that individual Christians should take under certain circumstances. So there is no need for the elders to give a warning talk. Why the change? Consider Paul’s counsel in its context. Paul noted that some in that congrega- tion were “walking disorderly.” They were disregarding inspired counsel. During a pre- vious visit, he gave this order: “If anyone does not want to work, neither let him eat.” Yet, some were still refusing to work to sup- port themselves, although able to do so. Also, they were meddling in the affairs of others. How were Christians to treat such disorderly ones?—2 Thess. 3:6, 10-12. “Keep this one marked,” said Paul. The Greek word suggests taking special notice of this person. Paul addressed this directive to the whole congregation, not just the el- ders. (2 Thess. 1:1; 3:6) So individual Chris- tians who might have noticed a fellow Christian disobeying inspired counsel would choose to “stop associating with” the dis- orderly one. Did this mean that the person was treated as someone who was removed from the congregation? No, for Paul add- ed: “Continue admonishing him as a broth- er.” So individual Christians would still as- sociate with the marked one at meetings and in the ministry, but they would choose not to associate with him for social occa- sions or recreation. Why? “That he may become ashamed,” said Paul. As a result of the marking, the disorderly Christian might become ashamed of his conduct and change his ways.—2 Thess. 3:14, 15. How might Christians today apply this counsel? First, we would want to make sure that the conduct in question is actually “dis- orderly,” as Paul described. He was not talk- ing about those who differ from us in mat- ters of conscience or personal preference. And he did not mean those who simply have hurt our feelings. Rather, Paul had in mind specifically those who deliberately chose to disobey clear, God-given counsel. Today, if we notice a fellow Christian who shows such a disobedient spirit, we will make a personal decision not to associate with him for social occasions or recreation. Since this is a personal decision, we would not discuss it with others outside of our im- mediate family. And we would still associate with that individual at our meetings and in our ministry. When he corrects his course, we would then resume normal association. For example, a fellow Christian might refuse to work to support himself although able, might insist on court- ing an unbeliever, or might spread divisive talk or hurtful gossip. (1 Cor. 7:39; 2 Cor. 6:14; 2 Thess. 3:11, 12; 1 Tim. 5:13) Those who persist in such a course are “disorderly.” QUESTIONS FROM READERS AUGUST 2024 7 WHEN we do something wrong, it is vital that we repent. In the Bible, a person who repents changes his mind about a certain kind of behavior, stops behaving in that way, and is determined not to repeat it.—See Glossary, “Repentance.” 2 Every human alive needs to learn about repentance. Why? Because we all sin daily. As descendants of Adam and Eve, each of us has inherited sin and death. (Rom. 3: 23; 5:12) Not one of us is exempt. Even outstanding men of faith, such as the apostle Paul, struggled against sin. (Rom. 7:21-24) Does this mean that we should be miser- able all the time because of our sins? No, Jehovah is mer- ciful, and he wants us to be happy. Consider the experi- ence of the Jews in Nehemiah’s day. (Read Nehemiah 8: 9-11.) Jehovah did not want them to be grief-stricken over past sins but wanted them to be joyful in their wor- ship of him. Jehovah knows that repentance leads to happiness. So he teaches us about it. If we repent of our sins, we can be confident that our merciful Father will forgive us. 3 Let us learn more about repentance. In this article, we will consider three aspects. First, we will learn what Jehovah taught Israel about repentance. Then, we will focus on how Jehovah reached out to sinners in order to lead them to repentance. Finally, we will discuss what Je- sus’ followers learned about repentance. 1. What is involved in repentance? 2. Why do we all need to learn about repentance? (Nehemiah 8:9-11) 3. What will we consider in this article? Jehovah Wants All to Repent STUDY ARTICLE 32 SONG 44 A Prayer of the Lowly One “Jehovah . . . does not desire anyone to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance.” —2 PET. 3:9. FOCUS To understand what repen- tance is, why it is neces- sary, and how Jehovah has helped people of all kinds to repent. 8 WHAT JEHOVAH TAUGHT ISRAEL ABOUT REPENTANCE 4 When Jehovah organized the Isra- elites into a nation, he made a cove- nant, a formal agreement, with them. If they kept his laws, he would pro- tect and bless them. Regarding those laws, he assured them: “Now this com- mandment that I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you, nor is it beyond your reach.” (Deut. 30:11, 16) But if they rebelled against him—for example, by choosing to worship other gods—he would withdraw his blessing, and they would suffer. Yet, even then, they could still regain God’s favor. They could “return to Jehovah [their] God and listen to his voice.” (Deut. 30:1-3, 17-20) In other words, they could re- pent. If they did so, Jehovah would draw close to them and bless them once more. 4. What did Jehovah teach the nation of Israel about repentance? 5 Jehovah’s chosen people repeatedly rebelled against him. In addition to prac- ticing idolatry, they carried out other degraded practices. As a result, they suf- fered. But Jehovah did not give up on his wayward people. He sent prophets again and again to urge his people to re- pent and return to him.— Read 2 Kings 17:13, 14. 6 Jehovah often used his prophets to warn and correct his people. For exam- ple, God said through Jeremiah: “Re- turn, O renegade Israel . . . I will not look down angrily on you, for I am loyal . . . I will not stay resentful forever. Only acknowledge your guilt, for you have rebelled against Jehovah.” (Jer. 3:12, 13) By means of Joel, Jehovah said: “Return to me with all your hearts.” 5. How did Jehovah show that he did not give up on his people? (2 Kings 17:13, 14) 6. How did Jehovah use his prophets to teach his people the importance of repentance? (See also picture.) Jehovah often used his prophets to urge his wayward people to repent (See paragraphs 6-7) Joel c. 820 B.C.E. Hosea After 745 B.C.E. Isaiah After 732 B.C.E. Ezekiel c. 591 B.C.E. Jeremiah 580 B.C.E. AUGUST 2024 9 (Joel 2:12, 13) He had Isaiah declare: “Make yourselves clean; remove your evil deeds from my sight; stop doing bad.” (Isa. 1:16-19) And by means of Ezekiel, Jehovah asked: “Do I take any pleasure at all in the death of a wicked person? . . . Do I not prefer that he turn away from his ways and keep liv- ing? I do not take any pleasure in the death of anyone, . . . so turn back and live.” (Ezek. 18:23, 32) Jehovah takes delight in seeing people repent because he wants them to keep living—forever! So Jehovah does not just wait passively for sinful people to change before he of- fers them help. Let us see some other examples of this. 7 Notice what Jehovah taught his peo- ple by means of a real-life example —that of Gomer, the wife of the proph- et Hosea. After committing adultery, she left Hosea for other men. Was she beyond help? Jehovah, who can read hearts, told Hosea: “Go once again, love the woman who is loved by another man and is committing adultery, just as Jehovah loves the people of Israel while they turn to other gods.” (Hos. 3:1; Prov. 16:2) Note that Hosea’s wife was still involved in a course of serious sin. Yet, Jehovah told Hosea to reach out to her and offer forgiveness and recon- ciliation. Similarly, Jehovah had not This case was unique. Today, Jehovah does not require that an innocent victim of adultery remain married to the adulterer. In fact, Jehovah directed his Son to make a provision for such victims of adultery to seek a divorce if they choose to do so.—Matt. 5:32; 19:9. 7. Using the account of the prophet Hosea and his wife, what did Jehovah teach his people? given up on his obstinate people. Even though they were caught up in terrible sins, he still loved them and continued to reach out and help them to repent and change their ways. Does this exam- ple suggest that Jehovah, “the examin- er of hearts,” will reach out to an indi- vidual who is still involved in serious sin and try to lead that one to repentance? (Prov. 17:3) Let us see. HOW JEHOVAH LEADS SINNERS TO REPENTANCE 8 Cain was Adam and Eve’s first son. He inherited sinful tendencies from his parents. Additionally, the Bible says of him: “His own works were wicked.” (1 John 3:12) Perhaps that explains why Jehovah “did not look with any favor on Cain and on his offering” when he of- fered up a sacrifice. Instead of changing his ways, “Cain grew hot with anger and was dejected.” What did Jehovah do next? He spoke to Cain. (Read Gene- sis 4:3-7.) Note that Jehovah reasoned kindly with Cain, offering him hope and warning him against the danger of sin. Sadly, Cain refused to listen. He did not let Jehovah lead him to repentance. After that negative response, did Jeho- vah stop trying to lead other sinners to repentance? Far from it! 9 Jehovah dearly loved King David. He even called him “a man agreeable to my heart.” (Acts 13:22) But David became involved in gross sins, includ- ing adultery and murder. According to 8. How did Jehovah reach out to Cain in order to lead him to repentance? (Genesis 4:3-7) (See also picture.) 9. How did Jehovah lead David to repentance? 10 THE WATCHTOWER AUGUST 2024 11 the Mosaic Law, David deserved to die. (Lev. 20:10; Num. 35:31) Yet, Jehovah kindly stepped in. He sent his prophet Nathan to visit the king, even though David had not yet shown any sign of re- pentance. Nathan used an illustration designed to touch David’s heart. Deep- ly moved, David repented. (2 Sam. 12: 1-14) He wrote a heartfelt psalm that reveals his repentant spirit. (Ps. 51, superscription) That psalm has com- forted countless sinners and motivated them to repent. Are we not glad that Je- hovah lovingly led his beloved servant David to repentance? 10 Jehovah hates sin, and he does not condone it in any form. (Ps. 5:4, 5) How- ever, he knows that we are all sinners, and out of love for us, he chooses to help us to fight against sin. He is always trying See the article “What Does Jehovah’s Forgiveness Mean for You?” in the November 15, 2012, issue of The Watchtower, pp. 21-23, pars. 3-10. 10. How do you feel about Jehovah’s patience and forgiveness in dealing with sinful humans? to help even the worst of sinners to re- pent and draw close to him. How com- forting it is to know that! As we reflect on Jehovah’s patience and forgiveness, we are determined to stay faithful to him and to be quick to repent when we sin. Let us now consider how the Christian congregation was further taught about repentance. WHAT JESUS’ FOLLOWERS LEARNED ABOUT REPENTANCE 11 In the first century C.E., the time had come for the Messiah to arrive. As mentioned in the preceding article, Je- hovah used both John the Baptist and Jesus Christ to teach people how impor- tant it is to repent.—Matt. 3:1, 2; 4:17. 12 Throughout his ministry, Jesus taught his listeners about his Father’s forgiving nature. Jesus did so in a striking way when he gave the par- able of the lost son. That young man 11-12. What did Jesus teach his listeners about his Father’s forgiving nature? (See cover picture.) Jehovah reasoned kindly with Cain, offering him hope and warning him against the danger of sin (See paragraph 8) 12 THE WATCHTOWER chose to pursue a sinful way of life for some time. Yet, he “came to his sens- es” and returned home. How did the father respond? Jesus said that while the son “was still a long way off, his father caught sight of him and was moved with pity, and he ran and em- braced him and tenderly kissed him.” The son intended to ask if he could be- come a servant in his father’s house- hold, but his father called him “this son of mine” and restored him to his place in the family. The father said: “He was lost and has been found.” (Luke 15:11- 32) When Jesus lived in heaven before coming to earth, he had surely seen his Father show such compassion to- ward countless repentant sinners. What a heartwarming and reassuring picture Jesus painted of our merciful Father, Jehovah! 13 The apostle Peter learned a great deal from Jesus about repentance and forgiveness. Peter often needed forgive- ness, and Jesus extended it generously. For example, after Peter denied know- ing his Lord three times, he felt crushed by his own guilt. (Matt. 26:34, 35, 69- 75) But after Jesus was resurrected, he appeared to Peter—apparently in pri- vate. (Luke 24:33, 34; 1 Cor. 15:3-5) No doubt on that occasion, Jesus loving- ly forgave and reassured his repentant apostle.—See Mark 16:7 and study note “and Peter.” 14 Having had firsthand experience, Peter could now teach others about re- pentance and forgiveness. Some time af- ter the festival of Pentecost, Peter gave 13-14. What did the apostle Peter learn about re- pentance, and what did he teach others about it? (See also picture.) Jesus lovingly forgave and reassured his repentant apostle (See paragraphs 13-14) a discourse to a crowd of unbelieving Jews, explaining to them that they had put the Messiah to death. Yet, he lov- ingly urged them: “Repent, therefore, and turn around so as to get your sins blotted out, so that seasons of refresh- ing may come from Jehovah himself.” (Acts 3:14, 15, 17, 19) Peter thus showed that repentance moves a sinner to turn around—to change his wrong way of thinking and acting—and to pursue a new course, one pleasing to God. The apostle also showed that Jehovah would blot out their sins, or cause their sins to disappear. And decades later, Peter as- sured Christians: “Jehovah . . . is patient with you because he does not desire any- one to be destroyed but desires all to at- tain to repentance.” (2 Pet. 3:9) What a beautiful hope for Christians when they commit sins—even serious ones! 15 Few people have ever needed to re- pent and be forgiven more than Saul of Tarsus. He was a vicious persecu- tor of Christ’s beloved followers. Most Christians likely viewed him as a lost 15-16. (a) How did the apostle Paul learn about forgiveness? (1 Timothy 1:12-15) (b) What will we consider in the following article? cause, beyond any hope of repentance. Yet, the resurrected Jesus was far above such flawed human reasoning. He and his Father saw good qualities in Saul. Je- sus said: “This man is a chosen vessel to me.” (Acts 9:15) Jesus even used a mir- acle to lead Saul to repentance. (Acts 7:58–8:3; 9:1-9, 17-20) After becoming a Christian, Saul—later known as the apostle Paul—often expressed his appre- ciation for the way he had been shown kindness and mercy. (Read 1 Timothy 1: 12-15.) The grateful apostle taught: “God in his kindness is trying to lead you to repentance.”—Rom. 2:4. 16 When Paul heard about a scandal- ous problem regarding immorality in the Christian congregation in Corinth, how did he handle it? He did so in a way that teaches us a great deal about Jehovah’s loving discipline and about the impor- tance of showing mercy. We will consid- er that account in greater detail in the following article. HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? ̨ What did Jehovah teach Israel about repentance? ̨ How has Jehovah led sinners to repentance? ̨ What did Jesus’ followers learn about repentance? SONG 33 Throw Your Burden on Jehovah PICTURE DESCRIPTION Cover: The father in Jesus’ parable of the lost son rushes to embrace his wayward son, who has returned home. 14 JEHOVAH created humans with free will. You use that gift regularly when you make decisions. The most im- portant decision that any person can make is the deci- sion to dedicate himself to Jehovah and to become part of His family of worshippers. Jehovah desires everyone to do so. Why? Because he loves people and wants the best for them. He wants them to enjoy a friendship with him and to live forever.—Deut. 30:19, 20; Gal. 6:7, 8. 2 However, Jehovah does not force anyone to serve him. He allows each individual to decide what he will do. What if a baptized Christian breaks God’s law, commit- ting a serious sin? If he does not repent, he must be re- moved from the congregation. (1 Cor. 5:13) Yet, even then, Jehovah fervently hopes that the wrongdoer will return to Him. In fact, that is an important reason why he provided the ransom—to make forgiveness possible for repentant sinners. (Read 1 John 2:1.) Our loving God warmly appeals to wrongdoers, urging them to re- pent.—Zech. 1:3; Rom. 2:4; Jas. 4:8. 1. What does Jehovah want for all people? 2. How does Jehovah feel about unrepentant wrongdoers? (1 John 2:1) How the Congregation Reflects Jehovah’s View of Sinners STUDY ARTICLE 33 SONG 130 Be Forgiving “If anyone does commit a sin, we have a helper.” —1 JOHN 2:1. FOCUS What we learn from the way a case of serious wrongdoing was handled in a congregation in first- century Corinth. 3 Jehovah wants us to adopt his at- titude toward wrongdoing and wrong- doers. This article will discuss the way we can do that. As you read the ar- ticle, look for (1) how a case of se- rious wrongdoing was handled in the first-century congregation in Corinth, (2) what direction the apostle Paul gave when a wrongdoer repented, and (3) what this Bible account reveals about Jehovah’s attitude toward Chris- tians who commit a serious sin. HOW SERIOUS WRONGDOING WAS HANDLED IN THE FIRST CENTURY 4 Read 1 Corinthians 5:1, 2. During his third missionary tour, Paul heard disturbing news about the newly estab- lished congregation in Corinth. A broth- er in that congregation was having sexu- al relations with his stepmother. Such behavior was shocking and was “not even found among the nations”! The congregation not only tolerated his be- havior but also may have been rath- er proud of it. Perhaps some thought that it demonstrated how merciful and understanding God is toward imperfect humans. But Jehovah does not con- done wrongdoing among his people. With such a brazen course, the man was surely damaging the good reputation of the congregation. He could also have been influencing other Christians who were associating with him. So, what did Paul direct the congregation to do? 3. What will we discuss in this article? 4. What situation had developed in the first- century congregation in Corinth? (1 Corinthians 5: 1, 2) 5 Read 1 Corinthians 5:13. Under di- vine inspiration, Paul wrote a letter di- recting that the unrepentant sinner be removed from the congregation. How were faithful Christians to treat him? Paul told them “to stop keeping compa- ny” with him. What did that mean? Paul explained that this command includ- ed “not even eating with such a man.” (1 Cor. 5:11) Sitting down to a meal with someone can easily lead to having further association with him. Clearly, then, Paul meant that the congregation should not socialize with that man. This 5. What did Paul tell the congregation to do, and what did he mean? (1 Corinthians 5:13) (See also picture.) Under divine inspiration, Paul wrote a letter directing that the unrepentant sinner be removed from the congregation (See paragraph 5) AUGUST 2024 15 would protect the congregation from his corrupting influence. (1 Cor. 5:5-7) Ad- ditionally, their avoiding close contact with the man might cause him to realize how far he had strayed from Jehovah’s ways, and he might feel shame and be moved to repent. 6 After sending his letter to the Chris- tians in Corinth, Paul began to wonder 6. What effect did Paul’s letter have on the congre- gation and on the wrongdoer? how the congregation would react to it. Eventually, Titus brought news that de- lighted him. The congregation had re- sponded well to Paul’s letter. (2 Cor. 7:6, 7) They had followed his instruc- tions. Furthermore, during the months that passed since Paul sent the letter, the wrongdoer had repented of his sin- ful course! He had changed his conduct and attitude and had begun to follow Jehovah’s righteous standards. (2 Cor. When Was the Man in Corinth Reinstated? It appears that the man discussed in 1 Corin- thians chapter 5 was reinstated in a relatively short time after he was removed. What factors have led to this conclusion? Consider when Paul’s two letters to the Corinthians were written. He evidently wrote the first one during his third missionary tour, probably in early 55 C.E. It seems likely that he wrote the second letter later that same year, perhaps in late summer or early au- tumn of 55 C.E. Consider also that in Paul’s first letter, he had given instructions on contributing to a relief effort for Judean Christians who were suffering from famine. Because lives were at stake, Paul surely followed up quickly with his second letter, in which he asked the con- gregation to prepare their donations for delivery.—1 Cor. 16:1; 2 Cor. 9:5. Paul had another good reason to write his second letter as soon as possible. He had re- ceived reports about the man’s repentance. In those days, it would have taken some time for a letter to be delivered. So Paul likely wrote again soon in order to direct the con- gregation on what to do next. With such factors in mind, it seems rea- sonable to conclude that Paul urged the congregation to reinstate the repentant wrongdoer just a short time—perhaps only months—after he had been removed from the congregation. 16 THE WATCHTOWER AUGUST 2024 17 7:8-11) What would Paul now direct the congregation to do? HOW THE CONGREGATION WAS TO TREAT THE REPENTANT SINNER 7 Read 2 Corinthians 2:5-8. Paul noted that the “rebuke given by the majority [was] sufficient for such a man.” In other words, the discipline had served its purpose toward him. What purpose? To lead him to repentance. —Heb. 12:11. 8 Paul therefore directed the congre- gation: “Kindly forgive and comfort” the erring brother, and “confirm your love for him.” Note that Paul wanted the congregation to do more than merely al- low the man back among Jehovah’s peo- ple. Paul wanted them to assure the re- pentant man by their words, manner, and actions that they truly forgave him and loved him. They would thus make it clear that they welcomed his return to the congregation. 9 Did some in that congregation feel reluctant to welcome the repentant sin- ner back into their midst? The account does not tell us, but it is possible. After all, his actions brought trouble to the congregation as a whole and perhaps shame to certain individuals as well. Some might have felt that it was unfair that the man should be so warmly ac- cepted as a brother when they were the ones who had fought so hard to remain 7. Removing the wrongdoer from the congrega- tion produced what good result? (2 Corinthians 2: 5-8) 8. What did Paul next tell the congregation to do? 9. Why might some have been hesitant to forgive the repentant wrongdoer? morally clean. (Compare Luke 15:28- 30.) Why, though, was it important for the congregation to show genuine love for their returning brother? 10 Imagine what could happen if the el- ders refused to allow the truly repen- tant man back into the congregation or if after his return, the congregation re- fused to show him love. He could be swallowed up by “excessive sadness.” He could easily feel that his situation was hopeless. He might even give up in his efforts to repair his relationship with God. 11 Even worse, if the other brothers and sisters in the congregation refused to forgive the repentant sinner, they would put their own relationship with Jehovah in jeopardy. Why? Because they would reflect, not Jehovah’s for- giving attitude toward repentant wrong- doers, but Satan’s harsh and merciless attitude. They would, in effect, become tools that the Devil could use to de- stroy the man spiritually.—2 Cor. 2:10, 11; Eph. 4:27. 12 How, then, could the congregation in Corinth imitate Jehovah, not Satan? By following Jehovah’s way of dealing with repentant sinners. Note what some Bible writers said about Jehovah. He is “good and ready to forgive,” said Da- vid. (Ps. 86:5) Micah wrote: “Who is a God like you, pardoning error and pass- ing over the transgression?” (Mic. 7: 18) And Isaiah stated: “Let the wicked man leave his way and the evil man his 10-11. What could happen if the elders refused to forgive the repentant sinner? 12. How could the congregation imitate Jehovah? 18 THE WATCHTOWER thoughts; let him return to Jehovah, who will have mercy on him, to our God, for he will forgive in a large way.”—Isa. 55:7. 13 To imitate Jehovah, the congrega- tion in Corinth had to welcome the re- pentant man back and assure him of their love. By following Paul’s direction to welcome back the repentant sinner, the congregation showed their “obedi- ence in all things.” (2 Cor. 2:9) True, only months had passed since he was re- moved, but the discipline had success- 13. Why was it appropriate to reinstate the repen- tant sinner into the congregation? (See the box “When Was the Man in Corinth Reinstated?”) fully led him to repentance. So there would be no point in delaying his re- instatement into the congregation. REFLECTING JEHOVAH’S JUSTICE AND MERCY 14 The account about the way the case in ancient Corinth was handled was written and preserved “for our instruc- tion.” (Rom. 15:4) From that account, we learn that Jehovah does not tolerate serious wrongdoing among his people. He does not take the view that wrong- doers who are unrepentant should be 14-15. What have we learned from the way the case in ancient Corinth was handled? (2 Peter 3:9) (See also picture.) Reflecting Jehovah’s love and mercy, the congregation warmly welcomes back those who have been reinstated (See paragraphs 14-15) “mercifully” allowed to continue associ- ating with his faithful worshippers. Je- hovah is merciful, but he is not permis- sive; nor does he lower his standards. (Jude 4) Indeed, to do so would not be merciful at all because it would endan- ger all in the congregation.—Prov. 13: 20; 1 Cor. 15:33. 15 Still, we learn that Jehovah does not want anyone to be destroyed. He wants to save people whenever pos- sible. He shows mercy to people who have a change of heart and want to re- pair their relationship with him. (Ezek. 33:11; read 2 Peter 3:9.) Thus, when the man in Corinth repented and turned away from his sinful course, Jehovah used Paul to explain to the congregation that the man should be forgiven and welcomed back. 16 Our review of the way the case in Corinth was handled has helped us to 16. How do you feel about the way the case in Cor- inth was handled? see Jehovah’s love, righteousness, and justice in action. (Ps. 33:5) Are you not moved to give our God added praise? After all, we are sinners—every one of us—and we need his forgiveness. Each of us has reason to be grateful to Jehovah for the ransom, which makes forgiveness possible. How comforting, how reassuring, to know that Jehovah truly loves his people and wants the best for them! 17 What, then, about handling cases of wrongdoing today? How can congrega- tion elders reflect Jehovah’s desire to lead a wrongdoer to repentance? How should the congregation react when the elders decide to remove or to reinstate a person? These questions will be dis- cussed in the following articles. 17. What will be discussed in the following arti- cles? HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? ̨ What does Jehovah desire for as many people as possible? ̨ What did Paul direct the congregation in Corinth to do about an unrepentant wrongdoer? ̨ When the wr