A descriptive essay on “Top ten destinations in America" - Tips & Sample - 2022 Guide Students are always found to decide random topics for their descriptive essays and this is the reason they are heard telling their friends “ write my paper for me as I am short of ideas”. Therefore, it is very necessary to carefully pay attention while deciding the topic of the descriptive ess ay so that you can freely write it in different ways. A descriptive essay is the most commonly used type of essay. This type of essay aims to describe different things, places, situations, events, experiences, or even people. The topic of a descriptive ess ay Holds great importance as selecting a topic that interests the writer helps them explain it in different ways. In addition to that, deciding a topic that we do not increase often leads to a lack of ideas to explain it while writing the essay. Several things that should be considered while writing descriptive essays. The reason behind this is that all these different things equally contribute to writing an effective descriptive essay. Beginner writers or even most of the students face issues in their i nitial learning periods of writing essays. Professional writers always suggest that such students as well as beginner writers should keep practicing and should not hesitate to take assistance from others such as Instructors, class fellows, or even professi onal writers by using different online services such as an essay or online essay writing service Tips for writing an effective descriptive essay Mentioned below are some of the tips for writing effective descriptive essays: 1. Choose the topic for the descriptive essay that inte rests You as well as the audience. A topic that interests the thesis writing service helps him in generating more ideas And ways to communicate his information with the readers. On the other hand, a topic For the descriptive essay that interests the readers helps to grab their attention easily. 2. Before starting the write - up of the descriptive essay makes a show to prepare a detailed outline for the essay. This detailed outline should in volve all the points that are required to be included in the descriptive essay. Outlining helps to maintain the consistency of the essay Which in turn makes it effective for the readers to understand. 3. Summarise the basic points of the descriptive essay in the ending paragraphs. This helps the reader remember the basic points that were discussed by the writer in the essay and thus It makes the essay effective for the readers to understand and remember. 4. Write a strong introduction for the descriptive essay. 5. A professional essay writing service makes sure he attracts the attention of his audience In the introduction. This is because readers who do not find the introductory paragraph attractive and eye - catching often think to quit continuing reading the essay. Sample descriptive essay on “Top ten destinations in America" The big, as well as small cities of America, are made up of several different eye - catching and attractive destinations. All these beautiful destinations make it difficult to decide which particular destination holds The award of the best destination in Ame rica. Meaning that all the different destinations in America are in one way or another beautiful and unique from one another. In addition to that, all these attractive destinations in America make it difficult for the tourists or visitors to decide which p articular destination should be visited and which one should not. Mentioned below are the top 10 destinations in America: • Grand Canyon: This destination in America has the most inspiring views that can ever be observed anywhere in the world. The grand ca nyon itself comprises different attractive places such as villages, trails, parks, etc. In addition to that, The best hotels of grand canyon further add beauty to the destination and make it memorable for the tourists or visitors who visit there. • Yosemite : Yosemite is a park which is located in California in the United States of America. This destination is famous for its natural beauty rather than involving any sort of artificial attractiveness for the visitors or tourists. Apart from that, the famous lan dmarks of Yosemite make the vacations of most people memorable and mesmerizing. These famous landmarks of Yosemite involve the mist trail, the half dome, and the beautiful lakes and other paths. • Yellowstone: This destination is known as the first national park of America. This destination is famous for and it is known to attract visitors or tourists who love nature. This is because the long trail of this destination in America Is fully covered with natural beauty. • Maui: This is a relaxing destination in Am erica. It is known to admire visitors or tourists by its natural sceneries. • Glacier national park: This destination park in America comprises mountains, lakes, trails, waterfalls, glaciers, and other such attractive points. • New York City: The cultural diversity of New York City is an attraction for the people belonging to America as well as other countries of the world. • San Francisco: The social movements and different ethnic groups of this destination in America is a source of attraction for tourists and visitors. A glimpse of the beauty of San Francisco’s culture can be seen from parks to foods to even the livelihood of its people. • New Orleans: This destination of America has a unique identity. The rich and beautiful scenes of New Orleans are mesmerizing for visitors. • Zion national park: The trails of Zion national park are the first choice of all the hikers aiming to visit this park. • Honolulu: This destination of America holds a balanced environment that is by its beaches and urban areas. If you are stuck in the process of writing such essays you can just say to the professional essay writers to ' write my essay '. Useful Resources: https://bit.ly/33L8q8Y https://bit.ly/3sxsg24 https://bit.ly/3FpyvbO https://bit.ly/3JjrpaX https://bit.ly/3Fq16xB