Theory of Change THE NEED OUR MISSION THE IMPACT WHAT NEEDS TO CHANGE HOW WE MAKE CHANGE THE CHANGE THAT RESULTS The discharge of chemical pollution into the Tukad River in Denpasar, We bring together local workers, researchers, engineering experts, Wastewater treatment solutions are made available and Bali from small factories. This is causing damage to the local environment policy makers, and funders to build strong and resilient local accessible for low-socio economic communities in Bali, Indonesia. As and posing serious health risks to workers and the broader community communities in Bali, Indonesia. By creating a network between Australia our programs scale local workers will have the skills and knowledge to who are users of the river. Unfortunately, education, economic, and and Indonesia we are able to create the exchange of skills and expertise manage environmentally friendly and safe workplaces. Local infrastructure barriers keep the Balinese community from solving this. between the two countries to solve the most pressing social and communities become aware of the impact and act as "balance points" A lack of research on this issue is also failing to attract a collaborative environmental issues. to keep commitments in check. Government supports community in response to solving this complex issue. maintaining environmentally and socially responsible businesses. Local factory workers Local community are living at the edge are custodians in of poverty and current protecting their Government intervention natural resources and (fines) is not working to solve Economic, education, identify ways to raise the issue Local workers have the and infrastructure concerns skills and knowledge barriers prevent local to create safe and factory workers from accessing sustainable technology to stop chemical ANS workplaces ME pollution from reaching local H waterways Education IC WH Commitment to spreading greater awareness of what needs to change. Giving Redistribution of wealth to "wealthy" developed nations an opportunity to make a difference in the developing where it is needed most opportunities for the world. I.e. workshops, fundraisers, digital and print material etc. development of affordable circular economy OR innovation, up-skilling workers, sustainable industry which Partnerships Skills and knowledge Local workers are supported by government to maintain therefore leads to resilient, Facilitate collaboration between Australian and Indonesian education institutions to manage enviro-social safe and sustainable workplaces. financial secure, and (universities) to continuosly gather, analyse, and discover new and affordable issues into the future Research supports workers risk of long-term social future-ready workers solutions. into the future to identify and environmental damage that may be affordable solutions irreversible or too cumbersome Community Community aware of dangers For example, factory workers to solve Community Training program that explores the dangers of chemicals, to health and raise issues Unaware of dangers working with environmental impact, and creating a safe workplace now and into the future with business and chemicals used in textile process government Discharge waste as an effective solution is too expensive or unknown Government Government support Income is most important need Faciliate dialogue between local government, factory associations, and community community in maintaining enviro-socially responsible OUR VISION And wastewater treatment technology is Expensive and unobtainable for leaders to work together businesses Thriving and developing nations Does not adapt to a local context sustainable Is complicated and expensive to operate and maintain Balinese Communities September 2021 Theory of Change Corethics Wheel of Change Government & University Program IEW S COLLEC TD Timeline RV AT TE A& Engage IN AN Our proposed timeline of action to achieve our vision. We recognise the skills and expertise available in the developed world can often IM A EL LY solve persistent problems in the developing world. We engage universities to open Program activities are based upon our approach (identified in the wheels of change PR SE the exchange of such to the developing world to assist in a long-term sustainable 1 diagrams). Each number will correspond to an activity for example, for our 2 approach to problem-solving [University Program] Community Program we will undertake activities 1. Preliminary surveys and By opening dialogue with local government we are able to create structures of interviews and 2. Collect Data & Analyse in 2022. PRE support and continuity to ensure "dependence on our organisation" is overcome. SENT & COMMIT [Government Program] COMMUNICATE Commit & Plan Setting out clear and agreeable plans to pursue a mutually-beneficial partnership 3 6 MOU & Goals Formalising the partnership through a signed Memorandum of Understanding 2022 2023 2024 2025 which covers our agreed goals Review & Communicate Revision of our activities against our Impact and Vision and communicating our progress and achievements within our Programs as well as externally to donors, Govt beneficiaries, sponsors, and partners. 1,2 3 4 1, 2, 3 4 4 5 Program PI LO T N PR TIO OG A RA LU MS EVA E UNICAT MM Community CO E 1, 2 3, 4 4, 5 1 Program & N 4 GA W Community Program IE GE REV 1 Preliminary surveys and interviews A preliminary assessment to inform our initial research steps with all stakeholders University in the geographic target area. This includes predetermined survey and interview 1, 2, 3 4 1, 2, 3 4 questions. Program Collect Data & Analyse Includes the collection of scientific data (for example, water and chemical composition) and laboratory analysis. Collation of all data including interviews into concise report. Present & Commit Education S Presentation of report to stakeholders including recommendations for pilot. AL 3 Commitment of pilot including timeline, resources, and budget from stakeholders Program GO 2 derived as MOU. CO & Pilot Programs U M O M Pilot delivery of solution undertaken in geographic location. M IT Evaluation &P LAN An evaluation undertaken by way of survey, interviews, scientific data collection, and stakeholder feedback. Collated in a user-friendly report for a variety of audience including community, government, universities, public (donors), and business. Communicate Communicate program goals, activities, achievements, and scope for further Corethics Wheel of Change development to all stakeholders. Corethics research in made publicly available. September 2021
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