Successes, Challenges and Way forward for NIPN, Bangladesh Md. Aminuzzaman Talukder, Country Director, Helen Keller International 25 February 2021 NiPN’s vision “ A systematic process of identifying what decision- makers need to know, identifying the evidence to answer their questions and supporting them to make informed choices regarding what nutrition actions to scale-up, and how best to do so” NiPN in Bangladesh • Duration: 2018 to 2021 • Funded by: European Union • Implementing Org: Helen Keller International • Partnership with: Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS) • Core Collaborating GoB Agencies: SID, BBS, MOHFW, BNNC, IPHN, FPMU, GED • Other Stakeholder Ministries: MoHFW, MoA, MoFL, MoLGRD, MoWCA, MoSW, MoF, MoDMR, MoWR, MoCHTA, MoEF, MoPME, MoE, MoP 3 NiPN’s Theory of Change (ToC) Better Development Assessing understanding and/or published of the causes refinement of Reduction in information of and ways policies and and analysing programmes in malnutrition to prevent existing data malnutrition sectors related to nutrition NIPN intervention logic and activities- Bangladesh Goal: Strengthened capacity to monitor progress towards undernutrition reduction and to direct funding to more cost- effective and evidence-based programs Result 2: NIPN processes assist GoB in tracking nutrition progress Result 3: NIPN findings are translated Result 1: National host entities have the in meeting its into nutrition related policies and capacity to operate and maintain the national objectives information for policy making processes NIPN processes on undernutrition has increased in quantity, quality, and reduction and in accessibility monitoring nutrition investments Analysis and Governance Data collaboration Prioritization Advocacy evidence 5 NiPN’s policy cycle Multisectoral nutrition policy environment National Policy component decision makers Data-informed policy and investments NIPN Question Communication Structure Identification of available Analysis data Data component Inter-agency Institutional Mechanism of NIPN Bangladesh NIPN Management 7 Milestone Accomplished by NIPN Bangladesh in 2020 A formal Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between HKI and BBS in January 2019 which set the working modalities for BBS collaboration with NIPN Office set up at BBS Formed and functionalized NiPN’s Internal Management Activities –PSC, PAC, TC and PMC Capacity strengthening: • Masters fellowship: 6 GoB officials been awarded NIPN-HKI one-year Fellowship for Master Programme in European universities (2 from BBS,2 from BNNC, 1 from BIRTAN) 8 Cont. • Training: 5 trainings conducted by NIPN with various Govt. Ministries/ agencies Nutritional Status Indicators Writing Scientific Reports and Policy Briefs Sampling, Data Collection and Questionnaire Development including Administrative Data Data processing and analysis using STATA and SPSS including statistical measures Meta Data Creation and Systematic Review • Providing on-the-job-training: BBS, BNNC, IPHN, FPMU 9 Cont. Analysis: Policy Mapping Systematic Review on Evidence on Nutritional Outcomes and Interventions, Data Analysis on Regional household dietary diversity, Data Analysis of VGD impact on nutrition; Data Analysis of Climate change & nutrition; Data Analysis on WASH and nutrition; Impact of Homestead Food production on nutrition 10 Cont. • Policy briefs: During the project period 4 policy briefs produced by NIPN Two policy briefs published in BBS website • One pager: Spatial Differentiation of Household Dietary Diversity in Bangladesh • Three newsletter published 11 Challenges • More than a year passed to operationalize a final governance structure • NIPN is a multisectoral platform • Infrastructure set up has taken time • Turnovers at the Senior level • Problems in identifying policy question formulation –Data issues as no primary data collection is mandated – secondary, reliable and relevant data not easy to find • Due to Covid-19 most of the work has done virtually • Most challenging now is its future sustainability 12 Way Forward NIPN worked uninterruptedly in this Covid-19 situation, • Planning, designing and Hardware Infrastructure of the NIPN data repository • Planning of the continuation of Inter-agency Institutional Mechanism of NIPN Bangladesh • Continue Capacity strengthening of all core stakeholders • Planning and phasing out of Sustainability of NIPN • Support from all of NIPN’s core stakeholders would be most invaluable • Yet, NIPN will try its utmost to end project on a high note 13 Thank you all Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn:
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