RESONANCE RuleBook '21 26TH - 28TH NOVEMBER OPEN FOR ALL VITCC MUSIC CLUB TABLE OF CONTENTS OurEvents GENERAL RULES CARPE DIEM (OPEN MIC) 20TH NOV AKAAR (EASTERN SOLO) 27TH NOV CRESCENDO (WESTERN SOLO) 26TH NOV B- MINOR (INSTRUMENTAL) 27TH NOV AAKRITI (BATTLE OF BANDS) - EASTERN/FUSION 27TH NOV POLYPHONY (BATTLE OF BANDS) - WESTERN 28TH NOV PRIZE POOL ₹25K VITCC MUSIC CLUB GENERAL RULES GeneralRules Every participant must register for their respective events on and download their receipts (except for Carpe Diem) - only upon completion of which they will be allowed to take part in the competition. All school and college students are eligible to participate in all events. Multiple submissions in the same category are not allowed. However, participants are allowed to take part in more than one category. For the band events, band members can be from different colleges as well. All submission videos should be uploaded in the respective event Google forms. Finalists of each category will be added to respective Whatsapp groups where further details shall be communicated. Finals of every category will be held on Zoom on the respective dates where the results be announced live. In case of any conflict, the decision made by the organizers and judges shall be deemed final and binding. In case of any doubts/queries, participants can reach out to the core committee of the VITCC Music Club. VITCC MUSIC CLUB Open Mic CARPE DIEM The open mic is exclusively for DJs, beatboxers, songwriters, producers, etc. and anyone with unique musical talent. Vocalists and instrumentalists are not allowed to participate in Carpe Diem. Producers can screen record their DAW and present it on the day of the event. No entry fee. The event will be hosted on our Discord server where participants will have to give a live performance. Time limit of each performance - 3 mins Date and Time : 20th November, 5:30 PM Participants should register through a separate Google form and not on the payment portal. Original compositions are welcome and may have a higher weightage. PRIZE POOL: ₹2000 VITCC MUSIC CLUB AEasternSolo KAAR Only Indian language songs are allowed. English songs will lead to immediate disqualification. All genres of music are allowed – Classical, Semi Classical, Pop, Ghazals, film songs, album songs, etc. Registration fee - ₹70 Entries should be uploaded on Google Drive and public access must be enabled. The maximum length of the submission should be 3 mins. Exceeding the time limit will result in deduction of points. Accompaniments including tanpura, karaoke, guitar, piano, etc. are allowed. No other accompanist will be allowed in the video except for the participant. Original compositions are welcome and may have a higher weightage. Processing of audio, lip sync, usage of autotune or any other effects like reverb are strictly prohibited. The video should be recorded in a single take and cannot be edited later. Profanity will lead to immediate disqualification. Deadline for submission - 21st November, 11:59PM PRIZE POOL: ₹3000 VITCC MUSIC CLUB CRESCENDO WesternSolo Only English language songs are allowed. Registration fee - ₹70 Entries should be uploaded on Google Drive and public access must be enabled. The maximum length of the submission should be 3 mins. Exceeding the time limit will result in deduction of points. Accompaniments including tanpura, karaoke, guitar, piano, etc. are allowed. No other accompanist will be allowed in the video except for the participant. Original compositions are welcome and may have a higher weightage. Processing of audio, lip sync, usage of autotune or any other effects like reverb are strictly prohibited. The video should be recorded in a single take and cannot be edited later. Profanity will lead to immediate disqualification. Deadline for submission - 21st November, 11:59PM PRIZE POOL: ₹3000 VITCC MUSIC CLUB B-MINOR Instrumental The maximum length of the submission should be 3 mins. Backing track is allowed for all instruments. However, the backing track should not overpower your instrument. Registration fee - ₹70 Entries should be uploaded on Google Drive and public access must be enabled. Processing of audio and looping are strictly prohibited. Audio must be recorded directly while recording the video. The video should be shot in a single take. The participant and the instrument should be clearly visible in the video. Original compositions are welcome and may have greater weightage. Deadline for submission - 21st November, 11:59PM PRIZE POOL: ₹3000 VITCC MUSIC CLUB AAKRITI Eastern/Fusion (BOB) Performances can be entirely in Indian languages, or can be fused with an English piece in some sections of the track. However, the majority of the track should be in Indian languages. Acapella is also allowed. Registration fee - ₹100 per participant The payment receipts of all individual band members should be made into one single PDF file and uploaded in the Google form. The band should consist of a minimum of 3 members and a maximum of 9 members. If any member is doing multiple parts, then their parts must be contained within a single video. (For example, if a member is playing an instrument and singing as well, he will have to record one video of him performing simultaneously.) The entry should be a maximum of 7 mins. Final submission should be a split screen video on Google Drive. All the band members should be clearly visible during their parts in the video. Recording and mixing of audio is allowed. Autotune and other forms of pitch correction are strictly prohibited. Members can be a part of multiple bands. Original compositions are welcome and may have greater weightage. Deadline for submission - 21st November, 11:59PM PRIZE POOL: ₹8000 VITCC MUSIC CLUB POLYPHONY Western (BOB) Performances should be only in the English language. Acapella is also allowed. Registration fee - ₹100 per participant The payment receipts of all individual band members should be made into one single PDF file and uploaded in the Google form. The band should consist of a minimum of 3 members and a maximum of 9 members. If any member is doing multiple parts, then their parts must be contained within a single video. (For example, if a member is playing an instrument and singing as well, he will have to record one video of him performing simultaneously.) The entry should be a maximum of 7 mins. Final submission should be a split screen video on Google Drive. All the band members should be clearly visible during their parts in the video. Recording and mixing of audio is allowed. Autotune and other forms of pitch correction are strictly prohibited. Members can be a part of multiple bands. Original compositions are welcome and may have greater weightage. Deadline for submission - 21st November, 11:59PM PRIZE POOL: ₹8000 V I T C C M U S I C C L U B CO-ORDINATORS Contact Us RIDHI ARJUN SANTOSH HARI ANANT President Vice President Vice President General Secretary Management Head 95661 94239 96503 83570 97908 36396 97899 50095 983129 1409
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