Official The Woodfield Project Health and Safety Policy Health and Safety Policy 2 | P a g e Official Contents 1. Aims ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................. 3 2. Health and Safety Policy Statement ................................ ................................ ................................ 3 3. Organisational Responsibilities ................................ ................................ ................................ ....... 5 3.1 Chair ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ........ 5 3.2 General Manager and Trustees ................................ ................................ .............................. 5 3.3 Volunteer Responsibilities ................................ ................................ ................................ ...... 6 4. Arrangements ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ 7 4.1 Risk Assessments ................................ ................................ ................................ .................... 7 4.2 First aid ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .... 7 4.3 Recording accidents and incidents ................................ ................................ ......................... 8 4.4 Training ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ... 8 4.5 Handling of Hazardous substances (COSHH) ................................ ................................ .......... 8 4.6 Emergency procedures & Fire prevention ................................ ................................ .............. 9 4.6.1 Fire Arrangements ................................ ................................ ................................ .......... 9 4.7 Gas safety ................................ ................................ ................................ .............................. 12 4.8 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ................................ ................................ ................... 12 4.9 Use of equipment and machinery ................................ ................................ ......................... 12 4.10 Legionella ................................ ................................ ................................ .............................. 13 4.11 Electrical safety ................................ ................................ ................................ ..................... 13 4.11.1 Fixed systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ................ 13 4.11.2 Portable appliances ................................ ................................ ................................ ....... 13 4.12 Personal Safety and Security ................................ ................................ ................................ 13 4.13 Smoking ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ 14 4.14 Manual handling ................................ ................................ ................................ ................... 14 4.15 Hirers, contractors and others ................................ ................................ .............................. 15 4.16 Review ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ... 16 Health and Safety Policy 3 | P a g e Official 1. Aims The aim of this health and safety policy is to provide sufficient information to be able to maintain safe and healthy working conditions for all our trustees, employees , volunteers, plus any other people who are directly affected by our activities, such as members of the public at our activities and events. The C harity will commit to: - E nsur ing compliance with r egulations and codes of practice that apply specifically to the organization ; - P rovid ing a general Policy Statement regarding Health and Safety that demonstrates our commitment to high standards of health and safety management and transpare ncy; - S pecify ing who is responsible for various areas of health and safety , and; - S pecify ing what the arrangements are for ensuring high standards of health and safety are achieved. This document contains essential information, compiled to help everyone working and volunteering with the C harity to work safely and without risk to others. More info rmation on voluntary sector organizations can be found on - low - risk.htm 2. Health and Safety Policy Statement The Charity will take all reasonable s teps necessary to provide a healthy and safe environment for its site and activities and comply with all statutory obligations as a minimum standar d The safety and well - being of trustees, employees, volunteers, contractors and members of the public is of the greatest importance to the C harity . We aim to ensure that where reasonably practicable, each of the activities carried out achieves and maintains the highest standards of safety, hygien e and welfare for everyone involved. The statement of general policy is: - to provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from activities taking place at the premises , and activities organised by the charity outside the premises ; - to co nsult with our employees and trustees on matters affecting their health and safety; Health and Safety Policy 4 | P a g e Official - to provide and maintain safe plant and equipment; - to ensure safe storage, handling and use of substances; - to provide information, instruction and supervision for all inv olved in our activities; - to ensure employees and volunteers are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate training; - to prevent accidents and cases of work - related ill health; - to maintain safe and healthy conditions; and - to review and revis e this policy as necessary at regular intervals. As the C harity Chair, I am wholly committed to these aims and objectives and will ensure adequate and appropriate resources are made available to implement and review this policy. Date that next review is due: 15 January 2 022 Date policy reviewed: 15 January 202 1 Position Chair Signed Health and Safety Policy 5 | P a g e Official 3. Organisational Responsibilities 3.1 Ch air Overall and final responsibility for health and safety at the Woodfield site, and at other events and activities organised by The Woodfield Project lies with the chair. The chair will be responsible for ensuring that this policy is upheld and: - Ensuring the Health and Safety Policy is kept up to date ; - Ensuring the Health and Safety Policy is reviewed on an annual basis, re - signed and re - issued ; - Ensuring adequate resources (human, financ ial and equipment) are made available ; - Ensuring that the planning for health and safety and the monitoring and reviewing of procedures by trustees and manager is being carried out ; - Ensuring a culture of health and safety is adopted , and; - Ensure the notific ation to the H ealth and Safety Executive (H SE : - and - safety - executive ) of any reportable accidents (under the Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations – RIDDOR) 3.2 Manager and Trustees The manager and trustees have day to day responsibility for ensuring compliance with the policy statement and endeavour to ensure the safety of others; be they volunteers, hirers, members of the public or contractors. Specifically, the manager will be responsible for (but not limited to – with t he support of the trustees) : - Seeing to t he g eneral duty to take reasonable care of themselves and others affected by their work ; Health and Safety Policy 6 | P a g e Official - Manag ing h ealth & safety procedures on a day to day basis ; - Ensuring the policy is put into practic e ; - Reporting health and safety concerns to the chair ; - Ensuring health & safety standards are maintained and/or improved ; - Conduct ing and implement ing recommendations of necessary risks assessments and communicating the findings to all relevant persons ; - Ensur ing good communic ation with all relevant persons , particularly where there are organisational and procedural changes ; - Ensuring that health & safety and building induction s are carried out as well as appropriate records being kept for volunteers ; - Ensuring accidents are properly recorded and investigated with adequate remedial measures put in place where necessary ; - Ensuring adequate provision is made for first aid ; [Janet,Stephen , done?] - Ensuring fire risk assessments have been carried out and action points progressed ; [Anthony. Done?] - Ensuring adequate fire precautions are in place and all systems used for fire safety are adequately maintained at suitable intervals ; [Janet and St ephen, done?] - Ensuring statutory inspections are carried out ; [who does this?] - Ensuring a copy of the completed ‘Health & Safety Law – What You Need to Know’ poster is displayed , and; [Janet, Stephen done?] - Attend training as requested in good management practice and health and safety [I think Janet has done this. Others may need to} 3.3 Volunteer Responsibilities - All volunteers will ensure that: - T hey are aware and comply with the contents of the health and safety policy and induction provided ; - They take care of themselves and others who may be affected by their actions or omissions ; Health and Safety Policy 7 | P a g e Official - They report all accidents, or unsafe situations, and anything which could have led to an accident or felt unsafe to the manager at once , and - They are aware of all fire procedures for the area in which they are working 4. Arrangements 4.1 Risk Assessments The manager and trustees will ensure that the premises and tasks are assessed in line with the current relevant legislatio n. General environment , task and activities risk assessments specific to the premises will be in place where required Risk assessment will follow the following steps: - Identify hazards; - Evaluate the risk that these hazards present and to whom; - Identify suitable measures to reduce and control the risks; - Record the significant findings; - Monitor the effectiveness of the control measures; - Review the risk assessment on a regular basis Assessments will be re viewed or adjusted whe n there is a : - change in legislation ; [Chair to pursue legislative sources ] - change in premises ; - significant change in work carried out ; - transfer to new technology or any other reason which makes original assessment not valid Risk Assessments in place: State risks assessments created and last revision date Contained in Drop box/TWP/He a l th and Saf ety Policies/ Specific Health and Sa fety Policies 4.2 First aid The Emergency First Aider at Work/First Aider at Work is the manager. The manager when present on site will arrange, without delay, medical assistance unless it can be handled without professional attention and attend refresher first aid training as instructed. Health and Safety Policy 8 | P a g e Official Hirers will need to arrange their own first aid provision when using the premises. The First Aid Box for the Pavilion is kept in the kitchen The manager is responsible for checking the contents every month and ensure this is replenished as and when required. Refresher training will be carried out as and when required, according to expiry dates or when he/she feels they should refresh knowled ge. 4.3 Recording accidents and incidents All accidents are to be recorded in the Accident Book. The book is located in the first aid box in the kitchen. The manager and trustees will ensure accidents and incidents are properly investigated and remedial action identified, implemented and recorded. W hen required t he y arrange for the HSE to be notified of any reportable accidents (under the Reporting of Inju ries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 – RIDDOR). 4.4 Training To comply with legislation and to promote the health, safety and welfare of trustees, employees, volunteers, and any other relevant person using the premises, health and safety training will be provided as follows: - during inductions ; - on transfer or promotion to new duties and tasks ; - on the introduction of new technology ; - when changes are made to systems of work , and; - when training needs are identified 4.5 Handling of Hazardous substances (COSHH) There is minimal amount of chemicals kept in the premises. All the chemicals available are kept in a storage cupboard away from easy reach. All substances which need a COS HH have been identified, COSHH data sheets will be obtained and a COSHH risk assessment completed as best practice Health and Safety Policy 9 | P a g e Official Any remedial action identified in the assessments will be implemented and r elevant persons required to use hazardous substances will receive appropriate instruction on the safe use of the substances. Assessments will be reviewed with the implementation of new product or when the work activity changes, whichever is soonest. Any hazardous products will be disposed of in accordance with specific disposal procedures 4.6 Emergency procedures & Fire prevention Information on emergency procedures and fire pre cautions forms part of the building induction for all staff , volunteers , hirers and contractors . The person responsible for the building induction is the manager. 4.6.1 Fire Arrangements Under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, anyone who has control of premises or anyone who has a degree of control over ce rtain areas or systems may be a ‘responsible person’. Name of ‘responsible person’ Jane t Baker Nominated responsible person - Emergency exits, assembly point and assembly point instructions are clearly identified by safety signs and Fire Action Notices throughout the premises - Trustees, e mployees, volunteers and any other relevant persons using the premises receive fire safety i nduction. - A fire risk assessment will be carried out with findings implemented and recorded. - The fire evacuation procedure has been written and communicated to all relevant persons. - The fire alarm will be maintained and will be tested weekly ; - The emergency lighting system will be maintained and tested monthly ; - The portable fire extinguishers will be serviced annually and checked monthly ; Health and Safety Policy 10 | P a g e Official - A practice fire drill , if required , will be carried and corrective actions are taken and recorded, if necess ary ; - Regular fire safety checks of the building will be undertaken. Health and Safety Policy 11 | P a g e Official All building users must ensure that: - they know what to do in the case of fire; - they are familiar with the sound of the alarm; - all areas are vacated immediately on hearing the fire alarm; - hazardous electrical appliances are disconnected, and all doors shut when vacating the premises , and ; - they always check for any potential fire hazard when leaving the building. Further, they must: - NEVER ignore a fire alarm or disregard any notice on fire prevention ; - NEVER smoke in the premises ; - NEVER be untidy and leave waste materials laying around ; - NEVER leave obstructions in passages or stairway ; - NEVER leave any temporary heating appliances on when unattended ; - NEVER move or interfere with firefighting appliances ; - NEVER leave electrical appliances plugged in when not in use , and; - NEVER leave furniture etc. obstructing fire exits. The f ire marshal duty lies with the manager and he/she, when present in the building will ensure the safe evacu ation of building users and putting the fire out if it is possible without risk to themselves and if they are trained. The automatic fire alarm system sound is a In the event of a fire, building users must leave by the nearest exit and go to The fire brigade should be called by dialling 999. M anual call points are located as follows: - <enter locations> Fire extinguishers can be found at: Health and Safety Policy 12 | P a g e Official - Ground floor main entrance – (F) = foam - Ground floor staircase entrance – (W) = water - First floor – (F) = foam - Kitchen – Fire blanket and (P) = powde r Equipment Maintenance company Fire alarm Emergency lighting Fire extinguishers 4.7 Gas safety Users of gas equipment are encouraged to spot and report any electrical hazards. Installation, maintenance and repair of gas appliances and fittings will be carried out by a competent Gas Safe registered contractor. All rooms with gas appliances are checked to ensure that they have adequate ventilation Approved gas contractor Company Contact telephone Gas Safe Register No. 4.8 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) PPE will be provided , free of charge, to trustees, employees and volunteers where required and noted by risk assessment 4.9 Use of equipment and machinery There is very limited amount of work equipment on site. Care should be taken when using work equipment and machinery. If anyone does not know how to use a particular equipment , they should ask for help and advice before attempting to use it. If there is a fault with any electrical equipment, the user who notices the defect should write in th e “snagging book” which is in <state location> All users must visually check all appliances prior to each use. If they are in any doubt as to whether the appliance is faulty or not, they should not use it. Health and Safety Policy 13 | P a g e Official 4.10 Legionella An initial assessment is made to establish whether there is a ‘foreseeable risk’ of Legionellosis. If there is, then a full legionella risk assessment will b e carried out by a competent contractor and details of any management plans are documented and implemented. 4.11 Electrical safety 4.11.1 Fixed systems Fixed systems will be inspected, serviced and repaired as necessary at least every 5 years or as appropriate. A safety certificate will support inspections carried out by competent persons. For the purpose of this policy, the company listed on the approved contractors table below are appointed as competent persons. Approved electrical contractor Company Contact telephone Accreditation NICEIC 4.11.2 Portable appliances Users of portable electrical equipment are encouraged to spot and report any electrical hazards without delay to the manager. They are also responsible for ensuring that they use and handle electrical equipment sensibly and safely. Portable electrical equipment will be subjected to a programme of combined inspection and testing as per guidelines Maintenance, repair, installation and disconnection work associated with permanently installed or portable electrical equipment is only to be carried out by a competent person. 4.12 Personal Safety and Security Trustees, employees and volunteers are at all times required to ensure that they take care of themselves at work and when undertaking tasks in the premises The building is fitted with a CCTV system which covers all entrances and external building surrounding areas. Unless t rained in conflict resolution measures, aggressive building users or others are not to be Health and Safety Policy 14 | P a g e Official confronted. In the event of a robbery attempt , employees and volunteers are not to resist their demands for property or cash. The police must be involved as soon as p racticably possible. Potentially dangerous activities, such as those where there is a risk of falling from height, or heavy lifting will not be undertaken when working alone. If there are any doubts about the task to be performed, then the task will be postponed until other individual is available. If lone working is to be undertaken, a colleague, friend or family member will be informed about where the individual is and when they are likely to return. The lone worker will ensure that they are medically fit to work alone. 4.13 Smoking The Charity aims to ensure that building users are not exposed to environments where smoking takes place. Smoking and E - smoking is not permitted i n the building premises . Non - smoking signs are displayed by the entrance and the building is fitted with an automatic fire and smoke detection system. 4.14 Manual handling Where staff and volunteers are required to be involved in the lifting, pushing, puling or carrying of equipment they will receive training prior to being asked to carr y out such duties. It is up to individuals to determine whether they are fit to lift or move equipment and furniture. If an individual feels that to lift an item could result in injury or exacerbate an existing condition, they should ask for assistance. I ndividuals carrying out manual handling tasks should use the following basic manual handling procedure: Health and Safety Policy 15 | P a g e Official Manual handling risk assessments will be completed if required and remedial actions implemented in order to eliminate or reduce risk. 4.15 Hirers, contractors and others When the premises are used for purposes not under the direction of the Charity , then the principal person in charge of the activities will ensure that m easures are taken to ensure the health and safety of those taking part in that activity. These measures must be of an equal or better provision to those stated within this p olicy. When the activity is a Charity sponsored event the organiser, will be trea ted as a hirer and will comply with the requirements of this p olicy. When the premises are hired it is a condition that all such hirers, contractors, and others using the premises, are familiar with the requirements of this p olicy. They will comply with a ll safety directives and will not, without the prior consent of the Trustees and manager: - introduce equipment for use on the premises; - alter fixed installations; Health and Safety Policy 16 | P a g e Official - remove fire and safety notices or equipment; - take any action that may create hazards for perso ns using the premises, employees and volunteers. Immediately prior to use , the manager should meet and greet the user, ensure welfare facilities and emergency procedures are seen and understood and ask if they would like any alterations made. This would include any alterations to the environment (e.g. alterations to the heating, ventilation including opening/closing of windows etc.), and any other task which may pose a risk to the user. These alterations should be carried out by the manager and it s hould be made clear to the user that if any further changes are required during the hire, they must summon the manager. As proof of due diligence, the arrangements should be signed off by the user. All co ntractors working on the site are required to ensure safe working practices by their emplo yees and must pay due regard to the safety of all persons using the premises. In instances where, in the opinion of the manager, a dangerous situation or hazardous condition arises that a contractor fails to eli minate or make safe, the manager must take such actions as are necessary to prevent persons in his/her care from risk of injury. In extreme circumstances this may be by instructing the contractor to cease work until the condition is remedied. 4.16 Review Thi s document will be reviewed and updated to reflect changes in legislation that would require Woodfield to amend its policy and procedures. As a minimum, the policy will be reviewed annually , when a significant change has occurred or as a result of monitor ing `