0 Volume II I Issue I I J uly 202 1 Outline of the CURSOR 5.0 Volume II I Issue I I J uly 202 1 1 | SICSR E - MAGAZINE | CURSOR 5.0 Messages From The Director's Desk From The Deputy Director's Desk From The Editor's Desk Creative Content A Broken Rose - Tinted View of the Lockdown by Bhakti Khubnani (BBA - IT 2019 - 22) | CURSOR 5.0 (sicsr.ac.in) India and its vaccination Strategy By: Harsh Kahate (BCA 2020 - 23) http://cursor.sicsr.ac.in/node/299 India and its vaccination Strategy By: Jayshree Pandey (BBA IT 2020 - 23) http://cursor.sicsr.ac.in/node/300 Higher Education in Post - Covid Society By: Manan Agarwal(BBA IT 2020 - 23) Work - from - home Culture and future workforce By: Maria Qaiser(BBA IT 2019 - 2022) Could impartial education systems have saved our nation from the pandemic? By Mohammed Taha Alibhai & Simone G angal (BBA - IT 2019 - 22) The Pandemic & The Future By Rhea Shree S. (BBA IT 2020 - 23) Are we heading to bleak future? By Sandhya Agarwal (BCA 2020 - 23) Emerging Technologies for the Economic Development of the Nation By: Tushar Laad(BCA 2020 - 23) Covid 19: A catalyst in higher education post pan demic By: Vanshika Srivastava (BBA IT 2020 – 2023) 2 | SICSR E - MAGAZINE | CURSOR 5.0 Internationalization @SICSR Tamanna Oberoi | Country: Uganda, East Africa | CURSOR 5.0 (sicsr.ac.in) Dakshin Bharathi | Country: Muscat, Oman | CURSOR 5.0 (sicsr.ac.in) IEEE R10 EA Sponsored Capacity Building Workshop: Education 4.0 - Role of Education Technologies | CURSOR 5.0 (sicsr.ac.in) SPORTS CUM EXERCISE ACTIVITY | CURSOR 5.0 (sicsr.ac.in) SPORTS CUM EXERCISE ACTIVITY | CURSOR 5.0 (sicsr.ac.in) Alumni Harsh Singh pursuing MBA - ITBM at SCIT, Pune | CURSOR 5.0 (sicsr.ac.in) Sakthirajan Balamurugan - Startup : “Futureveal” | CURSOR 5.0 (sicsr.ac.in) Manish Patil working in Winvesta technlogies | CURSOR 5.0 (sicsr.ac.in) Muskan Mehrotra placed in DeltaX | CURSOR 5.0 (sicsr.ac.in) Manish Kumar Singh working in Digital API Craft Ltd. Bangalore | CURSOR 5.0 (sicsr.ac.in) Awards and Achievements MRS. HEMA GAIKWAD DECLARED AS THE RESEARCHER OF THE QUARTER. Bhuvanesh Hingal Completed Short Term Training Programme on "Cyber Security and Penetration Testing" Conducted by Svnit, Surat Kabir Jain received a certificate of "Spark AR Gladiator" for his contributions ranging from AR effects, Machine Learning, Teaching and various areas of technologies to the community organised by Facebook developer circles Keval Shah Participated in 30 Days Web Development Event and Got in Top 20 for His Final Project Which Was Sponsored by Google Student Club SICSR Mohammed Taha Alibhai Participated in National Level Workshop on Data Science, Analytics, AI & Tableau 3 | SICSR E - MAGAZINE | CURSOR 5.0 Many Students From SICSR Participated in Women's Day Walkathon Like Mohammed Taha Alibhai Organized by SICSR, Pune Amol Borkar Secured 1st Position in Business Analytics Case Study Challenge in Data Science Summit 21 Fest of Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra Amol Borkar Was the Finalist in P itch the Plan Competition (in Top 16 Teams) Organized by Jaipuria Institute of Management (Jim), Indore Amol Borkar Was the National Finalist in Ranneeti - a National Level Case Study Competition Organized by IIM Lucknow (Being One of the Top 8 Teams Out of 509) Amol Borkar Was the National Finalist in Social B Plan Organized by NSUT, Delhi (Being One o f the Top 10 Teams) Simeen Khan Ayyub Secured Second Position in Poster Making Competition Organized by MITADTU IEEE STB WIE Affinity Group in Association With SICSR IEEE STB WIEAG on Account of Women's Day Adarsh Rai Secured Second Position Essay Competition Organized by MITADTU IEEE STB WIE Affinity Group in Association With SICSR IEEE STB WIEAG on Account of Women's Day Meghna Das and Simeen Khan Got Selected in the Newsletter Team and Social Media Team Respectively at IEEE Pune Section Student Council Team 2021 Shatakshi Vishwakarma Secured S econd Position Essay Competition Organized by Mitadtu IEE STB WIE Affinity Group in Association With SICSR IEEE STB WIEAG on Account of Women's Day Harshika Avinash Jadhav Got Rewarded for the Python L earning Programme, Event Was Conducted by EDU Year Jui Kahate Was the Winner of the Preliminary Round of the Chinese Bridge Competition and She Has Been Selected as India's Representative to Represent I ndia in the Final Round of This Competition in China Sandhya Agarwal Got Selected as Ninja Entrepreneur at Coding Ninjas Vishesh Luthra and Ayushi K hare Got Selected for ACM India Summer School 2021 4 | SICSR E - MAGAZINE | CURSOR 5.0 Events gallery Majhi Vasundhara Abhiyan NATIONAL YOUTH DAY Inauguration of SICSR - IEEE Affordable Agriculture Labs and IEEE Membership Drive 2021 Introduction to IoT Workshop by SICSR IEEE Student Branch Matribhasha Diwas Expert Talk Series by Google DSC SICSR x YIF SICSR Cyber Security Workshop by SICSR IEEE Student Branch Design Thinking Workshop by SICSR IEEE Student Branch Résumé Building Workshop by SICSR IEEE STUDENT BRANCH ON CAMPUS SPORTS CUM EXERCISE ACTIVITY | CURSOR 5.0 (sicsr.ac.in) ON CAMPUS SPO RTS - CRICKET CUM EXERCISE ACTIVITY | CURSOR 5.0 (sicsr.ac.in) ON CAMPUS SPORTS - KHO KHO CUM EXERCISE ACTIVITY | CURSOR 5.0 (sicsr.ac.in) ON CAMPUS SPORTS - DODGEBALL CUM EXERCISE ACTIVITY | CURSOR 5.0 (sicsr.ac.in) Dive in GitHUB Workshop by SICSR ACM | CURSOR 5.0 Parakram Diwas | CURSOR 5.0 ( sicsr.ac.in) 5 | SICSR E - MAGAZINE | CURSOR 5.0 International Women’s Day - Poster Making and Essay Writing Competition | CURSOR 5.0 (sicsr.ac.in) SICSR IEEE Special Interest Group Fo r Humanitarian Technology (SIGHT) Group and Women in Engineering Student Branch Affinity Group (WiE SBAG) - Promotes STEM education to Children from 6 to 16 years olds | CURSOR 5.0 Open Data and Analyti cs by SICSR IEEE Student Branch | CURSOR 5.0 ON CAMPUS SPORTS - CRICKET CUM EXERCISE ACTIVITY | CURSOR 5.0 (sicsr.ac.in) ON CAMPUS SPORTS - FRISBEE CUM EXERCISE ACTIVITY | CURSOR 5.0 (sicsr.ac.in) ON CAMPUS SPORTS - CRICKET CUM EXERCISE ACTIVITY | CURSOR 5.0 (sicsr.ac.in) Fun With Algorithms Workshop by SICSR ACM Student Chapter | CURSOR 5.0 Commemoration of 400th Birth Anniversary of Shri Guru Tegh Bahadurji | CURSOR 5 .0 (sicsr.ac.in) Artificial Intelligence in Industry and Career Opportunities in Data Science by SICSR IEEE Student Branch | CURSOR 5.0 SEHAT - Walk athon and Cyclothon for World Health Day by SICSR IEEE Student Branch | CURSOR 5.0 Valedictory Session on SIGHT Group Project with SAMPARC NGO by SICSR IEEE Student Branch | CURSOR 5.0 VIRTUAL SPORTS CUM EXERCISE ACTIVITY | CURSOR 5.0 (sicsr.ac.in) Birthday celebration of Rabindranath Tagore | CURSOR 5.0 (sicsr.ac.in) Guided Beginners Project Session on Machine Learning | CURSOR 5.0 (sicsr.ac.in) VIRTUAL SPORTS CUM EXERCISE ACTIVITY | CURSOR 5.0 (sicsr.ac.in) eSTTP on “Latest Trends in Information Technology (LTIT)” | CURSOR 5.0 (sicsr.ac.in) GitHub Hands on Workshop | CURSOR 5.0 (sicsr.ac.in) 6 | SICSR E - MAGAZINE | CURSOR 5.0 Blockchain with Virtual Labs Workshop by SICSR ACM Student Chapters | CURSOR 5.0 World Environment Day | CURSOR 5.0 (sicsr.ac.in) VIRTUAL SPORTS CUM EXERCISE ACTIVITY | CURSOR 5.0 (sicsr.ac.in) Hurukuro Lecture Series | CURSOR 5.0 (sicsr.ac.in) CHISHIKI SERIES | CURSOR 5.0 (sicsr.ac.in) FORSCHUNG SERIES | CURSOR 5.0 (sicsr.ac.in)