Modified from Avarna Group’s Quadrants of Equity, Inclusion and Diversity Work Equity Action Plan Continually refine this plan to create a more diverse, equitable and inclusive agency. Check out NRPA’s guidance and action ideas. Use NRPA Connect to exchange insights within our community. YOU Individual Internal [Self-Awareness + Knowledge] Tracey will Initially researching more intensive DEI resources, such as books, podcasts, documentaries to support my agency n its DEI journey and to support my training efforts beginning summer 2023. Darleen Negrillo and Tracey Crawford will recreate the NWSRA DEI Committee by recruiting new members to replace those who have left the agency at the end of Summer 2023. Carleen and Tracey will create educational opportunities for Committee members at the beginning of every monthly DEI Committee meeting starting in the fall of 2023. The DEI Committee will Address the hiring process and marketing efforts by reviewing them through a DEI lens in 2023 and 2024 US Organizational Internal [Workplace Culture + Environment] YOU & OTHERS Individual External [Allyship + Relationship] Darleen Negrillo and Tracey Crawford, the NWSRA DEI Co Chairs, will work to build the DEI Skills and knowledge of the NWSRA DEI Committee members in the Fall 2023 into 2024. Utilize the newly educated allies and advocates on the NWSRA DEI Committee to educate the entire agency on DEI through trainings, relationship building activities, educational opportunities, and resources Winter/Spring 2024. The Support Services Department will implement the new hiring process with the census data and the ROI Report to recruit a diverse workforce that matches and/or complements the 17 communities we serve. The Marketing Team will utilize the DEI marketing ideas to market to underserved communities identified in the census data and the ROI Report to increase the diversity of participation by promoting our programs and services to underserved populations within the 17 communities that we serve. US & THEM Organizational External [Programs + Communication] Modified from Avarna Group’s Quadrants of Equity, Inclusion and Diversity Work Next Do-able Step(s) Who : What : By When :