Page 1 of 19 Researching Investment Promotion in Europe (RIPE) Survey Your participation in the voluntary RIPE Survey is of great value. All information collected through this survey will be used for academic research and to inform public policies around regional and national investment promotion in Europe. This survey is part of the broader Economic, Social and Spatial Inequalities ( ESSPIN ) research project, which is funded by the European Union under Horizon Europe. We request that you complete this questionnaire on behalf of the investment promotion authority that you represent. All the information you provide is kept strictly confidential - it is illegal for us to reveal your data or i dentify your organisation to unauthorised persons. Any data collected through this survey will securely stored in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the 2018 UK Data Protection Act. More detail on our Data Protection policy can be found here If you have any more questions about the way the RIPE Survey is being conducted, you can contact our Research Officer Juan Alvarez - Vilanova at j.alvarez - or on +447969425508. To proceed, please let us know whether you are happy with the above. o Yes o No Page 2 of 19 SURVEY CONTENTS GUIDANCE FOR COMPLETING THIS SURVEY ................................ ................................ ....... 3 ABOUT YOUR ORGANISATION ................................ ................................ ............................... 4 1. FDI TARGETING - SECTORS ................................ ................................ ............................... 5 2. FDI TARGETING - SECTORS ................................ ................................ ............................... 7 3. FDI TARGETING - GREEN ACTIVITIES ................................ ................................ ............... 9 4. FDI TARGETING - ADVAN CED DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES ................................ ................ 12 5. FDI TARGETING - SOURCE COUNTRIES ................................ ................................ .......... 13 6. RESOURCES FOR FDI PROMOTION ................................ ................................ ................. 15 7. PROMOTION OF OUTWARD FDI ................................ ................................ ........................ 16 8. FURTHER COMMENTS ................................ ................................ ................................ ....... 18 9. CONTACT INFORMATION ................................ ................................ ................................ ... 19 Page 3 of 19 GUIDANCE FOR COMPLETING THIS SURVEY The survey is structured into 7 questions, with the progress bar at the top showing how much you have completed. There will be a space at the end for you to add any clarifications/comments with respect to any of the questions in the survey, or to securely upload any documentation that you deem relevant. You are not required to complete and submit the su rvey in one sitting. You can close the survey and your responses will be saved automatically . By clicking on the original survey link sent to you, you will be able to pick up where you left off. If there is something you wish to edit at any point before submitting, you can use the 'back' arrows to navigate to the question and make any necessary changes. Towards the end of the survey, you will have the chance to view your responses and download them as a .pdf. We advise you to pause at this stage, review y our responses, and make any subsequent changes before you submit. Once you click 'SUBMIT' in the final page, you will receive an email with a summary of your responses for your records. We would ask that you complete the survey by Monday 6t h November If you wish to amend any of your answers after submission, or if you have any further comments or questions, you can contact our Research Officer, Juan Alvarez - Vilanova, at j.alvarez - or on +447969425508. Page 4 of 19 ABOUT YOUR ORGANISATION Please check that the following details about your organisation/agency are correct. If they are not, or if they are blank, please edit accordingly. Organisation/agency name: <Agency Name> Geographical coverage <Agency Country> Year established: < Agency est ablishment year > Page 5 of 19 1. FDI TARGETING - SECTORS Has <Agency Name> targeted specific sectors for FDI inflows into <Agency Country> , at any point in time? o Yes o No Please select which sectors below. ○ Accommodation, restaurants & bars ( incl. tourism) ○ Administrative services & auxiliary business support (incl. call centres , security & rental services ) ○ Agriculture, forestry & fishing ○ Arts, entertainment, recreation , natural parks & sport ○ Construction ○ Energy generation & distribution - coal, oil & gas ○ Energy generation & distribution - nuclear ○ Energy generation & distribution - hydroelectric ○ Energy generation & distribution - wind ○ Energy generation & distribution - solar ○ Energy generation & distribution - other renewable (incl. biomass, geothermal and marine/ocean/tidal) ○ Financial services & insurance ○ Publishing (books, periodicals & digital), motion picture/sound recording & broadcasting ○ Telecommunications (wired , satellite & other ) ○ Computer programming, IT consulting and IT management ○ Information service activities (incl. data processing, hosting and storage) ○ Manufacturing - basic metals ○ Manufacturing - building materials Page 6 of 19 ○ Manufacturing - cars, trucks and other automobiles (incl. parts) ○ Manufacturing - chemicals & chemical products (excl. pharmaceutical) ○ Manufacturing - coke and refined petroleum products (excl. plastic & rubber) ○ Manufacturing - computers, electronic components & electrical devices ○ Manufacturing - fabricated metal products ○ Manufacturing – food, drink & tobacco products ○ Manufacturing - furniture & wood products ○ Manufacturing - machinery & industrial equipment ○ Manufacturing - medicines & pharmaceutical products ○ Manufacturing - non - automobile transport (incl. aircraft , ships & military equipment ) ○ Manufacturing - other (incl. medical devices) ○ Manufacturing - paper, paper products & printed material ○ Manufacturing - rubber & plastic products ○ Manufacturing - textile, footwear, apparel & leather ○ Mining & quarrying ○ Professional & technical services (excl. financial, scientific & software ) ○ Real estate activities ○ Retail/wholesale trade & repairs ○ Scientific research & development (incl. biotechnology) ○ Transportation (incl. air travel), logistics & storage ○ Water, sewage & waste management Page 7 of 19 2. FDI TARGETING - SECTORS With regards to inward FDI promotion, we are interested in distinguishing between targ eting for: "Attraction & establishment" - refers to attracting new foreign investors and supporting their entry and establishment in <Agency Country> "Growth, retention & expansion" - refers to focusing on existing foreign investors, with a view to maintaining o r expanding their investments in <Agency Country> 2.1 ATTRACTION & ESTABLISHMENT First, please specify which of the sectors selected are targeted for attraction & establishment of inward FDI, including when such targeting officially began and whether it is still in effect (if it is not, please select when it ended from the drop - down list) Do you target this sector for FDI attraction/establishment ? Please tick accordingly. Please select whether this targeting is still in place, or if not is not please select when it ended. When did this begin? Telecommunications (wired, satellite & other) ▢ ▼ Targeting still in place ... 2023 ▼ pre - 2003 ... 2023 Transportation (incl. air travel), logistics & storage ▢ ▼ Targeting still in place ... 2023 ▼ pre - 2003 ... 2023 Water, sewage & waste management ▢ ▼ Targeting still in place ... 2023 ▼ pre - 2003 ... 2023 Page 8 of 19 2.2 GROWTH, RETENTION & EXPANSION Next, please do the same for FDI growth, retention & expansion below. Do you target this sector for FDI growth, retention and expansion ? Please tick accordingly. Please select whether this targeting is still in place, or if not is not please select when it ended. When did this begin? Telecommunications (wired, satellite & other) ▢ ▼ Targeting still in place ... 2023 ▼ pre - 2003 ... 2023 Transportation (incl. air travel), logistics & storage ▢ ▼ Targeting still in place ... 2023 ▼ pre - 2003 ... 2023 Water, sewage & waste management ▢ ▼ Targeting still in place ... 2023 ▼ pre - 2003 ... 2023 Page 9 of 19 3. FDI TARGETING - GREEN ACTIVITIES Below are the sectors that <Agency Name> targets for inward FDI , together with an indicative list of any activities considered 'green' within each sector (based on the EU taxonomy of green activities). To be considered green, an economic activity must make a substa ntial contribution to at least one of the EU’s climate and environmental objectives (mitigating and adapting to climate change; promoting the sustainable use of marine and water resources; promoting the transition to a circular economy; preventing and cont rolling pollution; and protecting or restoring biodiversity and natural ecosystems), while at the same time not significantly harming any of these objectives and meeting minimum safeguards. For each sector targeted for inward FDI, does <Agency Name> p lace particular emphasis on or prioritise FDI into 'green' activities ? If so, when did this begin? You can expand each activity list from the corner of the text box in order to read it more easily. If a relevant sector is missing, please navigate back to section "1. FDI TARGETING - SECTORS" and tick the corresponding sector as targeted. Green activities within sector Do you prioritise these green activities? When did this begin? Page 10 of 19 Telecommunications (wired, satellite & other) Data - driven solutions for greenhouse gas emissions reductions and mitigating climate risk. ▢ ▼ pre - 2003 ... 2023 Transportation (incl. air travel), logistics & storage Operation of sustainable urban and suburban transport, road passenger transport. Operation of passenger interurban rail transport & freight rail transport. Transmission and distribution networks for renewable and low - carbon gases Transport of captured CO2. ▢ ▼ pre - 2003 ... 2023 Water, sewage & waste management Construction, extension, operation and renewal of water collection, treatment and supply systems Construction, extension, operation and renewal of waste water collection and treatment Landfill gas capture and utilisation ▢ ▼ pre - 2003 ... 2023 Page 11 of 19 Collection and transport of non - hazardous waste in source segregated fractions Material recovery from non - hazardous waste Underground permanent geologica l storage of CO2. Page 12 of 19 4. FDI TARGETING - ADVANCED DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES Below are the sectors that <Agency Name> targets for inward FDI For each sector, does <Agency Name> place particular emphasis on or prioritise FDI that involves advanced digital technologies ? If so, when did this begin? By 'advanced digital technologies', we refer to any technologies quoted in the EU Digital Compass : Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning, blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, quantum computing, edge computing, super - computing, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), holographic media, Big Data, Open Data , 5G connectivity, 6G connectivity, satellite connectivity, gigabit connectivity, Very High Capacity Networks (VHCNs), robotics, automated/autonomous vehicles, micro - electronics/micro - processors Do you prioritise FDI involving advanced digital technolog ies? When did this begin? Telecommunications (wired, satellite & other) ▢ ▼ pre - 2003 ... 2023 Transportation (incl. air travel), logistics & storage ▢ ▼ pre - 2003 ... 2023 Water, sewage & waste management ▢ ▼ pre - 2003 ... 2023 Page 13 of 19 5. FDI TARGETING - SOURCE COUNTRIES Has <Agency Name> targeted specific foreign countries for inward FDI into <Agency Country> , at any point in time? This targeting could be done by setting up a <Agency Name> in - country office , via specific collaboration with the n ational Embassy in the country, or in other ways (for example, by running marketing campaigns that specifically target that country, or regularly hosting delegations from that country). o Yes o No Please select which particular foreign countries are/have been targeted by <Agency Name> for inward FDI into <Agency Country> Please do not select your own country In each case, please also tell us when this targeting began and ended (if this targeting is still in place, please select 'Targeting still in place' in Col umn C). If you wish, you may use the final column to tell us about the motivation for targeting the country (for example, to build on existing FDI flows, to access investment from specific new markets or sectors, for broader strategic/market - led reasons... etc.). To find each country, either scroll down in the drop - down or begin to type the country name. If you need to add more countries, you can do so by clicking on the "+" at the bottom. A . Please select the country. B . When did this begin? C . When did this end? D . You may optionally tell us about the motivation for targeting this country below. Page 14 of 19 1 ▼ Afghanistan ... Zimbabwe ▼ pre - 2003 ... 2023 ▼ Targeting still in place ... 2023 2 ▼ Afghanistan ... Zimbabwe ▼ pre - 2003 ... 2023 ▼ Targeting still in place ... 2023 3 ▼ Afghanistan ... Zimbabwe ▼ pre - 2003 ... 2023 ▼ Targeting still in place ... 2023 4 ▼ Afghanistan ... Zimbabwe ▼ pre - 2003 ... 2023 ▼ Targeting still in place ... 2023 5 ▼ Afghanistan ... Zimbabwe ▼ pre - 2003 ... 2023 ▼ Targeting still in place ... 2023 Page 15 of 19 6. RESOURCES FOR FDI PROMOTION What level of resources does <Agency Name> dedicate to inward FDI promotion , at any stage (i.e., attraction, entry/establishment, retention and expansion, linkag es and spillovers)? Please indicate below in terms of number of full - time equivalent staff (average for the last financial year, i.e. 2022) and the budget allocation (for the last financial year, i.e. 2022). We understand that this may be hard to det ermine exactly, so again an estimate is fine. o Number of full - time equivalent staff __________________________________________________ o Budget allocation in euro (€) __________________________________________________ Roughly, what percentage of resources f or FDI promotion does <Agency Name> dedicate to each of the following investment stages? You can hover over each category to see examples of activities within each stage. We understand this may be hard to calculate exactly, so an estimate is fine. Please complete so that the total adds up to 100. _______ Attraction _______ Entry & establishment _______ Retention & expansion _______ Fostering linkages & spillovers Page 16 of 19 7. PROMOTION OF OUTWARD FDI Does <Agency Name> actively work to promote outward FDI by enterprises based in <Agency Country> ? By this, we refer to any activities related to supporting domestic businesses - either small/medium - sized enterprises or larger domestic Multinational Enterprises - to invest in or set up operations in a foreign country. We are not referring to export promotion - that is, supporting domestic businesses to export their goods to foreign countries. o Yes o No In its promotion of outward FDI , does <Agency Name> target specific sectors? o Yes o No Which of the following sectors has <Agency Name> explicitly targeted for outward FDI ? For each sector, please also tell us when this targeting began and when it ended (if the targeting is still in place, please select the option 'Targeting st ill in place'). Does <Agency Name> target this sector for outward FDI? When did this begin? Please select whether this targeting is still in place, or if not is not please select when it ended. Page 17 of 19 Accommodation, restaurants & bars (incl. tourism) ▢ ▼ pre - 2003 ... 2023 ▼ Targeting still in place ... 2023 Administrative services & auxiliary business support (incl. call centres, security & rental services) ▢ ▼ pre - 2003 ... 2023 ▼ Targeting still in pl ace ... 2023 Agriculture, forestry & fishing ▢ ▼ pre - 2003 ... 2023 ▼ Targeting still in place ... 2023 Energy generation & distribution - wind ▢ ▼ pre - 2003 ... 2023 ▼ Targeting still in place ... 2023 Manufacturing - medicines & pharmaceutical products ▢ ▼ pre - 2003 ... 2023 ▼ Targeting still in place ... 2023 Manufacturing - non - automobile transport (incl. aircraft & ships) ▢ ▼ pre - 2003 ... 2023 ▼ Targeting still in place ... 2023 Transportation (incl air travel), logistics & storage ▢ ▼ pre - 2003 ... 2023 ▼ Targeting still in place ... 2023 Water, sewage & waste management ▢ ▼ pre - 2003 ... 2023 ▼ Targeting still in place ... 2023 ... Page 18 of 19 8. FURTHER COMMENTS Please use the text box below to make any further comments or clarifications. For example, you may wish to give us more detail about how <Agency Name> engages with the green/digital transition, beyond targeting specific sectors, activities or technologies. __________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ In addition, you may use the upload link below to securely share with us any documentation that you deem relevant, for example a strategy document or report outlining <Agency Name> 's approach towards FDI in green activities and/or advanced digital technologies. You may also email this to our research officer, Juan Alvarez - Vilanova, on j.alvarez - Would you like to u pload more documents? o Yes o No File #2 File #3 Page 19 of 19 9. CONTACT INFORMATION Finally, as the respondent on behalf of <Agency Name> , please tell us your name, role at <Agency Name> , email address, and a contact telephone number. We will only get in touch in the event that we require some clarification regarding any of your survey responses. o Your name __________________________________________________ o Role at <Agency Name> __________________________________________________ o Email address ________ __________________________________________ o Telephone number __________________________________________________ Would you like to be kept updated with the research outputs from this survey? o Yes o No Would you be open to participating in a short zoom interview with London School of Economics (LSE) researchers, with the aim of delving into the topics of the survey in more detail? o Yes o No