TWP Safeguarding C hildren and Adults at Risk Policy 1 Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk Policy 1. Background We, t he Woodfield Project (TWP), are a registered charity ( number 1158644) This policy accord s with our aims and charitable objects. Those include promoting recreation or other leisure time activity so as to improve so cial welfare and the lives of members of the public at large; and promoting the physical and natural environment. 2 S afeguarding children We recognise that the safety and security of the children we work with is paramount and all children have the right to protection from all types of harm, abuse and discrimination. 3 S afeguarding adults at risk We acknowledge that our work will involve de al ing directly with a wide range of adults in the community , and coming into contact with adults at risk 4 Who does this policy apply to? This policy applies to a nyone when acting for TWP in any capacity or setting. 5. Code of Practice for Employees and Volunteers This should be read together with our Employee and Volunteer Code of Conduct Safeguarding children and adults at risk is everyone’s responsibility. 6. Safeguarding Reporting Procedures This should be read together also with our Safeguarding Reporting Procedures A written report of any safeguarding incidents should be done within 24 hours of any disclosure or concern. 7 Those who act for TWP 7 .1 A nyone acting for TWP who ha s regular direct contact with children or adults at risk should be subject to an enhanced disclosure and criminal records check by the D isclosure and B arring S ervice. 7 .2 Anyone who help s run TWP’s activities should : • have read this policy and our Safeguarding Reporting Procedures ; • know ho w to report a disclosure or a concern that a child or adult m ight be at TWP Safeguarding C hildren and Adults at Risk Policy 2 risk of abuse ; and • know who the Safeguarding Officer is 7 .3 So far as reasonably practicable, the above condi tions apply to volunteers as to others V olunteers w ith direct contact should at least be made aware of this policy and how to report disclosures and concerns through the Safeguarding Officer But no volunteer should work alone with or in charge of children or adults at risk. 7 .4 All paid staff should have had basic safeguarding training. 7 .5 Where we hire or grant facilities at the pavilion to other s who are working directly with children or adults at risk , it should be a condition of the hire or gr ant that they should have reasonable safeguarding arrangements of their own or, failing that, should comply with this policy and our Safeguarding Reporting Procedures so far as applicable. 7 .6 We should consider whether to impose a similar condition before agreeing to run activities jointly with o ther s 8 Children involved in TWP ’s activities 8.1 We recognise that children can become abusers , and that abuse can happen within peer groups and between older and younger children. 8.2 Staff should be aware of the signs of peer - on - peer abuse or grooming. 8.3 The Safeguarding Officer shall be responsible for gi ving training and raising awareness of this. 8.4 Y ou ths involved in the work of TWP (whether or not on work experience ) should be made aware of this policy and how to report a concern or disclosure. Those with specific communication needs, because of language or disability , should have access to tha t information in forms that the y can understand. Staff work ing with you ths with such needs should ensure they know how to give the information in an appropriate form 9 Safeguarding Officer (SO) and Board Lead on Safeguarding 9 .1 The SO for TWP is Janet Baker , the Woodfield Manager The SO shall : • Develop TWP’s approach to Safeguarding, and review the policy and procedures regularly. • G i ve advice and support to staff, volunteers or anyone else working for or with TWP. • Manage concerns reported by staff and volunteers, and work with the Board Lead to resolve them or follow them up. 9 .2 The Board Lead on Safeguarding is Susan Sheehan The Board Lead s hall support the SO and take lead responsibility for safeguarding at Board of Trustees level in TWP Where the SO is u n available or on leave, the Board Lead shall act instead and all concerns should then be reported to the Board Lead The trustees prepared t h i s po licy on 28 / 03 / 2019 , and adopted this revised version on 2 1 /02/2020 The next review date is on or before 31 / 03 / 202 1 TWP Safeguarding Reporting Procedures 1 Safeguarding Reporting Procedures 1. Terms - ‘TWP’ means The Woodfield Project (registered charity number 1158644). - ‘We’ means TWP. - ‘ You’ means (as the cont ex t requires) someone who i s given an allegati on o f ab us e or someone reporting suspected abuse. - ‘Safeguarding’ means promoting the welfare of children and of adults at risk and protecting them from harm. - The ‘Safeguarding Officer’ or ‘SO’ means the person assigned overall responsibility for safeguarding within TWP. - The ‘Board Lead on Safeguarding ’ means the trustee of TWP taking lead responsibility for safeguarding at Board of T rustees level in TWP - ‘Woodfield Project Manager’ means the person appointed by TWP to run the Woodfield Pavilion and the activities based there - Anyone ‘actin g for TWP ’ means anyone employed by TWP, or volunteering in any capacity for TWP , or acting for TWP under contract, including freelance and session workers. - ‘P artner O rgani z ations ’ means schools, local authorities, charities, community centres, and other bodies and organizations that TWP deals with in the course of its business. - A ‘child’ means anyone under the age of 18. - A n adult at risk is one who is getting health care from a health professional; or who needs help with mobi lity or other basic needs because of age, illness, or disability; or who for any other reasons seems to be particularly at risk - A member of the public includes anyone visiting the Woodfield Pavilion, or taking part in TWP activities , or otherwise coming in contact with TWP. 2 Guidelines for receiving disclosure s from children and adults at risk If someone discloses abuse to you : DO ● Stay calm ● Listen/watch/understand ● Give the person time to say what he or she want s ● Reassure th at person that he or she ha s done the right thing in telling you ● Ensure that any medical attention needed is addressed as a priority TWP Safeguarding Reporting Procedures 2 ● Record in writing what was said as soon as possible (at least within 24 hours of the disclosure) using the Concern Form in Appendix 3 – hard copies of that form are available from t he Safeguarding Officer or any member of staff ● Pass the Concern F orm to the Safeguarding Officer straightaway ● Tell only the Safeguarding Officer , who will decide who needs to know and how to deal with the concern. Keep the concern confidential from other staff. DON’T ● Ask leading questions ( such as, D id he touch you? ) ● Show panic or use language which shows you ar e panicking or upset ● Promise to keep secrets ● Ask for details of the abuse ● Make a child repeat the story unnecessarily ● Try to investigate the concern or abuse yourself ● Speak directly to the parents or carer about the abuse ● Confront the person being accused of the abuse ● Discuss detail of the abuse with other staff or volunteers ● Destroy evidence, e.g. in the case of sexual assault don't let the person who has been assaulted change clothes, wash, bathe or shower. ● Discuss details of the abuse or names of people affected with friends or family. You MUST report any concern or disclosure , and promptly If you f ail to do so you might be prosecuted or considered party to or involved in the abuse. TWP recognises that receiving a disclosure of abuse can be distressing. You will be offered support s hould you receive a disclosure. 3 Reporting FGM Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) covers all procedures involving partial or total removal of the external female genitalia for non - medical reasons. It may be carried out at any time in a girl’s life, from baby to womanhood, but the most common age for those FGM cases where the age is kno wn is 5 to 9 years old. FGM is also commonly known as ‘cutting’ or ‘female circumcision’. It is an offence either to carry out FGM on any female, or to help or encourage FGM to be done by the female herself or by anyone else. Even apart from that, FGM is a form of violence against women and girls , and w hen d o ne t o a child is also child abuse I n the UK, anyone found guilty of an FGM offence or of helping somebody commit one, faces up to 14 years in prison, a fine, or both, regardless of where in the world the FGM takes place. Anyone found guilty of failing to protect a girl under the age of 16 from risk of FGM faces up to 7 years in prison, a fine, or both. Reporting procedure : A s f rom 31st October 2015 it has been mandatory to report cases of “ known ” FGM to the Police. The duty applies to all regulated professionals working within health or social care, and teachers. TWP Safeguarding Reporting Procedures 3 This duty does not apply to cases where FGM is suspected or there is a concern that a child or adult may be at risk of FGM. W here you suspect FGM, you should follow the same procedure of reporting the concern using the Concern Form (Appendix 3) DO NOT attempt to investigate the suspected FGM yourself or ask the child or adult to show you physical evidence. 4. Reporting Procedure If you get allegation of abuse from a child or adult at risk you should report it immediately to the SO or (if that isn’t possible or fitting) to the Board Lead on Safeguarding The same applies if you have good reason to suspect such abuse. A nd , if such abuse is reported to the SO , the SO should in turn report it, in outline at least, to the Board Lead on Safeguarding Below, ‘the SO’ shall be read, where fitting, as meaning or including the Board Lead on Safeguarding. Once you have reported a concern or disclosure to the S O the SO shall follow that up as fitting The S O shall first decide whether the child or adult at risk is in immediate danger or might be return ing home to an abusive situation. If the S O believes th at , the SO may refer the concern or disclosure straight to the Police. If this is not the case, but the S O believes that the report is serious , then the SO should report the concern or disclosure to the Safeguarding Officer for either Wandsworth Borough Council or Lambeth Borough Council as appropriate You are entitled to receive general, non - specific information on how the concern has been followed up by the S O If you feel that the S O has not adequately followed up the concern or disclosure you have raised, you may report th at to the Chair of TWP by emailing thewoodfieldproject You may also contact: • Wandsworth Multi - Ag e ncy S afeguarding H ub : Telephone: 020 8871 6622. O utside normal office hours (after 5pm weekdays or at weekends) t elephone : 020 8871 6000 Email: • Wandsworth Adult Social Care and Public Health: Telephone: 020 8871 7707 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm). Email: • Lambeth Safeguarding Adults Board : Telephone 020 7926 5555 N/launch?utm_source=Lambe th&utm_medium=form&utm_campaign=safeguarding Email: • Lambeth Safeguarding Children Board: Telephone: 020 7926 5555 ; Email: • NSPCC helpline for confidential advice: 0808 800 5000 --- report - abuse - form/ Email: TWP Safeguarding Reporting Procedures 4 And y ou may contact the Police: * on 999 i f you believe the person in question may be in immediate danger ; or * on 101, if you are not sure whether it is an emergency 5. Confidential Record Keeping All concerns and any discussions about a child's or adult at risk ’s welfare should be recorded in writing whether or not further action is taken. It is important that concerns raised are recorded accurately and in detail. All discussions should end with clear and explicit recorded agreement about who will be taking what action. Where no further action is the outcome the reason for th at should be clearly recorded. Records must be kept securely in a locked place to which access is restricted. The S O and/or the Board Lead on Safeguarding (as fitting) must keep th o se records confidential; and must ensure that the records, and any information in them , are made available only to relevant parties. When transfer ring information ( whether verbally, through the mail, electronically, or in any other way ) confidentiality must be maintained. 6. Ensuring arrangements for P artner O rgani z ations TWP agrees to work effectively with P artner O rgani z ations to safeguard children and adults at risk If a disclosure or concern is reported in a setting where a Partner Organization is involved , the S O shall deci de whether to in volve the relevant persons in the P artner O rgani z ation when following - up the concern. Th at may include seeking advice from the Partner Organization’s relevant d esignated s afeguarding officer on how to follow up the concern or disclosure. For example , it may be that the Partner Organization already knows about the child or adult at risk ’s situation , and is already putting in place relevant support. 7. Home Visits There should be no need as part of TWP’s business for any one acting for TWP to visit the home of any member of the public. A h ome visit should be undertaken only when there is a good reason and no other options are available ; and then only with the permission of the Woodfield Project Manager 8. Responding to allegations of abuse or inappropriate or dangerous behaviour by anyone acting for TWP – whistleblowing. Any allegation by a child or adult at risk against a ny one acting for TWP should be reported immediately in line with section 4 above Once the allegation is made, the S O and/or the Board Lead on Safeguarding shall immediately consult the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) on what to do next, taking advice from Social Care and Police as necessary. A ny one acting for TWP should be fully suppo rted who report s a concern about a colleague ’ s poor practice or the possibility that the colleague is abus i n g a child or adult at risk TWP Safeguarding Reporting Procedures 5 Every effort must be made to maintain confidentiality at all times , although the child or adult at risk ’s welfare shall be paramount. Procedures shall be applied with common sense and judgment. TWP acknowledges that some allegations will be so serious that they should be referr ed straightaway to social care and the police for investigation. The following issues sh ould be considered: ● Whether the matter can be properly dealt with under disciplinary procedures or whether the Police and/ or Children ’ s Social Care might need to be involved. If the Police or Children ’ s Social Care need to be involv ed then a strategy discussion will take place, under Safeguarding Children Board p rocedures for Lambeth or Wandsworth (as the case might be). ● How and by whom the parents or carers of a child should be informed. In s ome circumstances parents m ight need to be informed straightaway, such as when the child is injured and needs medical treatment. In all other circumstances , th e parents should be told as soon as practi ca ble ● What support the child and their carer may require I f the concern/allegation relates to the restraint of a child then the initial consideration and any subsequent strategy discussion/meeting should consider any policy and guidance we may have on the use of safe handling ● How and by whom the person about whom the allegation has been made should be told about the allegation. Th at should happen as soon as possible , unless it is concluded that Police and/or Children ’ s Social Care need to be involved in further enquiries . If the latter happens , the person should not be told until the relevant agencies have discussed and deci ded on strategy. If the person is a member of a union or professional body , the person should be advised to seek the support of that body from the outset. ● Whether TWP should suspend the relevant person from duties pending further investigation into the allegations. Suspension is seen as a neutral act to prevent further harm to both th at person and the child or adult at risk involved. 9. Relevant Legislation and Legal Framework The Children Act 1989 (as amended by section 53 of the Children Act 2004) : This Act requires local authorities to give due regard to a child’s wishes when determining what services to provide under section 17 of the Children Act 1989, and before making decisions about action to be taken to protect individual children under sectio n 47 of the Children Act 1989. Th o se duties complement requirements relating to the wishes and feelings of children who are, or may be, looked after (section 22(4) Children Act 1989), including those who are provided with accommodation under section 20 of the Children Act 1989 and children taken into police protection (section 46(3)(d) of that Act) The Equality Act 2010 : That puts a responsibility on public authorities to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination and promote equality of opp ortunity. This applies to the process of identification of need and risk faced by the individual TWP Safeguarding Reporting Procedures 6 child and the process of assessment. No child or group of children must be treated any less favourably than others in being able to access effective services which meet their particular needs The Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003 (as amended) : Sect i o n 1 of t his Act makes it an offence for anyone to ca rry out any form of FGM (apart from a medical practitioner doing so for proper medical reasons). Section 2 makes it an offence for anyone to help or encourage or arrange for a female to carry out any form of FGM on herself. Section 3 makes it an offence for a nyone to help or en courage or arrange for anyone outside the UK to carry out any form of FGM on a UK national or resident. Section 3A (inserted by the Serious Crime Act 2015) makes it an offence for each person who is responsible for a girl under 16 years old to fail to pro tect that girl from being a vi ctim of an offence of FGM u nder sections 1 - 3. Se c tion 5 sets out p enalties for th o se offences. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) : This is an international agreement that protects the rights of children and provides a child - centred framework for the development of services to children. The UK Government ratified the UNCRC in 1991 and, by doing so, recognises children’s rights to exp ression and receiving information. Prevent UK : Prevent is one of the four elements of CONTEST, the government’s counter - terrorism strategy. It aims to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. The Home Office works with local authorities and a wide range of government departments and community organisations to deliver the Prevent Strategy. Th e trus t ees prepared t h ese procedures on 28/03/2019, and adopted this revised version on 2 1 / 0 2 / 20 20. The next review date is on or before 31 / 03 / 202 1. TWP Safeguarding Reporting Procedures 7 Appendix 1: Types of abuse in children and recognising the signs of abuse Child abuse is any action by another person – adult or child – that causes significant harm to a child. It can be physical, sexual or emotional, but can just as often be about a lack of love, care and attention which is neglect. We know that neglect, wha tever form it takes, can be just as damaging to a child as physical abuse. An abused child will often experience more than one type of abuse, as well as other difficulties in their lives. It often happens over a period of time, rather than being a one - off event. And it can increasingly happen online. Children may be abused in a family, institutional or community setting; the abuse may be by those known to them or, more rarely, by a stranger. Physical abuse – may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating, or otherwise causing physical harm to a child, including by fabricating the symptoms of, or deliberately causing, ill health. Physical indicators ● Bite marks ● Bruises ● Burns ● Broken bones ● Hair mi ssing in tufts ● Lacerations and abrasions (especially to the eyes, lips, gums and mouth) ● Lack of treatment and care of an injury ● Missing or loosened teeth ● Welts Behavioural indicators ● No or little emotion when hurt ● Regression ● Overly compliant, shy, withdrawn, passive ● Uncommunicative ● Self - harming ● Suicide attempts ● Disclosure ● Fear of a parent or carer ● Avoidance of physical contact ● Arms and legs are covered by clothing in warm weather ● Homelessness ● Parent shows little concern about a marked delay between injury and medical help Emotional abuse – persistent emotional ill - treatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the child’s emotional development. It may involve TWP Safeguarding Reporting Procedures 8 co nveying to children that they are worthless or unloved, inadequate, or valued only insofar as they meet the needs of another person ; or imposing on children age or developmentally inappropriate expectations ; or causing children frequently to feel frighte ned ; or exploiti ng or corrupti ng children. Physical indicators ● Depression ● Eating disorders (anorexia or bulimia) ● Lethargy or fatigue ● Symptoms of stress ● Evidence of drug abuse or dependence ● Wetting, soiling, smearing ● Psychosomatic complaints ● Violent drawings or writing ● Rocking ● Sucking thumb ● Self - harming behaviour Behavioural indicators ● Attempted suicide ● Overly compliant or passive behaviour ● Overly shy or withdrawn ● Low self esteem ● Fire - setting ● Truancy or school avoidance ● Deliberate harming of animals ● P oor peer relationships ● Disclosure directly to an adult or indirectly to a friend or adult ● Adult - like behaviour e.g. parents other children ● Aggressive or delinquent behaviour ● Excessive neatness or cleanliness ● Fearfulness when approached by a person known to them ● Discloses having witnessed domestic violence ● Expresses feelings of worthlessness ● Low tolerance to frustration Sexual abuse – involves forcing or enticing a child to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact, including penetrative or non - penetrative acts. They may include involving children in looking at, or produc ing , pornographic material, or encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate way s. Physical indicators ● bruises or bleeding from external genitalia, vagina or anal regions ● blood stained underwear ● pregnancy or fear of pregnancy TWP Safeguarding Reporting Procedures 9 ● signs of pain, itching or discomfort in the anal or genital area ● urinary tract infections ● self - mutilation Behavioural indicators ● Inappropriate interest in sexual matters ● Knowledge of sexual behaviour inappropriate to age ● Regression to infantile behaviour ● Sudden unexplained fears ● wetting and /or soiling ● Excessive attention - getting, aggression or clingy behaviour ● Recurrent physical complaints ● Depression, withdrawal into fantasy, suicidal pre - occupation ● Disclosure directly or indirectly through drawings, play or writing ● Sexualised behaviours inappropriate to age (including sexually touching other children or themselves), public masturbation or disrobing ● Disclosure of involvement in sexual activity directly to an adult, indirectly to a friend or in a disguised way (e.g. “I know a person who...”) ● Inappropriate expressions of affection ● Promiscuity ● Criminal sexua l behaviour ● Decline in academic performance ● Running away from home Neglect – persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child’s health or development, such as failing to provide adequate food, shelter & clothing, or neglect of, or unresponsiveness to, a child’s basic emotional needs. Physical indicators ● Poor personal hygiene ● Dirty and unwashed ● Lack of adequate or suitable clothing ● Constantly hungry ● Inadequate nutrition ● Lack of medical or dental care ● Development delays ● Untreated physical or medical problems e.g. sores, boils and lice ● Drug and/or alcohol abuse in the home ● Lack of adequate supervision Behavioural indicators ● Poor school attendance ● Falling asleep in school, constant fatigue ● Always attends school, even when sick TWP Safeguarding Reporting Procedures 10 ● Frequent lateness, early arrival or reluctance to leave school ● Poor academic performance ● Steals, hoards or begs for food ● Engages in vandalism ● Disclos ing directly to an adult or indirectly to a friend that no one is home to provide care ● Inappropriate sexual behaviour Family violence – violence or abuse used by the perpetrator to exert control over members of the immediate or extended family. It includes behaviour which results in physical harm, sexual assault and/or psychological trauma, forced isolation, economic deprivation , or behaviour that causes the victim to live in fear. Physical indicators ● injuries which are excused as ‘accidents’ Behav ioural indicators ● constant and abrupt absences from school ● receiving recurrent, troublesome phone calls from the parent(s) ● a fear of the parent ● changes in personal behaviours (e.g. an outgoing student becomes withdrawn) ● an extreme fear of conflict ● the need for assertiveness ● tendencies towards isolation and avoid ing friends and family ● insufficient means to live (money, food, clothing) ● depression, crying, low self - esteem TWP Safeguarding Reporting Procedures 11 Appendix 2: Types of abuse in adults The commonly recognised forms of abuse are Physical, Sexual, Financial, Psychological, Discriminatory, Neglect or acts of omission, Organisational, Self - Neglect, Domestic Abuse and Modern Slavery. Financial or material abuse – including theft, fraud, internet scamming, coercion in relation to an adult ’ s financial affairs or arrangements ( including about wills, property, inheritance or financial transactions ) , or the misuse or misappropriation of property, possessions or benefit s. Financial abuse - includes theft, fraud, exploitation, pressure about financial matters, or the misuse of someone else ’ s finances. The following are possible indicators of financial abuse: ● Sudden inability to pay bills ● Sudden withdrawal of money from an account ● Person lacks belongings that they can clearly afford ● Lack of receptivity by the person ’ s relatives to necessary expenditure ● Power of attorney obtained when the person is unable to understand what they are signing ● Extraordinary interest by family members in the adult at risk ’ s assets ● Recent change of deeds to the house ● Carer ’ s main interest is financial , with little regard for the health and welfare of the adult at risk ● The person managing the finances is evasive and uncooperati ve ● Reluctance to accept care services ● Purchase of items that the individual does not require or use ● Personal items going missing ● Unreasonable or inappropriate gifts Physical abuse – including assault, hitting, kicking, slapping, pushing, misuse of medicati on, unlawful or unreasonable restraint , or inappropriate physical sanctions. The following may be indicators of physical abuse: ● Unexplained bruising – in well - protected areas or soft parts of the body ● Bruising in different stages of healing ● Unexplained burns – unusual location / type ● Unexplained fractures to any part of the body ● Unexplained lacerations or abrasions ● Slap, kick, punch or finger marks ● Injury shape similar to an object ● Untreated medical problems ● Weight loss through malnutrition or dehydration Neglect and acts of omission – including ignoring medical, emotional or physical care needs ; failure to provide access to appropriate health, care and support or TWP Safeguarding Reporting Procedures 12 educational services ; or withholding the necessities of life, such as medication, adequate nutrition and heating. The following may be indicators of neglect: ● Poor environmental conditions ● Inadequate heating and lighting ● Poor physical condition of the adult at risk ● That p erson ’ s clothing is ill fitting, unclean and in poor condition ● Malnutrition ● Failure to give prescribed medication properly ● Failure to provide appropriate privacy and dignity ● Inconsistent or reluctant contact with health and social care agencies ● Isolation – denying access to callers or visitors Se xual abuse – including rape, indecent exposure, sexual harassment, inappropriate looking or touching, sexual teasing or innuendo, sexual photography, subjection to pornography or witnessing sexual acts, indecent exposure and sexual assault, or sexual acts to which the adult has not consented or was pressured into consenting. The following list may be indicators of sexual abuse: ● Sudden change in behaviour ● Sudden onset of confusion ● Incontinence ● Withdrawal ● Overt sexual behaviour / language by the adult ● Self - inflicted injury ● Disturbed sleep pattern / poor concentration ● Difficulty in walking ● Torn, stained underwear ● Love bites ● Pain or itching, bruising or bleeding in the genital area ● Frequent infection ● Sexually transmitted disease / urinary tract / vaginal infection ● Bruising to upper thighs and arms ● Severe upset or agitation when being bathed etc. ● Pregnancy in a person unable to consent Psychological abuse – including emotional abuse, threats of harm or abandonment, deprivation of contact, humiliation, blami ng, controlling, intimidation, coercion, harassment, verbal abuse, cyber bullying, isolation , or unreasonable and unjustified withdrawal of services or supportive networks The following may be indicators of psychological abuse: ● Ambivalence about carer ● Fearfulness, avoiding eye contact, flinching on approach TWP Safeguarding Reporting Procedures 13 ● Deference ● Insomnia or need for excessive sleep ● Change in appetite ● Unusual weight loss / gain ● Tearfulness ● Unexplained paranoia ● Low self - esteem ● Confusion, agitation ● Coercion ● Possible violation of human and civil rights ● Distress caused by being locked in a home or car etc. ● Isolation – no visitors or phone calls allowed ● Inappropriate clothing ● Sensory deprivation ● Restricted access to hygiene facilities ● Lack of personal respect ● Lack of recognition of i ndividuals rights ● Carer does not offer personal hygiene, medical care, regular food/drinks ● Use of furniture to restrict movement Organisational abuse – including neglect or poor care practice within an institutional care setting, such as a hospital or care home. It can also be about care provided in your own home. This may range from one - off incidents to on - going ill - treatment. It can be through neglect or poor professional practice as a result of the structure, policies, processes and practices within a n organisation. The following may be indicators of organisational abuse: ● No flexibility in bed - time routine and/or deliberate waking ● People left on the commode or toilet for long periods of time ● Inappropriate care of possessions, clothing and living area ● Lack of personal clothes and belongings ● Un - homely or stark living environments ● Deprived environmental conditions and lack of stimulation ● Inappropriate use of medical procedures such as enemas and catheterisation ● 'Batch care' – lack of individual care programmes ● Illegal confinement or restrictions ● Unreasonable use of power or control ● People referred to, or spoken to with disrespect ● Inflexible services based on convenience of the provider rather than the person receiving services ● Inappropriate physical intervention ● Service user removed from the home or establishment, without discussion with other appropriate people or agencies, because staff are unable to manage the behaviours TWP Safeguarding Reporting Procedures 14 Discriminatory abuse – unfair treatment because of rac e, sex, or other characteristics. Some of the more important such characteristics are protected from such discrimination by the Equality Act 2010. Under section 4 of that Act, t he se are ‘ protected characteristics ’ : ● age ● disability ● gender reassignment ● marriage and civil partnership ● pregnancy and maternity ● race ● religion or belief ● sex ● sexual orientation Discriminatory abuse can take various forms, including harassment ; slurs ; treating people differently when they should be treated the same; and treating them the same when they should be treated differently (such as not taking reasonable account of disabilities). Such abuse can amount to hate crime. The following may be indicators of discriminatory abuse: ● derogatory comments ● being made to move to a different resource/ service based on age ● being denied medical treatment on grounds of age or mental health ● not providing access ● The person appears withdrawn and isolated ● Expressions of anger, frustration, fear or anxiety ● The support on offer does not take account of the person’s individual needs arising from a protected characteristic Self - neglect – this covers a wide range of behaviour such as neglecting to care for your personal hygiene, health or surroundings and includes behaviour such as hoarding. Signs of self - neglect can be: ● Very poor personal hygiene ● Unkempt appearance ● Lack of essential food, clothing or shelter ● Malnutrition and/or dehydration ● Living in squalid or unsanitary conditions ● Neglecting household maintenance ● Hoarding ● Collecting a large number of animals in inappropriate conditions ● Non - compliance with health or care services ● Inability or unwillingness to take medication or treat illness or injury TWP Safeguarding Reporting Procedures 15 Domestic abuse – domestic violence and abuse includes any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are or have been, intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or s exuality. It also includes so - called ‘ honour’ - based violence, female genital mutilation and forced marriage. Coercive or controlling behaviour is a core part of domestic violence and can include: ● acts of assault, threats, humiliation and intimidation ● harm ing, punishing, or frightening the person ● isolating the person from sources of support ● exploitation of resources or money ● preventing the person from escaping abuse ● regulating everyday behaviour. The following are possible indicators of domestic abuse: ● Low self - esteem ● Feeling that the abuse is the person’s own fault when it is not ● Physical evidence of violence such as bruising, cuts, broken bones ● Verbal abuse and humiliation in front of others ● Fear of outside inter vention ● Damage to home or property ● Isolation – not seeing friends and family ● Limited access to money Modern slavery – encompasses slavery, human trafficking, forced labour and domestic servitude. Traffick ers and slave masters use whatever means they can to coerce, deceive and force individuals into a life of abuse, servitude and inhumane treatment. TWP Safeguarding Reporting Procedures 16 Appendix 3: Concern Form The Woodfield Project Concern Form Name of child/young person or adult at risk : Telephone number(s) Home : Other : Description of what has prompted concerns (please include details of any specific incident, dates, times, any other adults or children involved, etc.): Please describe any physical or behavioural indicators, which have been observed. (If any injuries have been seen, include the date when these were first noticed, and by whom) Have you or anyone else spoken with the child/adult and if so what was discussed? Have you or anyone else spoken with the parents/carers/or other adult and if so, what was said? Who else is aware of these concerns? To whom reported : Your name and position : Signature : Date & Time of concern/discussion : Date & Time of this report: Follow up: to be completed by Safeguarding Officer Any known disability: Parents’/Carers’ Name(s) : Home Address: Age & D.O.B (if known) : Any additional medical information TWP Safeguarding Reporting Procedures 17 Appendix 4: Further Information and Referral Services Wandsworth S afeguarding C hildren Partnership Wandsworth Adult Social Care and Public Health / Richmond and Wandsworth Safeguarding Adult s Board - and - social - care/adult - social - care/ Lambeth Safeguarding Children Partnership Lambeth Safeguarding Adults Board - adults Action on Elder Abuse Helpl ine: 080 8808 8141 Ann Craft Trust (a charity that provides support and advice to organizations on safeguarding disabled children and adults at risk ) 0115 951 5400 Respond (charity that works with children and adults with learning disabilities who have experienced abuse and trauma) 020 7383 0700 Email: Prevent Statutory Guidance - duty - guidance/revised - prevent - duty - guidance - for - england - and - wales Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) - agency - statutory - guidance - on - female - genital - mutilation