A Drunk and a brute, those were the first impressions of Darius when I saw him sitting alone on the corner - most bench. Sicily has about a hundred thousand residents but my fate had decided to choose him. Chapter 1 Choosing the farthest spot to sit won’t stop death. It’s funny how we often ignore our actions when it comes to saving our lives. We just rely on our instincts. I quickly reach the table and take the seat, then I pull my hood down for concealment, and I plea to the man sitting in front of me "Pl ease help me, I have money". I had to lower my pride that day, lower my dignity, and beg, Princess Elena had to beg. I don’t think it came across as the most desperate of pleas because my royal manners refused to lower my ego. “What kind of help?” His dark eyes, stubble beard, and bushy eyebrows all stared at me in harmony and with interest, maybe it was the money or perhaps a woman's voice. I felt more at risk than the guards after me. Then they burst through the tavern door. I realized this drunken brute was less frightening than those royal fools wanting to carve me up. They waste no time scanning the brown desert of alcohol and murmur. “I need protection from them”, “Help me” my voice filled with fear and desperation this time. I watch him stand up, stre tch, and pop a few of his joints and wink at me, the sheer confidence oozing out of him did not match his attire, nor did his drunken state. He spoke in a strong voice, "Under the table, quick... and give me your hood. Meet me here at midnight when you hea r the bell." Some voices command respect. You don’t question them; you simply obey. His voice was one of those. I quickly grab what he asked for. It had been a while since I showed my face like that. I notice him staring more than I’d like. So, I lower my head and hide under the table, but I can still watch the guards from the side. He sat near the back door, still as a predator waiting to pounce. Then — without warning — he sprang forward. The door slammed open with a deafening crash. The guards hesitated for half a second before chasing after him... I needed no further clue and ran for my life through the front door. Chapter 2 The sun was bright and blinding as I stepped outside. The faster I moved, the heavier my breath became. Without my hood, I had to use m y hands to shield my eyes from the sunlight. The forest pathway seemed the safest. I didn’t want to get spotted by any city locals so I made my way into the forest area and with every step the forest started to thicken. The cool wind brushed against my swe aty face, a small sense of safety amongst the green. Dry leaves crunched under my feet, creating music with the birds' chirping. Sunlight filtered through the leaves above. I decide to sit and lean against a tree, hunger, and exhaustion now setting inside me slowly, amidst the calmness and my eyes feeling heavy.... I open my eyes. Darkness blankets the forest. Crickets chirp in place of the birds. The silence is deafening, broken only by the periodic sound of a bell. It was midnight, I had to meet him, the pe rson who saved my life, he was my best bet. I arrived at the tavern, my eyes wide open. Then I saw him outside. He was sitting on the ground with an ice pack on his face. When he noticed me, he stood up. I quickly walked over to him. He wasn’t in the best of conditions, cut lip, torn clothes, and sore face. "I didn't think you'd come back for payment," he says with a smile, his canine tooth now missing. I felt bad for him, the things the common people do for money go beyond human thinking and capacities, so I had to pay him up. I lower my eyes, feeling sympathy for this man. I take out my royal pendant and hand it to him. He offers back my hood. I take it with one hand and give him my pendant with the other. "This pendant is worth much more than the fortune you've ever seen in your life," I say, hoping to cover up for the pain he had endured. He looks at the pendant and starts laughing, I was scared he might alert someone so I ask hurriedly, "It's a real diamond, I’m not scamming you". He mockingly looks at m e and says "Yeah I know it's real, I've seen enough diamonds to recognize one", So he’s a jeweler, I assumed. As he played with the pendant, I sensed something unusual about him. Time seemed to freeze as I looked him over. There was an air of magic, a pres ence that shouted "POWER," but I couldn't quite identify it. He seemed like the type that didn't really care about gold or hurt or pain. He finally speaks to me, looking directly into my eyes in a slow tone "So princess, I am assuming you need further help in this place, I could help you”. My eyes widened slightly, then they darted around in a slight panic. I quickly say, "I never said I was a princess." He smiles slightly, keeping his teeth hidden. His voice has a playful tone. "Your face told me. Your blo nde hair, your lips, and your...".” “Enough! I understand and praise your sharp observations, but we need to get out of here” I quickly snap, cutting him off. "My name is Darius. Follow me, princess. I’ll lead you back to your kingdom and make sure you hav e more toys like this one," he says, swinging the pendant. Chapter 3 The moon cast a faint glow as we walked together, the sound of our footsteps was the only thing that accompanied us. I decide to break the silence "I hope the place we rest in has suitabl e quarters, somewhere hygienic”. Darius looks back at me, before nodding his head “I understand, my place is small yet clean”. I sigh at this, it had been a while before I had bathed and rested in the chambers of my palace of Valencia. Sicily was much more cramped with city noises and buildings and people. The roads were slanted and maze - like. The nights were beautiful, with cool winds from the nearby forest. The quiet city added a sense of comfort. This wasn’t a short walk, I didn’t trust Darius yet, I was simply with him because I had no other option and it wasn’t very pleasant to think about. I call out to him in annoyance “There’s no one here, no need to act like you’re protecting me”. He slows down so I can catch up. He turns to me and says, “Princess, please cooperate. We’ll rest when we get home.” Then, his sharp eyes scan the city like a predator. Now that we were side by side, I could see His face was bruised, and swollen. Instinct took over — I reached out and touched his cheek, just as the castle nur ses used to. His skin was rough beneath my fingers, and for a second, he stilled. He let me tilt his chin, but his eyes never stopped scanning the darkness, always hunting, always on guard. After a long walk, we finally reach the bottom right of the city, a broken bridge passing over the small cottage near the river, a barn lying beside it. He opens the door and we enter, a smile on his lips and he seemed to finally have lowered his guard, ready to familiarize me with his home. I on the other hand was more anxious than ever, it was his realm now, on the edge of the town. I felt powerless here. I could die, and no one would notice. This place was that secluded. But one thing bothered me even more than that. I had no more trinkets or gold to offer. Chapter 4 The room I entered was spacious. There was nothing extra cluttering the space. A fireplace sat in the middle, lighting up the area. On the side, a large stone served as a neat dining table, with wooden chairs around it. The bottom left corner had his bed, made of wood and covered in a clean mattress and a royal cloth. “Please, wait here princess, I shall arrive soon from upstairs. "The lavatory is in the barn. Let me know if you want to visit. Make yourselves at home," he says with a friendly smile before h eading upstairs. I sit on his bed, noticing various inscriptions and scrolls on the other side of the room, swords neatly arranged and cloth and a dummy made with wood. The fire’s warmth drew me in, crackling and hazing inside the room, I made my way towar ds the middle of the stone flooring, charred. My cold palms sigh comfort and I face them towards the fire. This was a quiet place, some would call it peaceful, but I wouldn't because It would not be long before I went insane due to loneliness. I could hear his footsteps upstairs and the sound of the clanking of glass utensils. I rest my head on the stone, thinking about my home, my place, where Grandpa held me and my sisters for late - night storytelling. It had a fireplace too. Diving into old memories bring s tears. I couldn’t hold them back. I closed my eyes, and the tears flowed. The situation felt overwhelming. There was no one to count on. I was tired of being strong for so long. I wish I had my grandfather to hold. I see Darius's shadow as he comes down. I can’t let him see my tears. I quickly stand and wipe my eyes, preparing to face him. His feet thump as he approaches. I see his hands first and two plates in hand, the smell of roasted chicken and wine filling the room, and there we were with a smile on his face. The scent alone made me ecstatic, as he approached me. "This is all I have, it will give you strength to carry on, come join me at the table," He said extending the plate towards me. "You've drugged it, I am not so naïve" I snap, cutting off his gesture, even though my body was drained and weak, my stomach grumbling and saliva filling my mouth. I watch him retreat the plate and then extend the plate In his opposite hand. “I am eating with you, choose your plate or I'm having both". I sighed and s at at the table. I watched him closely, taking in every detail. He looked relaxed, placing a cloth over his chest. Then he glanced at me, waiting for me to speak. I use the knife to cut out a chunk of roast chicken and eat it, savoring the flavor. It was w ell made, to say the least, decent mix of spices and herbs, and everything tastes good when you’re hungry. I keep my eyes low and focus on the food, avoiding his blatant gaze, he soon starts eating too. “I have great news princess”, he says, mouthful of fo od. “The royal house had announced a prize of ten thousand gold coins for who finds you”. My face turns pale. Food is stuck in my throat. I gag, trying to get it out. Sweat pours down my forehead. I look at him, my eyes wide. He stands up and comes close. He pats my back to help me. “It also said that the people who help you escape shall be hanged” Chapter 5 My grip on the kitchen knife was stronger than ever. My breath was getting heavier and heavier and my head throbbing. “I just need to wake up”. This co uldn’t be happening. I heard muffled screams as he held my shoulders. My vision faded. Then, I felt myself being lifted and placed on the bed. Slowly my senses returned but it didn’t do any good, I just didn’t want to be alive anymore, not like this, not a fter this. “I need to get out of here,” I say getting up from the bed. “Princess, stay, please” His voice was soft and filled with concern. Thunder roared outside, the sound of raindrops clattering filling the realm. I see him drag a chair across the room and place it beside my bed, he then comfortably takes a seat, his eyes never leaving mine. “You’ll turn me in, the bounty is huge,” I say lying down on his bed, looking at him, my body stiff and a strained ache in my neck, I was holding onto the sheets tig htly. He looks at me and then withdraws a bayonet from his belt and offers it to me. It was etched with metal markings, a familiar feel when I took it in my hands. "Kill me if I try," he says, smiling warmly. His lips remind me of Jacob and how our wedding was interrupted just before I kissed him. “The bride may kiss,” the priest announces loudly. The lively chatter in the grand banquet hall suddenly stops. I glance around at the sparkling chandeliers, their light shining everywhere. Everything feels golden . People watching us from the second, the third, and the fourth floor. The ground floor was beautiful with guests and their grand meals in sight, some of them standing with a chicken leg in hand. I glanced at Jacob, who leaned in close. I shut my eyes to h elp guide his lips. Suddenly, a sharp pain pierced my abdomen. I placed my hand there and felt warm blood. Everything began to blur again. I look up and see Darius. He looks concerned. He takes my hands and studies them. I'm too tired to react. Memories fl ood my mind, mixing the hall with his place. I glance up at the chandeliers again. Then, I look down at the panicked crowd. Darius comes into focus, but everything is still blurry. I feel a hand on my stomach. “Your stitches are loose. I need to fix them.” He looked at me, seeking permission. I nodded. He lifted my cloth slightly. I watched as he grabbed a small first aid box from his sword display. He took out a needle and thread, then began to tend to my wound. I saw the needle pierce my skin. “I don’t fe el any pain, I don’t feel anything, I don’t feel pain, WHY IS THAT?” He doesn’t answer, and my eyes catch the glance of the dining table and see that he didn’t touch his drink while. “They want me alive, fool, you’ve poisoned my drink” I bark at Darius wit h an amused expression. He finishes stitching and looks at me. “Sleep, princess. You need it. Tomorrow, I won’t be here. You’ll have to survive on your own.” Then, he pulls out a pendant and places it around my neck. “Think of it as an apology gift.” I let out a dry laugh before everything went dark and my eyes went shut.