Kai Stevens T echnical Designer & Game Programmer Mobile: +447757 312 942 Email: k aistevens1 5@gma il .com Website: www.kaist - dev.com Introduction I ’m a U K based technical designer and game pr ogrammer , I ’m skil led in both Unity and Unreal 5 as well as being a proficient programmer in C# and C++. Education G ames Design and P rogramming ( Ba chelor of Science ) – Staffordshire University 202 1 - 2024 – Grade (Predicted 1 st ) Games Design (BT EC diploma) – North Warwic kshire & South Leicestershire College 2019 - 2021 – Grade (DDD) Projects Expancit y A simple city building technical demo nst ration developed in Unreal Engine 5 using blueprint graphs . This p roject help ed me develop m y te ch nical design skills throu gh th e creation of several interlinked syste ms for tracking play er progressio n and resources. Skills Development: • Unreal Engine 5 • Blueprint Graph ing • Systems Design What ’s Y ou rs is M ine A stealth based immersive simulation developed in Unity as part of my final year project Through this project I was able to expan d my technical and level design skills by focusing on creating open ended gameplay t hrough simulated systems and i nterconnected level design Skills Development: • Unity Engine • C# Scripting • Level / Systems Design Runoff A multipla yer level for Team Fortress 2, developed in the Hammer Editor This project h elped my find my pas sion for de signing and develop ing levels using an iterative test - based design pro cess. The level was tested by both the TF2 mapping and steam works hop communities , hel ping to provide real feedback with which I cou ld further refine the level. Skills Development: • Hammer Editor • Level Design