on youtube channel, the professional illustrator charles bernard gives very long videos for free because he is generous! One thing that all his videos contain is this phrase that he repeats over and over again: "but I can't go into that now!" If you can pay close attention to his words, he repeats everything he says three or four times until you get bored.... and that's how his videos run longer.... At first sight, to the beginner, charles bernard appears to be professional, honest and dedicated. However, if a person has some knowledge about picture-making they begin to doubt his methods and his professionalism along the road.... He misleads you into what you think you don't know by covering things (whether knowingly or out of ignorance) and starts pointing things that you might not have heard before to trick you into believing he is one of a kind! He wants to trick you into believing he is THE ARTIST, and all the others know nothing! Take for example the video entitled Principles of Drawing and Composition . The video as he says is long and generous (2:31:39) because he is covering a lot of different things, but if you follow what he says he repeats and repeats the same thing over and over to get to that length of video. 4 minutes have already passed before he starts saying something about his topic.... but the most terrible thing in this tutorial is his sketching of a childish robot with no artistic design or pose and adding the words "specular highlights" to impress/insult the viewer (00:12:00 through 00:23:09) He then says that if the viewer is just watching this supplemental video alone and not taking the main art course the knowledge is incomplete about picture-making... so the question is "Why would a tutor put additional content free on youtube instead of keeping it as part of the course? The second and this is the worst error he makes is that he isn't able to identify a contrap p osto. (00:23:33 through 00:41:08) he presents an illustration by Ken Kelly, Frazetta's nephew, and brings in another artwork to compare it to. He qualifies Ken Kelly's style as looser and the other artist is just tight and concerned with getting the anatomy correct. Yes, but that doesn't explain why Ken Kelly's illustration is great. It's not because it has a looser look it's because the body is drawn in a spiral and your eye moves around it and that creates movement, yes contrap p osto (https://www.britannica.com/art/contrapposto) and movement are ideas that charles bernard doesn't know about and instead he talks about distortion of the ribcage. Marc Brunet deals with the subject in just 10 minutes in a free video on how to draw dynamic poses....charles bernard spends all his time circling shapes with a digital pen and then undoing it in order to deceive you into believing that the shadows and the shapes are the things that make the illustration great but he forgets about muscles that are rotators and become a spiral. He also doesn't know much about how to draw a dynamic figure by changing thrust every time you move from one part of the body to the other....He throws in some technical word (the steelyard principle) to intimidate the beginner and trick them into believing he is among those great artists he quote s and that now he can even add more than what those artists have done to picture-making!