2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) SERVICE MANUAL (COMMON) ORIGINAL MANUAL ISSUE DATE: 2019.01 GN5UR CHASSIS (See next page (for revision ) Segment : SB Conditions of Use: (1) Please use this information only for the purpose of performing repair, maintenance and/or configuration services of the Sony products (hereinafter the “Repair services”) under the service agreement entered into with the Sony group company (hereinafter the “Service agreement”). Using this information for any purpose other than the purpose described foregoing is forbidden. (2) Only the Authorized Servicer’s officers, employees or subcontractors (including their officers and employees) whose duties justify a need-to-know and who have agreed to hold confidential this information (collectively hereinafter the ”Permitted users”) are permitted to access and use this information. To disclose or disseminate to any person other than the Permitted users is forbidden. 9-888-762-01 (3) Destroy or erase any and all portion of this information promptly in an irrecoverable and secure fashion after achieving the purpose described in Section (1) above. (4) Do not copy, replicate, reproduce, alter, translate, transmit, sell, lease, or distribute this information in whole or in part without the prior written permission of the author. LCD TV (Notwithstanding foregoing, it is permitted to copy and distribute this information to the Permitted users.) (5) Please notify immediately any leakage, loss, theft, misappropriation, or other misuse of this information by e-mail to the following address: [email protected] (6) In addition to the above, the terms and conditions of the Service agreement shall be applied to using this information. Revision of Information: Sony EMCS (M) Sdn. Bhd., SVPM This information may be changed or updated at any time without any prior notice. Please confirm that this information is up-to-date before using it. © 2019.01 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) REVISION HISTORY Version Date Subject 1 2019.01 1. 1st Issue SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) MODEL LISTS THIS SERVICE MANUAL CONTAINS COMMON INFORMATION FOR BELOW REGIONS AND MODELS: REGION ASIA AMERICA EUROPE CHINA JAPAN MODEL KD-55X95*G KD-65X95*G KD-75X95*G KD-85X95*G KD-55XG95* KD-65XG95* KD-75XG95* KD-85XG95* KJ-55X95*G KJ-65X95*G KJ-75X95*G KJ-85X95*G XBR-55X95*G XBR-65X95*G XBR-75X95*G XBR-85X95*G SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page 1 SAFETY NOTES 5 2 SELF DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION 13 3 TROUBLE SHOOTING 18 4 SERVICE ADJUSMENT 75 5 DIAGRAMS 86 6 PANEL HANDLING 91 Please refer Service Manual – Unique for below information : Disassembly and Removal Caution Wire Dressing Circuit Board Location Exploded Views and Part Lists Note: Pictures provided in this manual may have difference from actual sets SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) SECTION 1 SAFETY NOTES 1-1. Warnings and Caution Whenever a TV Main board is replaced, the correct TV Model and Serial 1)CAUTION :These servicing instructions are for use by qualified service number must be reinserted into memory. personnel only. This is a MANDATORY procedure that each service center must apply. 2)To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not perform any servicing other than that contained in the operating instructions unless you are qualified to do so. Please refer to the chapter of ADJUSTMENT in this service manual to find out how to set the model number and serial number in service mode. 3)WARNING!! : An isolation transformer should be used during any service to avoid possible shock hazard, because of live chassis. The chassis of this receiver is directly connected to the ac power line. 1-2-1. Caution Handling of LCD Panel The replaceable fuse could be in the neutral of the mains supply. When When repairing the LCD Panel, make sure you are grounded with a wrist replacing the fuse, the mains shall be disconnected for de-energize the phase band. conductors. When repairing the LCD Panel on the wall, the panel must be secured using the 4 mounting holes on the rear cover. (*Except AC ADAPTOR, Because it does not carry out replacing an internal 1)Do not press the panel or frame edge to avoid the risk of electric fuse.) shock. 4)CARRYING THE TV : Be sure to follow these guidelines to protect your property and avoid causing serious injury : 2) Do not scratch or press on the panel with any sharp objects. • Carry the TV with an adequate number of people; larger size TVs require 3) Do not leave the module in high temperature or in areas of high two or more people. humidity for an extended period of time. •Correct hand placement while carrying the TV is very important for 4) Do not expose the LCD panel to direct sunlight. safety and to avoid damages. 5) Avoid contact with water. It may cause short circuit within the module. 5) SAFETY-RELATED COMPONENT WARNING!! : Components identified 6)Disconnect the AC power when replacing the backlight (CCFL) or by shading and ! mark on the exploded views, and in the parts list are critical for safe operation. Replace these components with Sony parts whose part inverter circuit. (High voltage occurs at the inverter circuit at 650Vrms) numbers appear as shown in this manual or in supplements published by Sony. Circuit adjustments that are critical for safe operation are identified in 7) Always clean the LCD panel with a soft cloth material. this manual. Follow these procedures whenever critical components are 8) Use care when handling the wires or connectors of the inverter circuit. replaced or improper operation is suspected. Damaging the wires may cause a short circuit. 6) IMPORTANT REMINDER FOR TV MAINBOARD REPLACEMENT : It is mandatory for service centers to confirm the TV‘s system information after 9) Protect the panel from ESD to avoid damaging the electronic circuit each repair carried out with Mainboard replacement. (C-MOS). 5 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) 10) During the repair, DO NOT leave the Power On or Burn-in period for *Do not recommend power-on in the conditions which laid face down the more than 1 hour while the TV is face down on a cloth. Refer Figure 1 . panel, in repair activity. Refer Figure 1 . *When transporting by hand, do not put stress on the panel and the frame Figure 1. around the screen. Refer to the panel handling chapter of each Service manual, or the "Transporting" information of the Reference Guide of each model for how to hold it. 2) OLED Screen •Although the OLED screen is made with high-precision technology and 99.99% or more of the pixels are effective, black dots may appear or bright points of light (white, red, blue, or green) may appear constantly on the OLED screen. This is a structural property of the OLED screen and is not a malfunction. •Do not push or scratch the front filter, or place objects on top of this TV set. The image may be uneven or the OLED screen may be damaged. •The screen and cabinet get warm when this TV set is in use. This is not a 1-2-2. Caution for OLED Panel malfunction. 1) Handling 3) Precautions to Protect the Screen from Damage When repairing the TV set, be sure you are grounded by using a wrist band. Image retention *Do not press on the panel or frame edge to avoid the risk of electric shock. OLED TV’s are susceptible to image retention (burn-in) due to the *Do not scratch or press on the panel with any sharp objects. characteristics of the materials used. Image retention may occur if images *Do not leave the module in high temperatures or in areas of high humidity are displayed in the same location on the screen repeatedly or over for an extended period of time. extended periods of time. This is not a malfunction of the TV. Avoid displaying images that may cause image retention. *Do not expose the panel to direct sunlight. The following are examples of images that may cause image *Avoid contact with water. It may cause a short circuit within the module. retention: *Disconnect the AC power when replacing. •Content with black bars either on the top and bottom and/or the left and *Always clean the panel with a soft cloth material. right sides of the screen. (for example, Letterboxed, 4:3 screen, Standard definition) *Use care when handling the wires or connectors. Damaging the wires may •Static images such as photos. cause a short. •Video games that might have static content in some part of the screen. *Protect the panel from ESD to avoid damaging the electronic circuit. •On-screen menus, program guides, channel logos etc. •Static content from applications. •On-screen tickers, such as those used for news and headlines. 6 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) To reduce the risk of image retention: Other feature •Fill the screen by changing [Wide mode] to eliminate the black bars. The screen brightness is automatically reduced when displaying still Select [Wide mode] other than [Normal]. images, clocks, bright colours or logos etc. •Turn off the OSD (On Screen Display) by pressing the DISPLAY button, and turn off the menus from connected equipment. For details, refer to the instruction manuals for the connected equipment. IMPORTANT REMINDER FOR OLED PANEL REPLACEMENT •Avoid displaying static images with bright colours (including white), When carrying out OLED panel replacement, it is mandatory of a clocks or logos on any portion of the screen. service center to confirm and record Panel ON time & Panel •Set the picture settings based on the ambient conditions. The Standard Refresh times. Picture is recommended for home use and when viewing content that It is because they are indispensable information in order to clarify often displays the station logos, etc. responsibility for image retention after panel replacement. The TV has following features to help reduce/ prevent image retention. Please refer to the chapter of SELF DIAGNOSIS FUNCTION in this Press the HOME button, then select [Settings] – [Picture & Display] – service manual to find out how to confirm the Panel ON time & [Expert panel settings] – the desired option. Panel Refresh times in service mode. Panel refresh Panel refresh will automatically run to adjust the uniformity of the TV screen after it has been in use for long periods of time. Panel refresh can also be performed manually and should only be used if 1-3. Caution_for_Board_handling image retention is very noticeable or you see the following message: Symptom : The following problems will occur due to handling of the IC [Panel refresh did not finish...] mounted on the board ・Solder crack due to substrate handling (stress) Caution: ・IC breakdown due to static electricity (ESD) •The Panel refresh function may affect the panel. As a reference, perform the Panel refresh only once a year, do not perform it more than once a When repairing the TV at the customer‘s home or service station or year as it may affect the usable life of the panel. Repair of defect board, please pay attention to the handling of the board •Panel refresh takes about one hour to complete. •A white line may be displayed on the screen during the Panel refresh, ※Substrate that needs attention for handling this is not a malfunction of the TV. ・Main Board(B** - Board) •Panel refresh will only work when the room temperature is between 10 ・Backend Board(D** - Board) ºC and 40 ºC. Pixel shift Automatically moves the image on the screen to prevent image retention. 7 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) ※Things to prepare in advance 1) Caution for Board handling(Stress) Be sure to observe the following contents. ESD wrist-strap ① Hold the board with both hands ESD cushion/sheet ② Do not hold/push Heat-Sink Please use a bag containing the board or a special seat ③ Handle with care. Do not swing. ESD wrist-strap to be checked daily. Use Multi-meter to make sure resistance of ESD wrist-strap is OK. (R=750K Ohms to 35Mega Ohms) 8 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) ④Regardless of Good board or Defective board, always put it ⑦Do not hold Heat-Sink when take out or install it.. on ESD cushion/sheet slowly. ⑤Do not stack up 2) Caution for Board handling(ESD) Be sure to observe the following contents. ①When take off Rear-Cover, ②Use ESD wrist-strap do not touch to board ⑥Keep vertical position and put in/take out from Box. Always put in to ESD bag then place into Box/Container Box. 9 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) ※Installation example of wrist-strap ③When holding board, do not hit/touch to Plastic part(s) Please connect the clip to the metal part of the chassis of the TV with the wristband grounded.Below is a grounding example of each model. <K*-55/65A9F> ④After take defective board out from TV, put it into ESD bag. Do not place on floor mat/carpet direct. And, always put it on ESD cushion <K*-65Z9F> 1 0 ※Caution ESD wrist-strap to be checked daily. Use Multi-meter to make sure resistance of ESD wrist-strap is OK.(R=750K Ohms to 35Mega Ohms) SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) 1-4. Caution About the Lithium Battery 1-6. Leakage Test 1)Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with (To protect electric shock when customer touch the terminal.) the same or equivalent type. Leakage current can be measured by V: Voltmeter or oscilloscope 2) Outer case broken battery should not contact to water. (r.m.s. or peak reading) Stabilized power supply instrument and isolated voltage transformer: 1-5. Safety Check-Out Use too much current capacity and isolated voltage transformer does After correcting the original service problem, perform the following not need to use stabilized power supply equipment. safety checks before releasing the set to the customer:- Specification of RMS volt meter: Input resistance > 1 Mohm, Input capacitance < 200 pF, Frequency range: 15 Hz – 1MHz . Refer 1)Check the area of your repair for unsoldered or poorly soldered Figure 2. Isolated type volt -meter (FLUKE 8921A etc *1) connections. Check the entire board surface for solder splashes and *1 Not use FLUKE 8920A that connected to protective earth by diode bridges. # Leakage current of measurement instrument is less than 10μArms 2)Check the inter board wiring to ensure that no wires are pinched or when under test equipment AC plug is opened contact high-wattage resistors. # Set up the following condition and turn on the set. Applied voltage: 3)Check all control knobs, shields, covers, ground straps and mounting Nominal input voltage (Description on Nameplate) hardware have been replaced. Be absolutely certain you have replaced # Measure the leakage current between one phase conductor and all the insulators. neutral for terminal A and terminal B. 4) Look for unauthorized replacement parts, particularly transistors that Read rms value, and then calculate to peak value PEAK VALUE =√2 were installed during a previous repair. Point them out to the customer RMS VALUE and recommend their replacement. 5) Look for parts which, though functioning show obvious signs of Comply with the following requirement deterioration. Point them out to the customer and recommend their Class II equipment (2-pin plug): for each terminal, the worst value replacement. of measurement must not exceed AC 350uA peak). 6) Check the line cords for cracks and abrasion. Recommend the Note: including AC adaptor, AC adaptor/DC operated unit replacement of any such line cord to the customer. combination 7) Check the antenna terminals, metal trim, metalized knobs, screws and all other exposed metal parts for AC leakage. Check leakage test as Figure 2 – Measuring network described next. for Leakage Current 8. For safety reasons, repairing the Power board and/or Inverter board is prohibited. 11 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) 1-7. How to Find a Good Earth Ground The servicing of these boards requires special precautions. It is 1)A cold-water pipe is a guaranteed earth ground; the cover-plate strongly recommended to use Lead Free Solder material in order to retaining screw on most AC outlet boxes is also at earth ground. guarantee optimal quality of new solder joints. 2)If the retaining screw is to be used as your earth ground, verify that it is at ground by measuring the resistance between it and a cold-water pipe with an ohmmeter. The reading should be zero ohms. 3)If a cold-water pipe is not accessible, connect a 60- to 100-watt trouble- light (not a neon lamp) between the hot side of the receptacle and the retaining screw. Try both slots, if necessary, to locate the hot side on the line; the lamp should light at normal brilliance if the screw is at ground potential (see Figure 3). Figure 3. Checking for earth ground. 1-8. Lead Free Information The circuit boards used in these models have been processed using Lead Free Solder. The boards are identified by the LF logo located close to the board designation. Figure 4: LF Logo Figure 5: LF logo on circuit board 12 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) SECTION 2 SELF DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION The units in this manual contain a self-diagnostic function. If an error occurs, the Smart Core Red LED will automatically begin to flash. The number of times the LED flashes translates to a probable source of the problem. A definition of the Smart Core Red LED flash indicators is listed in the instruction manual for the user’s knowledge and reference. If an error symptom cannot be reproduced, the remote commander can be used to review the failure occurrence data stored in memory to reveal past problems and how often these problems occur. DIAGNOSTIC TEST INDICATORS When an error occurs, the Smart Core Red LED will flash a set number of times to indicate the possible cause of the problem. If there is more than one error, the LED will identify the first of the problem areas. Result for all of the following diagnostic items are displayed on screen. If the screen displays a “0”, no error has occurred . Self Diag. Quick Reference (LED blinking) Smart Core RED LED SB/SBL blinking count 2x <B/G> Main 12V over voltage [MAIN_POWER] <B/G> Main 5.0V failure [DC_ALERT] 3x <B/S/G> Audio amp. protection [AUD_ERR] <LD/P/B/G> LED driver failure/LED voltage protection [LD_ERR] 4x <LD/P/B>Error detection of the I2C communication between the Blue italic: detect at startup sequence only Main device and the LD IC.[BCM_ERR] <G>: Power supply board, <B>: Main board, <P/T/G/B> Panel ID EEPROM I2C No ACK <T>: T-con board, 5x (Also panel power failure is a suspect) [P_ID_ERR] <LD>: LD board, <P>: Panel module, <S>: Speaker, 6x <G/B> Backlight failure [BACKLIGHT] <H>:USB board 7x <B/H/P> Over temperature protection [TEMP_ERR] 8x <B> 4KBE Error (4KBE WDT) 13 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) Self Diag. Quick Reference (Not LED blinking [Record Only]) Self Diag. Quick Reference (Not LED blinking [Record Only]) Error Item SB/SBL Blue italic: detect at startup sequence only <G>: Power supply board, <B>: Main board, TU_DEMOD <B> Tuner board set detect signal monitoring <T>: T-con board, <LD>: LD board, <P>: Panel module, TCON ERR <T> T-CON device I2C communication failure <S>: Speaker, <H>:USB board <O>: 8KBE board (SO only) AUD_ERR_I2C <B> Audio amp I2C communication failure TEMP_ERR_I2C <B/H> Temp sensor I2C communication failure TU_DEMOD_I2C <B> Tuner & Demodulator I2C communication failure EARC_ERR_I2C <B> eARC I2C communication failure 8KBE_COM_ERR - 14 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) Self Diagnosis Service Menu Entry (Self Diagnosis Display) Exit - Go to the standby by a remote. -If you want to finish service mode app, do AC OFF/ON - Push the buttons sequentially: →*Service mode app is disable perfectly <Display><5><Vol-><Power> -if you want to move home menu, push <HOME>button →*Service mode app do background(not disable perfectly) Self Diagnosis Display FY19 model (SB/SBL/SP) SELF CHECK SELF CHECK Back 002 MAIN POWER 050121081135 041231123456 031111182547 003 003 DC ALERT 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000 003 AUD ERR 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000 003 TU DEMOD 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000 003 AUD ERR I2C 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000 003 TU DEMOD I2C 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000 003 EARC ERR I2C 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000 004 LD ERR 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000 004 BCM ERR 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000 005 TCON ERR 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000 005 P ID ERR 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000 006 BACKLIGHT ERR 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000 007 TEMP ERR 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000 007 TEMP ERR I2C 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000 008 4KBE ERR 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000 00034 00231 00034 00034 00231 00034 [Home]Exit [Up/Down]Scroll [Home]Exit [Up/Down]Scroll 15 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) Self Diagnosis Display Format of error timestamps YYMMDDhhmmss (in UTC) Error Item Error count Example: 120823132523 -> Aug 23 2012 13:25:23 UTC SELF CHECK * Only when time is set, an error timestamp is saved. Back << 002 MAIN POWER 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000 003 DC ALERT 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000 Smart Core Red LED 003 AUD ERR 150101000018 150101000018 150101000018 003 blinking count 003 TU DEMOD 150101000218 150101000223 150101000105 003 003 AUD ERR I2C 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000 003 TU DEMOD I2C 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000 003 EARC ERR I2C 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000 Panel Operation Time clear 004 LD ERR 000000000000 ; 000000000000 000000000000 000 <7> -> <0> 004 BCM ERR 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000 005 TCON ERR 150101000504 000000000000 000000000000 001 Timestamps and Error Count clear 005 P ID ERR 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000 006 BACKLIGHT ERR 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000 <8> -> <0> 007 TEMP ERR 150101000200 150101000002 000000000000 002 007 TEMP ERR I2C 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000 Total Operation Time and Boot Count clear 008 4KBE ERR 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000 <9> -> <0> 00005 00414 00002 [Home]Exit [Up/Down]Scroll Error Error Error timestamp timestamp timestamp Total Operation Time [hr] – Boot Count – Panel Operation Time [hr] for last for second for 3rd last recorded last recorded recorded error error error •Panel Operation Time is recorded every 30 min, but Total Operation Time is recorded every 1 hr. Therefore, the panel op. time might become larger than the total op. time. 16 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) Retry Limitation by Remote/Power Key Smart Core Red LED Error Name Retry Permission Times *1 Note blinking Number of off/on action for MAIN_POWER count shutdown is recorded to STDWN_RTRY_LIMIT_MAINPO STDWN_OFFON_CNT_MAIN_POWER. 2x MAIN_POWER WR = 1 DC_ALERT (5V) STDWN_RTRY_LIMIT = 2 3x AUD_ERR STDWN_RTRY_LIMIT = 2 LD_ERR STDWN_RTRY_LIMIT = 2 Number of off/on action during the error shutdown 4x BCM_ERR STDWN_RTRY_LIMIT = 2 is recorded to STDWN_OFFON_CNT. 5x P_ID_ERR STDWN_RTRY_LIMIT = 2 6x BACKLIGHT STDWN_RTRY_LIMIT = 2 7x TEMP_ERR STDWN_RTRY_LIMIT = 2 8x 4KBE_ERR STDWN_RTRY_LIMIT = 2 *1) If STDWN_OFFON_CNT <= STDWN_RTRY_LIMIT, and STDWN_OFFON_CNT_MAIN_POWER <= STDWN_RTRY_LIMIT_MAINPOWR, you can turn the set on by a remote/power key. At this time, if the error occurs again, the STDWN_OFFON_CNT is incremented by 1. *2) When the main micro operates normally for STDWN_OFFON_CLR = 60 minutes, STDWN_OFFON_CNT and STDWN_OFFON_CNT_MAIN_POWER are cleared. 17 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) SECTION 3 TROUBLESHOOTING Triage Chart Before you make the service call… 1. Confirm the symptom from the customer. 2. Select that symptom from the chart. 3. Bring all the boards and cables listed for that symptom. 4. Follow the troubleshooting charts in the technical guides to isolate the board. 5. Chart Colour Code RED DOT: Most likely defective part BLUE TRIANGLE: Secondary possible defective part GREEN SQUARE: Tertiary possible defective part BLACK TEXT: Board that may correct the symptom Symptoms - Shutdown. Power LED Symptoms - no shutdown No Video Bluetooth Remote Network Audio Smart Core blinking red diagnostics sequences Error log record only Power - missing or distorted (BT) Reference No White TU_ Power LED No Bluetooth / One TU_ FRC AUD_ 4KPQ TEMP EARC Stationary Wireless Smart Core no DEM TCON & does not video NO RF No video No Step Remote 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DEM TC_ ERR_ _ERR _ERR _ERR colored can't No Audio LED (Set is still OD_ _ERR reponse to One of input all Inputs Remote (OSR) can't OD I2C I2C _I2C _I2C _I2C lines or dots connect alive) I2C remote Inputs connect (Dead Set) B* Board ■ G* Board ■ H* Board Speaker Wifi & BT Module LD* Board V By One FFC Tcon ■ LCD Panel ■ ■ ■ Panel Panel TEM 4KB Power Power LD (Communication) (Backlight) P E Problem Audio BCM 18 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) 1.0 No Power BM3J19 Board Model No Power Check STBY 3.3V NG Replace NG C805 Between G* Board to G* Board near CN800 BM3J19 Board Harness on BM3J19 board OK Harness OK BM3J19 Board u-Com Failure DDCON/LDO Main Device Failure 19 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) 1.2 No Power u-com FAILURE BM3J19 Board LCD Model P-on u-com control signal path summary PGOOD_1 DDC : 1.0V_M3_CORE (IC608), 1.0V_M3_CPU (IC609), +3.3V_STBY #pin6 1.0V_M_GPU (IC610) #pin9 BM3J Vdd u-com supply P_ON_#1 voltage #pin12 DDCs : 0.9V_BE (IC6602), 0.8V_BE (IC6604) DDCs : 5V_MAIN&5.0V_VBUS&5V_AUDIO (IC402), BL_ON 3.3V_MAIN &3.3V_AUDIO(IC403), #pin7 P_ON_#2 1.8V_TU (IC405), 1.05V_M3_A (IC604), G-Board #pin13 1.5V_BE _DDR(IC6601), 1.8V_TU_P(IC401) POWER_ON #pin10 LDOs : 1.2V_HDMI (IC400),1.8V_BE_LDO(EWBS:IC6600) 1.8V_EMMC(IC607) P-on u-com DDR VTT/Vref Generator : IC1800 IC800 FET SW : 3.3V_STBY_TU_P (Q404/Q403) +12V_MAIN R808 #pin16 12V_MON ADC port P_ON_HL FET SW : 12.7V_LNB (Q408/Q409) #pin18 R822 USB VBUS SW (IC4602) OPWRSB #pin2 SOC Muffin 3 (IC1000) ORESETB #pin14 GND DC_OFF_DET SOC Muffin 3 (IC1000), Panel Power ON Choice(IC801) #pin11 #pin13 X_BE_RST(IC1202) DC_MON ADC port X_SYSTEM_RST #pin20 SNIM_RST→Tuner (TU3002/TU3003) R817 OPCTRL4 (BL_MUTE) #pin8 SOC Muffin 3 (IC1000) GND 20 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) 1.2 No Power u-com FAILURE BM3J19 Board OLED Model P-on u-com control signal path summary PGOOD_1 DDC : 1.0V_M3_CORE (IC608), 1.0V_M3_CPU (IC609), +3.3V_STBY #pin6 1.0V_M_GPU (IC610) #pin9 BM3J Vdd u-com supply P_ON_#1 DDCs : 0.9V_BE (IC6602), 0.8V_BE (IC6604) voltage #pin12 DDCs : 5V_MAIN&5.0V_VBUS&5V_AUDIO (IC402), BL_ON 3.3V_MAIN &3.3V_AUDIO(IC403), #pin7 P_ON_#2 1.8V_TU (IC405), 1.05V_M3_A (IC604), G-Board #pin13 1.5V_BE _DDR(IC6601), 1.8V_TU_P(IC401) POWER_ON #pin10 LDOs : 1.2V_HDMI (IC400),1.8V_BE_LDO(EWBS:IC6600) 1.8V_EMMC(IC607) P-on u-com DDR VTT/Vref Generator : IC1800 IC800 FET SW : 3.3V_STBY_TU_P (Q404/Q403) +12V_MAIN R808 #pin16 12V_MON #pin18 P_ON_HL FET SW : 12.7V_LNB (Q408/Q409) AC_OFF_DET Q804 R822 ADC port USB VBUS SW (IC4602) Tr SW OPWRSB #pin2 SOC Muffin 3 (IC1000) ORESETB #pin14 GND GND DC_OFF_DET SOC Muffin 3 (IC1000), Panel Power ON Choice(IC801) #pin11 #pin13 X_BE_RST(IC1202) DC_MON ADC port X_SYSTEM_RST #pin20 SNIM_RST→Tuner (TU3002/TU3003) R817 OPCTRL4 (BL_MUTE) #pin8 SOC Muffin 3 (IC1000) GND 21 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) 1.2 No Power u-com FAILURE BM3J19 Board LCD Model START Check 12V_MON Check VDD no Check 12.7V_MAIN Line no R822 Voltage. C818 Voltage. Check 3.3V_STBY Line (C805, CN800 #9pin) (from G board). Is the voltage >2.6V? Is the voltage >3.0V? yes yes Check DC_OFF_DET Check TYPE_DET R824 or no no Type Detection Circuit problem. Change IC800 R810 Voltage. P-on u-com #pin3 (IC800) Check TYPE_DET Line (R838, R839). is >3.0V? Is the voltage 2.6±0.2V? yes yes Check P_ON_#1 Check OPWRSB CL813 or no SOC Change IC800 R820 Voltage. no Muffin 3 problem P-on u-com #pin12 (IC800) Is the voltage 0V? IC1000 # AL14 OPWRSB is >3.0V? yes yes Try AC Off and On after few minutes. Check PGOOD_1 no 1.3 No POWER - DDCON/LDO Check POWER_ON R818 Voltage. Check 1.0V DDCONs no If #pin10 keep Low, change IC800. R830 or P-on u-com #pin10 Is the voltage >3.0V? (IC608, IC609, IC610) If #pin10 goes High few seconds and downs to Low, Is the voltage >3.0V? Check +12V_MAIN Line (from G board). yes Continue next page… 22 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) 1.2 No Power u-com FAILURE BM3J19 Board OLED Model START Check +12V_MAIN Line (from G board). Check “AC_OFF_DET_OUT” Check 12V_MON (GPIO_18 from IC7000) Check VDD no no R822 Voltage. Check “AC_DET_IN” C818 Voltage. Check 3.3V_STBY Line (C805, CN800 #9pin) Is the voltage >2.6V? (C826, CN800 #16pin Is the voltage >3.0V? from G board) yes yes Check DC_OFF_DET R824 or no Check TYPE_DET no Change IC800 Type Detection Circuit problem. P-on u-com #pin3 (IC800) R810 Voltage. Check TYPE_DET Line (R838, R839). is >3.0V? Is the voltage 2.6±0.2V? yes yes Check P_ON_#1 Check OPWRSB no SOC CL813 or no Change IC800 R820 Voltage. Muffin 3 problem P-on u-com #pin12 (IC800) Is the voltage 0V? IC1000 # AL14 OPWRSB is >3.0V? yes yes Try AC Off and On after few minutes. Check PGOOD_1 no 1.3 No POWER - DDCON/LDO Check POWER_ON no R818 Voltage. Check 1.0V DDCONs If #pin10 keep Low, change IC800. R830 or P-on u-com #pin10 Is the voltage >3.0V? (IC608, IC609, IC610) If #pin10 goes High few seconds and downs to Low, Is the voltage >3.0V? Check +12V_MAIN Line (from G board). yes Continue next page… 23 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) 1.2 No Power u-com FAILURE BM3J19 Board LCD and OLED Model Previous page Check P_ON_#2 Check BL_ON CL812 or no R831 or no Change IC800 Change IC800 P-on u-com #pin13 (IC800) P-on u-com #pin7 (IC800) is >3.0V? Is the voltage >3.0V? yes yes Check P_ON_HL END CL810 or no Change IC800 u-com IC800 is working OK P-on u-com #pin18 (IC800) is >3.0V? yes Check ORESETB CL811 or no Change IC800 P-on u-com #pin14 (IC800) Is the voltage >3.0V? yes Check X_SYSTEM_RST CL809 or no Change IC800 P-on u-com #pin20 (IC800) Is the voltage >3.0V? yes Check X_LED_MUTE no Check “X_BE_RST” (from SOC Muffin). R819 or *If X_BE_RST is >3.0, SOC BE(IC7000) problem. P-on u-com #pin8 (IC800) Otherwise, SOC Muffin 3(IC1000) problem. Is the voltage >3.0V? yes 24 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) 1.3 No Power DDCON/LDO BM3J19 Board Model Check item summary Output Board Operation IC Ref Voltage supply Enable pin Enable source Fuse Vcc ref. ref. BM3J19 LDO IC400 1.2V_HDMI C434 R417 P-on u-com IC800 #pin13 - C433 BM3J19 DC/DC IC401 1.8V_TU_P C402 D402 cathode P-on u-com IC800 #pin13 - C400 BM3J19 DC/DC IC402 5V_MAIN/5V_AUDIO C430 R455 P-on u-com IC800 #pin13 F400 C423 BM3J19 DC/DC IC403 3.3V_MAIN/3.3V_AUDIO C419 R409 P-on u-com IC800 #pin13 F401 C418 BM3J19 DC/DC IC405 1.8V_TU C463 IC405 #PIN5 P-on u-com IC800 #pin13 F403 C461 BM3J19 DC/DC IC601 1.2V_M3_DDR C609 C607 R605 (3.3V_STBY) - C603 BM3J19 LDO IC602 1.05V_M3_STBY C611 C610 C610 (3.3V _STBY) - C610 BM3J19 LDO IC603 1.05V_M3_ST_ET C613 CL1424/R3600 M3 IC1000 #AJ11 - C612 BM3J19 DC/DC IC604 1.05V_M3_A C616 IC604 #PIN5 P-on u-com IC800 #pin13 F603 C615 BM3J19 LDO IC606 2.5V_M3_DDR C619 C618 C618 (3.3V_STBY) - C618 BM3J19 LDO IC607 1.8V_EMMC C622 C677 R616 (DDR_EMMC_EN ) - C620 BM3J19 DC/DC IC608 1.0V_M3_CORE C634 R634 P-on u-com IC800 #pin12 F600 C623 BM3J19 DC/DC IC609 1.0V_M3_CPU C648 R644 P-on u-com IC800 #pin12 F601 C639 BM3J19 DC/DC IC610 1.0V_M3_GPU C662 R654 P-on u-com IC800 #pin12 F602 C653 pin12 : P_ON_#1 pin13 : P_ON_#2 25 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) 1.3 No Power DDCON/LDO BM3J19 Board Model Check item summary Output Board Operation IC Ref Voltage supply Enable pin Enable source Fuse Vcc ref. ref. BM3J19 LDO IC6600 1.8V_BE_LDO C6601 IC6601 #PIN5 P-on u-com IC800 #pin13 - C6600 BM3J19 DC/DC IC6601 1.5V_BE_DDR C6606 IC6601 #PIN5 P-on u-com IC800 #pin13 F6600 C6605 BM3J19 DC/DC IC6602 0.9V_BE C6637 R6609 P-on u-com IC800 #pin12 F6603 C6636 BM3J19 DC/DC IC6604 0.8V_BE C6624 R6634 P-on u-com IC800 #pin12 F6602 C6617 pin12 : P_ON_#1 pin13 : P_ON_#2 26 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) 1.3 No Power DDCON/LDO IC Ref Voltage supply BM3J19 Board Model IC601 1.2V_M3_DDR DDCON check START Check IC402 Vcc Check Vcc voltage Check no no no Voltage C423 C603 D600 Change D600 Is voltage >12V? Is voltage >3V? Is diode alive? yes yes Check 3.3V_STBY. yes G* board Check Vcc voltage Check no C603 no D601 Change D601 Is voltage >4V? Is diode alive? yes yes Check 5V_MAIN DDCON (IC402) Check Enable no Change IC600 IC600 #pin1 Is voltage >2.5V? yes Change DDCON IC601 27 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) 1.3 No Power DDCON/LDO Please refer page-25-28 for Ref number. BM3J19 Board Model START Board Operation IC Ref Voltage supply Check fuse no BM3J19 DC/DC IC401 1.8V_TU_P F4xx / F6xx/F8xx/F66xx Change Fuse Is fuse OK? BM3J19 DC/DC IC402 5V_MAIN/5V_AUDIO yes BM3J19 DC/DC IC403 3.3V_MAIN/3.3V_AUDIO Check Vcc voltage 1) Check POWER_ON P-on u-com #pin10 no C4xx / C6xx/C8xx/C66xx (Refer 1.2 No Power U-Com Failure) BM3J19 DC/DC IC405 1.8V_TU Is voltage >12.0V? 2) Check G* board BM3J19 DC/DC IC601 1.2V_M3_DDR yes BM3J19 DC/DC IC604 1.05V_M3_A Check Enable pin no 1.2 No Power U-Com Failure voltage or BM3J19 DC/DC IC608 1.0V_M3_CORE Is voltage >2.5V? Enable source BM3J19 DC/DC IC609 1.0V_M3_CPU yes BM3J19 DC/DC IC610 1.0V_M3_GPU Change DDCON IC BM3J19 DC/DC IC6601 1.5V_BE_DDR BM3J19 DC/DC IC6602 0.9V_BE BM3J19 DC/DC IC6604 0.8V_BE 28 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) 1.3 No Power DDCON/LDO BM3J19 Board Model LDOs check Pleas refer page 25-28 for Ref number. Board Operation IC Ref Voltage supply START BM3J19 LDO IC400 1.2V_HDMI yes Check 3.3V_DDC_OUT BM3J19 LDO IC602 1.05V_M3_STBY DDCON Check Vcc voltage no (IC403 on BM3J19) BM3J19 LDO IC603 1.05V_M3_ST_ET C4xx/C6xx/C66xx or Is voltage >3V? 3.3V_STBY (G* board) BM3J19 LDO IC606 2.5V_M3_DDR BM3J19 LDO IC607 1.8V_EMMC yes BM3J19 LDO IC6600 1.8V_BE_LDO Check Enable pin no 1.2 No Power U-Com Failure voltage or Is voltage >3V? Enable source yes Change LDO IC 29 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) 1.4 No Power – Muffin3 Failure Muffin Fail Suspected Yes Yes Muffin LOG is Write DDR check Replace DDR Is there DDR error? displayed bootloader No No No Check Muffin Log Yes Power uCom and Follow 1.2&1.3 DDCON/LDO OK? related to eMMC Replace eMMC Is there “CRC error” Yes No No Crystal X1200 Replace crystal Is there 24MHz? Store SW log, check SW Yes behaviors. No Muffin reset released? Check Power uCom ORESETB=High Follow 1.2&1.3 Yes Yes Write DDR check Yes eMMC clock present? Is there DDR error? Replace DDR bootloader No No eMMC Replace Muffin3 data corruption 30 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) 1.5 No Power – Muffin3 Replacement Muffin3 replacement flow eMMC need to be replaced when changing eMMC replacement Muffin3. Muffin3 replacement SW write 31 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) 2.0 LED Blinking: 2x (Main power Error) BM3J19 2-time blinking Check “12.7V_MAIN” at pin 5~8 of CN800 Yes G Board on BM3J19 Board, Voltage > 13.2V ? No BM3J19 Board 32 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) Check Point for BM3J19 Name Board PWB (A side) Detail CN800 BM3J19 CN800 5,7pin 12.7V_MAIN 33 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) 2.1 LED Blinking: 3x (DC Alert Error) BM3J19 3-time blinking (DC Alert) Check “12.7V_MAIN” OK Check “5.0V_VBUS” OK at pin 5~8 of CN800 at C431 on BM3J19 board Retry on BM3J19 board, 4.959V<Voltage<5.285V? Voltage = 12.2~13.2V? NG NG BM3J19 Board G Board Detail of 3x LED Blinking Error Item Number of STBY LED Description flashing Uroboros2 DC_ALERT 3 Main board 5V power rail monitoring AUD_ERR 3 Audio amp error detection 34 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) Check Point for BM3J19 Name Board PWB (A side) Detail B side CN800 5.0V_VBUS at C431 BM3J19 12.7V_MAIN Pin 5,7 of CN800 35 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) 2.2 LED Blinking: 3x (Audio Error) LED 3x blinking (Audio Error) Replace OK G Board G Board Power Off Check Go to 3.3 NG Measure the Speaker Yes Replace impedance by multi-meter Speaker Less than 3Ω ? Power On Check Go to 3.4 No Speaker Harness Detail of 3x LED Blinking Error Item Number of STBY LED Description flashing Uroboros2 DC_ALERT 3 Main board 5V power rail monitoring AUD_ERR 3 Audio amp error detection 36 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) 2.3 LED Blinking 4x (LED Voltage Error) BM3J19 4-time blinking (LED Voltage) Check “LD_ERR_DET” Voltage High NG Replace LD board Panel at CL7224 on BM3J19 Board Low OK BM3J19 Board LD Board Detail of 4x LED Blinking Error Item Number of STBY Description LED flashing Uroboros2 LD_ERR 4 LED voltage error detection with LD IC BCM_ERR 4 LD IC initialize or I2C communication error detection. 37 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) Check Point for BM3J19 Name Board PWB (A side) Detail BM3J19 CL7224 LD_ERR_DET 38 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) 2.4 LED Blinking 4x (BCM Error) BM3J19 4-time blinking (BCM Error) Check “LD_RDY” High Replace NG At CL7400 Panel LD board on BM3J19 Board OK Low BM3J19 Board LD Board Detail of 4x LED Blinking Error Item Number of STBY LED Description flashing Uroboros2 LD_ERR 4 LED voltage error detection with LD IC BCM_ERR 4 LD IC initialize or I2C communication error detection. 39 SYS SET 2019/01/15 23:07:08 (GMT+09:00) Check Point for BM3J19 Name Board PWB (A side) Detail BM3J19 CL7400 LD_RDY 40 SYS SET
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