Darrell Watkins’ “How to Implement a Distribution Center” is a simplistic manual regarding an otherwise difficult undertaking. Now that you have designed the Distribution Center you need to make sure your project gets off on the right foot, and this week-by-week guide is exactly the tool you need to please your team as well as your boss. With your work already done in the “How to Design a Distribution Center” guidebook, you are ready to implement, and “How to Implement…” is a handy companion as it references the final product of “How to Design” throughout. He explains each role on a successful implementation team and exactly how crucial they are to the project with focuses on their specific areas of expertise. He shows exactly how each responsibility corresponds to a role on the team and follows through from implementation pre-planning to the “Go Live” date. Included in this book is a week-by-week guide for each role using a 3-month implementation process (the average amount of time industry wide, but can easily be adjusted to your needs). It involves weekly breakdowns of exactly what needs to be executed each week of the implementation process to be successful, and highlights things that need to be on the critical path. Most helpful in this How-To book are the attached implementation schedules. Watkins helps you with your MS Project Schedule, the Major Milestone Chart, the PERT Chart and even provides a PowerPoint template for your Timeline. This time-saver allows you to focus more on productivity than semantics, and once you have purchased this book you will be wondering where it has been for the entire time you have been in Logistics. This book should be mandatory reading for your entire implementation team, as it explains everyone’s responsibilities in way that a cursory meeting cannot. For everyone to be on the same page, work together, and get things done efficiently, “How to Implement a Distribution Center” is integral. Your staff will thank you after making their jobs that much easier when you purchase and send them this book, and your boss will be happy too!
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