Jill Di Donato, MFA 917.655.8290 (m) [email protected] (e) www.jilldidonato.com (w) Education Master of Fine Arts, 2006 Columbia University, NY, NY Bachelor of Arts in English and Sociology, Magna Cum Laude,1999 Barnard College, Columbia University, NY, NY Teaching Experience Summer 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020 Barnard College, Columbia University, NY, NY Instructor in Pre-College Program • Design and teach college level courses to accelerated high school students attending program. Courses include: Writing Our Lives: Writing Memoir and Personal Narrative, Fiction Intensive Workshop, Mash-Up: Remix, Reuse, Recombine, Reflect, Fashion In Literature: Victorian through Modern, Is Fashion Frivolous? Exploring Gender, Culture and Politics Through Clothing. • Lead guided workshops that emphasize peer review of student-generated material; use a variety of techniques to emphasize writing as process including freewriting, mood boards, and idea maps; lecture on interdisciplinary texts that ask students to consider the relation of zeitgeist and narrative; organize field trips and readings; assign grades and individual written assessments for coursework. • Organize Women Writers At Barnard annual summer conference; host published authors to read and facilitate panel discussion. Fall 2010 to 2019 Fashion Institute of Technology, The State University of New York, NY, NY Adjunct Assistant Professor, English and Communication Studies • Taught Creative Writing, an upper level elective course that covers short fiction, the lyric essay, poetry, and journalism by authors from around the world. Lectured on elements of craft to emphasize writing as process; introduced students to a variety of narrative devices to hone storytelling skills; familiarized students with figures of speech, word usage, and poetic devices; facilitated workshops on creative assignments; worked individually with students on revision; assigned texts of each genre and grades for portfolio work. • Taught English Composition and English Composition Online, a required course for all SUNY students; presented writing as a tool for self-discovery and empowerment; lectured on texts with an emphasis on 20th century fiction, nonfiction, and journalism; used reading assignments to encourage creative and critical analysis; lectured on elements of rhetoric; assigned multi-draft essays in a variety of formal critical modalities; held individual student conferences; provided written notes on drafts and final essays; assigned grades for portfolio work. • Taught Writing For Design Professionals, an upper level elective course on professional business writing for Art and Design students to create competitive marketing materials, persuasive presentations, proposals, and briefs through guided research; led formal critiques; assigned grades for final portfolios. Adjunct Assistant Professor, Educational Skills • Taught English Composition Preparation and Survival Grammar Writing Workshop lecturing on canonical texts on the craft of writing; utilized a Socratic learning based model to provide students with support and increase self-motivation; instilled reading comprehension and critical analysis skills; facilitated peer revision; focused on written mechanics for clarity; critiqued and provided written notes on drafts and final essays; held individual student progress conferences; assigned grades for portfolio work. Fall 2010 to Fall 2012 St. Francis College, Brooklyn, NY Adjunct Professor for English Department • Taught the literature seminar The Beat Generation introducing students to consider the relation of rebellion and narrative. Taught the required core composition class Writing in the Public Square presenting narrative as a form of agency; lectured on texts; critiqued and provided written notes on drafts and final essays. Fall 2009 to Fall 2012 New York City College of Technology, The City University of New York, NY, NY Adjunct Lecturer in English • Designed and implemented syllabus for Developmental English, a reading comprehension and writing course for ESL students; English Composition, an expository writing class exploring the fundamentals of prose; English Composition II, an advanced course in literature and communication skills; lectured on texts; critiqued and provided written notes on drafts and final essays; held individual student progress conferences; assigned grades for work. Fall 2003 to Fall 2005 Columbia University, NY, NY Undergraduate Writing Program Instructor • Designed and implemented syllabus for University Writing, a core investigation into logic and rhetoric; lectured on texts; critiqued and provided written notes on drafts and final essays in a range of critical modalities; held individual student progress conferences; assigned grades for portfolio work. Books Published Beautiful Garbage: A Novel (April 2013, She Writes Press) • Small Press Pick, 2013; reviewed in Vice and Dazed. Select Published Writing “Caroline Hagood’s Personal as the Poetic Politic.” The Brooklyn Rail. Jul. 2019. Web. “The Beautiful Disaster of ‘90s Rave Fashion in New York City.” Culture Trip. May. 2018. Web. “Petra Collins On Girl Gaze, Gucci, and Gender Politics.” Culture Trip. May. 2017 “Petra Cortright On Selfies, Sensationalism, and Being Stella McCartney's Muse.” Culture Trip. Mar. 2017 “A Feminist Argument for Wet T-Shirt Contests.” Autre. Mar. 2016. Web. “Subcultural Capital: A Conversation with Valerie Steele on the Line Between Fashion and Fantasy.” Autre. Oct. 2016. Web. “Gender Tapes: Female Form and the New First Sex.” Autre. Sept. 2015. Web. “My Teenage Wasteland.” Salon. 27 Jun. 2015. Web. "'Making Maxine's Baby' Features Medusa, Leatherface, and Dante as a Female Hobo." Vice. 15 Mar. 2015. Web. "A Residency of One's Own." The Huffington Post. 20 Jan. 2015. Web. "Remembering Valerie Perrine, the Thinking Man’s Sex Symbol." Vice. 14 Dec. 2014. Web. "10 Fashion Lessons From The Most Stylish New York Women In Film." Refinery29. 4 Dec. 2014. Web. "Notable Women On This Thing Called Feminism." The Huffington Post. 21 Nov. 2014. Web. "The Danger of Branding 'Female Empowerment'" The Huffington Post. 2 Nov. 2014. Web. "Ed Wood's Erotic, Violent Fiction Is Back in Print for the First Time in 40 Years." Vice. 11 Oct. 2014. Web. "Girls Run the World By Writing It." The Huffington Post. 28 May 2014. Web. "Deconstructing the Poetry Goddess." The Huffington Post: Books. 5 May 2014. Web. "bell hooks' Search for Love." VIDA: Women in the Literary Arts. 11 Mar. 2014. Web. "Western Novelist Paints a Racy Portrait of Middle Eastern Women in "Stoning the Devil"" The Feminist Wire. 10 Apr. 2013. Web. Readings and Conferences Writing Through Trauma, Workshop and conference on writing from the wound, Barnard College, New York, July 29, 2020. (Moderator and Organizer) Women Writing Intersectionality, Reading and Panel Discussion on Intersectional Dialogs Between Gender and Narrative with Mia Alvar, Annie De Witt, Melissa Petro and Leah Umansky, Barnard College, New York, July 14, 2015 (Moderator and Organizer) Works In Progress Reading, Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, March 2015, March 2014, November 2012 Women Writing Intersectionality, Reading and Panel on Intersectional Dialogs Between Gender and Narrative with Elisa Albert, Wendy Chin-Tanner, Alena Graedon and Caroline Hagood Barnard College, New York, July 17, 2014 (Moderator and Organizer) The Student Writer, Barnard College, New York, July 16, 2013 (Organizer) Sacket Street Writers’ Workshop Reading, Book Court, New York, May 6, 2013 Guerilla Lit Reading Series, June 17, 2012, November 10, 2010 References Patrick Knisley, PhD, Dean of the School of Liberal Arts, Fashion Institute of Technology: [email protected] Mark Goldblatt, PhD, Chairperson of Educational Skills, Fashion Institute of Technology: [email protected] Chris Mohney, Editor-in-Chief, Culture Trip [email protected]
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