Spring & Summe r 2022 Ecofriendly paper goods to celebrate everyday’s little pleasures. A new energ y. 2022 just has started — we wish you a year filled with happy moments, little or big adventures, precious family and friends time and peaceful rest to get positive energy for the whole 365 days ahead. Our new perpetual calendar is inspired by a very old cook book I used to look at with my Grand-Ma. Even as a kid I really enjoyed the graphic lines of the illustrations, no photos just these little balck and white drawings and I’m very happy to offer my version for a tasty per- petual birthday calendar. We offer 6 new greeting cards for birthdays, thanks you notes, a new love or home so as 4 new art prints for your kitchen or to offer to a friend. May these little piece of illustrations bring joy to the precious moments of the co- ming year. With lots of love, Carole Founder and creative director How we wo r k Since ever we carry little notebooks with us to draw some sketches and quick ideas but lately we really like to go further and like to do pa- percuts before going on screen and finish the designs on computer to edit them for the prin- ting process. Here some researches for our new Kitchen calendar. New p erpetu al c a l endar S S2207 Kitchen Calendar ( perpetual) Wal l Cal endar 21,00 cm x 14 ,8 cm Our G reeting c a rds All our greeting cards are printed on 100% recycled uncoated paper stock with mostly vegetal besed inks. This paper has a beautiful natural shade. New Greeting c ards S S2201 Love you to the moon S S2202 Flowers from the fields S S2205 Trompetiste S S2206 Voltige Greeting C ard Gre et i ng C ard G reet i ng Card G reet i ng Card 1 0,5 cm x 14 ,8 cm 1 0, 5 c m x 1 4 ,8 c m 10, 5 cm x 14 ,8 cm 10, 5 cm x 14 ,8 cm S S2203 Home sweet home S S2204 Dancing lady Greeting C ard Gre et i ng C ard 1 0,5 cm x 14 ,8 cm 1 0, 5 c m x 1 4 ,8 c m New Art prints S S2208 Gaspacho Print S S2209 Hot chilli sauce print 300 gsm recyc led p a p e r 30 0 g s m re c yc l e d p ap e r 21 cm x 29,7 cm 2 1 c m x 2 9,7 c m S S2210 Apples in a jar S S2211 A glass of milk 300 gsm recyc led p a p e r 30 0 gs m re c yc l e d p a p e r 21 cm x 29,7 cm 21 c m x 29,7 c m Happy Bir thday F W2202 F W2203 FW2204 Permanent B irthday rabbit B irthday baloons Chocolate cake Collection C a rd s / Pr int s / Noteb o o ks / C al e n d a rs S S19 09 F W1023 S S1128 FW17 14 Wild friends B irthday cake B irthday abst ract Wild bi rthday F W17 19 F W17 18 S S2005 FW18 0 6 B ig bi rthday cake Monkeys Seagulls Cake & Baloons F W1812 F W1813 F W1814 S S20 0 6 Confetti B irthday Slow bi rthday Cadeaux H irondelles FW1 929 SS2113 S S 21 1 4 S S 1 903 F W1807 S S2011 S S1130 S S1110 Birthday racoon Bi rthday Bi r ds B i rthday people Pa rt y B ea r B ouquet Folkflowers T hank you abst ract M erci po ur la plante Baby & Thank you Love & Friendship S S 1 904 S S 1 9 07 F W2 2 01 S S19 05 S S2116 S S2117 Birthday tunes Xy lophone Petit Zè b r e Mimosa Love heart Be mine FW1 8 04 FW 1 805 F W1 7 1 5 SS1111 S S2118 S S2119 S S2132 S S2133 Cong rat ulations W elcome little one E lephant Sweet baby Yo u are my sunshine I picked you Take me to the river O h Boy, I t ’s summer FW1 925 FW 1 9 27 S S 1 91 2 S S 1 91 1 S S2133a S S1112 F W1021 S S1127 BA BY CARDIGAN H E LLO NEW LIFE Baby r ose Baby g r een Oh G irl it ’s summe r B onjour N uit magi que H appy abstract Discontinued product - available as long as stock lasts FW1 928 S S 1 9 01 F W1 730 F W1 73 1 F W17 12 S S1129 F W17 16 FW1722 We make a great pea r Beau tifu l M ama Maman chat Papa chat Salut E xplore abst ract Love M ore Than Coffee Ever yday Cards FW1 724 FW 1 72 1 F W1 726 F W1 72 8 S S1007 S S1005 S S10 04 Thinking Of Yo u S end S ome Love Hi lion G et well soon Cact us en fleur A l’ombre du palmier Feuilles de palmier FW1 727 S S 1 9 02 F W1 729 F W1 72 0 S S1012 S S1014 S S1015 FW20 04 Sail away H ello A dvent u r e Happy advent u r e Happy new home Au bist rot Une glace s’ il vous plait Lecture à l’ombre Aperitif S S 1 91 0 FW 1 7 1 3 F W1 7 1 1 SS2135 S S2016 S S2017 S S2018 FW17 17 A happy place H ello f r iend B ravo Love tandem Sardines Piaf Canoe adventure hello tige r Discontinued product - available as long as stock lasts FW20 06 FW 1 9 26 F W21 01 F W21 0 2 S S2002 S S2003 S S2004 S S20 01 Oiseau postal VA NLIFE Happy hor se C eleb rate eve ryday Back Home Room with a view N o bad weather Café du matin FW21 03 FW 2 1 04 SS1117 SS1119 S S2014 S S2015 S S2115 S S190 6 Ceramics Colombe Canoe Bateau Alg ues Shrimps T he simple life Summer swim Message Cards SS1116 FW 2 001 S S 1 01 0 S S 2 01 3 F W2009 FW170 8 Glace P oissons Pelican Baleine Un grand me rci Lovely lady S S 20 0 8 S S 2 009 S S 201 0 S S 2 0 07 F W17 10 F W1034 F W1709 S S10 0 0 Fleu rs bleues Rose t r é mi è r e T u lipe Roses de damas Hello baby Just ma rried Happy home M on amour Discontinued product - available as long as stock lasts Discontinued product - available as long as stock lasts Winter & Christmas S S 1 0 01 S S 1 008 SS1009 S S 1 01 1 F W2106 F W2107 FW210 8 H ello Darling By the ocean B on voyage Happy bi rthday Patineuses Christmas gifts H appy snow day with doggy FW1 03 3 FW 1 03 5 F W1 03 6 S S 1 03 3 F W1800 F W1801 F W1802 FW18 03 S o sorry B onne ann é e Happy holidays Happy easter Christmas deer LUtine Lutin M aison en bois S S 1 01 7 S S 1 01 8 F W20 07 F W2 0 0 8 F W1732 F W1701 F W1700 FW1707 Best mama Best papa Joy eux noë l Hello winte r Christmas Ornaments Merry Merry Luge L et it snow FW1 80 8 FW 1 81 1 F W1705 F W1703 F W1704 FW170 2 M agique H appy new y ea r Peace on earth B eau sapin Candellight Bell Discontinued product - available as long as stock lasts FW1 0 24 FW 1 02 5 F W20 0 2 F W1 01 9 F W2210 F W1701 F W1700 FW1707 Coffee time Rain y days Fo r ê t B o u le de no ë l Snow globe Merry Merry Luge L et it snow FW1 0 20 FW 1 706 F W1 92 0 F W1 921 F W1705 F W1703 F W1704 FW170 2 Stay warm C hee r s MI ST E LTO E WI L D G R E E T I N G S Peace on earth B eau sapin Candellight Bell FW1 922 FW 1 9 2 3 F W1 924 F W2 1 05 COFFEE & SUGAR WA R M S O C KS HE L LO B E AU T I F U L A nimal py ramid FW220 6 FW 2 2 07 F W220 8 F W220 9 charrette de N oël HoHOHO Magical time so u s le sapin Discontinued product - available as long as stock lasts Ar tprints T 1006 T 1004 T10 05 On the road print Peloton print Love tandem print T 1006 S S2023 S S2022 S S20 20 Cycling lady print Café print Piaf print Canoe print S S2021 F W1823T F W1824T FW1825T Baleine print Vases print Pears print Bonne pêche print F W1826 T T S S19 13 T S S19 14 TS S1915 Automne print Kitchen print Happy place print Adventure print Discontinued product - available as long as stock lasts Calendars FW1 930 FW 1 93 1 F W1 932 F W1 93 3 S S2128 S S2129 Oak leave print B r own bea r p r int Wa r m socks p r int Vanlife p r int Redclowe r N otebook B utte rcup flower notebook Books Notebooks FW21 1 4 FW 2 1 1 5 F W2212 C S S19 19 F W2111 S S2131 Colombe print O u r s p r int Advent calenda r Oiseau calenda r One year calenda r 20 22 Flowe r calendar ( DIY) ( perpet ual ) ( perpet ual ) Address book FW1 932 FW 1 93 3 F W2 1 1 2 S S 2 1 30 F W2211 Baby book french Baby book english Weekly planne r Ga r den j o u r nal Addrress book & sticke r s & Sticker s FW21 70 FW 2 1 72 F W2 1 73 F W2 1 74 La fe rme notebook M o u ettes notebook F e r n notebook L es chats notebook Discontinued product - available as long as stock lasts Totebag S S2136 Wild river swim Totebag Totebag 100% organi c cot ton 420 mm x 380 mm © All Rights reserved
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