“T heEspor tsCommu n it y Ul ti mate lyDeci desAnd Va li dat esWh oGar ners At ten ti onAndLoyal ty” i Spo rtsC o n nectIn ter vi ewwith C arl osAl imuru n g ,CEOofONEE spo rts ByT aru kaS riv ast av| Oct obe r14 ,20 20 C arl osAl imurungistheCEOo fONEE spor ts, theespor tsar m o fONEChamp i onship .Heisres p onsibl efort heo ve ral lvi si on a ndexecut io no fONEE sp o r ts’st rat e gyandhasP&L o wners hipofthebusin ess.i SP ORTCONNECTspokewit hhim t oknowmo r eab outth eC OVI D -1 9impa c t,r is eo fes port sand r ece ntpart nershi ps. W hathasbeent hei mpactofCovid-1 9 onONEEspor ts?How isONEEsport s tackl ingCovi d- 1 9chall enges? I thascert ai nlybeenatumu l tuo u sti mefor t hewo r ld. Ontheon ehand,t heg l obal p andemichasdis ruptedsoma n yl i ves , g overnment s,andbusines ses-ithasbeen d ishea rteni ngtosee.Ontheotherhand, the s it uati onhasshoneal i ghtonesport s, e speci all yastrad it ionalspor tsstoppe da nd o nlyrece ntl yreopenedinali mitedfash ion. Es port swasb or nfromg rass root se ff ort s, whi chsta rtedonl ine. Co nse quentl y,when t radi ti onal sport ss t opped,espo rtskeptgoi ng. Fo rONEEsport s,whil ewep lanour2021 sc hedul eofli veaudie nc eevent s,weconti nue wi thourdi gi talandstr ea mi nga c tiv iti esand ev ents ,whic hh a veb eenincr edi blysucces sfu l. Forexamp l e,t h emo nthl ytraf ficto Oneesports .ggjump edbymo ret han30%in Augustandc onti nuestog ro w. Oneesport s.g g i sn owat opfi veg lobal es po rtsme d ia pr o pert y.I nJun e,wit hHP, I nte l,TUMI , and HarveyNorma n,weh el dtheONEE sport sDo t a 2SEAL eague,whichfeat u r edt heregion ’s bestDota2tea ms,wit hth e6-we ek compe t it ionge nerat in go ver36mi ll i onviews. Recentl y,wit hHPa ndInt e l ,weh ostedaDo t a 2ma ste rclas swi thproplayer s ,Muhamma d " inYourdr eaM" RizkyandTri" Jhoc am"Kuncor o, bothfromT1,wh i chwa sstreame dexcl usi vely onV i dio .coma ndg ener ateda na ver age vi ewe rwatchtimeo fover40mi nutes. W hati sONEEspor ts’mar ket ingand brandi ngst rat egy? AsIme ntio n ed,espo rtswasb ornfromthe grassr oo t s.C o nsequentl y,t h ecommu n it y ul ti ma telydecidesandvali dateswh ogarner s at tenti o nan dlo y al ty .Thati swh ye ver ythi ng wed oisfocu s edo nexecut ingo urmissi on, whichistos har ea ndceleb ra t eth estor ie so f esport sh eroeswh oigni tethewo rl dwith st rength,ho pe, dreams,andinspirat ion. Great exampleso fourmissi onina ct iona r eo ur docume ntari esfoll owingthejourneysof someo ftheb estespor tsteamsi nthewo r ld, i ncludi ngT eamS ecret ,EVOS,RRQ, andGeek Fam. Theespo rt sc ommu nitywa ntstos eee s p ort s at h l etese l evatedo nth esamep edestalas th e i rcou nte rp ar tsint radi ti o nalsports. Th e fa ctthatt heONEE sportscommu nityi sth e mosten gageda ndp assionatea udi e nce wit hines portsi se vi de nceo foursu ccess.Our commu nitysp e n d smo remo neyong amin g, consume smo reco nt e nt,andg ame smo re i ntenselythana verageg amingf ans.For example,oura nal ysisind i catesthataONE Esport sf ansp endsUS $33pe rmo ntho n gaming,wh i chiss i g ni ficant lyh i ghe rthanthe US$18pe rmo nththata na v e ragega mingfan spends.Furthermore,t heaverageONE Esport sf anc onsume s7. 1h o u rsofg aminga nd esport sv ideoorstrea mingc ontentp e rmo n th ver sust he3.8h ourso fcontentc o n sume dper monthb ythea verageg amin gfan. Tellusaboutyourlat estpart ner shi ps. W hatisthekindofbrandsyoul ook toassociat ewi t h? Wearepri vi lege dtopartne rwithsomeo fthe wor ld’ sbestbra ndsin cludi ngDBS,HP, In t el , J BL,L azada , L ogit ech, RedB u ll ,Toy ota, T UMI, an dUn i l ever,t onamejustafew.Al lourbrand pa rtn ershi psare360- degree ,asONEE sport s pr ovi desac o mp l eteec osyst em: •On ee s p ort s.ggpro vid esa nalways -on contentpl atf ormwithamo nthl youtputof mo r eth a n1,0 00c on tentpi ec e sa c rossfou r l o c a l i zati onstoexci te, educate,a nde nt ert ain theesport scommu ni ty. •ONEE spor tsEvent screatesli vemagica l mo mentstha ta r epri cele ss. •ONEE spor tsStudi oenabl e sourcommu n it y torel ivetho sema gi calmome nts . A llou rb r andpart nersp ar ti cip ateseaml ess ly a crossoureco syst e m,whichenab lesth emto c onnectandengagewiththeespo rts c ommu ni tyhol ist ic a l lyandgener ate c onsi stentan dh i ghr et urnsonthei r i nve stments. W hati sthest rat egyf orONEEspor ts movingfor ward? Ourst rategywil lcont inuetodeliveronour miss iontoshareandcelebr ateth estor iesof espo rtsheroeswhoigni tethewo r ldwit h st rength ,hope,dre ams , andinsp i rati on. Movi ngforward,yo us ho u l dexpe ctour cov erageono nees ports .ggtoincludemo re l ong-f orms tor ytel l ingofesportsathle tesas wedivedeeperin towh a td r ivesthe mtobe th eb est ,andourevents ,wh e the rwith i n-per sona udi encesorstr eame d,tobee ve n moreinnov a t iv e,engagi ng,andinteract iv e .
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