Yonker‘ Free Pre‘‘ MONDAY MARCH 9, 2020 - BRIAN HARROD PUBLISHER Annunciation Parish In The Crestwood Section Of Yonkers Is Experiencing A Coronavirus Emergency Closing. Catholic School In itive for COVID-19 and the exposed home if they have symptoms or have student are not showing any symp- come in contact with a person who Yonkers Closes In toms, but the coronavirus has a long does have the virus. incubation period. This follows news from city hall Coronavirus The family of the the student has that an ice skating rink in Yonkers been ordered to self-quarantine. was temporarily closed for cleaning Emergency The Catholic school will only be and sanitization after members of closed for two days for janitorial a local hockey team who recently By BRIAN HARROD crews do a special sanitized cleaning played on the rink were put in of the building. quarantine for possible contact with This has caused Scarsdale, to is- COVID-19. The Annunciation Annunciation sue a district-wide school closure. The outbreak and its rapid spread Our Lady of Fatima parish in Yonkers All Scarsdale schools are closed also has officials in Yonkers cancel- Scarsdale is the latest school to shut and all after school activities are can- ing tomorrow’s “Irish Coffee Recep- down due to the COVID-19 virus. celed for the next ten days, because a tion” and city council president Mike The Annunciation Annunciation a teacher at the middle school tested Khader has canceled all of his March Our Lady of Fatima parish is an ac- positive for coronavirus and is expe- events. tive Roman Catholic parish of over riencing mild symptoms. Yonkers Public School Superin- Yonkers Public Schools is prepar- 2,500 families with two churches, an tendent Edwin Quezada is re-opening ing a 14-day lesson plan for every elementary school and the Pope Fran- schools in the city of hills now that grade level. cis Mercy Center that houses some of our outreach programs. janitorial crews have wiped down all It would be a pencil and paper les- The school is reporting to author- of the buildings in the district. son, because not every student has ac- ities and families them that a student Last Friday, Yonkers Public cess to a computer and wifi at home. at the school was in close proximity Schools canceled all activities and The district says it will immedi- to a person who has a case of coron- did a district-wide cleaning. ately contact the county and state avirus. Superintendent Quezada says stu- health departments before making a So far the person who tested pos- dents and staff members will be sent decision to dismiss classes.
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