Bikini Body Workouts™ by Jason & Jen Ferruggia The 60-Day Transformation Program Hi! When we combined our respective skills and specialties and started Bikini Body Secret, in 2009, we remember the profound sense of appreciation mixed with gratitude that we felt for our first customers. We made up our mind back then that above all else, we would give everything to uphold and honour the trust that they put in us by investing in our products and services. It really is a sacred trust. And we’re so thankful that we understand that. If we were to violate that trust, our business would soon shrivel up and die. To this day, we’re proud to say that we still feel honoured each and every time that someone like you invests in what we have to offer. You are the lifeblood of our business. Your willingness to put your trust in us is a huge thing in our eyes. And, in the simplest possible way, we want to convey our profound appreciation for that trust. THANK YOU! We are here to serve you. We will help you in every way that we can. We put everything into our products and services. We bust our tails to deliver value to you. Because we firmly believe in the Golden Rule. We understand that our business is built on servicing one customer at a time – and that each customer is a person with goals and dreams that are unique – and of paramount importance to her. So...thank you. Thank you for believing in us and trusting in us. We won’t let you down. We want you to have success, health and body that you desire. We want you to realize your potential and become the person you know in your heart you can... ....and then we want you to tell everyone who will listen that we helped you do it! ☺ You can do it. You can have the body, health and lifestyle of your dreams if you are willing to do what is necessary to achieve it. There is no “magic bullet” that will miraculously transform your body. But there are tested and proven protocols that we have used with countless clients that will enable you to get to where you want – faster than you could ever imagine! What you are about to take part in is truly the Ultimate 28 Day Rapid Fat Loss System. We will give you the ball. Will you run with it, with the understanding that life is short and all you really have is here and now...or will you stand and look around, finding excuses why you can’t meet the challenge? The sad truth is that only a small percentage of people are willing to run with the ball. Most prefer to stay in the comfort zone and never find out what they are capable of – they never meet the challenge and run with it. And they regret it later. Our philosophy is “NO REGRETS”. And we sincerely hope that is yours also. We sincerely hope that you will take the ball and run with it. Because if you don’t, you will never know what could have been. And that’s no way to live. Make your dreams reality. Make your body the way you want it to be. Ultimately what happens to you is COMPLETELY within your control. Don’t abdicate responsibility for your body, your health and your life. Seize the day! And do it now! Thank you once again for your support and trust. We want to make this the most life changing experience possible for you, and are dedicated to getting you into the best Bikini Body Shape of Your Life. Before you Start On the morning of your first day weigh yourself as soon as you get out of bed. Secondly, measure your waist (through your bellybutton). Third, take a picture of yourself wearing shorts and a sports bra (very important – it gives you a base photo from which to work with and will serve as motivation and an accurate picture of how far you have come from day one.) Get yourself a flip file and store these items in there – we will be reviewing them at the end of the program. Are you a Category 1 or a Category 2? Category 1: You are a Category 1 if you: Are not used to regular exercise Regularly skip breakfast Regularly eat fast food Regularly eat processed food or refined carbohydrates Have struggled to maintain healthy eating habits with previous diets Drink a lot of calorie containing beverages Category 2: You are a Category 2 if you: Are used to regular exercise Make healthy eating choices at least 90 % of the time Don’t eat fast food Don’t eat processed food or refined carbohydrates Drink water as your main beverage The goal is to ultimately be a Category 2 – that is where the magic happens with body composition, hormonal balance, health and energy. That being said, if you are not used to eating in that fashion it will be a very hard approach to suddenly adopt. We recommend a stepped approach, by first adopting some basic new nutrition habits and getting used to them and getting the maximum fat loss benefits from them and the increased exercise, and then moving onto a more detailed and “restrictive” approach. We promise that you will lose weight on both approaches, depending which category you fall into. And once you have become accustomed to the habits in Category 1 (3 – 4 weeks), it will be relatively easy to transition into Category 2. What You Should Eat: Category 1 Before we start worrying about protein ratios, healthy fat etc - we need to get some habits: Here is what I am going to suggest: 1. Eat Breakfast 2. Eliminate all refined sugar from your diet 3. Drink more zero calorie fluids (particularly water) 4. If you drink alcohol – drink 50% less 5. Reduce carbohydrates by a few bits per meal. So, if you eat a burger and chips for lunch then don’t eat ALL the chips. If you eat them all start over on day 1. 6. Exercise 5 days per week for 30 minutes (training is already 3 days - so do something on your other 2 days). What type? It doesn’t matter…just do something! 7. If you think it’s not a good food choice, then DON’T eat it. There’s more food choice education out there then there has ever been in history. I think you know that potato chips are not better than a salad for an appetizer, ice cream is not better than fruit, etc. You are going to eat according to these rules for 3 weeks continuously. It is very important that we address these basic habits, before trying to get fancy. Weight loss will still occur rapidly, because you are adding in the appropriate exercise with the bootcamp classes, as well as refining your food habits. If you can follow these easy guidelines you are already doing better than almost 90 % of the population and will have a very solid foundation to start with the next phase. If you aren’t able to follow these guidelines, it will be very hard to follow the guidelines for phase 2. So it is very important that we build these basic habits as a foundation and can grow from there. What You Should Eat: Category 2 The list below is not an exhaustive list, but it makes things easy to have an idea of what you are going to eat. Buy enough to last you for at least a week and feel free to substitute your favourites in here. We are not going to insult your intelligence by telling you what a fruit or a vegetable is. I encourage you to experiment with some varieties that you have never tried before. When buying fruit and vegetables, think of the rainbow and buy a whole lot of different types. Proteins Fruits Vegetables Fats Wild salmon Apples Broccoli Avocados Chicken Berries Spinach Butter Grass fed beef Pears Rocket Olive Oil Fish Stone fruits Cauliflower Nut Butters Eggs Mango Carrots Coconut Oil Turkey Pawpaw Mushrooms Macadamia Oil Lamb Kiwi Fruit Cabbage Various Nuts You have free reign to substitute whatever varieties of the different food groups that you desire. The above table is just a starting point. For the purposes of the 28 day rapid fat loss diet, it is useful to have a list to work off, but feel free to experiment with whichever fruits, vegetables and proteins you desire – and make sure not to only rely on one or two favourites! Variety is very important. You are able to substitute a 30 g serving of protein powder (explained later) for a protein source. What You Should Supplement In addition to the food list, there are a few supplements that are highly recommended. These will really make a difference to the program. The First is Fish Oil. Fish oil will boost your metabolism (leading to automatic fat loss – without changing another thing), turn on your fat burning genes, improve your mood, reduce your cravings and make your joints feel incredible. It really is a marvellous supplement. We use a liquid fish oil, called Carlson’s. It is a great combination of flavour and quality. When buying fish oil, it is important to get a high quality one (usually available from a natural foods store, you will have to talk to the Naturopath on duty). Two other brands that we recommend are Bioceuticals and Nordic Naturals. These are available in capsule form, for those that prefer. The second recommended supplement is a great multivitamin. Once again it is important to get a good one, and we recommend Metagenics. With multivitamins you get what you pay for, and most of the multivitamins that you would buy in pharmacies etc are basically going to turn into expensive urine! Make sure that your multivitamin is a pharmaceutical grade one – you definitely get what you pay for and will feel the difference. The third supplement we recommend is a high quality protein powder. In Australia, Horleys Ice is our favourite for people that can tolerate dairy, and Sun Warrior Rice Protein for those who can’t. Both of these are very high quality and nice tasting. The reason for a high quality protein powder is basically convenience. It is sometimes hard to get quality protein at 4 meals a day and protein powders bridge this gap beautifully. Quick, easy and convenient. The last supplement we recommend is chocolate. Chocolate? Yes, it is a great source of anti oxidants and will reduce your cravings for other sweets as well as positively impacting your mood. Don’t just get any chocolate – it has to be 85 % cocoa, so no Cadbury’s Dairy Milk! 85% dark chocolate is available from all good health stores and usually comes in chunks. What You Should Drink There are only three drinks that you are to consume on this program. Water, green tea and organic black coffee. Green tea and black coffee will speed up your metabolism (just make sure to only consume two coffees a day) and are loaded with antioxidants. You can’t drink enough water on this program. I hesitate to give numbers, but 3 – 4 litres would be great. Yes – that sounds like a lot. And Yes – if you’re not used to that amount of water you will be going to the toilet a lot more. Build up to that amount . If you’re not used to drinking so much just keep adding a few glasses a day until you reach it. Your cells, skin, and energy levels will thank you for it! Make sure to drink your water out of glass or stainless steel bottles. No plastic! Plastic leaks estrogen metabolites and Bisphenol A, which will hinder your fat loss as well as contributing heavily to risk of cancer. Putting it Together Now you know what to eat, how much are you going to eat? We’re going to make this as simple as possible. The Rules: 1. You are going to eat 4 times a day – 3 meals and a snack 2. You are going to eat a piece of protein the size of your palm at each main meal (3 times a day) or 30 g of protein powder 3. You are going to have as many vegetables as you desire at each meal and/or a serving of fruit 4. You are going to have a serving of healthy fats with each meal 5. You will not drink any calorie containing drinks (only water, black coffee and green tea) 6. You will consume fish oil, and multivitamins at two or three of your meals. 7. You are going to break the rules at ONE meal a week - that’s a rule/order! 8. You are to eat 20 g of chocolate a day as a snack 8 Simple Rules – how easy is that? Let’s Break them down on the next page: Rule Number 1: It is important to eat regularly. Many popular diets nowadays will have you eating 6 - 8 times a day. The many small meals a day hypotheses. This hypotheses is grounded in some scientific studies that correlated frequent eating with increased metabolism. The studies are shaky at best, and their have been subsequent studies to disprove the hypotheses. Honestly? Who has time to eat 6 - 8 times a day? Unless you’re a professional bodybuilder - you really only need to eat 4 times a day – 3 meals and a snack. This gives you plenty of time to digest your meals in between feedings. It also allows you to eat a more substantial meal at each feeding and not feeling like you are always hungry and always eating minuscule portions. Rule Number 2: Lean protein is a cornerstone of the program - it is important that you get adequate protein throughout the day. This will insure that you feel full, as well as contribute to fat loss by raising your BMR (basal metabolic rate - in short - how many calories you are burning every second). It is vital that you get protein during your first meal of the day. By eating a protein and fat rich breakfast, you are setting your neurotransmitters up perfectly for the subsequent day. By just implementing this simple trick, and eliminating the vegemite toast and orange juice you will feel fuller throughout the day and won’t experience the mid afternoon energy crash! Protein keeps you fuller for longer and is very important for optimal health. Rule Number 3: You are to eat as many vegetables as you desire. Vegetables are thermogenic (meaning they burn fat) as well as fibrous - which keeps you full for longer. It is important to get a varied supply of nutrients and phytonutrients, and vegetables and fruits definitely fit the bill here! Vegetables also have a negligible effect on blood sugar and on the whole do not have a lot of calories - so you are safe to eat them in substantial quantities. Fruit is also really healthy. You cannot eat it in unlimited quantities though, as it is more calorie dense - try and limit it to 2 servings of fruit a day. A serving of fruit or vegetables is equal to a cup size. Rule Number 4: You are to eat a serving of healthy fats at each meal. On a program like this, where refined, unhealthy carbohydrates are limited - it is important to eat healthy fats as an energy source. Healthy fats are monounsaturated fats (like olive oil and avocado) and polyunsaturated fats (like fish oil and certain nuts). You don’t want to go overboard on fats, generally a serving size is equal to a tablespoon of oil, a small handful of nuts or half an avocado. By incorporating more healthy fats into your diet you will experience better skin, nails, increased fat loss and an increased feeling of satiety and satisfaction between meals. Rule Number 5: As mentioned before, you are limited to non-calorie containing beverages (NO - diet Coke doesn’t count!). Black or Green Tea, Black Coffee or Water. By drinking things like juices, cola, milk etc you are really contributing to your overall calorie count with needless “empty calories”, not to mention ingesting lots of chemicals and sugar which are terribly unhealthy. Rule Number 6: Try and spread your fish oil and multivitamins out over at least 2 meals (the more the better). With fish oil: Depending on which brand of fish oil you take you are going to be having 3 g (not 3 capsules) of the active EPA/DHA (check the back) spread out over a couple of meals. This may seem like a lot - but bear in mind that the therapeutic dosage of fish oil is between 3 - 6 g of Active EPA /DHA (10 - 20 capsules of an average brand), so it is the low end of that. 1 or 2 capsules a day is not going to cut it! Make sure that you check the back of the bottle to see how many capsules you will need to take to get your 3 g of EPA/DHA, as various manufacturers will have differing amounts. Generally the higher the quality the less you will need to take to get your recommended dose. Rule Number 7: Break the rules at least once a week. As a professional fitness coach, I have found that it takes a superhuman effort of will to stick to a rigid eating plan 100 % of the time. If you know that you are going to be able to eat your favourite treat on a Saturday night, it makes it a lot easier to be good on a Thursday afternoon when your boss is stressing you out and you are craving a Mars Bar. So, once a week allow yourself a treat meal of whatever you feel like. I find that it is always best to plan this - that way you are in control and can decide exactly what you want, rather than giving in to a craving. So, on Saturday night eat your favourite pizza and some ice cream, or go out to your favourite restaurant and order your favourite. You will enjoy it all the more because it is a treat and a reward for your previous lean eating and your body and mind will thank you for it. Rule Number 8: That can’t be right - is that a mistake? What kind of fitness professional recommends chocolate? The clever ones...! Dark chocolate (85 % or more) is a very powerful Superfood that will raise your serotonin and dopamine levels. When these are low, you feel unmotivated, depressed and you crave carbohydrates and sweets. By raising them up you will feel awesome, and as though you are not on a diet. So, as your mid afternoon snack, I urge you to give a piece of dark chocolate a try, along with a small handful (about 10 - 12) of nuts. 20 g of dark chocolate is recommended - no more. There will be no more mid afternoon snack attacks, energy crashes and raised tempers when you implement this strategy! Make sure to eat it slowly and consciously, savour each little piece. Chocolate is a healthy, nutritious Superfood that will improve your mood and contribute positively to your fat loss efforts. And besides - it’s chocolate - what more needs to be said?! A Typical Day Of Eating In This Style Breakfast Supershake (30 g protein powder, berries, small handful of nuts, half a banana, small handful spinach) Multivitamins and fish oil Lunch Huge green salad (with spinach, carrots, tomatoes, onion, broccoli florets), chicken tenderloins and drizzled with macadamia oil Mid Afternoon 20 g dark chocolate and small handful cashews Dinner Beef Steak with veggies and a side salad. Berries for dessert Multivitamins and fish oil Final Thoughts: There you go - easy hey? This lean eating thing does not have to be complicated. No counting calories. If you need to count calories you are eating the wrong things - your body will naturally eat the right amounts of the right foods. If you eat like this you can expect a better mood, a better body and increased levels of energy and stamina. Your joints, skin, hair and nails will be better and you will feel amazing! We are trying to create habits that will take you through the rest of your life. Because what is the point in going on some celebrity whizz bang incredible diet where you have to count calories and eat certain foods in perfect combinations and are never allowed to have your favourite foods - sounds terrible to me. And when all your friends are going on these diets and raving about their magic results and then showing up two months later fatter and more confused - show them how you are eating - easily, nutritiously and pleasurably. It’s the only way to do things! Complete Program Bikini Body Workouts™ by Jason & Jen Ferruggia Bikini Bootcamp Exercise Guide 6 Weeks To A Stronger Healthier Body www. GoSu per Sis te rs. co m BEGINNERS:Doy our p u s hup sonyou rkneesunt ily ou bui ldupt h es t reng t htod oth e mo ny ourtoes.S tar t l yingfacedownwi thh andsrig h tout sideyourches t. Squeezeyourabsi nandk eepy ou r bodyinas o li d pl ankp osi t iona sy oupres sa wa yfr o mthefloor .(I ti s okaytopeelupa t f irs tifyoun eedtou nt i l youca n bui ldupt h es t reng t htoh oldyou r b odysol id--i tʼ s bet tertogetful lra ngeofmo ti onth antonotp u shal l th ewa yu p .)O ncey ouʼ reat t het o po fyourplank , sh o ul derss h oul db edir ect lyo v e ryourwri stsand handsshoul db ea boutshoulder- widthapart,f in gers sl i g ht lypoi n t edin ward.DON OTarchyourlowerbac k. Absst a yti ghtthee nti reti mea n deyesstayonthe fl oor.Sl owlylower down.Re pe a t . A D V ANCE D:St arti napla n kp osi ti ononyou r t oe s,squ eezi ngyour absinan dk eepi ngyo urbodys ol idasy oulower do wnt oth e f l o o r.S houl der ssho ul dbed i re ct lyove ryou r wr i stsan dhandssho uldbeab outshoulde r-wi d t ha part,p o ssi blywider.E lbowstr avel b ackatab outa45deg reeang leandf ing ersmaypoi nts li ght lyin wa r d.A bsshoul ds t ayt i ghtthee nt ir et i me .DON OTa rc hyour l owerb ack. Keepyo ureyeso nthefl oor asyoupres sth efl oorawayens uri ngful lrangeo fmo t ion(”chesttodeck”). La yfl atont h egrou ndor b enc hwit hthewei ght sin ea chhands trai ghtove ryourc hes twit hyourp alms f aci ngin wardtoward soneanot he r.Wi thasl igh t b end i nyoure lbo ws , lowert heweig htt owar dthefl oor maki nga“T”shapewi thyouru pperb ody.E xhal eas yo ubri ngth ewe ight backupt othest art i ngpos iti on. Si tdowno ntheg r ound ,pickupyourwe i ghtscar efu lly an dT HENlieb ac k.Ly in gflatonthegroundo rben chwit h ab sina ndwe i gh t si neachh a nd,st a r twithyourel bows at 9 0degrees(perp endi cul artothefl oor)a n da r msin l in ewi t hy ourchest .Yo urpa l msshoul df acedowntowar d yo ur f eetandy ourar msshouldl oo kl ikeg oal post s. Sl owlypres st hewei ght su punti lyourarmsa r estr aight an dy ourweightsar eabout2-3i nchesapart.Y o ur wei ghtsshouldberi ghti nlinewit hy ourbreas tbone , N OT ov er yo ur f aceo rov eryo u rbel ly butto n. C a r eful lyl ower t hemb ackdownt oth estart in gp o siti onan drepea t. I nhaleasyoul ower ,ex haleasyoup r essup. www. GoSu per Sis te rs. co m S ta ndi n gupr igh t wit hy ourc ore e ngag ed , hol dad u mbbell ineac hhand a ndrai seyourar msu ptosho uld er h ei ghtwit hyourp al msfa c in gfor ward. P ret endyourar msa reaf i el dgoall i ke i nfo otbal l. Keepy ourel bowsats houl - d erhe ightt hroughouttheexe rc is e. E xhal ea n dpres sy ourdumbbel ls o ver head,t hensl o wlylo wer u nti ly ou r eac hthest art ingp osi ti on. St and ingupri ght withyourcor eengag ed,h oldadumbbe ll ineac hh a nd wi thyour palmsf a c inginto wardsyo urbod y.Ex hal ea n drai seyour du mbbell soutt othesidesupt oshoul der hei ght, thens lo wlylo werunt i l yo uret urntoth estart in gp osi t ion. Kee pyoursh oul derbl adesh eldba ck an ddownasmu c ha spossi bl ethr ougho utt hi smo v ement .I f do in gboth ar msisto od i ff i cult ,youma yal ter nat el efta ndri ghtar ms,per fo rmin g on lyonear mr ai seatatime. S tandi ngupr ightwi thyourco reeng age d,hol dadumbbel li n e achhandwit hyo u r pa lmsfa ci ngbehi ndyo u.Ex hal eandrai se y ourdumbbel lsuptoshoul de rhei ght ,t hensl owl ylo werunt il you r et urntoth estar tin gp os it io n.Kee pyours hou lde rbl adeshe ld b ackanddownasmu chaspos si bl ethr oug houtt hi smovemen t.I f d oingbot harmsistoodi ff ic ult ,yo umayalt er nat elef tandr igh t a rms,per fo rmingonlyonear mr a is eatat ime. P lac efeetabout shoul derwi dtha part .Wi thasli gh t b endinyour k nees ,leanfor wardtoabou ta45degr eeang lewit haflatba ck a ndyour co reenga ged.I tʼ sSUPE Rimpor ta nttoke epyourabs t i ghtanytimeyouar einab e nt- ov erpo si ti on.Hol dyourdumb- b el lsi nfro nt ofyou rches twit hasli gh tbendi nyourel bow.Rai se a rmsout t oyoursi de s,le adi ngwit hyourp ink yfin g e r,un ti lyour e lb owsa resl ig htl yhi g h erth anyours houl der s,t henre tur ntothe s ta rti ngp os it io n.Exh a l easyo urai set heweig hts ,inha leasyou s l owlylowerth emd o wn . www. GoSu per Sis te rs. co m Ly ingfl atonthegrou ndorab e nch, hol d dumbbel lsovery oursh ould erswi thst ra igh t ar msa ndpalmsfac in geachoth er. DON OT hol dthemo ver yourf aceandbever y ca refuln ottodro py o urwei ghts .Saf efor m i sverycr u c ialh ere(t hi sexer ci sei sals o knownasthe“sk u l l cr ushe r”andyouca ngues swh y). Wit hou tmov in gyo urel bo ws,i nha lea syouh ing ea t thee lb owlo wer in gthe wei g h tsdowntofr ametheout si desofy ourf ac e.E xha lea ndpr es sth ewe igh tbac ktot hest ar ti ngp osi t ionfo cus i ngonsq uee zi ngt he bac ko fy o urar ms. Si tonas tablecha iror b e ncha ndplaceyour handsont hechai rj ustou tsideofyou rhi ps wi thy ourpalmsdownandfingersfaci ngyour t oes.Keepy ourkne esi nlinewi t hy ourhi ps andstackedoveryo urankl e sforLevel1, leg s st rai gh tf o rLev el2,a ndonel egli ftedfor Le vel3 .Bri ngy o urhi psfor wa rdo f fthechai r andslowlyloweryo urbodytowardth egro und wi thy ourelbowssl i di ngstraight b ehi n dyo u (a siftheywe reonpar all elrail roadtrack s) unt iltheyma kea90degreeangle.DoN OTle t yourelbowswingoutt othes i de.Keepy ou r hi psa scl o s etothecha irorb e ncha spossi bl e t hroughou tt hemo v ement.Squeezetheback ofyourarmsa ndexh alet op u shy oursel fba ck uptothes t arti ngpos it ion . www. GoSu per Sis te rs. co m Ho okyo urdumbbel lsonyo urs houlde rs.S ta n dwithfe et s li ght lywiderth a nhi p-widt ha par t,t oespoi nt ingslig htl y ou t.K e epyourshoul dersbackanddownwit hc hes t up . En gagey o urcoreandke e py ou r wei ghti nyourhe el s. You s houl db eabl etowi gg leyo urt oesthr ough out t hi se nt ir e mov eme nt .Lower y ourh i psbackanddownint oas quat ( li keyouwo ul dtositi nac hair )u nt i lyourt high sa re pa ral l e lwi ththeg r ound.Makesureyourhi psarep u shi ng ba ckbehindyou,yourkneesdonotgopast yo u r t oesand yo urchestal waysstay sina nupri ghtpos it io n( i tshoul d NE VERfacethefl oor) .Ex h aleandp us hupthrou g hyour he el sa syousqueez ey ourglut estoco meb ac ktos ta nd- i ng.D on otlett hek ne escaveinwardi ny o ursquat. U si ngthes amesquatf orm,lo weryourhi psbacki ntothesqua t b utdon ʼtg oquit easlo wf ort hej u mpver sion .Inh alea n db r in g y ourha ndsi nfro ntofyourch est wh enyo ul o werdown,then s win gyoura rmsswif t lybackbeh indyoutohel pdriveyour sel f s tr ai ghti nt oavert ic alj umpa syouexhal e.Ju mpa shighasyou c an, butAL WAYSlan dsoft lygoi ngfrom“toet oh e el”tosaf ely a bso rbi ngth eimpact .Donotsl amy our feetdo wnwh eny o u l an d.Doasmanyasyo uc ani nar owwit hg o odfor ma ndt ake b rea ksasne eded. Hol din gdumbbel lsatyours id eswit hstra ight ar ms,ta keawidest e pfo rwar dint oal un gewit h yo ur c hes tup,c oreengage dandk n eeb e hind yo ur t oe .Thefr ontkneesho ul dstac kd i rec tl yon t opofyourf ron tankle.L owerdo wna slo wa s yo uc a nwhil ema i nt a i nin gyourbal anceanda t igh t c or e.Pus hthro u ghyou rfor wardheelt o st andbac kupandb r ingyour backl egf o rwar dto meett hefr ontl eg.Swit chl egsandre p e atasyou wal kacro ssth eroom. www. GoSu per Sis te rs. co m (Not e:Yo uma yd oregu l ar l ungesifmain tai n- i n gyourb al a nc ei nthi sp osi ti o ni stoo dif fi cul t.)H ol dingd umb bell sat y oursi des, plac eon efoo tontopo fas t urdybenchorch ai r andsteptheo therfootinfrontofyouina l u ng ep osit ion.Ma kesurey ourfr ontkneei s st a c kedd i rectl yo veryour f rontankl e.With yourt orsoi nanu p r i gh tposi tionandyour weigh t pressi ngth ro ug hyo u r for wardheel , “tur ntheg luteson”a syous l owlydescen dint o alunge.Inha l eo nthewa yd own,ex h al eas youdri veu p wardp r essingthroughyourhe el andcontinuingtos q ue ez et helegsandgl ute s. Repeat ,co mp l eti nga l l r ep sono n elegb e for e swit ch ingt otheo thersi de . C omin gintot hesamelungeposi ti on,st epor h opin toalungeonth eo t hersi de.Swi tc hb a ck a ndfor thfora slongasyouʼ reabl etoma i n- t ai ngoodfor mwithabsti ght . T akebrea ksas n eede d.Youdonotne e dt ogoa sl owintot he l ung easyoudoinastandi nglunge . L evel 1-- k eepyo u r h a ndsonyourhi ps.Lev el2--r ai se y ourha ndsver tic al lyi nt h eair. www. GoSu per Sis te rs. co m P lacefee tsho ulder widt ha pa rt . Withas l igh tbend i nyo u r k nees ,l eanfor wardwithaf la t bac kand y our c oreeng agedunt il you r bodyi sat a bouta45 d egreeangl e.Hol ddumbbell sstr aightd o wnin f rontofyo urch estwi thpalmsfaci n gi n ward .Pul l t hemu ptoyo urches tbysli di ngy ourelbowsbac k a nds quee zi ngyours houl de r bladestogethe r t owardsyou rspi ne.Yo urelbo wss houldbrus hy o ur s i d esandre mainpar all elwit hon ea n o t her(DO N O Tle t t hemwingoutt othesi des). S lowlyl ower t hewe i ghtun ti lyoura rmsa r efull ye xtende da nd r epeat . E xhal easyoul if t,inh alea syoulower . Co meintoaplan kp o sit i onwit hshou lde rss tac kedov eryour wr ist s,a bsinandhip s/he adinal ig nment. NOTE:Y ouma y al sodot h i sexe rci seonhan dsandknee sif youʼ reuna blet o main tai ny o urbal anc einpl ank. R e achyo urri ghta rm f orwar da syo urle ftl egli ft s, butdon ʼtl ety ourhi pst urnto t hesi des.Lo werar ma ndle gbac kd o wntopla nk,t henswi tc h Ly in gf ac edown,r eac hyourarmsou t ov erhead( tomakei teas i e r, bendyo ur el bowstoke epyourh andscl osert o yo ur h ead) .Keepyo urey e sonth efl oor a syo uli f tyo urs hou lde rsa ndl eg sof ft heg rou ndb ysq uee zi ngy our glu te san dmi d/l owe rba ck. Car eful lyre tur ntoth efl oorandrep eat . Onh a ndsandknee sonthefl oor , makesur eyou rs h ou lde rs aredi rec tl yovery ourwri st sandy our k ne esareh i p- widt h apart .Sl i deyoursh ould erbl adesb a ckandd o wna ndh o ld t he mth ere. H ol donedumbbe llwit hyou r palmfa c ingi n. Withyo urco reengage d( b el lyb u t toni n ) ,pull du mbbel lup t oy our ches twit hyourel bowle a din gtowardthesky.E xhal e asyousqu eezeyou r u pperba ckmu sc lesasyousli deyours houl de r b la d ei nanddo wnto war dsyo ursp in e.I nha lea syo usl owl yl owe r t hewe i ghtu n t il yourar mr e ach e sth eg r ound.Fi n i shal lrep sonones idebe for eswi tc hi ngt oth eoth ersi de . Lyi ngfa ceupwithfee tpl ant ed hi p-wi dt ha p art ,holdth ehead sofone dumbbel l. Keepyourar msst rai ghtan d st artwi thi tontopofyou rthi ghs . K eepyo urbe ll yb utt oninasy oura is ethewe igh tupandov ery ourhe ad, ma i nt a i ni ngs tr ai ghta rmsth rough out .Keepyourab sti ghta nd d onota rcht heba ckto omu c h.L owert hewe igh tdowntoa bou t2- 3inc hesawayf romt hefl oo r.Ke epyours houl derbla desbac kanddown a syous quee zeyo urbackt opul lt hewei ght bac kovert oth est art i ngpos iti on. Inha lea syour ai se,e xhal easyoupul lover .Re peat . www. GoSu per Sis te rs. co m Wi thyou r s houlde rsro ll e dbac kand do wn,your coreengag e dandyour du mb b el lsbyyoursi deswit hyour pa lmsfa cin gy ourbo dy,exhal easyou s queez eyourbic epsandrais ethe du mb b el lsuptowar dyo urs houl der s. I nhal easyousl owlylo we rbac ktoth e s tar ti ngpos it ionandrepeat .Makesur e yo urwri st sarefl ather e( notb endi ng ba ckwar d)andkeepyour e lb owsgl ued t oyours ide s(donʼts wingyourar ms). Withyou r shoulder srol ledbac kand down,yourcoree n gagedandyour dumb b el lsb yyou r side swit hyo u r pal msf a cingu pward,s queez ey o ur bi cepsrai singthed umbbel l suptowar d yoursho u l dersvert ical l y.Sl owlyl ower t ot hest arti ngp osi ti on,r otat eyour pal mso uttothes i deandcur lweig ht uptowar d syour sh ould ersl ate ral ly. Sl owlylower andrepea tsequ ence keepi ngy ourwrist sfl at(no tbendi ng backwar d)a nde l bowsglue dtoyour s ides(donʼtswi n gyourar ms). www. GoSu per Sis te rs. co m H o l dweight si nyourhandswith s tr aig hta r msbyyour sides.Keepyour s houl dersbac kanddowna ndyourabs i n.Yo urfeets hou ldbeh i p-wi d t ha p art . K eepyourle gsst rai ghtasyour i seup o ntoyo u rt oes ,th enslowlylowerbac k d owntothefl oor andrep eat .Exhal eas y ourri seup,i nha leasyoul o we r .Do n otle tyourfe ett urnoutwardor c ave Stan dono n eleg,ke e p ingtha tlegst rai ghtwi thas of tknee(donot i nwar d;keept hemp a rall elwithone l oc koutyour k nee ).Keepyou rshould ersbac ka ndabsi na syou a noth erthro ugho ut. r ai seth eh e elofyourot herst ra ightle gtoti lt fo r wardli keateet er t ot te r.Ke epyou r eyesonthef loori nfront ofyou.Yourbodysho ul d r emai ninpla n kpos it ionthr oug h ou t t hemovemen t ;t heo nl ythi ng t hatc han g e sisyourhi ph i nge .Inhal easyoulower,e xhaleasyo u l i ftba cktost andin g.Wh enyo ulif tup,foc usonsqueezi ngthebac k o fyourl egandglut e,notput t inganystr ai no nyourbac k! Th ispa rt i ssu peri mp o rtant .Complet eal lrepsononel e gbef oreswit chi ng. KE EPYOURA BSENGAGEDthrougho ut t hi sexer ci se(iti sV E RYimportan t). Wi thyours ho u lder srol ledbackand do wn,your co r een g aged,andyour du mbbell si nf r ont o fyouwit hy our pa lmsf a c in gy ourle gs,s lowl yl o wer t hemdowna syoupushyourhip s be hin dy o u.K e epaf l atbac ka nda s li ghtb endiny o u rkne esando nl y l owerd owna slowasyoua r eablet o Onyou rh an dsandknee swit hshoul dersdi re ctl yoveryo ur mai nt aingoodform.In haleasyou wr ist s, secur eaweigh tbehi ndonekneebysque ezingyo ur l owerd own,e x haleasyousl owlyri se l egbac ktoh o ldit ti ght .Hol dtheweig ht f i rmlywi thy o ur up .Li ftus ingthebackofyourl egs l egasyoupre ssyou rheelb ackanduptowar dsthesky. an dglut est os ta nd , NEVERst raini ng Sl owl yret u r ntost ar ti ngpos it ionandrepe atall repsonone yo urbac k. si debe fores witc hi ngtot heothe rsi de. L yi ngonthefl oor wit hyourh eel sneary o u rgl ute sand k neesi nlin ewit hyourh ip s,r est we i gh tsonto pofyo ur h ip s.Keepyou rabse ngag edasyoupr essyo urhi psup , s que e z in gthebac koft hele gsandgl ute sasyouex hal e. I nha leasyoul owerd ownandr epeat . www. GoSu per Sis te rs. co m S tar ti nal yi ngp os i ti onwit harms e xte ndedove rheadandle gsst rai ght . S quee zey o urlegst oget hera ndli ft t hemasyoutuckyour bel lyb utt onin a ndrea chforyourto es,c re ati nga “ V”sha p ewi thy ou rbody .Car efu ll y l ower downa ndrepe at. Modif ie dV-Upsar ejus tast andar d si t u pwit hyourf eetf la tonthef loor andarmsre achi ngove rhe ad.Come al lthewayupint oaseat edpos it ion wi tha b sin, thensl owl ylo wer b ack do wn .Yo uma yal sofo ldyou r a rms ac rossyo urches tif youar eno t yet ab letodotheful ls it uponyourown . St art i nginstan din gp os i ti on,p la ceyo urha ndso nthef l oors hou lde r- wi dt hapar t. K e epi ngyou rab seng age d,s te por j umpb ac kint oap l ankpos it i on(No te :Tod oaful lc ompet i ti onb urpe e,q ui ck lyandca ref ul lyl owe ryo urbo dyal lt he waydowntoth efl ooratt his poi nt) , t he ns t eporj ump ba cktost andin g.Tr ynotto l etyo ur k neesfl ar eo u tto t hesi des.Pl antyo urheel s& dr opyourhip sasyouli f t i mme di at elyi ntoaver ti cal j umpfromh e reth enrepe at. www. GoSu per Sis te rs. co m S tar twit hhandsundery ourhip s.Tu ck y ourbe ll ybut toninto wardsyou rspi ne, k eepyou rlowbackonthefl oor ,andli f t y ourhea dupa syouti ght enyourabs . S tar ti ngwit hbothleg sintheai r, feet f l exed ,sl owlyalt erna teri ghtan dleft l egs ,l ower ingeachheel downonlyas l owasyou ʼr ea bl etomaint ainyo u r low b ackco nta ctwit hthefl oorandabsi n. E achl egcou n t sas1rep. St art inginase ate dp os it ion(wi thorwit hou t ali ghtdumbbel l ),si tuptal lwit hyourche st upandabsin. Keepyoursho ulde rsback . You rlegsca neit herbein“ta ble top”pos it io n ( shownh er e)or downwithfeet plant edon t heground.Ke epi nggoodp o stu re,t apthe f loo r oneac hsid ewithyourwei ght(o r t ap c las pedh an dsifu sin gn oweigh t) .Eacht ap c ountsas1rep . I naplankpos i ti on(s houl de rsov er wr is ts ,absi nandbac kfl at) ,al t ern ate t appi ngyourr ig htan dlef tf oota sif yo uwerecl imbi ngamoun tai n.D onʼ t l etyo urhip sri seuphe re. Eac htap co unt sas1rep. S tar ti nalyi ngposi t ion ,bel ly but tont uck edint owar dsyo ur s pi ne.Wi thchi nsl i ght lyt ucke dandfi nger sl igh tl yhol di ng y ourhea dtohel psup por tyourn eck, bri ngyou rle fte lbo wto t apyou rri ghtkn eeasyo urle ftl egext end s.Ke epyou r s houl der sandhea dofft hefl oo rasyoual te rna tes ide s(r igh t e lbo wtolef tkne e). Eac htapco untsa s1rep. www. GoSu per Sis te rs. co m Complete Bikini Body Program: Recommended Daily Supplement
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