Homes & Gardens - Norfolk Norfolk residents… • are 162% more likely to have responded to home & garden ads • 54% are interested in gardening • find online ads the most helpful when making a purchasing decision • 20% have responded to internet ads which ended up in a purchase • are quality orientated, but 20% more likely to be a promo addict Homes & gardens in media Demographics 25% of Norfolk residents are interested in home & garden topics in Male 46% magazines – which is 46% more likely than the UK average Female 54% 24% of are interested in home & garden topics in newspapers – which Mean Age (N.A. 47) 48 is 28% more likely than the UK average ABC1 55% Children in HH 34% 20% search online for topics around home décor – which is 14% more Married 60% likely than the UK average Work 30+ hrs 36% 25% search online for topics around homeware – they are 11% more Own Home 52% likely to make a purchasing decision online around this topic than the Mean F. Income (N.A. £29.8k) £28.9k UK average Attitudes to homes & gardens Media 16% try to change the decorations at home as often as possible Ads they pay most attention to 53% think it’s important that their home is lively and colourful – which is 16% more than the UK average 11% pay most attention to ads in newspapers 46% say that they are always looking for new ideas to improve my 10% pay most attention to ads in magazines – home which is 54% more likely than the UK average 27% say that magazines give them ideas on how to improve their 32% pay most attention to online ads – which home is 19% more likely than the UK average 29% use the internet for DIY and gardening topics and 16% make a purchase online Purchasing decisions Average expenditure per year 6% say that they find newspaper ads the most useful when making a purchasing decision Garden Furniture: £178.84 Any Garden Appliances: £159.63 9% say that they find magazine ads the most Seeds/Bulbs: £23.25 useful when making a purchasing decision – Bedding Plants: £30.21 which is 27% more likely than the UK average Other Garden Plants/Trees: £50.81 Fertilizers/Weed killers: £18.11 32% say that they find online ads the most useful Compost: £22.83 when making a purchasing decision Events expected in the next 12 months • 5% expect to make major home improvements • Are 74% more likely to move out of a parental home than the UK average
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