STATE FUNDING P R O V I D E D I N T H E AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT L E G I S L A T I V E B R I E F PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE® AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT FUNDING APPROPRIATIONS TERRITORIES AMOUNT: $4.5 BILLION 50% equally between each 50% by population from most recent census as a portion of the population of all territories TRIBAL GOVERNMENT AMOUNT: $20 BILLION $1b equally between all Tribal governments $19b to be distributed in a manner determined by the Secretary STATES AND DC AMOUNT: $26.75 BILLION $25.5b allocated equally among the states and DC $1.25b less amount already allocated to DC as additional to DC Remaining funds to states based on their portion of overall unemployment. PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE® STATE USE OF FUNDS HELPING STATES OVERCOME FISCAL CHALLENGES Respond to COVID-19 public health emergency or negative economic impacts including assistance to households, small biz, nonprofit, or impacted industries such as tourism, travel, or hospitality Premium pay to essential workers (up to $13/hr not to exceed $25k per worker) or grants to employers with employees performing essential work Provision of government services to the extent that the reduction of those services was due to COVID-19 revenue collection decreases Make investments in water, sewer, or broadband infrastructure RESTRICTIONS ENSURING PROPER USE May not be used to offset a reduction in net tax revenue resulting in a change to tax law or interpretation (Violations subject to recoupment) May not be deposited to pension funds CERTIFICATION AND REPORTING VERIFYING PROPER USE (d)(1) Certification: State must certify the money is needed to carry out the activities outlined in the use of funds section Periodic reports providing a detailed accounting of the uses of funds including all modifications to the State’s tax revenue sources For more information visit the bill text on the Congressional website PUBKNOW.COM |
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