Dear Tucker, I was fortunately banned immediately before I thought to just send you these posts that I had already miraculously written and this makes for a Good introduction of my journey and feeling as the sole MAGA hat 24/7 wearing last free man in NJ, maybe the country, except maybe you tuck or tucks staffer ;P. So All I had to do to make this letter to you was slap them all together and save it as a PDF GOD IS GREAT!!:) Can Someone please review my posts and my account and perhaps have a discussion with me prior to banning me for being a "concern troll" I didnt realize that trying to critique my fellow maga hat owning new jersey trump supporters based on my lived experience of having worn a trump hat every day from the first day they could be boutnever havinand self assess and promote more people wearing RED MAGA HATS, and actually trying to get more people to embody the freedom that we all love and value. But as it stands now and I watched Tucker say some words on it that what kind of country are we where we claim we have freedom but people feel afraid to be attacked or fired or socially destroyed for expressing their political opinions, we all voted for Trump because we love freedom. But honestly i say this with the bottom of my heart I feel very very alone in actually living it, and I just spent a significant amount of time looking through the literal thousands of trump emails ive been getting to find these ones and some dates. April 12 2016 I knew he was gonna win when he came down the escalator June 16, 2015 and after of 301 Days of his campaign after attending my first Trump Rally in Rome I bought my first MAGA Hat, which after daily use for about 2 1/2 years was retired to be replaced with the one in the collage that pin on the front i acquired while at the naug, can you show me where you non-concerntroll mods were in the gigapixel pic would be actually pretty cool if any of you are in it too The Last Picture of Me in my 1st MAGA HAT sans Naug Pin I wear it every day its battle hardened and anointed by GOD As you can see I am a long time supporter, who has literally worn my MAGA hat whenever I went in public or drove, since then until now. I have been to all manner of places and various hives of liberals with my MAGA hat on and I remain 4 years later totally unscathed. I have literally probably worn a MAGA hat more than anyone on this planet in more places and conversed with more people of differing views in it. I changed minds and fundamentally altered peoples perception of trump supporters by being willing to overcome my fear of being attacked and then with openness and grace getting others who thought trump supports and trump were evil to break bread and come to a genuine understanding. If you accuse me of being concerned that after 4 years I have LITERALLY never seen ANYONE in NJ walking about their daily live with a trump hat on while we are losing a culture war so bad people lose their jobs now for wearing a hat, you would be accurate i am actually deeeply disturbed and saddened and disappointed. I literally have waited until now to really start calling out what i view as weak willed cowardice and hollow support of the president and i feel it is a MAJOR MAJOR problem. His First Term is coming to a close and I have been there on the front lines in real life actually changing the oppositions mind and helping other supports by having the balls to actually standup and stand strong for what I believe. If everyone who ever bought a MAGA hat wore it around in their daily life we would be actually striking backing the culture war, as it stands 99% of MAGA hats owned in blue states dont leave the shelf but to show up on their head at a secret service protected Trump Rally burning so BRIGHT PRISTINE RED every single one in near perfect condition, and this is how it looks at all the rallies even the ones in fucking red states but Im sure there are many more than the 0 I have seen in NJ and or NYC, except at events of course. Because except at a rally where literally EVERYONE but the media, is a MAGA Man, 99% of MAGA hat owners are too petrified by fear to put on the hat and fucking live like a free man. If we all wore them then they couldnt do things like fire people over it and it be an acceptable thing as it stand you lot all capitulated to the denigrations and lies and slander of hate and NAZI WHITESUPREMECIST evil, and let that become the accpeted narraative such that it created the conditions to destroy that poor boy. LITERALLY ALL OF YOU WHO HAD LESS COURAGE THAN A 15 year old in the Capital, made it so that the media all together found it acceptable to screech death threats and call him a nazi whitesupremicist who was smirking because he was an evil bastard man who supported the Mega double Worse than Hitler. You all stood by in silence and fear and inaction for so long and let the Trump hat become some taboo thing that can only be worn around trump supporters all while not realizin that you are giving up so much more of our freedoms to do so. I have had lots of fear for wearing the Trump MAGA hat but I did it anyways now that i have found God I do not fear, and will continue to do as i did before only this time instead of only telling anyone and everyone who complimented my MAGA hat, that they CAN AND SHOULD wear a MAGA hat, that I have literally worn my MAGA hat to festivals and bluedemshiit cities college campuses,parks bowlign alleys bars, everywhere and all I got was compliments and lots of ruined libtard days. I have worn a MAGA hat in public for 1666 days From and including: Thursday, April 14, 2016 To and including: Wednesday, November 4, 2020 Result: 1666 days It is 1666 days from the start date to the end date, end date included. Or 4 years, 6 months, 22 days including the end date. Or 54 months, 22 days including the end date. Every time I left the house and everytime I drove. I got compliments and accolades of bravery and out of manny many many tickets. I only am concerned that literally everything that wearing a Trump MAGA hat has brought me in my life has been great, yet somehow I am one of very few perhaps in the sub thousands that has enjoyed this past 4 years as it should have been enjoyed, proudly worn like the victory crown it was. Everyone who didn't spend every day wearing their Trump hat missed out on an incredible year of fun, love, connection, community and victory and it deeply saddens me. I am now even more concerned that it would appear that this board doesnt seem to care about it at all, as if getting more representation in the meatspace isnt essential to actually changing the culture of this country back to freedom. How can you bring about a rebirth of waning American values of freedom and fearlessness and courage and bravery if no one will embody them, words without works are dead, and that is what the MAGA movement will be when Trumps 12 years are up. So can I please be unbanned now and I understand many felt my post was divisive, I am more than willing to make my message less accusatory and denigrating, I am but one man hoping to free others to join me in my quest to make everyone who owns a MAGA hat to be free enough from fear that everyone with a MAGA hat can where them at anytime anyplace America TRUE FREEDOM of expression. I dont want them to wear it everyday like me but after four years and all the great encounters and benefits its brought me, free food, drinks, roadside assistance, out of tickets etc. I wouldnt deny that wearing a maga hat every day is my honest to God advice, my Red MAGA hats have only ever been a boon. Thank You Tenacious Mods For being So vigilant however I hope you can see someone was a little too quick on the ban button and they purged on of the strongest actual advocates in the real world for Trump. *****FYI they gave me the account back! This next post also accompanied a Meme that I was compelled to make for the first time in a long while and it came out well for me but unfortunately unless it can be read from 10 feet away Im wrong for making people read, my failure to connect even with people on the web and lacking a social media presence I don’t have reach, but you do. You also have a lot of experience and I will need that in helping pick how we communicate these ideas and ideals best. Some synthesis, pruning and editing are needed. I wrote this all stream of consciousness when I finished I read it again and sobbed as I felt touched by God. I know he has a greater purpose for us all, I feel this is mine. Virgin PRISTINE RED MAGA HAT OWNweING COWARD COOMPLIMENTER vs Ascending Chad Psykersorcerer Warrior Sage Illuminator RED MAGA HAT WEARER Wears his RED MAGA HAT everywhere he goes and at all times, excepting where and when it is illegal or violates his duty to honor his word and employment contract. Understands duty comes before self. Has strong personal values and ethics he believes in, actually tries to live them in his daily life. Has conquered fear, knows his enemies and detractors are cowards who fear THE RED MAGA HAT and run from confrontation either crying, FOOOOMING, or both. Does not allow the fear of others to guide his actions. Understands fear is a self imposed prison of the mind; sets himself free. Enjoys the comical but earnestly made accolades of bravery from COWARDLY COOMPLIMENTERS, quickly quips and reminds them and that there is nothing to fear from being true to yourself and values, that true freedom is its own reward. That they too can DON the RED MAGA HAT. Enjoys the pleasure and assurance of his shared values and beliefs from random members of the public, whose COOMPLIMENTS uplift and power him willingly, he gains the support of others, inspires them in the face of fear, absorbs their positive energy and exudes the confidence and calm to make them feel they can do the same. Disrupts entire establishment and institutional forces, and paradigms, his intentions cannot be subverted, his heart is open and his mind is honed, sharp, cunning and disciplined, which he uses to dispell the conjured lies of thousands years old secret societies and their weak dogmatic ritualistic black magic. Is sanctified in the eyes of authority, encounters with the police are pleasant cordial and free from punishment or strife. Is caught speeding 25 over in a 25 zone on Main Street in Peapack-Gladstone, prepares his license, registration, wallet and butthol all for naught. The officer upon sighting his visage offers pleasantries and a kind but effective corrective warning, “Just watch your speed, okay”. Understands it is through his shared values that the Officer having no prior knowledge has permitted him a mercy, respects the Officer; Heeds his kind and open warning. Respects the officer for his sacrifice, makes sure to express his appreciation for his service. Repays his kind reminder by reminding the Officer to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. To wit the Officer replies “I won’t! Make America Great Again!”, how could he forget he is already too busy MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN in his daily life. Fears no place or people, enters the lions den and walks away unscathed, no liberal shithole, no degenerate festival, no hive of evil is too great to deter him. Like the RED MAGA HAT he is wearing he brings his morals, values and ethics with him, in those whose curiosity he piques, his values he shares. Is a walking localized passive/active mindcontrol deprogrammer and oppositional demoralizer. Is constantly demonized, refuses even in the face of unfounded, undeserved and unwarranted evil to succumb to his weaker desires, emotions, feelings, thoughts, ideas, and plans of action, and become a demon himself. His values are greater than his desires. Ruins lefties, communists, faggots, cucks, and jews days, weeks even, simply with his steadfast stoic, loving and jovial presence, his smile genuine and his heart AGAPE. Using a self-developed psychospiritual ninjitsu technique, he absorbs their anger, pain, hatred, sadness, desperation, terror and fear transmuting it for the sole purpose of LOVE AND MAGA. The stronger his enemies are in hatred the greater greatness of the great of his MAGA. His immediate area of effect is as far as the eye can see but evil feels his presence first, then crumple upon first glance, in one picosecond of ocular exposure to his RED MAGA HAT the longer the gaze the longer and deeper their days are ruined and their dreams gone. Loves all, even his detractors, TRUMPS THEIR HATE WITH LOVE, countless evil peoples days have been ruined, not by his love, but by their own hatred and fear. He does not destroy his enemies as he loves them, he rises above them, while below in the tepid waters of their arrogance, hate and fear, they destroy themselves. He wishes not to see their days ruined their nights filled with hatred, confusion, terror, pain and fear but to free them from the evil hold on their hearts and the ignorance of their minds. Loves himself his enemies and his fellow coward supporters and everyone in between, shows it by helping them free themselves from their own mind prison no matter the risk to himself his pursuit of freedom and truth overcomes all. Is constantly told along the journey from June 16, 2015 until the infinite present, that he will look a fool that Donald Trump is a clown, a loser and he has no chance and that he is an idiot buffoon for even considering him at all. Endures a constant torrent of demoralization, lies, slander, propaganda, and false witness, from the experts, the pundits, the celebrities, the republican establishment, the democrats, the legal scholars and historians, artists, activists, liars, cheaters, reprobates and heathens; remains steadfast. Is told that he will be attacked, threatened, his job, his livelihood, his safety and prosperity, his very life will be destroyed, or KILLED if he DONS THE RED MAGA HAT. Hears them and understands the nature of the lie, does not permit fear to rule him. Believes in true freedom, proves it to himself by not allowing the threats and propaganda of his enemies and the whimpers and wails of his cowardly friendly supporters doubts and fears to control him. Controls the minds of others unconsciously passively and actively with his word, and action. He seeks not to make them fear him and succumb to his will, but to allow them to unlock the prison they have trapped themselves in, he acts in pure good will for his fellow man no reward or benefit is greater than setting a man free. He defies categorization his actions and demeanor strike true upon the minds of the afflicted their cognitive dissonance so great it upends the billions of dollars, millions of man hours, and hundreds of thousands of peoples carefully but pathetically constructed propaganda, behavioral conditioning and false labels simply by being himself. Knows the true weapon of the evil is fear. Knows it only has power over those who permit it to, he doesn’t. Makes America Great Again in his daily life. He improves the world everywhere he goes, living his values he makes small sacrifices and selfless deeds his way of life he knows that even one drop will raise the ocean, his discipline and diligence turn his solitary raindrops into a monsoon. Seeking neither praise or attention he cares not if anyone sees his good deeds or silent small efforts he knows that living selflessly is its own reward, it is. When he DONS the RED MAGA HAT it is a small ritual that reminds him to stay true to his values and beliefs, understands that the RED MAGA HAT represents the movement of an ideal, seeks to embody it. Plants the seeds of truth that he may never see bloom in the hearts and minds of those he encounters in passing, he sees no person as a means to an end, but as himself, seeking out their own truth and understanding in an ever confusing world. Deconstructs entire narratives of violent, ignorant, uninformed and stupid TRUMP supporters, everywhere he goes. His life is a literal 24/7 MAGA MISSION which he knows will never be finished, yet he never falters. His RED MAGA HAT remains firm in the face of all winds, and all whims of those who seek to control him. Stands firm against his own doubts and fears, he trusts in the inherent cowardice of evil and doubts not the benevolence and love of his fellow man instead. Has love for his fellow man, facing endless ridicule, castigation, isolation and rejection from family, friends, society, social media, who cast threats of violence on his life, his body and his RED MAGA HAT, does not capitulate to hate or fear he endures them. With love he counters their hatred, mockery, denigration and threats of violence, he knows fear is the true enemy. Knows that if he has faith and lives in virtue and discipline in truth, love and justice, that he walks closer with and in the protection of GOD. Knows his enemies have labeled him without cause as hateful and evil, understands he is not, seeks to prove their misconceptions and prejudice wrong, does so by living his values of truth, justice, mercy, compassion and love. Is empowered by the support from the self-silenced cowardly COOMPLIMENTERS knows there are those who see, those who can be shown and those who cannot see. Fears not the whims or wills of the blind seeks to open the eyes of those who sleep but can see. His Stoic and Jovial aura projects, respect, calm, wisdom and fearlessness. His shining presence scatters darkness and illuminates the lost to the light of truth. Knows his message is for all, that with his one light of soul-flame he reignites the waning flames of others, his one small part of first light triggers a cascade of illumination, driving out the darkness. Knows his values, shares them, questions them, lives by them. His very existence and presence is a mass cognitive dissonance resonance cascade event, his openness, grace, love, compassion, discipline, and fearlessness cause many to question their own beliefs. He confounds so greatly as to open minds long past boarded shut. Defies the labels of his enemies with LOVE, knows that his misconstrued opponents are led by evil but manipulated by hate and fear, sees and endures their hate, proves them wrong by still loving them anyway. Loves himself fully, accepts his shortcomings and faults constantly striving to improve, understands that the purest love you can have for yourself is to love yourself enough to live and be true to the person you know you can be. True self love is living to be true to yourself with no limitations but by your deeply held beliefs and values. Understands that the value of free will is the greatest most important value bestowed by God, seeks to glorify the Lord by being true to himself fully rejecting his fears and inhibitions, he is rewarded with the calm knowledge that no matter what anyone says or does so long as he chooses, he will be a free man for he is free from the true prison in his mind, his body may be imprisoned but his spirit will live on forever free. Destroys the minds of his enemies neutralizing and countering hate with kindness, compassion, patience and love; a genuine smile, a friendly wave hullo and a hat. Understands that the fear to be your self is the biggest stranglehold people have in fulfilling their potential and embodying the person they know and desire to be. Drives as he pleases his car 2 years out of inspection, he violates minor traffic laws with impunity, by the power of his RED MAGA HAT. Upon first sight of his smile the officers cold hearts are warmed and upon gazing at the RED MAGA HAT on his head all transgressions, infractions, violations, faults, and crimes against the state are forgiven. Is a friend to all, believes in his heart and knows innately that humans seek, safety, peace and prosperity, but are easily manipulated by the evil and unjust who themselves are led astray by the inequities of man, and the sinful nature of our being, pride, greed, wrath, envy, gluttony, lust, sloth and FEAR. Lives in peace knowing God is JUST and that if he holds true to himself and his values and God he will be protected from all harms, he fears not death but lives the path of life, seeking to great death as a friend. Fears nothing, no one, no idea, no human, no leaders and no authority but GOD. Understands that it is by the one true fear of GOD Almighty’s judgment that GODs true love can be found., shares it. Knows that who you are and who you think you are are two separate things, he seeks to rectify the incongruence and bring them into alignment with his core values and beliefs. Knows that Raw unlimited unbounded freedom is the catalyst that unlocks potential, and through GOD makes the impossible, possible. Knows the only thing he can control is himself, internalizes this and seeks to aid all in understanding how the kingdom of God exists within. Knows that if the world were more like him and rejected fear and lived true to themselves and their values that the world would be a paradise, still refuses to use his mastery of mind and psychosorcery to control and manipulate others. Knows that true freedom and salvation can only come from within, his way of being is his argument for his values and views on life. Knows that from virtue comes happiness, lives life improving the world he lives in and the lives of everyone he encounters from friends, to coworkers, strangers at the train station, to the homeless on the street, all whom encounter his presence are made better for it. He gives of himself freely, without desire for reward or recognition, he needs none living virtuously is its own reward. Open like a book he fears no conversation or line of questioning, by living his values and being true to himself he has not anything to fear nor secrets to keep. Understands his journey is never ending, looks to his past to understand others, looks to the future and sees only the present, he need not know what is to come, he will rise to meet the challenges that are beset upon him knowing God will be with him until his last breath. Knows that true evil is the will to control and dominate others, his enemies are slaves to fear who seek to control their fear by controlling others with fear, seeks not to lay judgment or their death and destruction, but rather loves them and seeks to save their souls and set them free from their lives of sin and on the righteous path and eternal salvation. He is immune to all mockery and other forms of judgment, knows only he can know his the weight of his heart and the value of his character, and only GOD can judge him. Questions himself constantly, seeks others so he may be questioned beyond his own biases. Knows that no amount of safety is worth his freedom, that if one does not live as their true self they will die, in fear of death, having never truly lived or known themselves. Seeks truth, knows that the world is a reflection of himself, that to find truth one must first find himself and be truthful, and then be truthful with the world. Does not seek money, power or fame, but a world that aligns with his values and a people who are, true, honest, kind, caring, compassionate, merciful, graceful and just, becomes one. Does not measure himself by the actions, accomplishments, wealth, possessions, bodies, relationships or lives of others, but against his past self. Withholds judgment against even himself, knows he can never truly understand himself in totality or truth, and that true judgment is made only by GOD. Is immune to the slanders from others for he knows his heart and knows their lies, fear and hatred are a reflection of their own misgivings and the corruption of their heart, seeks not vengeance or punishment but to open their eyes and lives to truth and justice. Knows he is human, in the face of evil his feelings betray him, he hates not others but their failings and sin; does not allow his moments of weakness and feelings of hate to govern his life or change his values and behavior. Projects peace through love heart AGAPE, and he projects power through peace. Knows that violence is never the answer and that just violence seeks not to impose or control the world or others, only to protect the innocent and the preservation of life and liberty against unjust violence and tyranny. Sees others moral failings as his own, understands through love that even their evil and folly are of great value to the world, to teach and remind others to stay on the path of righteousness and hold true and firm to his beliefs and values and to make possible his life and way of virtue through GOD’s gift of free will. Their misdeeds and evil sins testing our own capacity for love and forgiveness. Understands the pure unrestricted freedom and efficacy and humanity in in-person face to face discourse, free from censorship and hordes of malcontents his short encounters and conversations changes minds from unthinking and closed to cracked open and questioning, he leads to the door he does not push them through. Takes nothing and no one at first glance, the truth does not fear investigation all ideas should and must be tested, critiqued, questioned and debated, there is no substitute for the truth. Virgin PRISTINE RED MAGA HAT OWNING COWARD COOMPLIMENTER Is a slave to fear, modulates his behavior based on the words of others. Self identifies as a freethinker claims to be above propaganda and the influence of others, lives trapped in a prison of fear built by his enemies and operated and maintained by his own mind. OWNS THE RED MAGA HAT FAILS TO DON IT MAGA in his mind only, lets his fear of others, violence and death, keep his memes dreams, he wants to make it, standing at the opened door of freedom he refuses to step through. Has a strong desire and understanding of many virtuous values and ideals, fails to live up to them, his words remain just words, as his lack of actions make them hollow. Mocks his enemies as feeble and ridiculous is petrified with fear from the thought of wearing a hat supporting the active President of the United States of America, lacks the self-awareness to see the depths of his trumped up fear. Does not project anything into the real world, rather remains silent and faceless in the herd, he dare not raise his head for FEAR that the RED MAGA HAT will have it chopped off. Is plagued by isolation and demoralized, by living in silence he and others like him fail to see each other. Shrouded by their own prison their light fails to spread, he lives in darkness hiding from his own light, surrounded by others who feel the same, passing each other in quiet ignorant desperation. Their fear hides them from each other. Mocks others for living their entire identity and shaping it on ego based social media platforms, whilst he uses anonymous boards to share his thoughts and ideals but in fear they fail to give life to their words and they die having never left the anonymous Etruscan Braphog Breeders Forum. Knows the path, but does not walk it (A TRANNY MIGHT HIT HIM!!) Consciously rejects current media paradigms in hubris he believes himself free but in his own ignorance of self he still lives his life as though they were true. He loudly proclaims and preaches that he has broken his chains free from the medias grip, only to pickup the chains and put them on himself. Constantly showers the CHAD MAGA HAT WEARER with COOOMPLIMENTS and ACCOLADES, in his heart he desires so greatly to be free, in the sight of a true free man wearing the RED MAGA HAT he cannot contain his pleasure and joy at the sight, his hopes and dreams for himself living manifest before him. Gushing he tells the CHAD of his reverence for his bravery, yearning deeply he wishes to be free, but he is trapped by fear. The MAGA HAT CHAD is incredulous to the notions that living truthfully to ones self is some rare bravery, the CHAD knows what the VIRGIN does not, the fear comes from within. Questioned by the CHAD whom he has unleashed a torrent of praise, he confesses to his ownership of a PRISTINE RED MAGA HAT, when asked why the CHAD can wear it and he cannot he bloviates hollow excuses, his only limit is his fear that he is to afraid to face. The CHAD leaves a parting gift of wisdom, “Why did you buy the hat but to wear it? If you bought the hat and believe the message yet never wear it but in your dreams, then so too will the message remain there. If you stop yourself from doing what you in your heart of hearts desire you will never be true to yourself and you will never be truly free.” Hearing sage wisdom brings him pause but if he does not DON THE RED MAGA HAT he won’t make it. Bellows COOMPLIMENTS across entire superstore parking lots, quickly he leaves in case anyone else heard. PRISTINE RED MAGA HAT Worn on only 2 occasions, MAGA RALLY OR EVENT or Selfies for social media posts posted to private protected groups where no one who would question him will ever hear of his support or see him wearing it. Speaks of the wings of freedom but never flies. Sublimates his self and expression to imaginary fear implanted by his enemies. Wails of the horrors of the modern world, constantly lamenting the lack of action and abundance of apathy that surrounds him, he ponders “why wont someone anyone do something to stop it!?” >wont even wear a hat. Understands the tactics and nature of brainwashing fights the urge to believe false polls and the astroturfed support of his enemies, but fails to be himself and the change he wishes to see in the world. Hides his ideals and support from others and bites his tongue between his chattering teeth chewing on his nails fear dominates him but he holds onto hope, that he is not alone and that others feel the same, and will vote in silent fear with him. Preaches the idea of revolution and CIVIL WAR; is afraid of what discord trannies, faggots, and retard cucks will do to him for wearing a hat. His fear has driven him to desperation, he advocates violence, extremism, and accelerationism he hopes in silence that eventually things must get so bad as to necessitate violence. Inaction and accelerationism are his chosen path. He vies for a war he dreams to come true, a war that will force him to face his cowardice and fear at the point of a gun. His desires are great but his will is weakened by fear, in learned helplessness he wishes someone would free him from his fear so greatly that he is stripped of his physical freedom and self determination and forced against his will into battle. Hopeful that in facing death in war he will overcome his fear and be set truly free. Fails to understand the insanity, weakness, and cowardice of his positions refuses to analyze himself on this on a personal level remaining self ignorant he refuses to face the fear that he has that he is not strong enough to overcome fear. His arrogance and hubris lead his bloodlust born of existential terror, his ignorance of self provides safe harbor for his fear camouflaged from his own ego it fuels his rage and hatred of the modern world and the people he fears will come to take his life, his future and his freedom. Doesn't realize he has none of them. He has no life his own for he does not live as himself, he lives as someone else to protect himself from fear of others rejection. He has no future that is his own because he will not even be himself in the present. He has no freedom because he lives in a prison of his own mind, terrified of a future that may never come he resigns himself to death and silences the desires of his heart blocking them from becoming the actions of his life. Hoping his shared cowardice will be absolved in the face of annihilation. Hopeless for a peaceful solution yet remains in his designated echochamber he carries no branches and opens no dialogue, he does not share his values for fear of imaginary hypothetical violence. Feels great elation and confidence and power from seeing others support and wear a RED MAGA HAT does not internalize this and change so he may do the same for others. Thinks most of the world has gone insane and lost their minds, lets fear rule him, he gives no resistance to the cultural domination of his enemies. Sees how triggered, fearful and agitated his enemies are by the RED MAGA HAT online and in videos and articles and TV smear campaigns against innocent smiling children, enjoys watching their freakouts and apoplectic booty bothered super serious desperate salt producing tantrums, never translates this to his real life and he never tastes the sweetness of victory he fails to conquer their hate with love and laughter because he is afraid. Claims others are weak willed and stupid yet is convinced to not do something as inconsequential as wearing a hat by his enemies. Adept at understanding the power of memes yet fails to apply it in his daily life with the most powerful meme on the planet backed by the most powerful man leading the most powerful country on the planet, still afraid to meme it. Has limitless potential allows it to be contained and his life squandered by his own fear. Thinks most of the world is ignorant or dumb, still modulates his behavior in fear of others opinions of him. Measures the hearts of others based on values he does not embody, blinded by ignorance of self and controlled by fear. Wants to Make America Great Again, so he VOOOTS for it, fails to see that it is not by Trump or by any one person that America is made great, but by the collective actions of all Americans, he shirks his duty with ignorance and doesn't Make America Great Again in his daily life. Knows his enemies label him as evil, knows he is not, seeks not to expose his enemies lies in fear their lies will cause him to be victim to violence. Fails to prove them wrong in his own life and so he perpetuates his own fear and permits their evil misguided hatred to endure. In the face of being called evil, he does nothing, succumbing to evil and becoming in no small part evil himself as his lies and silence perpetuate their lies which fuels their violence. Sees the evil in the lies, laments the loss of good men, fears the victory of evil and its dominion over man and himself, yet still does nothing, his inaction surrenders himself to evil. Wishes to live in a just, free world, hides his values, remains silent in the face of evil, imprisons himself in a cage of fear and inaction. Thinks something must be done, does nothing for fear it will not be enough, loses before it even began. Wants to make it but wont take the first step. Limits himself based on the notions and interpretations of others he is more concerned about how he is perceived than how true to himself he is being. Conceals his true self and opinions despairs a changing world while providing zero resistance. Thinks by voting and electing Trump his part in contributing to Making America Great Again is fulfilled, fails to understand his role in MAGA. Captivated by FEAR he converses with others and when he hears them expounding lies and falsehoods he provides no resistance he too speaks telling half truths and soft lies and silence, he lies in agreement or in apathy denying his true feelings, virtues and values and depriving himself and others from the truth. These Posts Are Slightly more vulgar they were posted to an anonymous messsage board and such is the way of culture when in rome. >YEAH I HAVE A MAGA HAT okay, cool pic anon but DID YOU EVER ACTUALLY FUCKING WEAR IT >HEHhHEhHEe Ye-Ye-YEaah OF COURSE to THE TRUMP RALLY OF COURSE and then never again >uuuuhuhuuuh nooo! I ALSO WEAR IT WHEN I POSE FOR SELFIES oh so you never really actually wore it you colossal faggot you literally larped wearing a fucking hat WOW SAD. Should have been wearing it everyday like i have I looked for you bros out there but i was one of very very very very few, most of you all only bought your MAGA hats to wear to Trump rallies fat lot of good that did, you should have worn them anon you couldnt even wear a hat because you chose to live in fear. I dont live in fear and all the hat has ever brought me is grace and fortune. Ive changed minds had randos of all color and class compliment me, many called me brave. I am not brave, no you people are cowards thats exactly why this country is getting ruined by weak and faggot limp wristed leftists COWARDS SO HOW ABOUT YOU ANONS TAKE THE MAGA HAT OUT THE FUCKING BAG AND PUT IT ON WHEN YOU LEAVE THE HOUSE HOW ABOUT YOU STOP BEING A FUCKING COWARD. MUH CIVIL WAR DOESNT EVEN HAVE THE BALLS TO WEAR A FUCKING HAT youre never gonna make it if you dont conquer fear and you certainly wont help stop the tranny janny nwo and commie faggots so again ACTUALLY FUCKING WEAR THE MAGA HAT SO I CAN SEE ONE OF YOU IN PUBLIC AND GET TO TELL YOU RETARDS THAT I LIKE YOUR FUCKING HAT FOR ONCE IVE BEEN WEARING IT 4 FUCKING YEARS BEEN ALL AROUND BUT NEVER IN PUBLIC DID I SEE A HAT THAT WASNT SOME TRUMP EVENT FAGGOT COWARDS YOU ALL ARE!!! >>286360423 pristine perfect factory fresh shape maga hat ANOTHER POSING POSEUR MAGA HAT COWARD >DOESNT ACTUALLY WEAR THE HAT >takes it off after photoogrooophing >MAGA JUST LIKE THE CORNER NEIGHBORS WHO PUT OUT THE TRUMP FLAG THE DAY AFTER HE WON YOU ARE LOSER FAGGOTS WHO DIDNT HELP FOR SHIT AND DONT AND WONT EVER HELP MOVE THE DIAL OR TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY YOU FAGGOTS CANNOT EVEN WEAR A HAT IN PUBLIC LARPING WEARING A TRUMP HAT YOU FAGGOTS GO TO A TRUMP EVENT AN LARP THAT YOU ACTUALLY WEAR THE TRUMP HAT YEAH AT THE TRUMP RALLY AND AT HOME TAKING SELFIES AND THEN BACK ON SHELF BACK IN THE SEALED FUCKING BOX THOSE SIGNED TRUMP HATS HAVE SO MUCH MAGA MEME ENERGY THAT TRUMP TRIED TO BESTOW UPON YOU AND YOU SQUANDERED IT AND AT BEST FOR WHAT MONEY??? WHATS WORTH MORE AS AN ANTIQUE YOU RETARDS THE FACTORY FRESH RIFLE OR THE ONE USED IN MANY BATTLES YOUR HATS DONT EVEN HAVE ANY COLOR LOSS AT ALL SAD REALLY SAD you people are all weak faggots and I sincerely hope you overcome your fear or we are fucking doomed as a society you wont help me liberate shit. pic related its what a fucking MAGA hat looks like Ive only had fortune and blessings from my adorned MAGA LION Hat, even had some trump pepe and pyramid pepe and magahat pepe on there at one point but when you wear a pin hat everyday you lose them. I wear it everywhere i go and every day I only get compliments in between ruining entire peoples weeks with a smile and a Hello. Lion was found, concord jet was my grandfathers, trump president pin acquired from niggnogger hocking chink chonker wares at the naug, several pins from my childhood, pins from the girlscout i almost killed from shorting me on thin mints, the republican national convention pin and of course a Trump 2020 for balance. The pins have been transfered from one other hat weaing it all day everyday takes its toll but ive been pulled over speeding 50 in a 25 in downtown bedminster nj and the cop came up to the window saw my face and my hat and it was like i awas a hot blonde with double d tits, he told me to watch my speed and have a nice day i told him thank you very much for your service officer i will and dont forget to MAGA and he said I WONT MAGA!! Have had this type of reaction over 7 separate occasions with the police not even a formal warning. my reg was 2 years out and no ticket i was pulled over 3 times over my 2 year expired inspection lol get a MAGA hat for when you drive and do everything else. Be awesome be like me. you people are all weak faggots and I sincerely hope you overcome your fear or we are fucking doomed as a society you wont help me liberate shit. >>286368090 >>286367693 (OP) its like none of you anons will ever get to know the glory and power of walking around effortlessly getting praise from strangers everywhere at the grocery store at the mall at the gas station everywhere by all walks. you wont feel the immense daily hourly pleasure of making eyecontact with a confirmed faggot or cuck and watching their faces as they melt into disgust, horror, pure terror, and complete demoralization from a silent smile and wave. You havent gotten to taste the sweetness of the past four years wearing this hat every day from the first days of yore when he rolled down the escalator along all the tribulations of all the >your gonna look real stupid after the rnc convention >ARE YOU GONNA STILL WEAR IT AFTER THE ELECTION !!!!!???! LOSER!!! after knowing he was gonna be pres on day one and wearing this hat as we rode to victory and beyond was a joy that NONE OF YOU WILL EVER GET TO EXPERIENCE NOW ITS LOST TO YOU To walk into a starbucks and here the silence fall before you and the shrouded whispers DROWNED OUT BY THE LOUD AND PROUD COOMPLIMENTER COOMPLIMENTING MY HAT TO HAVE THE POWER OF A LONG RANGE AOE PSYCHIC NINJITSU AURA REDIRECTOR TO TAKE ALL THE BAD ENERGIES FROM DEMORALIZED LEFTIES,RUIN THEIR WEEK AND THEN USE THEIR POWER TO POWER MAGA this hat is so powerful lads if you actually ever had the balls to take it off the shelf and wear it you would have found out by now at 4 years later but you couldnt you didnt and now your just faggot pristine maga hat having cowards. SAD! >>286368090 CLASSIC RED OR ITS WEAK MEME HALF SCAREDY CAT I HOPE THEY DONT KNOW I HAVE A TRUMP HAT ON FROM THAT FAR AWAY LOLS AT THE PRISTINE RED yeah no ones recognizing the pol hat from far away, I hate to say it anon while i love your irish pol MAGA hat i feel like you failed me and i would have called you a bitch for not wearing the instantly recognizable across three football fields red maga hat like I do because im not a faggot pussy and i understand the real importance power and strength from a consistent and strong recognizable symbol. RETIRE THE CLOVER HAT BREAK IN THAT PERFECT RED MAGA HAT NOW HOPE TO SEE YOU WEARING IT! >>286367693 (OP) Literally the day before I go to vote for trump for reelection and I have yet to get anything but compliments and claims of cowardice when I tell them that if they like my MAGA hat so much they can wear it too and i say wear it too because i know at least half you faggot MAGA COOMPLIMENTers COOMPLIMENTING my MAGA HAT HAVE YOUR OWN PRISTINE MAGA HAT ON A SHELF SOMEWHERE COLLECTING DUST UNTIL YOU WANT TAKE SELFIES WITH YOUR GUNS AGAING WEAK COWARDS why cant just one of you anons wear a MAGA hat in puiblic or at least confess to having your MAGA hat sit on the sidelines, give me some penace here its literally over his first time is coming to a close and ive never seen one of you out there in dirty jers PATHETIC pic related its what an actually worn maga hat looks like for those of you who own one but havent actually worn it ever I am so truly glad to be saved, I fear nothing, I am ready to meet whatever challenges that may befall me and I know I will meet them with grace but I think my greatest challenge was finding the courage to send this to you and not bury it and question my sanity, I truly feel the presence of God with me and I know that this message will reach you and then so many many more who need to hear it. I seek to live in a world that is in congruence with my values nothing more, but I think these posts and the task at hand is the all center around the maga hat which is a lynch pin in both of the DNC/MEDIA/TECH fear prison and the self imposed GOP fear prison. I want start off with the minimum I want to live in a country where all who in their hearts desire to wear a MAGA in Anywhere, Anytime USA, do so without pseudo-founded fears of violence, hatred, job loss, family rejection. Then it will grow from there because were not going to fix the FBI and the CIA etc in the “Justice” part through tv but we can use our words to get men to look inside either hearts and give them the courage, the bravery, and the words to show them the way, to live in a country where people choose love over fear, freedom over slavery, forgiveness over revenge, boundless love heart agape mind open. I look forward to hearing your feelings on this and many many other things. Godspeed, Robert Thomas Metcalfe [email protected]
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