L fi s tofffi gg ure s 3 1T hedom est fi cate d fl atemo dernmon a rch:KfinggG eorgg eIII(N fi gg efl H awtho rne )an dQu eenCh a rflot t e(H e fl en Mfi rren) finTheM ad n ess o ffK fi nggGeorgg e(N ficho fl asH y tn er ,1 994 ). 3 45 3 2‘Qu eenoffaN atfion,Qu eeno ff Hear ts ’:theDVDco v erfim a ggeffor T heQ ueen( Steph enF rea r s,20 06). 3 67 3 3T hemon archa sth ev fi rtuousv fi ctfimoff m eflod rama:Co fl finFfi rthas G eorgg eV IfinT heK fi ngg ’sS pee ch(T omHoo per,2010 ). 3 93 T hefima gg esfinth fi sbookarere pro du cedhe reunde rtheff a firdea fl fin ggggu fi defl fine s r efl a tfinggtoc rfi t fi cfi sman drev fi ew,a ssugg gg est edbyth eInte fl fl e c tu a flP ro per t yOfi ce ( pu bfl fi sh ed12Jun e2014) . fix CONTR IBUTORS Ruth Adam sh a s wo rkedasL ec turerfin Cu fl tura fland C re atfi veIndustrfi es atKfin gg ’s Cofl fl egg eLondons fin ce2 00 3, wh ereshecon ven e sa M as tersp ro- gg ramm eandt e a ch escourseson H e rfi tagg e,Y ou thSub cufl turesandCu fl tu r e andComm erce.Sh ehasw r fi ttenabou t museumcu fl tureandpun krock ,and fi scurren tfl yfinterest edfinthefin terp fl ayb etweenhfi gghartandpopu fl arcufl ture andhowp ercep t fion soffthep as tshapeou rund er standfinggo ffthep r esent . ErfinB efl flfi sS enfio rL ecturerfin H fi storyatth e Un fi v er sfi tyo ff Lfincofln ,and pre vfiousfly wo rked w fi thP roff essorAnn G rayonth eAHRC -ffund edp roje ct ‘T efl e vfi sfingg H fi story1 995– 2 0 10’ .Th eco-author ed mono gg raphb a sedonth e proj ec t ’sfind fin ggs ,H fi storyo nTefl evfi sfi on,w a spub fl fi shedb yRou tfl ed gg efin2 013. Hercu rren tresearch fin ter es tsfinc flud etherepres en tatfionoffth ep astont e fl e - v fi sfionando th e raud fio -vfi suafl m edfia,ande ar fl y mod e rnr e fl fi gg fious,ggend e rand cufl tu r aflhfi story . Efl fi sab eth B ron ff enfi sP roff esso ro ff En gg fl fi shan d Am erfi canS tu dfi esa tth e Unfiversfi t yoffZu rfi ch.As pecfi afl fistfinn finete enth-an dtw entfi eth-cen tur yfl fi tera- tu re,sh eh asafl sopu bfl fi sh edw fi d efl y finggen ders tudfi es,p sychoan afl ysfi s,fiflm ,cu fl - tu raflth eoryan dv fi su a flcufl tur e .H ermo str ecen tboo ks finc fludean fintro ductfion toth ew r fi t fingg so ffStanfl e yC av efl flasw efl fla saco fl fl e c tfionoffessaysonv fi su a flcufl - tu re,bo tho ff whfi chap pe a r edfinG erm anfin2 009,S pec tersoff War:H o fl fl yw ood’s En gg agg em entw fi thM fi fl fi taryC on fl fi ct(Ru tggers Un fiv e r sfi tyP ress,2 0 1 2 )an dN fi gg ht Passa gg es:P hfi fl osop hy ,L fi te r ature,F flm(Co fi flum bfi aUn fi ve rs fi tyP ress ,2 0 12).Cu rren t res ear chp rojectsfinc flud eas tu d yo ffE fl fizab ethIa sth efirstpo fl fi tfi cafldfi v a. I an Chrfi stfi efi safi flmand med fi ahfi s to r fi an,cu ratorandb ro ad ca ster .He h aswrfi t t enandedfi tedbook sonPow efl flandPr essbu rgg er,Rus sfi ancfin ema , x C ont rfi but ors Sco rses eand G fi fl fl fi am ,andcon trfibutedtoe xh fib fi t fion sr angg finggffrom‘F fi flm asF fi flm’(H ayw ar d,1 9 7 9 )to‘Mod e rn fi sm:D e s figgn fingga N ew W orfld ’(V&A , 200 6).AF efl flowo fftheB rfi t fi shA c adem y ,h efisP roffessoro ffFfi flmand M edfi a Hfi s to rya tB fi r kbec k,Un fi v ers fit yo ffLondon ,2 0 06S fl ad eP roff esso ro ffFfineA rt atC amb r fidgge Un fi versfi ty ,d fir e c toro ffth eLondonS c r e enS tud yCo fl fl ect fion andp astpresfid en to ffEu rop aCfinem as.R e c en tpub fl fi cat fionsfincflud eT heA rt offFfi flm:JohnB oxa ndP rod uc tfi onD esfi ggn(W a fl flflow er ,2 009)andth eed fi tedco fl - fl ectfionA ud fi e nce s(Am s te rdamUn fiversfi tyPr ess,2 012)anda rtfi cfl e sonP at rfi c k Kefi fl fl er,e a rfl yfiflmcop yr fi gght,fi flmfinth e mu seumands t e reo scop y . JudeCow an Montaggu e wo rk s fintheR eute rsA rch fi vea tITNSou rc e.Sheh as aPhD finth eHfi sto ryo ffF fi flmandV fi su a fl Medfiaff romB fi rkbe c k,Unfi v er sfi tyoff Londonandh a scondu ctedresea rchone ar flyB r fi tfi shc fin em a.Shefi saw rfi ter , ar tfi s tandcompo se randth eautho ro ffF or theM essengg ers(Donu tPress,20 11 ), acofl fl ectfionoffpoe tryabou tR eu ter sT e fl evfi sfionn ew ss torfi esdur fingg2008 . Gfl yn D avfi sfis Ch an ce fl flo r’sF e fl flowand R eade rfinS cr eenS tudfi esa tth e Unfiv e r sfi tyoffEdfinburggh .H efi stheau thoro ffSupe rst ar:TheKarenC arpenterSto r y (Co flumbfi aUn fi v ers fi tyP ress ,2 008)andF a rff romH e aven(EdfinburgghUn fi vers fi ty Press,201 1)andco -edfi torw fi thG aryN eedhamoffQuee rTV:T h eorfi e s,H fi stor fi e s, Pofl fi t fi cs(Rou t fl ed gg e,20 09 )and W arh o fl fi nT enT a kes(BFI,2013). Jam esDown sfi scu rrentfl ycondu c tfin ggdoctor a fl re s e a rchonn fin eteenth - c entu ry photogg raph ya ttheUn fi versfi tyoffE x e ter .H fi spub fl fi shedw orkonpho to gg raph fi c h fi storyh asapp ear edfinT h e Inn e sR evfi ewand Stu dfie sfi nP ho togg raphy:T heJ ournafl o fftheS cot tfi shS ocfi etyff ort heH fi s t oryoffPhotogg rap hy andh efistheed fi to ro ffA Carna fl Medfi um :Ffin-de-s fi èc fleE ssa y so nt heP ho toggraph fi cN ude(C a fl flumJ am es Books,20 13 ).Cu rrentr e s earchp ro j ect sfin cfludeaboo konnfin e teenth-c entury Hungg arfi anpho togg r aph e rI vanS zaboandab fio gg r aphyoffAnton W aflbroo k . Vfi ctorfi a Du ck e ttt e ach esfiflmh fi sto ryfinth eC en trefforId eas ,V fi ctorfi an Cofl fl egg eo ffth eArts, Un fi versfi tyo ff M eflbourne.Sh eh aspub fl fi shedb road fl y fine ar flycfinem a ,h asp ro gg ramm edfi flmsfforC fin em aR fi trovato,Bo flo ggna ,and con ven edth e2013‘W om enandS fi fl en tS cr e en’con ffe r en cefin M e flbournea s wefl flasar efl atedfi flmp ro gg r amm ea tth eAu str a fl fi anC ent r efforth e Mo vfingg Im agg e .Sh efiscurrentfl ycomp fl etfingg‘AL fi tt fl eT ooM uc hfi sE n ou gg hff orMe’ :S ara h Bern hardta ndt h eSfi fl entF fi flmffo rth eUn fi v e rs fi t yoffIfl fl finofi sP r es s . x fi C ont rfi but ors Ste v enF fie fld finggfi sP roff e s soro ffP ofl fi t ficafl Hfi s to ryandD fir ectoro ffth eC ent re fforBr fi tfi shP ofl fi t fi csa ttheUn fiver s fi tyo ff Nottfinggham .H efisespecfi a fl flyfin teres ted finther epresen tat fionoffpo fl fi t fi c sfint efl evfi sfionandfiflmfinth eUKandU S .H e hasp re s entedBBCR adfio4do cum en tarfi esons cre enrep resentat fionso ff N ew Labou randpo fl fi t fi caflcon sp fi ra c fies.H fisboo kS t ateo ffP fl ay:B r fi tfi shP o fl fi tfi csonthe Screen ,S tagg ea ndP agg esfi n ceTr o fl fl o p ew aspub fl fi sh edbyBfloom sbury fin20 1 3. DefidreG fi fl ff edd erfi sS enfiorL e c turerfin En gg fl fi sh atth e Un fiversfi tyoff Parfi s-Dauph fine .Sh esp e cfi afl fi sesfinAu s tra fl fi ancu fl tu r afls tud fi esandh aspub - fl fi sh edonF firs tW o rfld Warcomm emo rat fion,thev fi suaflcufl tureo ff Austr afl fi a and Au strafl fi anfindfi ggenousfissueso ffte stfimony .H erfforthcom finggboo kfis tfi t fledSesouv enfi rdesA nzac s: fl am ém o fi redefl aG randeG uerree nA u strafl fi e . Basfi fl Gfl ynnfi sL ec tur e rfinF fi flmand Te fl evfi sfionatM fidd fl e se x Un fi versfi ty. Togg eth erw fi thJam e sA shtonandB e thJohnsonh eco-edfi tedth ecofl fl ectfion Te fl evfi sfi on,Se xandS oc fi e t y(Bfloom sbu ry/Contfinuum ,2012)andh a spubfl fi sh ed ontop fi csfin cflud finggbod yhor ro randpopufl ardr am a,tr ansn a tfiona flte fl evfi s fion, Eas tA sfi ant e flev fi sfiondram aandKo reanpop mu sfi c . Ann G rayfi sEm erfi taP roff essoro ff Cu fl tu r aflStudfi esa tth e Un fi v er sfi tyo ff L fincofln .Sh ew asP rfinc fipaflInvest fi gg atoronth e AHRC -ffunded‘T e fl evfi sfingg H fi sto ry1 99 5–2 010’p roject.Inadd fi t fiontoh e rco -autho red mono gg r aphw fith Er finB efl fl ,H fi s t oryo nT efl evfi s fion(Rou t fl edgg e,2 013),sheh aspub fl fi sh edont efl e- v fi sfiondo cum entary,m e thod sffo rm emorys tudfi es,resear chpra ct ficeandth e h fi sto ryo ffcuflturafls tud fi es.Sh efisaffoundfin ggedfi toro ffth eEuro pea nJourn a fl o ffC u fl turaflStu d fi es. And rew H figg sonfi sG r egg D ykeP roff esso ro ff Ffi flmand T efl e vfi s fiona tth e Unfi versfi t yoffY or k ,UK ,wh ereh efi sH e ado ffth eD ep artm en to ffTh e at r e,Ffi flm andT efl e v fi sfion.H eh aspub fl fi sh edw fide flyonB rfi tfishc finem a,natfionafl/ t ransn a - t fion a flcfinem aandh erfi taggecfinem a.H fi sboo ks fincflud eFfi flmE ngg fla nd :C ufl turafl fl y Engg fl fi shF fi flmm a k fin ggsfi ncet he1 9 90s( I.B.Tau rfi s ,2 01 1) ,E ngg fl fi shH e r fi ta gg e ,E ngg fl fi sh Cfi nem a:T heC ostum eD r am as fi nce1 9 8 0(O xfford Un fiversfi t yPr ess,2 0 03)and Wavfi nggtheF flagg :C onstructfi nggaN atfi on a flCfi nem afinB rfi tafi n (O xffo r dUn fi versfi ty Press,1 9 95) .H efi scu rrentfl yfleadfinggaco fl fl abo r atfi v eEu rop eanr ese a r chp ro- ject,‘M edfi atfingg Cufl tur a fl En coun t e rsth rou ggh Eu rop e anS creen s ’(www . mec e t es . co.u k). x fi fi C ont rfi but ors JaneL andm anfisS enfiorL ectur e ra tV fi ctorfi aUn fi vers fi t y fin Meflbourn e ,wh ere shete achesm edfias tud fie s.Aned fi toro fftheffo r th com fingg Wfi fl ey-Bfl ac kwefl fl Companfi ont oA ustrafl fi a nC fi nem a,sh ee xp flo resr epresen tatfionso ffAustrafl fi aand theP ac fifi cfinfiflmh fi story.Sh efisth eau thoro ff‘T heT re adoffa W hfi t eM a n’s Foo t’ :A us trafl fi anP acfifi cC o fl onfi afl fi sma ndt heC fi nem a(P and anu sBoo ks ,ANU , 2006 ).R e cen two rkfin cfludesed fi t fingg(wfi thF e fl fi cfi tyCo fl fl fins )ath em efi ssu eoff Stu dfi e s fi nA ustrafl asfi a nC finemaffo cusfinggon ‘decoflonfi s fin ggscreen s’ . KarenLu ryfi scu r ren tfl yD eano ff Res ea r chfforth eCo fl flegg eo ff A rtsa tth e Un fi v e rsfi tyo ffGfl a sggowandaned fi toro ffthefiflmandt efl evfi sfionjou rn aflScree n. Sheh aspub fl fi sh ed w fideflyonch fi fld renandfi flm ,ons creenp erfform an ceand ontefl evfi s fion.H er mo s tr e cen t mono gg raphfi sT heC h fi fl dfinF fi flm :T ears,F ears andF a fi ryT a fl es( I.B .T au r fi s,20 10 ).R e searchffo rhe rch apt erfinth fi sco fl fl ectfion dr aw suponh err e cen tfl ycomp fl etedAHRC -ffundedp rojecton‘Ch fi fldrenand Amateu rM edfi afinS cotfland1 927– 2010’.W fi thR yanSh and,K a renfisw r fi tfingg aco-autho red mono gg raphb a s edonth ep roje c ttfi t fledS h owa ndT efl fl :C hfi fldre n andAm a te u rM edfia (Ed finburgghUn fi versfi tyP r es s,ffo r thcom fin gg) . Mand yM erck fi sP roff essoro ff M ed fi aA rts,Ro yafl Hofl floway, Un fi versfi tyo ff London .Sh efi s theau thoro ffP e rve rsfi o n s:D evfi antR e adfi ngg s(V firaggo/Rou tfl ed gg e, 1993),I nYourF ace:Nfi neS ex uaflS t udfie s(N ewY o r kUn fi ver s fi tyP re ss ,2 00 0 )and Ho fl fl yw oo d ’sAm erfi ca nT ragg edfi es:D refi ser ,E fi senstefi n,S t e rn bergg ,S tevens(B ergg , 2007).Amon gghe red fi tedco fl fl ectfion sar eAff terD fi a na:Irre ver e n tE fl egg fi e s(V e rso, 1998),Am e rfi caF fi rst:N am fi nggt h eN atfi onfinU SF fi flm(Rou t fl ed gg e,2 0 07)and , mostr ecent fl y,F urt herA dven ture so fftheD fi afl ectfi coffS ex( co-edfi tedw fi thS tefl fl a Sandfford,Paflgg rav eM a cmfi fl fl an,2 0 10).H ern e x tboo kfisp rovfi sfiona fl flytfi tfl ed TheM efl odramao ffC efl ebrfi ty :P erson afl W o rtha n dP ubfl fi cA ttentfi on. Nfi cofl aR eh fl fingg h astau ggh tfiflmandfl fi ter a tu rea tA r fi stotfl e Unfiversfi tyo ff The ss aflon fikfiand C ITY Co fl fl e gg e ,In t e rn a tfionaflF acufl tyo ffthe Un fiv e rsfi ty off Shefiefld .H err e searchfin teres tsfin cfludeffem fin fi st fi flmth eo ry ,popu - fl arc fin em a,gg endertheoryandc r fi tfi caflr aceth eory .Sh efisth eau tho ro ff Extra-Or d fi n ar yM en:W hfi t eH e t eros exu a fl M ascufl fi nfi tyfi nC ontem p oraryP op u fl a r Cfi nem a(L exfingg ton ,2 00 9 )andfi scu rr entfl yr esearchfin ggth er efl atfionshfip betw eenc finem aandcufl turafl memo ry. JoStephen sonfi saPhDc andfid atefinFfi flma t Que en Mary Unfi ver sfi tyoff London .H e rdoctor aflr ese archfisonth eu seo ffB rfi t fi shfi flmtop romo teth e x fi fi fi C ont rfi but ors br andfin ggoffthen a tfionandfitsff ashfionfindus try ,rangg fin ggff romth e1940 s Brfi tfi shP a théC fin ema gg azfin etothefi flmso fftheCen tra flOfic eo ffIn ffo rma tfion finth e1 96 0s. Barb araS tr aum annfi sS enfio rL ecturerfinth eEn gg fl fi sh D epartm ento ffth e Unfi versfi tyo ff Zurfi ch.Sh efisth eco -author,w fi thE fl fisab ethB ronffen ,o ff Dfi e Dfi va:Efi neG esc hfi chted erB ew u n de rungg(Schfi rm er/Mo s efl ,2 002)andth eau tho r offFfi gg uratfi onsoffE xfi fl efinH fi tchcoc kan dN ab o kov(Ed finbu rgghUn fi vers fi tyP ress, 200 8 ).Sh e fi scu r ren tfl ycomp fle tfingga mono gg raphonff em a flep er ffo rm erv ofi ce s finn arra tfivefict fionfinth en finet e enthc en tu ryand ,w fi thE fl fi sabethB ron ff en, as tud yo ff QueenE fl fi zabe thIa sth efirstpo fl fi t fi cafld fi va.H ern ewr e s e arch ffo cu sesond eb tfinth eV fi ctorfi anno vefl . x fiv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS T hfi sv oflumeo r figg finate dfin‘T heB rfi t fi sh Mon arch yonS creen ’,acon ffe r ence hefl don2 3 – 2 4 No v em be r2 012a tS enate Hou se ,Un fi versfi tyo ffLon don.T he con ff erenc ew ascon v en e db yth eUn fi versfi tyo ffLon donS cre enS tu d fie sG rou p; th eIn s tfi tuteo ffEn gg fl fishS tu d fie so ffth eS choo floff Ad van cedS tu dy,Un fi vers fi ty offLon don;th eD e pa rtm en to ff M edfi aA rtsan dth eC en treff orIn ternat fionafl Th eatrean dP erffo rm an ceR esearcha tR o yaflHofl flowa y ,Un fi ve rsfi tyo ffLon don . Th e fi rsu pport ff orth fi se ven tfi sggrateffu fl fl ya c know fl e dgg e d. ‘M eflodram a ,c e flebrfi t y ,T heQ ueen’b yM an dyM erc kw aso r figg finafl fl ypu b fl fi she d finWom en:A C ufl turaflR e v fiew,V oflum e2 4, Num bers2/ 3( Summ e r/A u tumn 20 13) , ‘W om en finP ofl fi tfi cs’ .T h eperm fi s sfiono fftheE dfi torstor e prfin tthfi sa rt fi cfl e fi sggrateffu fl fl ya cknow fl e d gg e d .Su ppo rtff orth er esearcho ffthfi sa rtfi cfl ew a sgg ener- ou s flypro v fide db ya ff efl flow shfi pff romth eL everhuflm eF oun datfion. xv In tro duc tfion M and yMe rck T hfi sv oflum e fi sth ecu flmfinatfiono ffap roj ectb eggun finth es fi xt y-fi r s ty earo ffth e refiggno ff Qu e enE fl fi za b ethI I,H ea do ffth eCommonw e afl than dQu e enR e ggnan t offth eUn fi te dK finggdom ,C an ad a ,A u s tr a fl fiaan dN ewZ e afl an d ,a sw efl flass e v - er a flC arfi b b eancoun trfies,P apu aN ewGu fine a,th eSo flomon Isflan dsan dT u vaflu . Amon ggth em an ypu b fl ficc efl e br at fion sth atm ar ke dth atD fi amon dJu b fi fleey ear, th e Qu e eno pen edth e2 01 2Summ erO flym pfi csfinp artn ershfipw fi thth ecu r- ren tJ am esBon d .A sBBCv fi ew ersfloo ke don ,D an fi efl C rafigg ’s0 07a rr five da t Bu c kfingghamP afl a cean db r fisk fl yc fl fim be dth es t afi rstoth eQu e en’sp rfi v ater ec efi v- finggroom ,w h eresh ew ork e da th erd e sk finad r esso ffp finkv efl v e t.F romth ere, tr a fi fle db ytw o ff afi th ffuflco rgg fi s,h ee sco rte dh ertoaw afi tfinggh efl fi co p t erth a tggfl fid ed abo veB fi ggB en,S tP aufl ’san dth eT ow e ro ffLon dontoth e fi fl flum finate dO flym pfic sta dfium , fintow hfi ch th eM I6a ggentan dhfi smon arch,s fi ggn atu reh an db aggona rm , duflyp ar achu te dtoth esu rff -ro c krfiff so ffth eJ am e sBon dth em e. T h eco fl fl a bor atfiono ffth eflon gg es t -r e figgn fin ggB r fi tfi shso ve refi ggnw fi thon eo ffth e flon gg e st - runn finggfi flms erfi esfinh fi stor yr afi se sfi s sue sth atw fi fl flb econ sfi d ered finth fi s stu d y .C en trafltoth em fi sth econ tfinufinggrofleo ffro y aflre pr es en tat fion finfiflman d tefl e vfi sfiona sp a trfio tfics fi ggn fifieran den tert afinm en tcommo dfi ty. Wh atpo fl fit ficafl me anfin gg s–o ffC rownan dP arfl fi am en t,Em pfi r ean dCommonw e a fl th ,so v e refiggn an dsu b j ec t–doth es emo vfinggfim agg e scon v ey?Howa reth esem e anfingg sa ssfim fi - fl at e dtoth ecomm ercfia flsfiggn fifi can c eo ffro yafl t y ?O rfin de e dtoth ecomm ercfi afl fim p er a tfive so ffth em e dfi afin du strfi esth atpo rtr ayth em ? I ff ,a sm an ycomm entato rsan dth eB rfi tfi sh Coun cfi flfitsefl ff m a fint a fin ,th e O flym pfi co p enfin ggc eremon yw a sat rfium ph antc efl ebr atfiono ffth en atfion’scu fl - tu raflfinflu en c e ,w ha tr efl atfiondo e sth fi s‘ so ff tpow er’1 h av etoth eh arde rv er- s fionp erson fifiedb yth e mu s cuflarBon d? Wh atconn e ct fiondo esth fi sch arm fingg fl y sefl ff -mo ckfin ggmon ar chh av ew fi thth epu rv fi ew so ffBrfi tfi sh fin t efl fl figg en ce,o rfind ee d 1 M and yMe rck 1E fl fi z a bethI Ifi ses cor tedtothe2012LondonO fl ym pfi csb yJ amesBon d(D anfi e flC rafi gg ), asfi flm edff ortheBBCbyD annyBoyfl e. th eo th erfins tfi tutfion sr epres en te db yth eLon donfl an dm arkso verw h fi chh er hefl fi co p t erflew–p arfl fi am en t,th ee sta bfl fi sh edchu rch ,an dth epun fi t fivepow e ro ff th es ta t e? Howh a vefiflman dt efl evfi sfion,B rfi tfi shan dfin te rn a tfionafl ,m ask edo r ma dem anfi ff estth epo fl fi tfi caflpow ero ffth eB rfi t fishmon ar ch y? Inw hatw ayfi sth es fi ggn fifi c an ceo ffth atfin st fitutfionfinfl ect edb yth ek eygg en- res–a ct fiona dven tu re,co stum ed ram a,th e‘ b fiopfic ’an dm eflodram a– w fi th whfi ch fi tfi spo rtr ayed finfic t fionfi flm ?Howdo th eseun der stan dfingg sshfi ff tw fi th th e finternatfiona flp rodu c t fionan dcon sum ptfiono ffsu chfi ctfion s? Wh atconn ectfions ared rawnb etw eenro y a flcefleb rfi tyan d mo vfies tar dom ? Howfi sth ed eff eren c e w fithw hfi ch theB r fi t fi shro ya flff am fi fl yh ash fi sto rfi c a fl flyb e enpo r traye dfinfi tsn at fion afl me dfi aaffe ctedb yth egg reater fin ffo rm afl fi t yo ffcon tem po r ar yso cfi aflre fla tfions–o r find eedb yth efi rown fin t e rm ar rfi a gg ew fi thth efi rso cfi aflsu bo r dfin at es?Doth erfi ch fl y bro ca d e db roa dcastso ffro yafl tyons t ateo ccasfionscon tra dfi ctth e fi rmo r ec r fi tfi c a fl co veraggefinhfi stor ydo cum ent arfiesan dcu rren taff a fi r sp ro ggramm es? Wh ath ap - pen sw henth es pectato rsen t erth ec er emon fi aflscen e? H appya ndG fl or fious,a sD ann yBo yfle’sd r am atfi satfiono ffth e Qu een’ sarrfivafl atth eO fl ym p ficsta dfiumfist fi tfl e d,fison fl yon ee xam p fleo ffth ecoun tfl esss cre en 2 I ntr odu ct fi on ap pe ar an ceso ffth fisp artfi cu fl a r mon ar chont efle vfi sfion,finc finem an ew sr eefl san d finh er mo r er e cen tpo rtr a yafl sfinff e atu refi flm s.Asu perst arfinh erownr fi gght, E fl fiza b ethI Ih asr efiggne dffo ro ve rh afl ffo ffth een tfi r eh fi stor yo ffth ec fin em a ,a s waspo finte dou tonh erJu bfi fl e ev fi sfi ttoth eB rfi tfi shF fi flmIn stfi tu te.T hes cre enfin gg ff o rh era tth eBF Ip re dfi ct abflyfin cflud e de xc erp t sffromB rfi t fishc fl as sfi cssu cha s Law re nc eoffA ra bfi aan dpo pu fl arcom e dfi e sfl fike C arr yO nC am pfingg,bu ta fl sos c en es ff romth ero yaflhom e mo vfi es finth eIn stfi tu te’sa rch five,re ach finggb ac kw ar dffrom ff oo ta ggeo ffth eQu eena say oun ggmo th e rho fld fin ggP rfinceCh arfl es fin1 94 9tofi flm offh ergg reat- gg re at- gg r an dmo th erV fi cto rfi a fin1 89 6. Mo vfinggfim aggeso ffth eB rfi tfi sh mon ar ch y,finff a ctan dfi c tfion,a r ea flmo sta s o flda sth e mo vfinggfim aggefitsefl ff .In1 8 95th eE dfi son M anu ff a cturfin ggCom pan y refl e as edane figghte en -se con dK fineto sco pefi flmt fi tfl e dT heE xec utfi o no ff M ary Stua rt .D fi r ecte db yA fl ff r edC flar k,fi tm a yb eth efi rstfi flmw fi tht r afine da ctor san d on eo ffth efi rs ttou see dfi tfinggffors pe cfi afleff e cts.Inth fi sd r am atfi cv figgnette,th e b fl find ff oflde dQu e eno ffS co ts( pfl a y edb yanun cre dfi t eda ctr ess)fisfle dp a stacon - t finggen to ffa rm e dggu ar dstokn e eflw fi thh ern e c konth eb floc k .W a tch edb ytw o wom ena tten d ant s,th ee x ecu tfion er(R o be rtT hom ae )r a fi s esh fi sa x e ,b r finggsfit downan dth enho fldsth es e ver e dh ea da flo ff t.T hesho ckfin ggd ec apfi t atfion w a s crea te db ys to p pfin ggth ec am e ra,r e pflacfinggth ea ct ressw fi tha m ann e qufinan d cran kfingg fi tu pa ggafin . On ey e arflat erafl fi vfin gg mon arch , Qu e enV fi cto rfia ,w asfi flm e da tB aflmo r afl r fidfinggfinano p ench a fisea tt en d edb ya H fi gghflan d er.T h e Qu e en ’sfl asty ea rs werer e peate dfl yfiflm e d,w h eth erfinap ro ce ssfiontoth eM a y1 8 9 7o p enfin gg offSh efi efl d’sT own H afl fl ,o rfina mu chgg ran d erp a rad eth rou gghth es tr eets offLon dontoc efl e br at eh erD fi amon dJu bfi fl e ea mon thfla ter.B yh erd eathfin Janu ar y1 90 1 ,th ecomm e rcfi aflv a flueo ffro yafl‘ actu afl fi t fies’h a db e com eap par- en t ,an ds e veraflfiflmcom pan fi estoo ku ppo sfi tfion sonth erou teo ffh erffun er afl co r t è gg e,a flon gg w hfichV ficto rfi a’sc rown e dcofin w a sbo rn eonaggunc ar r fiagge. Fromth esee arfl ye xam pflesa flon e, fi tfi se as ytop er cefiveth eap peaflo ffro yaflmo v- fi es–co stum es,c ar rfi a gg esan dn atfion aflc efl e br atfionv fi ew fi th m a r tfiafldfis p flay ,v fio - fl en c ean d,a sw esh afl flse e,rom an ce.An d,no tfin cfidentafl fly ,th ep rom finen ceo ff Brfi tafin’squ een s,ffromth eC efl tfi cBou dfi c aa( pflay e db yA fl exK finggs ton fin2 00 3)to E fl fiza b ethI I( pfl a ye db yH e flen M fi rrenfin2 0 06),offe rsp fl en tfi ffu flfl e a dfinggro fl esto wom ena sr e pr esen t atfi v eso ffanfin stfi tu tfiond e em e dtoh av eb ecom efin cre as- fingg fl yff em finfi se d.Lon ggb effor eth e2 0 12fl e gg fi sfl atfionen d fingg m a flep rfimo gg en fi tu re finth ero yaflsu cc essfion ,th eflon gg e v fi t yo ff Vficto rfi aan dE fl fi z ab ethI I ,th efid eafl fi s a - t fiono ffth em ate rn aflw fi ff ean dh erfinflu en c ean dth ep r esum edam en abfi fl fi t yo ff 3 M and yMe rck wom encon t rfi bu te dtoth fi sff em finfi satfion,an dtoth epo ten tfiafl‘ depo fl fit ficfi satfion’ offth ero yaflro fl e.I2 ta fl sop ro v fid edrfichn arr atfi veo p portun fi tfiesfforro y aflscre en fictfion sfinth eggen re so ffrom an c e ,co stum ed r am aan dm eflod ram a,w fi thth e fi r rea d y-m a de ffem a fleffofl flow fingg . T h er e figgno ffth ecu rr en tB rfi tfi shmon a rch fisa s ff oun d atfion afltoth eh fistor yo ff tefl e vfi sfiona sth ato ffh ergg r eat- gg r eat - gg r an dmo th erV fi cto rfi a fi stoth ecfin em a.T he 19 53co ron atfionfisff amou sfl yc fi t eda sa m fi fleston efinth ea do ptfiono ffth en ew me dfium ,dou bfl fin gg th enum b ero ffUKTV fl fi c en ceho fld er sa sB rfi ton sbou gghts ets ff orth efi rstt fim efino r de rth atth e yan dth efi rn efigghbou rscou fldw atch fi t.( Som e 20m fi fl fl fiond fidso ,a sw efl fla sth e1 0 0m fi fl fl fion No rthAm erfican sw hov fi ew eda reco rdfin ggoffth ec e remon yfinth ed aysb eff o res at e fl fl fi tet r an sm fi ssfion.)O th er b flo ck bu st ersfinro yaflb ro a dc astfingg w ou fl dff ofl flow,fin cfludfin ggth e1 98 1m a rr fiagge offP rfinc eCh arfle stoL ad yD fi an aS pen cer( 75 0m fi fl fl fionv fiew er sw or fldw fide)an d D fian a’sffun er aflsfi xt eeny ear sflat er( 2 . 5b fi fl fl fion ) .Ina d dfi t fiontoS te ph enF r ears’s Osc ar-w finnfin gg2 00 6d ram ao ffth ew e eko ffth at ffun er afl ,T heQ u een,th fi s fi fl fl - ffate d refl atfion sh fi pp rom p t edar em a rka b flenum be ro ff U St efl e vfi sfionb fiopfics ,fin cflud- finggC harflesa ndD fian a :AR oy a flL oveS t o r y( 19 81),T heR oy aflR om anceo ffC h ar fl e s an dD fi a n a( 19 8 1 ),C h ar flesa n dD fiana:U n ha ppfi fl yE ve rA ff ter( 1 99 2),T heW om eno ff W find sor( 19 9 2),Dfi a na:H erT r ueS tory( 1 99 3) ,P rfincess finL o ve( 19 96) ,C harfl e sa n d Cam fi fl fla :W hat everL oveM e a ns( 20 05)an d La stD ayso ffaP rfince ss( 20 07).3 Asad epfictfiono ffth e fl fi ff eo ffan am edh fi sto rfi caflp er son, th eb fio p ficfi son eo ffth e ven e ra bfl eff orm so fffi flman dt efl evfi sfiond r am a,an dano b vfiou sgg enr effo rro yafl re pr esen t at fion .O ff tenb as e donpo puflarb fioggraph y,th fi sgg en erfi cd es figgnatfion ove r flap sth ato ffh fi sto r ficaflfi ctfion mo r egg en er afl flyan dco stum ed r am afles sh fi s- torficafl fly .Y etth ep fle tho rao ffU S-m ad eb fio pfi csa bou tCh a rfl e san dD fian ae xpo ses th ecom par atfi v er efluctan c eo ffB rfi t fi shp ro du cerstopo r t ra yflfivfingg m em b e r so ff th ero y afl ffam fi flyfind r am atfi cw o rksun tfi flre cen tfl y .A s J ohnSn efl sono b serv e s ,an y su chd e pfi ctfiono ffaflfi vfingg mon archw as‘un thfink abfle’a tth et fim eo ffE fl fi z ab eth II’ sco ron atfion,an dfi ttoo kaffu r th erfi ff ty-th r eey ea rsfforF re ars’sfiflmto m ake h fisto rya sth efi rstffu fl fl - flen gg thc finem atfi cr e pr esen ta t fiono ffar e fi ggnfinggB r fi tfi sh so ve refiggn .4 T h enum erou sfiflma d apt atfionso ffSh a k esp ear e’sh fi sto rfiesan dtho seo fffl at er ro yafld r am atfi st ssu cha sF rfied rfi chS chfi fl fler,w ho se1 800p fla yM aryS t ua rtp ro - v fid edap rec e den tfforth eE dfi sonsho rta sw efl flasK ath erfineH ep burn ’sM aryo ff Scotflan d( 19 3 6)an dV an es saR e dgg ra ve’s Mar y, Q uee no ffSc ots( 1 9 71) ,su ggggestth e ran gg eo ffggen erfi cpo ssfibfi fl fit fiesff orsu chpo rt ra yafl s. Wh enfi ctfion a fl fi se da ccoun t s offB rfi tfi sh mon arch sem ph asfiseth ep afinffu fls tru gggg fl eb etw eenpu bfl ficdu tyan d 4 I ntr odu ct fi on person afld esfi r e,th eyen terth et err a fino ff m eflod ram a,w fi th fi ts ffocu sonth efintfi - mat efl fi ff eo ffasuff erfingg findfi vfi du a fl .A sth fi sco fl fl ectfionw fi fl fld emon strate,a fl flth es e gg en re sh a veb e enp flun dered fforro yaflre pr esen t atfion,bo th finfiflman dt e flevfis fion fictfion,fins fingg flean ds erfi esfform .In de e d , th em e dfiar e pre sen tatfiono ffth eB rfi tfi sh ro yaflff am fi fl y’sc rfi sesan dcefleb ratfion s ,a ssu cc essfivegg en er atfionsp assth rou ggh b firth,ch fi fldhoo d ,cou rtshfi p,m ar rfi agge,p ro cr eatfionan dd eath ,h asflon ggb een des crfi be d, finth etermo r fi gg finafl flyu se dff ors e r fia fld r am ass pon so re db ym anu ff a c- tur erso ffhou s ehofldc fl ean sers,a sso apo p er a. Wh en M aflcoflm Mu gg gg erfidgged enoun c e dth e‘o r ggyo ffvu fl ggaran ds en t fim en- tafls pecu fl atfion ’o verP r fincessM a rgg a ret’sr efl atfion sh fi pw fithad fivorce dR o y a flA fi r For ceofi c era sa ‘ro yaflsoapo p er a’fin1 95 5,5 h e ffafi fl e dtocon sfiderth esu c c esso ff th en arra t fiv efformh ew asfin vo kfingg .B yth atd ate,th ec finem ah a da fl re ad yp ro- du ce da fl en gg th yrost ero ff meflodr am atfi cB rfi tfi shmon a rch s,b e gg finnfinggw fi thS a rah Bernh ar dt’sQ u eenE fl fi za be t h( Le sAm o ursd eflaR efi n eE fl fi s abe th)fin1 912an dgg fi v en th eHo fl flyw oo dtrea tm en tw fi thB etteD a vfi s’stw opo rt ra yafl so ffth es am eQu e en fin1 9 39an d1 9 55.T h eth em e ,finth e sean ds fim fi fl a rp fi c tu res,w asth esuff erfingg offaro y aflw om anto rnb etw eenrom an tfi cffuflfi flm en tan dofic fi aflo bfl fi ggatfion,a bo x-ofic eff ormu fl ath atp ersfi sts finfiflm ssu cha s1 9 9 7’sMrs.B row n. Mo r eo v er , fin com parfingg‘th erunn finggserfi afl ’o fft a bflo fidco ver a gg eo ffcon tro versfi aflrom an c es fl fikeM a rggar et’san dth ato ffh e ra bdficatfin ggun cfl eE dw ar dV IIItoT heA r ch e r s, Mu gggg erfi d ggeun derestfim atedth e flon gg e vfi tyo ffbo th.T o da yth eBBCr a dfios e r fia fl an dth eB r fi tfishmon arch ya re mo repo puflarth ane v er .Un fl fiketh effeatu rem e flo- dram a ,w hfichcom es,how ev eram bfi gguou sfl y,toacon cflusfion,th eso apo per a canggoonan don .An d thu sfi th asr eadfi flycon trfibu t ed to th efid entfifi catfiono ffth e Crown ’scon tfinufi tyw fi thth ato ffth en atfion,a sen do rs edb yth ew r fi terh fim sefl ff . V ICTOR IANINVENT IONS Mafl coflm Mu gggg erfi d gg esu spe c tedth a tth ero yafl ff am fi flyh add ev efloped ‘atas t eff or thepu bfl fi cfi tyw h fi ch ,finth eo ry ,th eyfin dsor epu ggnant, bu ’6 tth fi sa gga finw asno newph enom enon .A sI anCh r fi stfi ere coun tsfinth fi sco fl fl ectfion,Qu e enV fi c to r fi a andh e rcon sortP rfinceA fl bertw ereno ton fl ye arfl yen thusfi a stso ffphoto gg raphy butth efi rownff am fi flya rchfi vfi s ts,finst afl fl finggad ar kroomfin W find sorC as tfl ean d hav finggthefi rnfinech fi fl dr ens choofledfinth em e d fium .Ina d dfi tfiontoth eafl bum s com pfi fl edb yth effam fi fl y ,th ero yaflparent san dth efi roff sprfinggh a dth efi rpo r t r afi t s takenb yp roff ess fion afl ssu cha sth effam e dC rfime an W a rpho to gg raph e rR ogg er Fenton.F orh erD fiamon dJu bfi fleefin1 89 7 ,V fi cto r fi acho seapho toggr aphb y 5 M and yMe rck W fi fl fl fi amE rn est Down eya sh erofi cfiaflpo r trafi tan den cou r a gg e dfitsw fidec fi r- cufla tfion w fi thou tco pyrfigghtcon tro fl ,soflon gga sth e Down e ys tu dfio w asc re d- fi te d .Ad ec ad e fl at erh erd au gghter-fin-flawQu e enA fl e xan dra,w fi ff eo ffE dw ar dV II, wou fl dpu bfl fi shaC hrfi stm asG fi ff tB oo ko ffff am fi fl ypho to gg r aph s,th ep ro ce e dsggo fingg toch arfi t y . T hfi sfint erest finpho to ggraph ye xt en d edtoth emo v fin ggfim a gg e,w fi thB rfi tfi shc fin - em ato gg r aph erB firtA cre sffofl flow finggu ph fis1 8 95fiflmo ffth eQu een’sgg ran dson Kafi se rW fi flh e flmw fi than1 89 6s tu d yo ffth eP rfinc ean dP rfinc esso ff W afl eso pen - finggth eC ardfiffE xh fibfi tfion.Aff ew mon th sfl aterV fi cto rfiah er sefl ffa gg r ee dtob e fi flm e da tB a flmo r aflb yJ . Down e y ,sono ff W fi fl fl fi amE rn est.T heL ady’sP fi ctorfia fl fl at err e po rte dth atth er e sufl tfinggv figgnette,to gg eth erw fi thfl an t erns fl fi de so ffro yafl pho to gg r aph san dR o bertP au fl ’ sfiflmo ffth eP r finc eo ff W afles’sho rsew finnfingg th eD e rb y ,w er ee xh fi bfi t e da tW fin dso rtoth ed efl figgh t e dQu e enan dh erhou se- hofldon2 3No v em b er1 8 96.I ff Down ey’s‘ an fim ate dpho to gg r aph s’o ffth e mon - archw er efinten d e dfforp rfivatecon sum ptfion,th eyw eresoonff ofl flow e db yro y afl fi flm sd esfi ggne dff o rth epu bfl fi c.A tth efinfi tfiat fiveo ff Co flon fi aflS ecr etar yJ ose ph Ch am berflafin ,V fi cto r fia’sJun e1 89 7D fiamon dJu bfi fleep ro ces sfionw ass ta gg e da sa sp ecta c fleo fffim p erfia fls pfl en dou ro ffan d ff orh e r(finter)n atfion aflsu bj ects,m a rchfin gg finth em ass edr an k so ffth eco flon fi afltroo p s ,w atch fingg finp er sononth es tr e et so ff Lon dono rfla t er finth en ewfi flmth e atr eso ffB efl ff astan dM eflbou rn ean dQu e bec. No rw er eV fi cto rfi a’sff am fi flyunw fi fl fl fin ggtoe xh fibfi tth efi rso cfiaflfl fiff eons cre en.T he summ ero ff1 89 7s awth efi flmfin ggoffth reegg en er a tfionso ffth ema tA ff tern oo nT ea fi nt h eG ar denso ffC fl a ren ceH o use,ff ofl flow e dfin1 900b yth ev er ypo pufl a rC hfi fld r en o fft heR o yaflFam fi fl yo ffE ngg flan dshow fin ggth effu tur eE dw ar dV III ‘atp fl a y’w fi thh fi s youn ggsfi bfl fingg s. Vfi cto rfiaw asno ton fl y th efi rstB rfi tfi shmon a rch tob efiflm e d;h e rr e figgnb ecam e tafl fi sm anficfforp ro du cer se a gg e rto finv o kefi t spow eran dp ros p erfi t ya sth eEm p fi r e wasth re aten e dw fi thw a r ,r e befl fl fionan de conom fi cco fl fl ap s e .Onth ee veo ffth e Gr eatW ar,G .B .S amu efl son ’sS fixtyY e ar saQ uee nc e fleb rat e dT h eL fi ffea n dT fimes o ffQ uee nV fictorfi afinane x ce ptfion afl fl ye x pen sfivee p fico ffn e arflytw ohou r s ’ flen gg th, nowflo ste xce ptff o ra4 6-ff oo tff ra ggm entd epfict finggth e mom en tfin w hfi chth e youn ggP rfinces sfisto fl dth atsh ew fi fl flb ecom eQu een.R ec re atfinggfi tth rou gghth e su rvfi vfinggp res s - boo k’ss c en efl fi stan dp ro du ctfions tfi fl fl s ,a tfie- finb fiogg r aph yan d th e tr adep ap e rs ,Ju deCow an Mon t aggu ed esc rfi b esth ep afinst a kfinggp ro du ctfionan d ecsta t ficr ec eptfiono ffth fi s ‘gg r eatp atrfiotfi cfi flm ’ .C a st fin ggth re ea ctres sestor e pre- sen tth eQu e enff romy ou thtoo fl da gg e,Sfixt yY e ar saQ uee n em pfloy edth efin ff ra- stru ctu rean dt echn fi qu eso ffth eatrficaflhfisto r yd ram a sa sw efl flasth efi rt a b fleau 6 I ntr odu ct fi on styfle.E ven tsa sv arfie da sth e mon arch ’sp ro po s afltoA flbe rt,th eann ex atfiono ff Brfi tfi shCo flum bfi a, th e In dfi anMu tfinyan dav fi sfi to ff‘V ficto rfi a th eGoo d’ to th em fi fl - fi tar yho s pfi taflsh eh a de st abfl fi sh e dfinH am psh fi r ew erec ar effufl fl yr es ear ch e dan d desfiggne du sfinggfi fl flustr at fion sffromth ew ee kfl yp fictorfiafl s.A uth entfi cfi t yb e c am e th ew atchw or do fffiflm sa bou t th fi sro yaflpe rson agge,no t fl ea stfin thfi sc as eb ec au se som eo fffi tss p ecta to rsh ad fl five dth rou gghth ee ven t sr e pres en t ed.Bu tau th en tfi c- fi tyd fidno tru fl eou th a gg fiogg raph y,an dth eQu e enw a spo r tra y eda sas afintfl y,fi ff wefl fl -d re sse d,h e ado ffan atfion aflcommun fi t yr econ s ecr ate db yv fi ew fin ggth efiflm . T hep ro du ctfiono fffi flm sa bou tV ficto r fiad fidno ta bat ew fi th th ed e ath so fftho s e whor em em b ere dh er.Onth econ tr ar y ,a sS te venF fiefl dfin ggpo fintsou t finth fi sv ofl - um e,sh eh asp ersfi st e da sth ec en tr aflp rot aggon fi sto ffff e atu r ess t retch finggtoth e 20 09T heY o unggV fi ct orfi a.A cknow fled gg fin gga2 01 2B rfi tfi shsu rv e yw ho s er e spon d - en tsb efl fi e ve dth at th ecu rr entQu eenw asmo r econ ce rn e da bou tth efirp ro bfl em s th anw ereth efi re flect edr epr esen t atfi v es,F fie fldfinggr ea dsh erp r ed ec esso r’sb fio pfi cs finth eflfiggh to ff‘anfi d eaa flmo s ta so fl da sh fi sto ry’r e co rd edb yG eo r gg eO rw efl fl , th atth e mon archan dth ecommonp eo p flesh ar e‘ aso rto ffa fl fl fian c ea gg afinstth e up p erc flasses’.7 A ff terah fi atu sen ff o rc e db yG eo r gg eV ’sp roh fibfi tfiono fffi flm edpo r - tra yaflso ffh fi sgg ran dmo th er ,B rfi tfi shp ro du cer- dfi re cto rH er be rtW fi fl co xr efleas ed V fictorfiat heG re a tfin1 9 37,th ey e aro ffth eco ron atfiono ff G eo rggeV Ian dth ec en- tenn fi aflo ffV fi ctorfia’sowna cce ssfiontoth eth ron e.Sosu c ces sffuflw asth fi sp fictu re th atW fi fl co xfimm edfiatefl y ffo fl flow e d fi tw fi th Sfi xtyG florfi o usY e arsfin1 9 38.Bo thfi flms starth ep ro du cer’sw fi ff eAnn aN e a gg fl ean dAn ton W aflbroo ka sarom an tficro y a fl cou pfl e,an dbo them ph asfi seth eQu e en’scon c ern ff orth ew efl fl - befinggo ffh e rsu b- je cts finth effaceo ffh e rd fi flator y,b efl fl fico seo run ca r fin ggprfim em finfi ste rs.E v enth e Qu e en’s ffav ourfi te,B enj am finD fisra efl fi ,fisshowno p po sfinggth er ep eaflo ffth eCo rn Law sb effor eem br acfinggth eb en efi cen tV fi c torfiana gg en dafinth e1 93 0sfiflm s.( In ano t a bfl ee x ceptfion ,th efi rpo stw a rs e qu eflT heM udfl ar k( 1 9 50),fitfisth eP rfim e M finfi st erw hocon vfinc esth e mou rn fin gg mon ar chtoen dh ers ecflusfionan djo fin h fimfinso cfi aflrefform .)A sF fi efl dfin ggo bs erv es,r e cen tV ficto rfi anfi flm sh av eb e en ev enmo r en e gg atfive finth efi re vo catfiono ffth ecoun t ry’spo fl fi tfi c afl flea d ersh fi p,w fi th Mrs.B row n( 19 97)po rtr ayfinggD fisr aefl fia sac yn fi c afl m anfipu fl ato ro ffh fi sgg rfievfingg so ve refiggnan dT heY o u nggVfi ctorfiad raw finggfim pfl fi cfi tp ar a fl flefl sb etw eenth er efform - finggQu e en’ss tru gggg flesw fi thar ec afl cfi t ran tLo r dM eflbou rn ean dP r fin ce ssD fian a’ s w fithanun s ym path etfi cm aflee st a bfl fi shm en t .Bo thr e gg aflch a ra cterfi s atfion s,o ff th ed fistr au gghto flder mon arch( pflay e db yJu dfiD en ch )an dth efi deafl fistfi cfi ngg é nue (Em fi flyB flun t) ,fin vfi t eanfi den tfifi c atfionth atd fi s a vow sth efimm en s ed fi st an ce betw e enth eso ver efi ggnan dh ersu bje cts. 7 M and yMe rck Inar ared fi s cussfiono ffth ea ctorm ad e ff amou sb yh fi sc astfinggasP r fin ceA flbert, Jam esDown scom pa resth eV fienn e sea cto rAn ton W afl broo k’sam b figguou sr efl a- t fionw fi thh fisa do pte dcoun tr ytoth ato ffA fl b erth fimsefl ff .O rfigg finafl flyt rafine da sa c flassfi c aflacto r ,th eth enA do fl ff W oh fl brü c kp fl a ye dso phfis tficat edh ero es finpo pu- fl arG erm anfi flm s,an tficfi p atfin gghfi sro yaflrofle finth e1 93 3 mu sfi c afl W a fl ze rkrfi egg b y port ra yfinggcom pos erJ oh annS tr aus sonav fi sfi t toV fic to rfi a’scou rt.Bu th fi ss cre en su cc esscou fl dno tw fi th st an dth ed an gg erspo s e db yhfi shomo se xu afl fi tyan d Jew fi sh an cestr ya sth eN azfifi c atfiono ffth eG e rm anfi flmfin du str yp ro ce ede d,an dh e sefi z e dth eo p po rtun fi t yo ffanRKOcon tr acttow orkfin Ho fl fl yw oo d. Wh fi fleh e wasfi flmfin ggth e refin1 9 36,th eB rfi t fishb anond r am asa bou tV ficto r fiaw a sflfi ff te d an dr fivaflp ro du c ersb e gg antop fl anfi flmso ffh e rfl fi ff e. Wh en W fi fl co xp re vafi fl e d , Wa flbroo k’sr es em bfl an c e toP rfin ceA fl be r tb rou gghth fim toEn gg flan de a rflyfin1 9 37. T hequ e stfiono ffres em bfl an cew ascru c fiafl finap er fio d finw hfi chth eW fin dsors’ retfi c en c ea bou tfiflmfin ggth efi rff ore b earsw a son fl yb e gg finnfinggtor efl ax.W fi fl co x’ s teamsou gghtth ero y aflhou s eho fld’sa d vfi ceonV fic to rfi ana rchfitectu rean dco s - tum etor en de rth efi rp ro du ctfiona ff afi thffuflreco r d,bu t th ev oggue fforth eV fienn es e wafl tzfi flmr e qufire dth emo vfi ecou p fletop erff o rmad an c eth atw ou fl dh a veb een fim po ssfib flyfin tfim ateff orth er e a fl Qu een.T h er esufl t fin ggh y brfi do ffp erfiodd et a fi fl an dpo pu fl arcon ven tfionp ro v edahu ggesu cc ess,w fi th W afl broo k ’sr en dfi t fiono ff anfin tefl fl fi ggen tan dfiron ficP rfin ceju d gg edb rfi fl fl fi an t.Inth e1 9 37V fi ctorfi at heG reat A flbe rtcon ffron t sa ccu s atfion so ffs p y finggff o rG erm an y ,bu tw fi thw arap pro ach fingg , th efiflm ’ss equ e ,S fl fix t yG fl orfiou sY ears,om fi t se venfitsp re de ces sor’sr efferen c eto V fi cto r fia’sG erm an-s pe akfin ggch fi fldhoo d.On flyaff ew mon th sflater,a saG erm an natfion afl ,W afl b roo kh fim s e fl ff w ou fl dh aveh fi sr a dfioan dc arconfi scat edw henw ar wasd e c flare d.T h eo rfigg finsth ath adsu p po rte dh fi sc astfinggasP rfinc eA flbertcon - s figgne dh fimtos fimfi fla rsu s pfi cfion so ffd fi s flo yafl ty flon ggbeffor eh fi sbu r fia flfinEn gg fland asth eu fl tfim at eflyb eflov edp erfform ero ffh fi sro y aflrofl e . THEEL IZABETHAN D IVA Ffi flmpo rt rafi tsoffVfi cto r fi a ff ofl flow th e fl ea doffth eQu eenh e rsefl ff finem phasfi sfin gg th e hap pfinessan ds tabfi fl fi tyo ffth ero y aflff amfi fl y.‘ Aff am fi fl yonth eth ron efi san fin t e re s t- finggfi de a’ ,th en fin ete enth-cen tu rypo fl fi tfi cafljourn afl fis tW a fl terB agg eho ten thu sed, com parfin ggfi t spo puflarap p eafltoth edu fl fl m achfinat fionsofffl fi ttfl e - knownp a rfl fia- men tarfi an .8 Bu s tth eff am fi fl yv afluesespou se dfinth eV fi c to r fi anc anona reaw orfl d aw a yffromth eth em ese x pfloredfinfiflmspo rtrayfinggherggre atests cr eenr fi vafl , E fl fiza bethI .Un en cum bere db yth ereserve d fimagg eo ffanEn gg fl fi shggen t fl ew om an, 8 I ntr odu ct fi on theV firgg finQu e enen t ersth ec finem aa sth ed fivao ffro y a flr epre sen t at fion– m agg - n fific ent,p assfion at e,s fin ggu flar.F fi ttfin gg fl y,h er mo stno ta bflee arfl yfi flmfin carn atfion fi sb yS arahB ernh ar dt,th enth ew orfld’s mo stffamou sa ctr ess,fiffsom ethfinggo ff anfin tru d erfinth ec finem a.In1 9 12B ernh ardtr e vfi ve dh ers t aggeffafi flureQ ue en E fl fi z abe thfinamu fl tfipfle-r eeflff e atu re finw hfi chth es trfickenQu e end fi e so ffremo rs e aff tere xe cutfinggth em ansh eflo ves.Onth eh eefl so ffh erh fi ggh flysu c cessffuflscr een versfiono ffL aD am ea u xc am éfl fia s, fi t toob e cam ean fintern a t fion aflsu cc ess,d raw fin gg othe rth eatr es ta rstoth ec finem aan dh eflpfinggto finau ggur ateth e flon gg e r - pfl a y fin gg narr atfi v efiflm.Y ets cho flar san dh fi sto rfiansh a veflon ggdenoun c edQ ueenE fl fiza beth asan a ch ron fi st fican ds t a gg e y,p roo ffo fffi tss tar’sfin abfi fl fi tytoen ggaggew fi thfi flm . Recon sfi d erfinggth e mu ch - den fi ggrat e dth e atrfi cafl fi tyo ffth fi sm eflod ram a,V fi cto rfi a Duc ke ttp rafi sesth es p ect a cuflarap pe aflofffi t sp fi cto rfi aflcom po sfi tfion,e xpr essfive gg estu r esan dc ap acfi t ytoan fim at eth es t at ficpo se.No tfforth e fl astt fim e,th er e gg afl rofl e fi ss eentoconfi rmth es tarp e rff o rm er’sownm ajest y . Ine st abfl fi shfin ggh e rpo fl fi tfi c a flpow er,th er eafl -fl fi ff eE fl fi za b e th m ad ee xce ptfion- a fl fl yeff e ctfi v eu s eo ffh erpu bfl fics efl ff -dfi s pfl a yfinr fi chap par e fl ,s t atefly‘ pro ggress es’ throu gghh err e aflman dcomm fi s s fion edpo rtrafi ts,sob ecom fingganfi con fi cfiggu r e. Mon ar ch y ,finE rn stK an to row fi c z ’ sfinflu en t fia flth eo ryo ff m e d fie vaflan de arfly mo derncu fl tu re,e xfi st sfinth eso v er e figgn’sn atur aflbo dyan dp e rs fistsfinth ebo d y pofl fit fic a fl ,ggu ar an te efinggth efin stfi tu tfion’sfimmo r tafl fi t.A y 9 saff em afl e mon arch , E fl fi z ab ethI w ascon stfi tu t e db yano rm atfi v efl ym as cufl fines ym bo fl ficbo dyan da ff em finfinen atu raflon e,adu afl fityth a tfi sa fl som ar ke dfinth er efl atfion so ffggen d erto pow er finh erc finem atfi cr e pr esen t atfion.A ddr essfinggth econfl fi ctb etw e enp r fivat e personan dpu bfl ficp er son ap artficu fl artoff em afl eso verefiggn t y ,E fl fi s ab ethB ron ffen an dB ar ba raS tr aum anne x p flor eth ed fi ve rseen actm en tso ffth eQu e enb yffou r fi flms ta rs(F flor aR o bson ,B etteD avfi s,J eanS fimmon san dC at eB fl an ch e tt )fin eraso fffim pen dfin gg w ar,am bfivafl en tdom estfi cfi t yan dpo fl fi t ficafls pfin-do cto rfingg . Asth eQu e en’stw obo dfi e sb rfin ggto ggeth erh erph ysfi caflb efinggan dh ers ym bofl fi c man d ate,th em e dfi afl fi t yo ffth fiss cr e en e dem bo dfim en tb ecom escon s pfi cuou sfly ff ore ggroun d ed. In1 99 2 , Qu en tfinC r fis pap pe ar edonc finem as cre en sa sE fl fi z ab ethIfinS afl fl y Potte r’sa dapt atfiono ffV fir gg fin fiaW oo fl ff ’sO rfl a ndo;th effofl flow finggy e arh ep ro vfide d the ‘Afl t ern atfi v eQu e en ’sM e ssa gg e’onB rfi tafin’sCh ann efl4t e flevfi sfiononCh rfi stm as Day ,find fi r ectcom pe tfi tfion w fi thE fl fiza bethI I’sownho fl fi d aya d dr ess.T h eflat e 198 0san de a rfly1 99 0sh a dh erafld e dash fi ff taw a yff romth eflesbfianan dgg aypo fl fi t- fi csth ath a da r fisen finth e1 97 0stow ar dsa mo recon ff ron t at fion aflqu eera ctfi vfi sm . W fi thfi tc am ea‘n ewqu e erc fin em a’w hfi cht ran sgg r esse dr ecefive dh fistor yfina 9 M and yMe rck pofin te dfl ya rt fific fi aflm fi se- e n-scène( IsaacJu fl fien’s1 989L o okfi nggff orL anggs ton,D erek Jarm an ’s1 991E dw ardI I,T omK a fl fin ’s1 9 92Sw o o n).Or fl a ndoc anb es eena sa pr fim ee x am p fleo ffqu eerc fin em a,gg fi venfitsp fl a ywfi thggen deran ds exuafl fi t yan d thecho fi c eoffJ arm anco fl flabor a torT fi fl daSw fin tonfforth etfit flero fl e.Inc as tfin gg thea r ch-dfi vaC rfi spa sth equ fin tessen c eo ffqu eenfl fines s,P otter’sfiflmt ak e sfit s fl ea dff rom W oofl ff ’sno vefl ,afi c tfiona flbfio gg r aph yw hoseherotu rn sfintoah e ro fine. Buta sG fl ynD a v fi spo fin tsou t,th efiflm’sflè se-m aj estécana fl sob etr acedb a c kto Woofl ff ’sam bfi vafl entmu sfingg sa bou tmon arch yfinhero the rw rfi tfingg s,w h fi chbo th marveflatan dr fi dfi cufl eth ecu s tomo ff‘bow finggandcu rts eyfinggtop eo p fl ew hoa re justfl fi k eou rseflve s’. 10 IMAGES OFEMP IRE R em ar k fin ggfinh e rd fia r yonth esho c kc au s e db yth er evefl atfionth atE dw ard VIIIw a scon sfide rfinggab dfi c at fionfino r de rto m arr yatw fice-dfi v orc e dAm e rfi c an so cfi afl fi te ,V fi r gg finfi aW oo fl ffno te dth ew fide sp re adv fiewth a tfi ffro yafl t yw as finp erfi fl , ‘em p fires ,h fier arch fi es– mo rafl fi t fies– w fi fl fln e verb eth es am ea ggafin ’.11 Bu tbo th ro yafl t yan dfim p erfi afl floy a fl t yh a vep ersfi ste d flon ggb eyon dth e1 93 6a b dfi c at fionc rfi - s fis,su stafine db yth et fi eso ffth eCommonw e afl tho ff N atfionsan dth egg eo po fl fi tfi c afl ff o rcesth atth fiso r gganfi satfiono fffform erB rfi tfi sht er rfi torfi e sr epr esen t s .F oun d eda s de coflonfi sa t fionan dth eCo fldW artoo kho fld fin1 94 9,fi tsh ea dcon tfinu estob eth e Brfi tfi sh mon a rch ,w hofisa fl so mon archo ffs fi x teeno fffi tsm em be rs t ates,fin cflu d- finggA ustrafl fi a. Wh ereh ern am es a k econ sofl fidate dh erho fldonth ec rown w fi th hers p ectacu flarp ro gg r essesth rou gghEn gg flan d,th e mo de rnE fl fi za b eth’sp erfio dfi c tou r so ffth eCommonw e afl th,to gge th erw fi ththo s eo ffh erro y aflr eflatfions,h a ve a flsob eenpo fl fi tfi cafl flypu rpo seffufl ,c afl cufla t e d tos tr en gg th ene conom fican dm fi fl fi ta ry a fl fl fian ces.E x pflorfingga mu ch-h eraflde dco flou rfiflmo ffon esu chv fi sfi t,T h eQ uee n fi nA ustrafl fi a( 19 54 ) ,J aneL an dm ancon sfid ersth ed ram atur ggy w fi th w h fichth e Grfi erson fiando cum entarfi stS tan fl e yH aw esr en de rsth efi r s tv fi sfi ttoA ustr afl fi ab y aru fl finggmon ar ch ,th ec fl fim axo ffth e1 9 53 –5 4R oyaflT ouro ffth eP a cfific.Shoo t fin gg 60, 000 ff ee to fffiflmonatou roff1 0 , 000m fi fl e s ,H aw e scr aff t edane x pfl fi cfi ta sse rtfion offsettfl erco flonfiafl fi sm– ‘ an ewn atfion,fl exfin gg fi t smu scfl e s ,fi fl fl fingg fi t ss pac es, finh er- fi tfinggfi tsown ’.A rrfi vfinggas Qu e eno ffth e‘ ff re ew o r fld ’,th er egg afly oun gg mo th er fi sanfi deaflr e pre sen tatfi veo ffbo thr en ew aflan dt ra d fi tfion .H erh ap p yff am fi fly– whfi t ec row dsc fl fim bfinggtre estoc atchs figghto fftheso verefiggn ,w hfi teflow ergg fi rfl s pre sen t finggth e firt rfi bu tes,an dth eo ccasfion a flIn dfigg enou sd an cer–a r ep flay e db y Au strafl fi an sfinas t rfi kfinggp erff orm an ceo fffim a gg finar yun fi t y . 10 I ntr odu ct fi on Ffi ff ty-sfixy ear sflat er ,bo thso cfi a flh fierar ch yan dfim p erfi aflfloyafl tyw erecon - firm ed finth eh fi ggh flysu c ce ssffufldram atfi s a tfiono ffEfl fi z abeth ’sffathe r ,th esoon -to - beG eo rggeV I,an dh fi st re atm en tb yA ustrafl fi ana c to r -tu rn e d-sp eechth er apfi st L fion eflLo ggue .T heK fingg ’sS pe ech( 2 0 1 0 )t ak esth efim perfi aflstor yb a cktoth ea b dfi - catfion ,w hfi chr esufl ts finP rfinc eB ertfi e’sr efluctanta scen ttoth eth ron e.O penfin gg w fithh fi sa ggonfi se dst amm erfinggat theB rfi tfi shEm p fi reE xhfi bfi tfiono ff1 92 5an dc flos- fingga tth ed ecfl a ratfiono ff w arfin1 93 9w fi thaBBCr a d fioa ddr esstoh fi sfim perfia fl su bj ects,th efiflmpo rtr a ysth eh e afl finggo ffth e mon arch yb yfitsflo ya fl ,fifffim p er- t fin en t,co flonfi aflv ass a fl .A sD efi d reG fi fl ffed dero bserv e s,T heK fingg ’sS pee chff ofl flow s th eSh a k es pear eant r a dfi tfiono ffth e‘ tru stedff oofl ’a sth efirr epr essfi bfleLo ggue (G eoff re yR ush )finsfistsone qu afl fi tyw fi thh fi sro yaflpatfi en t(Co fl finF fi rth )fins e ek- finggtocu reh fi ss t amm er.T hfi sdo seo ffd emo c r acyp ro p e flsth estuff yso ve refi ggn finto mo de rnfi ty,en a bfl finggh fimto m eetth en ew m edfi ad em an dso ff mon arch y an ds p ea kfintoth em ficro phon e.Ana fl fl -pu rpo s eth erapfi st,d r am aco a chan ds pfin do cto r,Lo ggueeff ectfiv e flyu sh er sB rfi tafin ’ sflastem pero rfintoth e fl essd efferentfiafl , bu ts tfi fl fls tra t fifi e d ,w orfl do ffth efiflm’ss pe ctators,w her efin2 01 4th eA ustr a fl fian ggov ernm en tr efin tro du c e dth et fi t fle so ffKn fi gghtan dD am e.Comm entfin ggonth e fiflm’ sch afl fl en gg etor e pu b fl fican fi sm ,th eEn gg fl fi sh jou rnafl fi stJ on ath anF ree dfl an dh a s ar ggue dth atth econ cfludfin ggem phasfi sonth eS econ dW orfldW arconfirm sth at fi t‘h asnowb ecom eou rn at fion ’sd efinfinggn arr a tfi ve,a flmo stfitsc re at fion m yth’, w fithth eb r fieflys e enP rfinc essE fl fizab eth‘ th eflastpu b fl fi cfiggu r ean yw he refinth e wo rfl dw fi thagg enu fin etfie’to fi tan dh erro yafld escen dants ‘K at ean dW fi fl fls ’now onfi r st-n am et erm sw fi thth effar-flun ggd enfizenso ffth efform erEm pfi r e.12 POPULARPART ICIPAT IONIN ROYAL REPRESENTAT ION T h edr am atfi can ddo cum en t ar yfiflmssoff ard escrfi be da red esfi ggne dff o rth e dyn am fi cso fftr ad fi tfionaflcfinem a tfi cs pec t atorsh fi p,w fi thth e(on -an doff -scre en) common era son floo k eran dthemon a rcha s th eo bje ctoffthegg aze.Bu t thfi sr efl a - t fionshfiph a sb een mo dfifi e dfinoth er mo deso ffs cre enr epresen tatfion ,en a b fl fingg th es p e c t ator toen terth es cene.A sK arenLu ryd emon strate s ,th eS cott fi sham a- teu rfi flma rchfiv eoff e rs ff as c finat finggexam p fleso ffthfi sp roc es s,w fi thhom emo vfi es offro y aflvfi sfi tsa cc fid en t a fl flyb reachfinggtheffou rthw a fl flbetw e enth ero y a flentou - ra gg ean d th ecrow d toc aptu reth esmo kfingg ,ch attfingg ,fidgg et finggs pect a to r s th em- sefl ves.An afl ysfin ggam ateu rfiflmsff rom1 9 32an d1 952,sh eo b serv e sth ew ayth e y ex poseth ec flum sycho reo gg r aphyo ffsuchv fi sfi t san dth eff r agg fi fl eff o rm a fl fi tyo ffthe mon arch’sp er fform ance.T her e cu rrfin ggfiggureo ffth ech fi fldfi sc entrafltoLu r y’s 11 M and yMe rck an a flysfi s.Inro y aflvfi sfi tfi flm s,th efl fi ttfl egg fi rflw hop roff er sh erpo s yfi safiggu reo ff so c fiafl finff e r fiorfi t y ,an finff erfiorfi t yth atcon v en fi en tflyc anb ea ttrfi bu t edtoh e rst atu s asach fi fldr ath erth ana sa m em be ro ffasu bo r dfinat epo pu fl atfion.Bu t finano th er ty peo ffam at eu rfi flm,tho sefin w h fichs choo fl ch fi fldrenp ara dea sm a ke- befl fi e ve qu een s,th e ya reth efint en d eds pe cta c fle,to ggeth erw fi thth ec row dw ho w atch th em .D re sse dfinaff an c fi ffuflap pro xfim atfiono ffc er emon fia flro be s ,th eyp ro c ee d finaw kw ar d fimfi t atfiono ffr egga flpo fi s ean da ggafinr e ve a flfi t sp erfform atfi vech ar acter. How ev er floyaflfinfint en t fion ,th eseam at eu rfi flm s finsfi dfiou sfl ye x po seth efi fl fluso ry natu reo ffro y aflsu p erfior fi t y. Wh e reth ech fi fldr enfinam ateu rfiflm sco p yth e mon archfinhom em ad eco s- tum e s , th fi sm fim e t ficfim pu flseh asflon ggb e encomm ercfiafl fi se dfin th eff ash fion findu s- tr y ’sm a ssp ro du ctfiono ffro yaflcou tu re.P aramoun tfinth fi sp ro ce s sfisth ero yafl we ddfingg ,finB a gg eho t’sffamou sd escrfiptfion,‘ th eb rfi fl fl fian te d fi tfiono ffaun fiversafl ff a c t’.R efle ct fin ggonfi tss cr eenh fistor y ,J oS te ph en sont ra cesth eo r ch estr ate d an t fi cfipa t fiono ffth eb rfidaflggownb ac ktoaB rfi tfi shP a th én ew sre e flo ffth e1 935 we ddfinggo ffP rfinc eH en r ytoL ad yA fl ficeS co tt.Em pfloy fin ggth ep res en t-ten se narr atfion fl at era do p te dffor fl fiveb ro a dca st,th ecomm en tato re xcfi tedfl yd escrfibes th ew afitfforth eb rfidean dth efint ern atfion a flr ejo fi cfin ggatth em arrfi a gg e.Ano th er Path éfiflmsu ppflem en tsth fisco vera gg eb yshow finggam ann equ finmo defl fl finggL ad y A fl fice’shon e ymoont rou sse auan dn am fin ggfi tsd esfiggner,ro y a flcou tu r fi e rNo rm an Hartn efl fl .T he1 94 7w ed dfinggo ffP rfinces sE fl fi z a beth w a sp r ec ed e db yw e ekso ff pu bfl ficfi t ya bou th erH artn efl fld ress,t a kfinggfinth er atfionfin ggcou pon sr e qu fi re dffor fi tsE ss e x- s puns fi flkffa brfi c.On th ed ayo ffth ec e remon yr e p fl ficasw erer ea d yffors afl e finth eU S.Tw ogg en er at fion s fl at er , fina d dfi tfiontoh er mu ch- ac cfl afime dA fl e xan d er McQu eenw ed dfinggggown ,C ath erfineM fid dfle tonap p ea re dfinh figgh -stre etd ress es th ath a don flytob ew orn tos e fl flou t.A sS t e ph en soncon cflude s,th fi sd emo cr at fi s a- t fiono ffro yaflff ash fion fi sc en tr a fltobo th fi tspo fl fi tfi caflan dfin an cfi aflfim pact,su st a fin- finggth eap pe a flo ffanap pa ren tfl ya cce ss fibflen atfion aflfinstfi tu t fionw h fi fl ep romo tfingg an atfion aflfindu str y . I ffb ydonn fin ggth esec floth esth epu bfl fics e e ktojo finfinth ero yafls p ecta c fle, thfi sfim pufl s efise ven mo r ee vfidentfinth er em ark a bfl epo pu fl arfi t yo ffc er emon fiafl bro a dca stsongg fi an tou t doo rs cre en s.D e spfi t eth eu bfi qu fi tyo ffdom estfi c TV , thou san dscho s etow at chth e2 0 11ro yaflw e d d fin ggfinH yd eP ar kan dT r a ffafl ggar Squ a rean dane stfim ate dm fi fl fl fioncon ggre ggate dtov fiewth eGo fl d enJu bfi fl e econ - ce r tons c re en sa flon ggth eM afl fl .H er eth et ra dfi tfion aflno rm so ffhom ev fi ew fin gg gg a vew aytotho s eo ffa c tfiv eso c fia flp artficfi p atfion ,finw hfichth eau dfi en ceb e cam e acon sfid era bfl ep arto ffth es p ecta c fle.T hfi sw ase v fid en tfinth en ew sb ro ad casts 12 I ntr odu ct fi on aff terD fi an a’ sd e athfin1 99 7 ,w henth e mou rn er sw hob rou ggh tth efi rt r fibut esto th eP aflacew ereth ew ho fleshowun tfi flth eQu e enb efl a te d fl ya r r fi ve d. S 13 fim fi fl arfl y , durfingg Dfiana’ sffun e r a fl ,fi tw asth eap p flaus eo ffth ec row dsv fi ewfinggfi tonth e b figgscre enou t sfideth atp rom pte dth ev er yun con ven tfion a flcfl ap p finggwfi th finth e Ab bey.C an vas sfinggthee xp er fienceso fffin t ervfiew eesw hoh adjofinedth eaflff r esco au d fien ces ff orth ew ed d finggoff D fi an a’ sson fin2 01 1an dh fisggran dmo th er ’s Ju bfi fl ee cefl e b r atfionsay ear fl a t er ,R u thA dam se x p flore show th es epu b fl fi cvfiewfingg sc re ated aco -pr esen cew fi th th ee v en tss creen ed,v fi a th es pec t ato rs’co -presen cew fi thon e ano th eran dthe fim agg esoffth atp resen cefincflud edw fi thfin the fl fi v ebro a dcast.T he repo rte dr esufl tw asap roff oun ds enseo ffb efingg‘pa rto ffh fi s to ry’ .In s t eado ffthe poten tfi afl fl yd esta b fi fl fi s finggperff o rm anc eo ffro yafl tyaffo rd e db yfimfi tatfi ved res s,th e partfi cfi p atoryd yn am ficw asan fimm ersfivee x perfi en c eo ffth er ea flt fim ean ds cre en spa ceo ffth ero yaflceremon y,finth ep ro cess fl egg fit fimatfinggfi tspu bfl fi csfi ggn fifi c an ce. TELEV ISION ’S CONTESTED H ISTOR IES Echo fin ggth ec fla fimth ats tat ec er emon fi aflefl ev atesth ep re s tfi ggeo ffBrfi tfi shro yafl ty ev ena sth ato ffB rfi tafind ecfl fines,D a v fidC ann adfinem afinta fine dfin1 978th atw hfi fl e th en atfion’s ‘teflevfi sfionh ascu tpo fl fi tfi cfi an sdowntos fi z e,soth atth eggran dm an- ner finp arfl fi am en to r Wh fiteh afl flfi sno flon gg ereff e ct five , fi th ascon tfinue dtoa do p t th es am er e ve ren tfi aflattfi tu detow a r dth e mon arch yw hfi chr a dfiopfionee re dfin th ed a yso ffR efi th’.14 Inr espon setoth ec r fi tfic fi smo ffth eBBC ’ spo pu fl fi stco v era gg e offth eJu b fi fl e ec efl e bra t fion sth fi rt y - ff ou ry earsflat er ,E r finB efl flan dAnnG raycon - s fid erth ecu r ren taff afi rsan dh fi sto r yp ro gg ramm esth atffr am e dth esee vent sfin th ey ears2 0 07 – 13.Com parfinggtho seb ro a dcastb yth eBBCan dCh ann e fl4,th ey me asu reth ed fiff eren ces finh fi sto r ficaflem ph as fi san dfinterp retatfiongg en eratedb y th etw ov e r yd fiff er en tB r fit fi shch ann efl s.T hreefissu esd fi scu sse dfinth emfi fl flus- tra teth ev arfi atfion finth efi rap pro a ch estoth ep astan d ffu tu reo ffth emon ar ch y– PrfinceCh arfl es’ sa du fl t eryw fi thC am fi fl fl aP ar ker-Bow fl e s ,C a th e rfineM fi ddfl eton ’ s wor kfin gg -cfl assan cest ryan dth epo ssfi bflea b dfi catfiono ffth ea ggefinggQu eeno rh er hefi r.Eff ectfi v e flyfin t erro ggat fin ggth e mo r a fle xem p flar fi t y ,so cfi aflsu p e r fior fi tyan d ffutur ecom p et enc eo ffth ero yaflff am fi fly ,th esep ro gg ramm esan dth e fira s so cfi at ed we bsfi te soff e rp ers p ectfi v esth atc anno tb ed escrfi b eda s‘ rever en tfi a fl ’,how ev er cau tfiou sth efi ra rtfi cu fl atfion. Wh eth erth eyou tw efi gghth eficon ficpow ero ffth e bro a dc astc er emon fi aflsfinw h fichth es efindfiv fidu afl ssta rfi sad fiffer entqu est fion. Wfi t ht h er eflaxatfiono ffce ns ors h fipfint h ee rao ffc abfl e,b oxe ds etsa ndstre am ed tefl e v fisfi o n,hfi s to r fi c afldram ah ases ca pe dt hec o nfineso ff ff am fi fly-ce ntre db roadcastfingg . 13 M and yMe rck Thegg rap hfi cd e p fi ctfiono ffs exa ndv fiofl en c e fins e rfi e ssu c hasR om ea ndT heB orgg fi as floutst h eh fi ggh -m find edn ess,a sw efl flast heffactuaflp retensfi o ns ,o ffpre v fioush fi stor- fi cafldram as.I nt hec aseo ffB r fi t a fin’sm o stfiflme dk fin gg ,t hep r fi v a tefl fi ff eo ff H e n r y VI IIp r ovfi d edT heT u dors( Sh ow tfim e ,2 007 –10)w fi t ha floosep retextff o rad r am atfi c up datefins cre enp erso na,e xc ha ngg finggt h ea gg efi n ggff attyfint heffeathere dh atffora pu nkp ot ent a t ew fi thp ect o r afl s .C hr onfi c fl fi n ggtheflo ngghfi storyo ff Hen r yfi flms,B a sfi fl G flyn nc ha rtst hefintern atfi o naflap pe a floffa nE ngg fl fi s hm onarchfim pervfioust ot he En gg fl fi shv fi rtueo ff‘ffa fi rp fl ay’.T heT u dor s ’a bfi dfi n ggafl flu r eoff m u r de ra n dm u fl tfip fle marrfi agg es,a se nactedb yam ufl tfi -n at fio na flcasta gg afinstac om pu ter - gg enerat edb ac k - gg rou n d ,a ttr a cte dB rfi tfi sha n dN ort hAm er fica nfi nv estm e nt ,a sw e fl fla s t a xfincentfi ves pro v fi d edb yt heI r fisha ndC a nadfiangg ov e rnm en t s .D fi s c ard finggthee xp ensfi vet rap- p fingg so ffsta gg ek nfi gghtsa n dc a stfl e fl o catfi on s ,fi tw asff r ee db yw rfi ter-produ cerM fi c haefl H fi rst top ortrayt heH enr yfi tsau d fien cew ant edtos ee–as a d fi stfi cp opst arw o rk fi ngg h fi sw ay t hrou gg hab ev yoffd o om edd am sefl sfinano pe n - necke dshfi rt .P ost - na tfionafl an dp ost-hfi storfi caflash eu n dou bte dfl y fi s , th fiskfinggu p ho fldsa tra d fi t fiont hath aso nfl y fi nt ens fifi e da sB r fi tfi s hs ov ere figg nsh av eb e ensu bject e dtos cree nm edfi a tfion–o nefin whfi c hthem on arch ya nd fi tsm ovfingg fim aggefi n c r ea sfin gg flym e r gg efinas pec t acfl ew h ose dom finantm eanfi n gg fi s thep ow ero ffsp ectacfl efi tse fl ff . MONARCHYIN CONTEMPORARY ANGLOPHONE C INEMA T he‘h erfi ta gg efiflm ’fi sfl es sagg en erfi cc a t eggoryth anapo fl fi tfi caflaccu s at fion.S fince th e1 99 0s,m an yB rfi tfi sh -m ad ep erfiodd ram ash avesob eenfl abefl fle dtoc r fitfi cfi se th eno st a flgg fi c travefloggu eo ffth e fim p er fia flp astth a t th e yar ea ccu sedo ffpro poun d- fingg .R efle ct finggonth eT h a tch erfi tem ar ketfinggoffth fi sffant asyh fi s to ry fintou rfi sm an dth ea rt s ,An drewH figg son finfi tfi afl fl yem pfloye dth et ermtoch arac terfi s eac yc fl e off‘quafl fi t y ’fiflm sw fi tha fl a ten finete en th-o re arfl ytw en tfi eth- centur ys ett fingg ,con - spfi cuou sm fi se- e n- sc èn e an dacon cen tr a tfiononan a rrowb an do ffprfivfi fle gg edch a r- actersfinp fi ctu res qu eflo c at fion s.15 I ffth atd escrfi ptfionfi tsC har fi otso ffF fi reo rth e Merch an t - Ivo rya d apta tfionso ffth eno vefl so ffE.M .F or ster , fi tafl sofit sm an yfiflm s ff e a tu r fin ggBrfi tfi sh mon a rch s .Bu ta sH fi gg sonh asa fl soo bserv ed,th es t yfl eo ffth ese fi flm sfi so ff tena to ddsw fi thth efi rn arratfi v e s,o v e rw h eflmfinggthemw fi thd e co ro r adm fi ttfinggth edou bfl er egg fi str atfiono ff‘rep ressfionan dffeefl fingg ’16 ch ara cterfi stfi co ff meflodram a.T hfi so pen sth emtomo recom pfl e xan a flys es ,an dh eh a ssfinc ee fl a b- orate dh fi scomm en tar yonth eh erfi ta gg ed e sfiggnat fion . Turn fingg finth fi sv oflum etoan gg flophon e mon arch yfiflmsm ade finth een sufingg de cades,H figg sona c know fl e dgg e sth efi rcon tfinufinggroflea sp rofitabflep ro du ctfions 14 I ntr odu ct fi on offanfim agg fin at fivecon st ructfiono ff B rfi t fishn atfion aflfiden tfi t y .A ch fievfinggth fi s re qu fi resbo thth er estat em ento ffcon t finufi tyb etw eenth ep astan dp res en tan d th e mo d ern fi satfiono ffth e mon ar ch yto m a ke fi tr e flev an ttocon t em po r ar ycon - cern s.Inanfin cre asfingg fl yt r ans atflantficfindu str y,fiflm sth a td e pfi ctS co ttfi shan d En gg fl fi shk finggsan dqu e en sa reo ff t enUK/U Sco - pro du ctfions,w or kfinggfinav a rfi et y offgg enr es.T hes ec anb erou gghfl yd fivfi d edb etw e enth ea ctfiona d v entu r ech ar- act erfi stfi co ffr e pres en tat fion so ff m e dfi e va fl mon arch sfin M eflG fibson ’sB r ave he art (1 9 95)o rth eR obfinH oo dfi flm sd fi re cte db yK evfinR e yno flds( 19 9 1 )an dR fidfl e y Sco tt( 2 0 10);th eco stum ed ram a sth att ypficafl fl yd fis p flayth eo rn am en tafl fi s edru fl - erso ffR en a fissan c eEn gg flan dfinfiflm s fl fik eS ha kes pear efinL ove( 1 99 8)an dT heO t her Bofl e ynG firfl( 20 08);an dth ed r am a so fffla t e mo d ernro yaflff am fi fl yflfi ffeffromT he Ma d nesso ffK finggG eo rgg e( 19 94)toH y deP a r ko nH u dso n( 20 1 2) .A sH figg sonpo fints ou t,th fi sw fi th dr aw a flff roma ctfiontofin terfiorfi t yr efle ctsth er e du ctfiono ffro yafl pow erffromw arrfiork fin gg shfi ptocon stfi tutfion afl mon arch y,ffromh ar dpow erto sofft.Inth fi sr e a d finggth em ean finggo ffth eC rownd fim finfi sh esffromph ysfi c aflfforc e tov fi su afls pfl en dou rtomo defl ffam fi fly .W fi thth er epr es en tatfiono ffth e fl at erro yafl s, how ever,th erefisan ec ess a r ycoun te rpofint,th effau x-an tfi qu et r adfi tfion sflar ggefl y finstfi tut e dfinV fi cto r fia’sr e fi ggntod fi stfinggu fi shth ebou r ggeofi sso ver efi ggnffromh er su bj ects.17 Her er e cen tfiflm sh av ea fl soe x pflo fi t e dth ero yafldu afl fi t yo ffs ym bo fl fi c per ff o rm eran dp rfivat ep ersonfi d en tfifi e db yK an to row fi c z ,bu tw h erer e pre s en- tatfion so ffT udo r mon a rchse ro tfi cfi s eth ero yaflbo d yto m atchfi tspu bfl fi cd e co r- atfion,tho seo ff mo dernk fingg san dqu een sem ph asfiseth efi rph ysfi c aflre s t rafint. Th et en sfionfinth esech ar act ersa sffeefl finggfindfi vfidu afl san dc eremon fi aflfiggu re- he a dsfi sth ec en traflth em eo fftw oh fi gghfl ysu cc essffuflm e flo dr am as.Bo thc asts t ars as mon arch s,bu tth e yp fl a ydownth efi rggfl amou rtoem ph a sfi seG eo r gg eV I’san d h fisd au gght erE fl fiza bethI I’sd fificufl tfiesw fi thth efi rro y a flro fles.T heQ ue end e pfi ct s th eff a t effuflw e eka ff t erth ed e a tho ff D fi an aw fitha ctu afla sw efl fla sffa brfi ca te dn ew s ff oo t aggean danfin t erm fi tt entfl ydo cum ent arys tyfl e.Bu t,a sM an d yM er ckpo fints ou t,d es pfi tefitspo rtray afloffr eaflp eo pfl ean de ven ts,do cu d ram afinth fi sfi flmfi s trum p edb ym eflodr am a’sp a tho s ,a p peaflffor mo raflr e co ggn fit fionan dh figgh fly ex pr essfi v em fi se-e n -sc ène.Sodo fin gg T heQ ue e nb ec am ew ha tD avfidT hom sonc afl fled ‘th e mo stso ph fi s tficat edpu b fl fi cr efl atfion sboo stHRHh a dh a dfin2 0y e ars. In ’18 fi t s op po sfi tfiono ffth eQu eeno ffh ea rtstoth eQu eeno ffth en atfion,th efi flme cho es Frfi e drfi chS chfi fl fl e r ’s1 8 00p ro to-m eflo dr am aM ar yS tu art,w fi th fi tsown m e dfi t atfion onaso ve refi ggncon ff ron t e dw fi tha ff em aflerfi v a flan dth eflu ctu atfinggfloy a fl tfieso ffh er su bj ects.Tw oc en turfi e sflater,m eflod ram ar en der sth e mo d ern mon arch mo r e v fivfidan daff ectfinggth anth emu ch-mou rn edP rfince ss. Mu cho ffthfist r fium phc an 15 M and yMe rck bea ttrfi bu t edtoH e flen M fi rr en,b rfin gg finggh ers ta rp erson atoa mon archfind an - gg ero ffb efin ggo ve rsh a dow e db yth eff am eo ffh e rrfivafl .Inanunu su afl fl yff o rth rfi gght d fiscu ssfiono ffro y a fltyan dc e fle brfi ty,T heQ uee nd raw sth etw or egg fim eso ffpow er to ggeth erfinas fin gg fl efi ggure,w hofin fish esth efi flmw fi thad ecflam at fionon ‘ gg fl amou r an dt ears’.A cce ptfin ggh erA ca d em yAw ar dff orth fi sp erfform an ce,th esoon -to - be Dam eH efl encon so fl fi d ate dHo fl flyw oo d’sflon ggcom p fl ficfi tyw fi th th eC rown finar ec- fi tatfiono ffth e flo yaflto ast : ‘L a dfiesan dG en tfl em en,Igg fi v ey outh eQu een .’ T heK fin gg ’sS peec hfi sp a ra dfi ggm atfico ffth econ t em po rar yr e pr esen tatfiono ffth e Brfi tfi shmon ar ch y th rou gghamo de th attr a d fi tfion a fl flysfid esw fi th th epow erfl e ss.A s N fico fl aR eh fl finggd emon str a t es,th eP rfinc ew hob ecom esG eo r gg eV I(Co fl finF fi rth ) fi sa m eflod ram at ficfi ggur ew ho s efin t egg rfi t yfisun d ers co re d,finL findaW fi fl fl fiam s’ s ph ra se,b y‘ th eflfi t er a flsuff e r fin ggo ffana ggonfize dbo d y’ .H fi ss pe echfim p e dfim en t em bo d fiesth ep sy chficw oun dsc au s e db ybo thth ed em an dso ffro yafl t yan dh fi s au ste reff ath er.L fik eh fi sn fi c kn am e‘B er tfi e’,h fi ss tamm erfin ggren d ersh fimth e obj ecto ff po puflarfi d entfifi ca tfion,d e spfi teh fiss efl ff -con ff ess e dfiggno ran c eo ff h fi s commonsu bj ects.M eflodr am a, finP ete rB roo ks’sfinflu en t fiafl fformu fl atfion ,offe rs mo raflfl e gg fibfi fl fi t yfinas ecu fl are r a,bu ton flyfinfin dfiv fidu afl fi s edt erm s .B e rtfi e’sh ys- terficaflsym ptom sconfi rmh fisv fi r tu ean dth ato ffth emon a rch ya s fin stfi tu tfionv fi a ar eflentfl e ss ff o cu sonth ep r fiva ter eaflm ,w fi thth es p ect reo ffc fl a ssan t aggonfisman d re pu b fl fi c anp ro t este v ok edon fl ytob ed fism fiss ed.T heK fingg ’ss tamm erfin ggsp e aks th ebu r d eno ffro yafl t y ,w hfi flea flsop ro v fidfinggav eh fi cfle ff o re x pflor finggth er et errfi to- r fiafl fi s at fiono ffth epu bfl fic/ prfi v at ed fistfinc tfion finth ew a k eo ffth en ewm assm e dfia . H fisfin aflb ro a dc astun fi testh en a tfion,r efinvfiggo r atfinggth en atfion a flbo dya fi fl fingg ff romh fi sb ro th er’sa b dfi catfion ,t rfium ph an tfl yr e ad yfinggfi tfforw ar. Bo thfi flm sc fl fim a xw fi thth efi r mon ar ch s’sp e ech e sb ro ad casttoth en atfion,a med fi a teda sse rtfiono ffth efin cr easfin ggfimpo r tan c eo ffth em assm edfiatoro yafl au tho r fi t y .A sro yaflb fiogg r aph erW fi fl fl fi amSh aw c ro ssw ro teo ffT heQ u ee n’ spo r- tra y afloffth emon arch ’sr e actfiontoth ed ea tho ff D fi an afin1 99 7 , ‘Sfinc eth efi flm wasr efl e as edsh eh ash ad m an y mo reflett ers,som eo ffth ew r fi t erss a yfin ggth at beffor eth efi flmth e yh adn eve rqu fiteund ers toodw h atsh eh adb e enth rou ggh, oth er ss a yfin gghowgg fl adth e yw e r eth atth efi flmh adfin afl flyt r fiedtot efl flth e tru thth e yh ada flw ay sa ccep t ed .’19 Inth eO flymp ficop enfin gg ,th er e afl Qu e en rep fl a ced M fi rr enfinth efi ctfion aflff r am e.R epo rted flyd efl fi v eredfinon et ak e,h er ‘Goode ven fin gg ,M rBond ’w asas flyr eff e ren c etoth eh fi sto rfi caflfint erch an gg e betw een mo tfionp fictu resandth eP a fla ce.F orar es erv ed w om an w hoh ad comp fl afin eda say oun ggp r fin ce sso ffth eh arsh fl fi gghtfin ggoffh erpho to ggr aph er s , 2 0 th e Qu e en’semb r ac eo ff mo vfiebond a ggew asano v erdu ea cknow fled gg em ent 16 I ntr odu ct fi on offaffafi taccom p fl fi .H ermod eflw a soffcou rse‘M ’ ,Bond ’ sbo ssfinth efi flms e rfi es, p flay edff rom1 995’sGofl denEy etoth e2 0 09Sky ff afl flbyJud fiD ench .In1 9 98D am e Jud fia fl sop fl a yed,finM rs.Brow n, th eQu e en’sgg reat-gg reat - gg randmo therV fi cto r fi a, and fin1 99 7h ern am esake ,E fl fi z abethI ,finShakespear e fi nL ove.A sPh fi fl fipF rench wrot efinh fi sre v fiewo ff Sky ffa fl fl ,‘Ms e em snowacod efle tte rfform a j est y .’2 1 Its fl fi ter a fl fi sat fionth re eyearsfl a t erw asanO flympfi ana chfi ev em ento ffupd atedflo y- afl ty ,m edfi ar efl e x fiv fi tyandr ecfiprocaflprodu c tp fl acem en t–finth et r ad fi tfiono ff Brfi t fishs creen mon archs. NOTES 1S e eJ os eph N ye,Soff tP owe r :T heM ea n st oS uccessfi nW orfl dP ofl fi t fi cs(N ewY or k : Pu bfl ficAffa fi rs,2 0 04);an dJ ohn Ho fldena ssfi stedb y Ch rfi sT r yho rn ,I nflue nc ea nd Att r actfi o n:C u fl t urea ndt heR a cefforS o ff tP ow erfint he2 1 s tC ent ury(Lon don :B rfi t fish Coun cfi fl ,2 013), www . brfi tfi sh coun cfi fl .orgg/…/fifl es/finfluen ce-an d-attr actfion-re por t. pdff . 2An d rzej O fl echnow fi cz,‘H fisto r fians an d th e mo d ern B rfi tfi sh mon ar ch y’ ,fin An drz ejO fl echnow fi cz( e d .),T h eM o narchya ndt heB rfi tfi shN atfi o n,1 78 0t ot heP resent (C am b r fidgge :C am brfi d ggeUn fi v ersfi tyP res s,2 007),p p.2 9 –31. 3S eeG fi s efl fleB ast fin,‘Ffi flm finggth efineffa bfl e:b fiopfi cso ffth eB rfi t fi shro ya flff am fi fly’ ,A uto/ Bfi ogg ra p hyS tudfi es2 4 : 1( Summ er2 00 9) . 4S e eJ ohnSn efl son ,‘R o yafl tyons t agge :ffamou se x am p flesan ds tru gg gg fle sw fi thro yafl cen sor shfip ’,R o yaflO peraH ous e( 18Jun e2 01 3 ),www .roh.o rgg .u k/ ff amou s- ex am pfl es- an d-stru gggg fl es-w fi th-cen so rsh fi p;an dM arkL aw son ,‘On efi sr ea d yfforon e’sc flo se-u p’, Gua rdfi a n( 8S e ptem b er2 006),www .th egguar d fi an. com/fi flm/ 2 00 6/ sep/ 0 8/ 3. 5M afl co flm Mu gg ggerfi dgge , ‘T hero yaflso apo per a’ ,N ewS tatesm a n(fi rstpu bfl fi sh e dfinth e NewS ta tesm an,2 2O cto ber1 955),r e pu b fl fi sh e db yth e NewS t atesm an( 30M a y2 01 2), www .n ew s t atesm an.com/ fl fi ff est y fle/ 2012/ 0 5/ro yafl -so ap-op era. 6I bfi d. 7G eo rgg eO rw efl fl ,‘T heEn gg fl fishp eo pfle ’,finT heC o fl fl ec t edE ss a y s ,J o urn afl fi sma n dLetters o ff G eo rgg eO rw efl fl ,v o fl .3 ,A sIP fl e a s e ,1 943– 1945 ,e d.Son fi aO rw efl flan dI an An ggus (Lon don :S eck er& W ar bur gg ,1 96 8),p.1 7. 8W afl terB a gg eho t,T heE ngg fl fi shC onstfi tutfi on( 18 67)(Lon don :F on tan aL fibra ry ,1 96 3) ,p .8 5. 9E rn stH .K an torow fi cz,T heK fi ngg ’sTw oB odfi es:AS t udyfinM edfi a evaflP ofl fi t fi c a flT heofl ogg y (Prfinc eton ,N J:P r fincetonUn fiversfi tyP r e s s ,1 95 7 ). 10V fi r gg fin fia W oo fl ff ,‘R o yafl ty’[ 1 934],fin M fich è fleB arrett( e d . ) ,W om ena n dW rfi tfi ngg (N ewY ork:H arv est,2 0 03),p .1 3 9. 11V fi r gg fin fiaW oofl ff ,TheD fi ar yoffV fir gg finfi aW oofl ff,v ofl .5,1 9 36–1 9 4 1,e d.Ann eO fl fivfi erB efl fl (Lon don :Ho ggarthP ress,1 98 4) ,p p.1 2– 13. 12J on ath anF ree dfl an d,‘ T heK fi n gg ’sS peechfl aysb areth esh e ers c afl eo ffth er epu b fl ficanch afl - fl en gg e’,G uardfi a n( 18J anu ar y2 01 1), www .th egguar d fian.com/ comm en t fi sffre e/2 011/ jan/ 1 8/ kfingg s-s pe e ch -re pu bfl fi c an-ch afl fl engge-w ar-qu een . 17 M and yMe rck 13Se eM and yM erck,‘In tro ductfion’ ,fin M an dyM erc k( ed.),A ff t erD fiana:Ir r everent Efl egg fi es(Lon don :V erso,1 99 8) ,p .7 . 14D avfi dC anna dfine ,‘T hecon te x t,p erff o rm an cean dm eanfinggoffrfi tu afl :th eB rfi t fi sh mon archyan dth e“finv entfiono fftradfi tfion”,c .1 820– 19 77’ ,finE rfi c Ho bsbawman d Teren ceR angger( eds),T heI n v e nt fionoffT radfi t fion(C am brfi dgge :C am brfi d gg eUn fi versfi ty Pr e s s ,2 000 ),p .1 58. 15S ee And rew H figg son ,‘R e-p res ent finggth en atfionaflp ast :no s tafl gg fi aandp ast fiche finth eh erfi ta gg efiflm’,finL esterF rfi edm an( ed. ) ,B rfi tfi shC fi nem aa ndT hatche rfi sm (London :Rou tfl ed gg e,1 9 93). 1 6F o rad e tafi fledcomm ent ar ys e eB efl én V fi dafl ,H erfi ta gg eF fi flm :N atfi on,G enrea nd Re p r esenta tfi on(Lon don :W afl flflow e r,2 01 2) ,p .1 9. 17S eeC ann adfine,‘T hecon te xt ,p er ff orm an cean dm ean finggoffr fi tu afl ’ ,p p .1 0 1–64. 1 8D a vfi dT hom son,‘B fiogg r aphficafld fi ctfion a r yo ffflm fi,num ber9 9( St eph enF rears)’ , Gu ardfi a n( 3S e ptem b er2 01 0) ,p .1 4 . 1 9W fi fl fl fi amSh aw cross,‘P ortrafi tfinm a jest y’ ,Vanfi tyF afi r( Jun e2 007),p.1 06. 2 0B enP fim flo tt, ‘Mon arch yan dth em essa gg e ’,Po fl fi tfi caflQ ua rte rfl y6 9:B( 1 998),p.9 4. 2 1Ph fi fl fi pF ren ch,S‘ ky ffafl fl’,O bserver( 28O cto ber2 0 1 2), www .the gguardfi an.com/ fiflm/ 2012/o ct/ 28/ sk yff afl fl - j am es-bon d-r ev fiew. 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T hom son ,D avfi d,‘B fiogg raph fi cafldfi ct fion aryo fffi flm,num ber9 9 (Ste ph enF re a rs)’, G uar dfi an( 3S eptem b er2 01 0 ). Vfi d a fl ,B efl én ,H erfi taggeF fi flm:N a tfi o n,G enrea n dR eprese ntatfi o n (Lon don: Wafl flo flwer,2 01 2 ). Woo fl ff ,V fi r gg fin fia ,T heD fiaryoffV fi rgg fi nfi aW oo fl ff,v ofl .5 ,193 6–194 1,e d.Ann eO fl fi vfi er Befl fl(Lon don :Ho gg arthP r ess,1 98 4). ——— ‘R oy afl ty’[ 19 34],fin Mfi ch èfl eB ar r ett( ed.),W om ena ndW rfi t fi n gg (N ewY or k : Har vest,2 003). 19 P artI V fi c tor fi anfin ven tfion s 1 ‘ Averywon d erffu flp roces s’ :QueenVfi c torfi a , pho togg raphyan dfi flma tthefi ndes fi èc fl e I anC hrfi s tfi e Qu eenV ficto r fi a’sD fi amon d Jubfi fl e e ,c e flebr ate d fin1 8 97, fi sggen e rafl fl ya gg r eed toh a v e be enth ec er emon fi aflcfl fim a xtoh err e figgn ,m ar kfingganun exp ect edr etu rntopu b- fl fica pp ear anc eaffte rd ec a deso ffs efl ff - fim po s e ds e cflusfionff o fl flow finggth ed e atho ff PrfinceA fl b ertfin1 86 1.Y ethowmu ch fi ts fim p actow e d tob efinggth efirstm a jors tate ev enttob ecom preh en sfi veflyfi flm e d ,w fi thr eco rdso ffth ep roc essfionb e finggshown th rou gghou tB r fi tafinan dth eB r fi tfi shEm pfi re,a sw e fl fla se fl s ew h ere,h a sh ard flyb een ass es s ed.No rh asth e reflat fion shfi pb e tw e enV fi cto rfi a’s flon gg -stan dfingg finter es tfinpho - to gg ra ph y ,s tfi fl flver ymu ch fine v fiden cea tth et fim eo ffth eJu bfi fl e e,an dh e rrespon se to ‘anfim at edpho to ggra ph y’. Wh fi fl e JohnP flun k e t th asa r gguedcon vfin cfingg fl yffors ee- finggVfi cto rfi aa s‘m e dfi am a de’,hfi s ff ocu s fi sp rfim arfi flyon ‘th etr em en dou se xp ansfion offthem ar ketfforn ew s pa pers,boo k s ,p erfio d ficafl san den gg ra vfingg s’th ath e rr e fi ggn w fitn e ss ed. An 1 dd es p fi t ea gg reefinggwfi thP flun k ett’sc fl afim th a t ‘th ero y aflfimaggefi tsefl ff be cam epho to gg ra ph fi c’ ,a tfleaston eo ffhfi sc r fi tficsh asd rawna tt entfiontoana ppa r- en tfl ac ko ffa gg en cy finh fi spo rtra ya floffV fictorfia’sr efl atfion sh fi ptoth fispro c ess .2 Mypu rpo seh er efi sno ttoa dju dfi c a t eth ed e gg r eeo ffV fi cto rfi a’sfinv ofl vem ent fin he rpho to gg raph fi co rfiflm fi cr e presen tatfion–e s pe cfi afl flyfinv fi ewo ffthe fl fim fi tedan d som ew hats efl ect fiv ee v fid en cea vafi fl a bfl effromro y a fla r chfives.R ath er ,fitfistocon - ne ctth es c attered ff r a ggm en tso ffevfiden c e , fino rd ertooffe rana ccoun tth atdo e s no tun der estfimateV fi cto rfi a’sa ctfi ve finter est finth en ewpho to gg raph fi cm edfi a,o r cre ateaff afl s ehfia tu sb etw eens t fi fl flan d mo vfinggp fi ctu r es,w hfi fleb ro adflya gg re e fin gg w fithth em an yw rfiter sw hoh aves tr esse dhowth es er esh ap e dth efim aggeo ff mon a r ch ya tth etu rno ffth ec entu ry. APASS IONFORPHOTOGRAPHY Inon eoffthe mostv fiv fi dac countsoffVfi c to r fi a’ s finvo fl vem entw fi thphoto gg r aph y , apfion eerh fi s tor fi anoffthemed fium,Bfi fl flJ a y ,cfl a fim stha ttheQu eenw a svfi ew fin gg 23
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