Board Meeting Minutes 7.30 pm, Thursday 15th September 2022 Venue: Online (Google Meet) & DHFC BoardRoom Attending: Tim Scott (TS) (Chair), Paul Hamilton (PH), Adam Haxell (AH), Sarah Ponsford (SP), Danny Lester (DL), Gen Williams (GW), Matt Reynolds (MR), Liam Ball (LB), Nick Igoe (NI), Philip Mitchell (PM) (Secretary) Guests: Mark Scoltock (MS), Mel Hughes (MH), Ben Clasper (BC) A. INTRODUCTION A1. Apologies for absence Board Members: Sam Steele (SS), Laura Stoker (LS), James Dinsdale (JD) A2. Minutes of previous Board meetings The minutes of the meeting of 18th August 2022 were accepted. A3. Conflicts of Interest None were recorded. B. MAIN TOPICS B1. Relationship with Club Discussion with Club Chairman A standing invitation to join every third Trust Board meeting has been made to Ben Clasper (BC). Page 1 of 6 The fact that BC was able to attend today was very appropriate, as he was able to discuss recent developments at the club. BC invited the Trust Board to contribute thoughts to the process of recruiting the new manager or management team. ACTION 2209-B1.1 All to offer thoughts re recruitment process and requirements BC set out his understanding of the development issues which the Club will face over the coming period. It would be useful for the Trust to develop, with the Club, a flyer with an explanation of the next part of the pro- cess, showing the responsibilities of each party and the key timescales, particularly with respect to the Judicial Review (JR). It is clear that the great majority of fans are unaware of the dangers of the current situation. BC will provide information for the authors of such a flyer. We will also need to create background information and update our website. MH circulated a similar flyer created at the time of the Club’s stay in Tooting. ACTION 2209-B1.2 PH/DL will drive the communications process re the JR and associated issues It may be useful for the trust to mobilise fans to act in favour of our cause, since many of them have useful skills, and they may not face some of the constraints affecting the Club. The Trust Board thanked BC for his attendance and candour. Trust’s Shareholding, Club ownership, and financial status Action re increase in the Trust’s role has been amalgamated into other actions. Action CLOSED (Action 2204-B1.2) TS has met BC. Action CLOSED (Action 2206-B1.1) Board members have nominated themselves for sub-groups. Action CLOSED (Action 2207-B1.2) Action below (text amended slightly) CONTINUES - TS will finalise and publish the list of sub-group mem- bership. ACTION 2207-B1.1 TS to complete re-establishment of sub-groups Page 2 of 6 Action below (reworded and reallocated) CONTINUES - NI, TS and LB will advance the topic ACTION 2207-B1.4 NI and TS to consider the role, obligations and expectations of the Trust vis-à-vis the Club at different levels of ownership Action below (reallocated) CONTINUES - the Trust Board expects to agree this document at the October meeting ACTION 2207-B1.5 MH to email Code of Conduct to new Board members Seats on Club Board and Positions on Club Committees MH will propose who joins which of the Club’s Board committees.. Aim is to agree results at the Trust Board’s October meeting. The Board discussed how the nominee directors should balance their responsibility to inform and consult the Trust Board with the need to maintain confidentiality. The Board agreed that, using their judgement, nominee directors should feel able to inform the Chair and the Vice-Chair of confidential information from the Club Board. If the information is confidential, other Board members should not be informed to ensure that confiden- tiality is maintained. Report on Club Board Meetings Nothing further to report. Issues for Next Club Board Meeting Nothing further to report. The nominee directors will circulate the agenda for the upcoming Club Board meeting. ACTION 2209-B1.3 MS/MH to share Club Board meeting agenda. B2. Board Membership Positions and Roles PM was re-apppointed as Secretary until September 2023. Page 3 of 6 Action CLOSED (Action 2207-C4.2) Co-Option The Board recognise that the Trust has limited legal skills available to it at present. ACTION 2209-B2.1 - TS to discuss legal assistance with an unsuccessful election candidate Development of Trust Capabilities Action below (amended slightly) CONTINUES. - PM will recirculate the document so the Board can decide whether we should use it or not. ACTION 2109-7.5.1 - All to consider Trust development slide pack C. MONTHLY TOPICS C1. Finance update Finance Overview (The Treasurer had submitted a monthly report in accordance with the Board’s reporting policy.) Nothing further to report. 100 Club (The Secretary had submitted a monthly report in accordance with the Board’s reporting policy.) Nothing further to report. C2. Membership Engagement Update Membership Review Action for Trust Board members to check that they are paid-up Trust members for 22-23 has been done. Action CLOSED (Action 2207-C2.1) Page 4 of 6 (Post-meeting note: one Trust Board member had indeed forgotten to renew. This has been fixed since the meet- ing.) C3. Merchandising update (The group had submitted a monthly report in accordance with the Board’s reporting policy.) Action below CONTINUES ACTION 2203-C3.2 - MS/LB to propose and agree new revenue share agreement Action below CONTINUES - LB to speak to Clare Keeble. ACTION 2207-C3.1 - LB to agree terms re Defected sales (if required) C4. Community sub-group Action below CONTINUES ACTION 2207-C5.1 - All consider how to make Trust membership and Board more diverse Action below CONTINUES ACTION 2208-C4.1 - SP to pursue Quiet Room/Prayer Room The Board agreed in August that we will not run coaches on a regular basis. The Board did, though, agree to consider helping the club by subsidising coaches in specific cases, such as when there is a strike, or major cup matches. As the train situation appears to be degrading further, TS and GW will consider next steps. ACTION 2209-C4.1 - TS/GW to consider next steps re coaches D. OTHER PERIODICAL TOPICS D1. Objectives Board Objectives session will be held on October 24th, and run by SS. PM will send out invitation. MH and MS will be invited. Action CLOSED (Action 2111-D4.2) Page 5 of 6 D2. IT MS has passed necessary IT credentials to current Board members. Action CLOSED (Action 2207-D2.1) E. ACTIONS FROM PREVIOUS MONTHS’ MINUTES (where not covered elsewhere) Board members’ holidays have been added to the shared Calendar. Action CLOSED (Action 2207-F1.1) Action below CONTINUES - five people are still to provide their profiles. ACTION 2208-F1.2 - AH to refresh Board member profiles on the website Action below CONTINUES. ACTION 2109-9.3.3 - PM to ensure that sustainability is examined post-COVID The Board discussed the timing of the AGM, in order potentially to make the set up of the new Board more ef- fective and better linked to the season. In practice, it’s very difficult to move the AGM forward, and more realis- tic to schedule a first meeting very soon after the AGM, at which we would assign roles, consider holidays, and get some action under way in good time for the season. ACTION 2208-F1.1 - PM to schedule a new Board kick-off meeting a week after next year’s AGM F. ANY OTHER BUSINESS AND DATE OF NEXT MEETING Any Other Business Player of the month trophies have been ordered. ___________________________________________________________ Date of Next Meeting: Thursday 20th October 2022 at 19:30 Meeting closed at 22:15 ______________________________________________________ Page 6 of 6
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