Board Meeting Minutes 7.30 pm, Thursday 20th October 2022 Venue: Online (Google Meet) & DHFC BoardRoom Attending: Tim Scott (TS) (Chair), Paul Hamilton (PH), Sarah Ponsford (SP), Danny Lester (DL), Gen Williams (GW), Liam Ball (LB), Philip Mitchell (PM) (Secretary), Laura Stoker (LS), James Dinsdale (JD) (part-time) Guests: Mark Scoltock (MS), Mel Hughes (MH) A. INTRODUCTION A1. Apologies for absence Board Members: Nick Igoe (NI), Adam Haxell (AH), Sam Steele (SS), Matt Reynolds (MR) Guests: none A2. Minutes of previous Board meetings The minutes of the meeting of 15th September 2022 were accepted. A3. Conflicts of Interest None were recorded. B. MAIN TOPICS B1. Relationship with Club Trust’s Shareholding, Club ownership, and financial status Spreadsheet with sub-groups established. Page 1 of 5 Action CLOSED (Action 2207-B1.1) Action below (reworded and reallocated) CONTINUES - NI, TS and LB will advance the topic ACTION 2207-B1.4 NI, LB and TS to consider the role, obligations and expectations of the Trust vis-à-vis the Club at different levels of ownership Action below (reallocated) CONTINUES - the Trust Board expects to agree this document at the November meeting (if not before). ACTION 2207-B1.5 MH to email Code of Conduct to new Board members Seats on Club Board and Positions on Club Committees Club Committees are still not fully in place. Report on Club Board Meetings (The nominee directors had submitted a monthly report in accordance with the Board’s reporting policy.) Nothing further to record. Issues for Next Club Board Meeting Action below CONTINUES ACTION 2209-B1.3 MS/MH to share Club Board meeting agenda. TS noted that the Trust Board is ready, willing and able to offer help to the Club, but we need to know where help would be most valuable and how best to engage. B2. Board Membership Positions and Roles Nothing further to record. Co-Option Action re contacting a person who could offer legal support has been closed. Page 2 of 5 Action CLOSED (Action 2209-B2.1) Development of Trust Capabilities Action below (amended slightly) CONTINUES. - PM has recirculated the document so the Board can decide whether we should use it or not. ACTION 2109-7.5.1 - All to consider Trust development slide pack C. MONTHLY TOPICS C1. Finance update Finance Overview (The Treasurer had submitted a monthly report in accordance with the Board’s reporting policy.) MR asked several questions in his report about the possibility of investing with a different bank (rather than the Co-Op). The Board has a slight preference for the Co-Op, but invites MR to make a proposal. ACTION 2110-C1.1 - MR to propose investment policy 100 Club (The Secretary had submitted a monthly report in accordance with the Board’s reporting policy.) A large (pretend) cheque was presented to a winner during a recent match. The Board agreed to repeat the exercise when convenient. C2. Membership Engagement Update Membership Review The Board needs to ensure that our records distinguish between Child and Concession members. We also need a way of members proving their membership (to access benefits), and we may want to give badges to members. ACTION 2210-C2.1 - TS to discuss the above with JD and SS C3. Merchandising update Page 3 of 5 (The group had submitted a monthly report in accordance with the Board’s reporting policy.) Action below CONTINUES ACTION 2203-C3.2 - MS/LB to propose and agree new revenue share agreement Defected sales agreement is sorted. Action CLOSED (Action 2207-C3.1) C4. Community sub-group Action below CONTINUES ACTION 2207-C5.1 - All consider how to make Trust membership and Board more diverse Action below CONTINUES ACTION 2208-C4.1 - SP to pursue Quiet Room/Prayer Room Action re coaches has been closed. Action CLOSED (Action 2209-C4.1) Community sub-group to propose options re food bank and related topics. ACTION 2210-C4.1 -LS/SP to propose food bank options D. OTHER PERIODICAL TOPICS D1. Objectives PM to arrange and conduct Vision and Objectives session on October 24th. ACTION 2210-D1.1 - PM to run Vision & Objectives session E. ACTIONS FROM PREVIOUS MONTHS’ MINUTES (where not covered elsewhere) Action below (slightly amended and reallocated) CONTINUES Page 4 of 5 ACTION 2208-F1.2 - DL to refresh Board member profiles on the website, & to pursue those who are missing Recruitment process action is closed. Action CLOSED (Action 2209-B1.1) Action below CONTINUES. ACTION 2209-B1.2 PH/DL will drive the communications process re the JR and associated issues F. ANY OTHER BUSINESS AND DATE OF NEXT MEETING Any Other Business MH will email TS, PH, Brad W and Rachel regetting sustainability work under way, especially re match day plastic. ACTION 2210-F1.1 MH to email sustainability sub-group This supersedes a previous action about returning to discussion of sustainability. Action CLOSED (Action 2209-9.3.3) TS will email the group to ask who needs what form of access to emails and get necessary system set up. ACTION 2210-F1.2 TS to email group about email access The Board discussed the possibility of a Xmas party. We have pencilled in Friday 16th December. There may be a home game on 17th December, in which case we may switch to Saturday. ACTION 2210-F1.3 LS to speak with MH & TS to get Xmas party arrangement under way The action below CONTINUES ACTION 2208-F1.1 - PM to schedule a new Board kick-off meeting a week after next year’s AGM ___________________________________________________________ Date of Next Meeting: Thursday 17th November 2022 at 19:30 Meeting closed at 21:30 ______________________________________________________ Page 5 of 5
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