Coach like a pro COACH'S GUIDE A complete guide to getting started as a Fitness professional. RYAN CAICCO TABLE OF CONTENTS 03 INTRODUCTION 06 COACHING CORE 07 PHILOSOPHY ON COACHING & TRAINING 15 ASSESSMENT & WARM UP DESIGN 18 ART OF COACHING 20 PERSONAL COACHING VS GROUP 23 BECOME A LIFE ATHLETE Introduction STRIVE LIFE CERTIFICATION Level 1 Foundation A nationally accredited course to become certified as both a Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor and insurable upon successful completion. I am excited to share with you all of the knowledge and experience that I've acquired over the last 20+ years, all of which has materialized in developing the Strive Life Method. A proven, tried, tested and true way to become a great coach and help clients safely progress and improve their lives. This guide lays out all of the pillars of the Level 1 Foundations Course necessary to master the Strive Coaching Method. Coaches will learn to implement the principles laid out in the one day Strive Life Certification, our learn by doing approach will prepare you to immediately begin applying the systems, structures and frameworks. Watch out for exclusive email for anyone who has downloaded our guide, you’ll receive a $150 discount for the upcoming course. 03 Introduction THE STRIVE LIFE Coaching Collective WHO. We are a collective of health forward movers and leaders. We are advocates for physical performance, real quality, movement application and the pursuit of lifelong health and performance. WHAT. Rooted in functional athletic movement, we deliver simple yet effective purpose-driven training paired with elite movement coaching dedicated to longevity. 04 Introduction THE STRIVE LIFE Coaching Collective VISION. We are life athletes, who together are shifting fitness culture towards a more inclusive, scalable and approachable framework that allows for long term progression focusing on longevity. MISSION. Committed to challenging and advancing physical culture by applying it to our personal lives and sharing best practices through the Strive Method Proud Creative Knowledgeable Fun Inclusive Professional 05 Coaching Core HOW TO... WORK WITH CLIENTS First and foremost become a certified Fitness Professional with SL Certifications Level 1 Foundations & you will be eligible to acquire insurance. You should also get your CPR certificate so that you will have all the items checked off the list of the highest importance. 06 Coaching Core THE 3 C's CONFIDENCE. Be confident with your newly acquired skills, approach people to share your new career, your positive energy will be received by those you interact with, thus every encounter is an opportunity and prospective client. COMMUNICATION. Build a connection with your client, start conversations and then LISTEN. The more you listen, the more information you can learn about your client. This way you can build out a follow-up proposal even if they haven't asked for one on how you can help them achieve their goals. Be proactive. It is as much or more about building relationships and rapport as it is about sets, reps, exercises. CARING. Having a clear defined why really helps to share your story, you'll come across authentic and genuine as opposed to rehearsed and forced. Your story is true selling point. Let it flow naturally and help clients know you understand where they are right now. People don’t buy what you do, they buy WHY you do it! (Learn More in SL Certifications Education Segments 1 & 4) 07 Coaching Core THE 3 P's PLANNING. Have your session planned out and have a plan B for when the unexpected comes. You are always better to plan more in your sessions and remove than to be trying to add things in as fillers as you go. Focus on proper warm-up, fundamental movement skills and building a strong foundation. (Learn More in SL Certifications Movement Segment 1) PREPERATION. As a rule of thumb when starting out, the minimum is an hour planning for an hour of work (session). A good way to approach things is to do it yourself, while you are doing it, prep yourself for coaching it. (Learn more in SL Certifications Education Segments 1 & 4) PASSION. Lead with passion, people don’t buy Coaching, people buy Coaches. It might mean volunteering some time upfront, doing a complimentary session and or accommodating requests. Show you're into to make a difference because you care. 08 Coaching Core THE 3 S's SIMPLE IS BEST. Do not bite off more than you can chew. Only program what you feel you can confidently coach effectively. Don’t take on 2 clients if you are not ready for 1. Slow and steady wins the race. Odds are that when you do a great job with client 1, they will refer you to client 2. (Learn More in SL Certifications Education Segment 4) SET ATTAINABLE GOALS. Discuss goals and set up small opportunities for your client to succeed. Start small and with only one thing. Let them get used to success and what it feels like, it will help keep them on track and for them to believe in you and trust you. It’s about teamwork and finding how to work well together to progress. SMALL VICTORIES. What we think is easy for us, will not be for your client, get into their shoes and have empathy. This sets you up for your relationship to strengthen. Celebrate the small victories together. Have those checkpoints mapped out and build for the long term. 09 Philosophy on Coaching & Training THE 6 PILLARS TO BE A GREAT COACH Coachability Self evaluation is a critical process for any athlete’s development. Although you may be the coach, you thirst for learn and improving must never die. Personable Leadership and vibe begins well before the workout/session starts. You are the pacesetter for each session's energy, set it high! Delivery, Vibe, Flow Every session is essentially a story and each coach a story teller in their own right. We encourage coaches to bring their own autonomy and personal flare, passions and strengths to the table, however, there is a certain expectation for the delivery and articulation of each Strive session. 10 Philosophy on Coaching & Training THE 6 PILLARS TO BE A GREAT COACH Verbal Cueing Providing athletes with clear and concise demonstrations + explanations is integral to our method. It is our job as coaches to clearly present movements with a priority on scalability, safety and quality then adding layers of performance and difficulty. Athlete Handling The best referees are the ones who regulate a high level of play without interfering with it. Coaches are responsible for the safety, intensity and standard of the sweat while setting and building energy of the room. Teamwork For every session to run smoothly, coaches must maintain flow and vibe. Learn your client's working style and adapt to it. This is our deepest layer and critical to each session running smoothly and on time. 11 Philosophy of Coaching & Training THE STRIVE LIFE TRAINING PHILOSOPHY The focus is on building a strong foundation and consistently improving the fundamental movement skills. First, move well, then move often.Keeping it simple and highlighting movement education. Always stressing quality over quantity and applying regressions where necessary in order to maintain a safe training environment. On the side of progression, looking to connect quality movements, apply intensity, and intention to increase work capacity. 12 Philosophy of Coaching & Training FOUNDATIONAL MOVEMENTS MOVEMENT EMPHASIS HINGE Hip Dominant SQUAT Knee Dominant LUNGE Linear SKATER Lateral PLANK Isometric Hold PUSH UP Horizontal Press PRESSING Vertical Press PULLING Horizontal & Vertical JUMP Plyometric ROTATION 13 Philosophy of Coaching & Training FOUNDATIONAL MOVEMENTS Key Points Training scaled, specified and periodized to 01 progress you Warm up and mobility are just as important 02 as the workout We program workouts to build you up not 03 break you down We prioritize movement mastery and 04 physical literacy not reps for time We focus on shoulder and hip control for 05 general life pre-habilitation We vary exercises within general movement 06 patterns. 07 Nothing is random 08 We prepare you for everything 14 Assessment & Warm Up Design THE STRIVE LIFE WARMUP EDUCATION Our approach has the assessment built into each session. The warm up template serves as a movement screen, evaluation and assessment either on a personal 1 on 1 basis or group training and each person in the group. Key Points: All Strive warmups are a minimum 20 movement 01 framework. Ensuring a 20+ movement warmup increases certain 02 elements: MOBILITY COACHING MOVEMENT PREP ASSESSMENT CORRECTIVES Someone starting out or depending on their level, age, 03 injuries, etc, may only live in the “WARM UP” Daily Routine space... and that's OK. The warm up portion can and will double as general 04 preparation for activity or even triple as a daily routine. 15 Assessment & Warm Up Design AREAS OF FOCUS Warm up Education For Level 1 Foundations, The Strive Method employs a 3 phase movement education approach, this allows for a clear 'why' and results in preparation. 16 Assessment & Warm Up Design WARM UP TEMPLATE PHASES MOVEMENTS PRE SWEAT 10 ACTIVE MOBILITY 08 BODY PRIMER 10 28 17 Art of Coaching THE STRIVE LIFE ART OF COACHING The art of coaching requires several elements to apply. These elements are a formula for success, separating Coaches from being Instructors and furthermore developing Good Coaches into Great Coaches. Key Points: Communicate Well High Level of Preperation Human Connection Organization Positive Attitude Move Well Attention To Detail Proper Evaluation Effective Assessing Process 18 Art of Coaching THE STRIVE LIFE ART OF COACHING The finer details like cueing, physical movement for demonstration, verbal and strong word selection, gestures to engage and tone of voice to lead. This is a package deal, each coach will have their strengths and weaknesses but ultimately finding your baseline for each and continually improving the package will enable you to become more capable of coaching in a variety of scenarios. 19 Personal Vs. Group Coaching SIMILARITIES Strive Life Certifications covers both personal training and group fitness instruction. The primary emphasis is that coaching in its simplest form has very little difference from PT to group setting. Top level covering the foundations, there are similarities, in the form of coaching style, warmup structures, and workout frameworks. The differences that come up are specifically geared towards the process and specificity of training. 20 Personal Vs. Group Coaching DIFFERENCES From a Group Standpoint, it is intentionally broad spectrum to cover all levels of the group, this allows for finding the middle or baseline for the group and from there moving the needle up or down, case by case, depending on the client in the group and the group as a whole. Each class and group is different so the stronger the system and the more consistency the better the working environment will be for everyone both individually and collectively to progress safely. Preparation with built in progressions and regressions for movements will help to maintain an inclusive training environment. This way everyone in the group will find comfort regardless of their level.. This approach encourages the clients mindset to be on themselves (you vs. you) allowing for a more personalized experience and greater coaching opportunities. 21 Personal Vs. Group Coaching DIFFERENCES From a Personal Training Standpoint working with your client 1 on 1 to specifically find the baseline and then the progression process begins. This will also vary from session to session and day to day and week to week based on a number of factors. Communication and preparation are integral to keep pushing the progress needle in the right direction. From a training perspective this is where more personalized coaching comes in. Programming is more specific and periodized in order to achieve optimal results over time. 22 Become a Life Athlete ATHLETE LIFESTYLE GUIDELINES Committed to consistency with movement on a daily basis. Walking daily, less sitting and more activity. One thing we can control is our breathing and it can be optimized from daily life to performance. Take the time to slow down and breathe. We all need Vitamin D, and can use more of it. The outdoors & nature helps contribute to our overall health and wellbeing. Be grateful, write down points of gratitude daily and journal your thoughts. Have an abundance mindset and see life filled with opportunities over threats. Focusing on a balanced whole foods as close to the source as possible. Proteins, fats, vegetables and carbohydrates More isn’t always better. Recovery routines are encouraged. Light activity, movement based mobility, stretching and massage are all great options. Stay hydrated. An easy task that can make a big difference for life and performance. Hydrate immediately upon waking, during the day and end the day with water. Prioritize a wind down routine. Find an optimal time you can sleep at the same time each night and get 8 hours of quality sleep. Taking time to slow down and meditate is proven to help us reset, recharge and refocus. You have everything you need already within 23 Coaching Core NEXT STEPS HOW TO GET STARTED The next step to learning the Strive Life Method is by taking the Strive Certification Level 1 Foundations. In our one day in- person class Ryan walks you through the starting pillars of fitness coaching: Philosophy of training & coaching, Warm-up education and assessment, Foundational movements, The art of coaching, Safe and responsible coaching strategies, and Business 101. Level 1 Foundations prepares you to coach full time while giving you the prerequisites needed to manage your own personalized fitness business. Schedule a call with Ryan himself to help take the next step in your coaching career. You can also email Ryan below! [email protected] @RYANCAICCO BOOK A CALL 24
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