Lord Harris Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 1494 J ...•-~ - .;;;.....-.".: r;...;;....' CONSECRATED 21sT JANUARY Keystone Lodge 1978 :" , ~' LODGE HISTORY The Lord Harris Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 1494 was conceived in 1977 by W. Bro Fredrick Burton, who wanted to form a new Mark Lodge. The second to meet here, at the Sidcup Masonic centre in the Province of Kent. Freddie, with five other Past Masters and twelve Brethren, met to form this new Mark Lodge. As most of the founders were members of The Lodge of Equity Craft Lodge, the name The Equity Mark Lodge was put forward. However, Freddie Burton, having been chosen to be the founding secretary, suggested that the Lodge should be named after the previous Provincial Grand Master of Kent, Lord George St. Vincent Harris, 5th Baron Harris of Seringapatam and Mysore. Permission was obtained from the Lord Harris family to use his name, and the Lodge was duly formed and Consecrated on Saturday 21st January 1978, at Cromwell Road, Bromley, Kent, by the Provincial Grand Master Right Worshipful Brother Frederick William Friday. ) The following year the Lodge became a Keystone Lodge for supporting the Mark Grand Lodge Building Fund for the new 'Mark Masons Hall' at 86 St. James Street, London SW1. At the Installation meeting in January 1980, the Lodge was honoured by the visit of the Provincial Grand Master Right Worshipful Brother Guy P. Rudgard. He presented and invested those 21 brethren of the Lodge, who had subscribed, to a Mark Keystone Jewel. Two years later, on 28th February 1981 a lodge of Royal Ark Mariners was moored to our Mark lodge, and an Ark meeting has been held before each Mark meeting since then, with an additional installation meeting for the Ark. We celebrated our 25th Anniversary at our meeting in January 2003 with a Silver Jubilee meeting where many of those who had been at the original consecration attended. At the meeting in May 2009 we decided to produce a Lodge banner. Up to that time we didn't have a lodge badge, and instead used an image of the keystone jewel on our summonses. After researching the Lord Harris family, and with the assistance of the Lord Harris Preceptory of Knight Templars, we found the crest of the s" Lord, which was incorporated into our design. The task of making the banner was carried out by the wife of one of our regular guests, who had made banners for other lodges. It was finally presented by the then Provincial Grand Master of Kent Right Worshipful Brother Roger Henry Harley Croucher, to the Lodge, at a Banner Dedication meeting, held here on Tuesday is" Feb 201l. It is now displayed proudly in the temple along with a similar one for our Ark Mariner lodge. W. Bro. Paul Lincoln, PPrGMO SidcupMasonic Hall- Friday 12th May 2017 Twinning Lord Harris Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 1494 ,.~,.!'.:",.:."':'''!'!': !.ti].-..;....~.......•..... , ll~" . ~.'. .:, 'fIfJ CONSECRATED 21sT JANUARY 1978 Keystone Lodge LODGE HISTORY La Mark Lodge Lord Harris 1494 fu formata nel1977 su volonta del Venerabile FratelIo Fredrick Burton, che desiderava formare una loggia del marchio alla Sidcup Masonic Centre nella provincia del Kent. Freddie si incontrocosi con cinque altri ex Maestri Venerabili e dodici fratelli per formare la suddetta loggia. Inizialmente fu proposto il nome di Equity Mark Lodge, data l' appartenenza di molti fratelIi alla Lodge of Equity nel Craft. Tuttavia Freddie Burton, in qualita di neo-eletto segretario fondatore, suggeri di intitolare la loggia al Provincial Grand Master del Kent, Lord George St. Vincent Harris, 5° Barone Harris di Seringapatam e del Mysore. Fu cosi ottenuto il permesso dalla famiglia di Lord Harris di utilizzare il suo nome e la loggia fu debitamente formata e Consacrata dal Provincial Grand Master Right Worshipful Brother Frederick William Friday in CromwelI Road, Bromley, Kent. L'anno successivo la loggia fu riconosciuta come Keystone Lodge per il supportoal Mark Grand Lodge Building Fund per la costruzione della nuova 'Mark Masons Hall' in 86 St. James Street, London SW1. All'incontro di installazione del Gennaio 1980, la loggia fu onorata dalla visita del Provincial Grand Master Right Worshipful Brother G. P. Rudgard, il quale presento il Mark Keystone Jewel ai 21 fratelli della Lord Harris presenti. Due anni dopo, il 28 Febbraio 1981, fu annessa a Lord Harris la loggia dei Royal Ark Mariners, ed e da allora che si tiene un incontro dell' Ark prima di ogni Mark meeting, pili un incontro di installazione separato solo per l' Ark. Abbiamo celebrato il nostro 25° anniversario all'incontro del Gennaio 2003 con un Silver Jubilee Meeting, con la partecipazione di molti dei fratelli che presero parte alIa consacrazione. Nel Maggio 2009 abbiamo deciso di produrre uno stendardo per la Loggia. Fino ad allora infatti veniva utilizzata un'immagine del Keystone Jewel per la documentazione ufficiale. In seguito a una ricerca sulla storia della famiglia di Lord Harris e con l' aiuto del Lord Harris Preceptory dei Knight Templars, fu trovato 10 stemma di famiglia del 5° Lord, che fu dunque incorporato nello stemma dell a loggia. 11 compito di realizzare 10 stendardo fu preso in consegna dalla signora di uno dei nostri ospiti pili assidui, she aveva in passato curato stendardi di altre logge. Lo stendardo fu infine presentato alla loggia dal Provincial Grand Master del Kent, Right Worshipful Brother Roger Henry Harley Croucher, durante un Banner Dedication Meeting, tenutosi in questa sede il18 Febbraio 2011. Lo stendardo e oggi esposto orgogliosamente all'intemo del tempio, ed e accompagnato da uno stendardo simile per la nostra Ark Mariner Lodge. W. Bro. Paul Lincoln, PPrGMO Sidcup Masonic Hall- Friday 12th May 2017 Twinning
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