Korçë, Albania 24 May 2019 and 10-11 September 2021 1 2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST AND THE SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “RESEARCH, APPLICATION AND EDUCATIONAL METHODS” R.A.E.M. Held in Kor çë, Albania 24 May 2019 and 10 - 11 September 2021 E - ISBN 9789928 - 4731 - 2 - 7 (online) NOVEMBER 2022 Publication specialist: Msc Eftiona Bylykbashi 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “RESEARCH APPLICATI ON AND EDUCATIONAL METHODS” 2019 ................................................ ...... 8 SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE ..................................................................... 9 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE .................................................................10 HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES ............. ............................ 12 Artur Prifti Silvi Hoxha THE IMPORTANCE OF THE TEACHING TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES FOR STUDENTS WITH AUTISM ...........................................................13 Jordan Jorgji Sue la Dinellari EUROPEAN UNION IN EDUCATION METHODS: A REVIEW OF THE CURRICULA OF “FAN S. NOLI” UNIVERSITY ..................................28 Edona Marku THE CHALLENGES OF ADAPTING THE SYNTACTIC CONSTRUCTIONS TO THE TRANSLATION OF THE POEMS OF CHARLES BAUDELAIRE ......................................................................40 APPLIED SCIENCES .................................................................. 62 Albina Toçilla OVERVIEW OF SECURITY IN WIRELESS MESH NETWORKS (WMNs) .....................................................................................................63 Fabiana Muharremi (Çullhaj) SOME RESULTS ON LEFT REGULAR Γ SEMIGROUPS ...................77 Artur Adili Artur Baxhaku SOME RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN QUADRATIC RESIDUES AND QUADRATIC NONRESIDUES ...............................................................8 5 Orgest Zaka Arianit Peçi Arben Banushi A STUDY ON AVERCH - JOHNSON EFFECT ON COBB – DOUGLAS MODEL, AS A PROBLEM OF CONDI TIONAL OPTIMIZATION .... ... 9 0 Orgest Zaka SOME RESULTS FROM DESIGN THEORY ........................................10 5 Alfred Daci Saimir Tola DISCRETE DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS EXPONENTIAL GROWTH 4 .................................................................................... .............................. 122 Valmir Bame Oltiana Toshkollari THE INFLUENCE OF DAMPING PARAMETERS ON OSCILLATIONS ARISING IN OVERHEAD POWERTRANSMISSION LINES .......... .. 12 8 Besian Rama Edmond Dushi FROMRADIATED SEISMIC ENERGY AND SEISMIC MOMENT OF SMALL AND MODERATE EARTHQUAKES IN ALBANIA ............ 13 7 Idajet Selmani Partizan Malkaj THE UNIFORM DISTRIBUTION OF DOSE ON TUMOR VOLUME .................................................................................... .............................. 15 4 Merita Rumano Jotilda Joti Raisa Kreci THE IMPACT OF RELIGIOUS ORTHODOX FASTING ON THE METABOLISM OF CALCIUM, PHOSPHATE AND PARATHYROID HORMONE IN A GROUP OF HEALTHY ADULT SUBJECTS ............ ........................................................................ .............................. 16 0 Redi Buzo Arben Gjata Edlira Gjata THE USE OF SOME MODERN PHYSICAL ELEMENTS FOR THE STUDY OF MATTER STRUCTURE IN CHEMISTRY TEACHING ... ................................................................................. ............................. 16 7 II. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “RESEARCH APPLICATION AND EDUCATIONAL METHODS” 202 1 .................................... .............. 183 SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE ..................................... ............................. 184 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE ............................................................ .. .187 EDUCATION AND PSYCHOLOGY ........................ ...................... ... 188 Majlinda Keta Oriana Osmani Stela Keta METHODS AND STRATEGIES USED BY TEACHERS, PEDAGOGUES DURING ONLINE LEARNING.................................. ............. .............. 189 5 Zana Strazimiri SOME REFLECTION ON GREEK THOUGHT ON EDUCATION .................... ................................................................ ............................. 20 7 Jorgjeta Babliku THE PHILOSOPHY FOR CHILDREN AS A CONTEMPORARY TREND IN THE EDU CATION PRACTICE .......................................... 218 Adelaida Nisi Romeo Terolli THE PERCEPTION OF STUDENTS ON THE QUALITY OF TEACHING IN UNIVERSITIES: CASE STUDY - UNIVERSITY "FAN S. NOLI" ........................... 231 Denisa Xhuti Kafazi Eljona Milo Tasho Lorena Margo Zeqo TEACHING MA THEMATICS DURING THE PANDEMIC ............ 245 Lorena Prifti Evionda Spaho THE SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST AND THE BENEFITS OF WORKING WITH THE STUDENT' S PARENT OR PRIMARY GUARDIAN .................................................................................... .............................. 256 Edo Sherifi TREATMENT OF AUTISTIC CHILDREN WITH INDIVIDUAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS ................................................... 26 7 Ardita Prendi BULLY ING AND THE LOCUS OF CONTROL IN ADOLESCENTS ................................................................. 281 SOCIAL SCIENCES .......................................................... 298 Eriseld Kalemaj Kristina Bogdani CYBER CULTURE: HUMAN RELATIONS IN THE NEW AGE OF COMMUNICATION..................................................... ......................... .29 8 Jordan Jorgji Gjergji Qosja Bledar Feta THE IMPACT OF COVID - 19 ON THE ACTIVITIES OF CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS IN ALBANIA ............................. 30 8 Saimir Fekolli Jetmira Fekolli 6 CONCEPTS ON SCIENTIFIC THEORIES AND IMPLICATION S FOR EPI STEMOLOGICAL APPROACHES ...................... 325 Blerina Hamzallari Zyhdi Dervishi LOGICAL - LINGUISTIC AND CONCEPTUAL CORRECTIONS IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES IN ALBANIAN LANGUAGE ..................... 33 3 Iva Pendavinji THE CONTROL OF THE CONTENT OF TELEVISION BROADCASTING. IMPLEMENTATION OR VIOLATION OF CHILDREN'S RIGHTS?..................................... .......... ......................... 344 APPLIED SCIENCES ................................................... ... 35 8 Kiromitis I. Dimitrios Paggou Elisavet Kommata Charikleia Kontogiannis Sotirios PROPOSED RESOURCES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR APIARY PRACTICES .................................................................... 359 Elona Medolli INTERNET OF THINGS AND CYBERSECURITY... ........................ 37 3 Lorena Margo Zeqo Eljona Milo Tasho Juliana Karanxha ROC CURVE AS A KEY STATISTICAL TOOL IN SPECIFIC RESEARCH AREAS ......................................................... 387 Eljona Milo Tasho Lorena Margo Zeqo Edlira Donefski Denisa Kafazi STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES USING R FOR IMPUTE MISSING DATA IN REGRESSION ANALYSIS .............................................. 397 Hysen Doko Arbër Vrapi TECHNIQUES OF SOLVING MATHEMATICIAL PROBLEMS .... 410 Emisa Velo Blerina Bani FREQUENCY EVOLUTION AND MANAGEMENT OF THE UPPER DIGESTIVE TRACT DISEASE ............................................. 429 Sulltanë Ajçe Katerina Suraj 7 DETERMINATION OF THE PHYSICO - CHEMICAL CONDITION AND MYCOTOXINS IN FLOUR PRODUCED BY DAJTI WHEAT (SUPER ELITE) CULTIVATED IN THE DEVOLL CITY .................. .... 448 8 PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “RESEARCH APPLICATION AND EDUCATIONAL METHODS” MAY 2019 Organized by the Faculty of Natural and Human Sciences, “Fan S. Noli” Universitety Korçë, Albania in cooperation with: - University of Tirana, Albania - University of West Macedonia , Greece - Albanian Association of Medical Physics - University for Business and Technology – Pristina, Kosovo 9 SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Prof. Dr. Ali Jashari – “Fan S. Noli” University of Korça, Albania Prof. Dr. Gjergji Pendavinji – “Fan S. Noli” University of Korça, Albania Prof. Dr. Agron Tato – Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania Prof. Dr. Ilia Ninka – “Logos” University of Tirana, Albania Prof. Dr. Halil Sykja – University of Tirana, Albania Prof. Dr. Anila Paparisto – University of Tirana, Albania Prof. Dr. Kostaq Hilla – Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania Prof. Dr. Artur Baxhaku – University of Tirana, Albania Prof. Dr. Lorenc Ekonomi – “Fan S. Noli” University of Korça, Albania Prof. Dr. Edmond H ajrizi – University for Business and Technology of Pristina, Kosovo Prof. Dr. Xhafer Krasniqi – University for Business and Technology of Pristina, Kosovo Prof. Dr. Nathalie Deruelle – Paris Diderot University, France Prof. Dr. Maria Dede – University of Tirana, Albania Prof. Dr. Mimoza Hafizi – University of Tirana, Albania Prof. Dr. Margarita Ifti – University of Tirana, Albania Prof. Dr. Zyhdi Dervishi – University of Tirana, Albania Prof. Dr. Gjegji Sinani – University of Tirana, Albania Prof. Dr. Dritan Topi – University of Tirana, Albania Assoc. Prof. Dr. Angelos Michalas – University of West Macedonia, Greece Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kristaq Gjino – University of Tirana, Albania Assoc. P rof. Dr. Kujtim Dule – University of Tirana, Albania Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elton Pasku – University of Tirana, Albania Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jozef Bushati – “Luigj Gurakuqi” University of Shkodra Assoc. Prof. Dr. Igli Tafa – Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania Assoc. Prof. Dr. Polikron Dhoqina – University of Tirana, Albania Assoc. Prof. Dr. Josif Minga – “Fan S. Noli” University of Korça, Albania Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elton Halimi – University of Tirana, Albania Assoc. Prof. Dr. Irena Kallço – “Fan S. N oli” University of Korça, Albania PhD. Jordan Jorgji – “Fan S. Noli” University of Korça, Albania PhD. Gloria Dimço – “Fan S. Noli” University of Korça, Albania Dr. Adrian Naço – Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania 10 Dr. Arto Adili – “Fan S. Noli” University of Korça, Albania Dr. Lorena Margo – “Fan S. Noli” University of Korça, Albania Dr. Danjela Braho – “Fan S. Noli” University of Korça, Albania Dr. Ilir Palla – “Fan S. Noli” University of Korça, Albania Dr. Eljona Milo – “Fan S. Noli” University of Korça, Albania Dr. Rafail Prodani – “Fan S. Noli” University of Korça, Albania Dr. Blerina Çeliku – “Fan S. Noli” University of Korça, Albania Dr. Marijon Pano – “Fan S. Noli” University of Korça, Albania Dr. Gjergji Mulla – University of Tirana, Alb ania Dr. Niko Hyka – Albanian Association of Medical Physics, Albania Dr. Lindita Hamolli – University of Tirana, Albania Dr. Klaudio Peqini – University of Tirana, Albania Dr. Lorena Kelo – “Fan S. Noli” University of Korça, Albania Dr. Magdalini Vamp a – “Fan S. Noli” University of Korça, Albania Dr. Eriseld Kalemaj – “Fan S. Noli” University of Korça, Albania Dr. Denisa Titili – “Fan S. Noli” University of Korça, Albania Dr. Suela Ibraimllari – “Fan S. Noli” University of Korça, Albania Dr. Ina Zallëm i – “Fan S. Noli” University of Korça, Albania Dr. Maria Dojçe – “Fan S. Noli” University of Korça, Albania Dr. Mitjana Profiri – “Fan S. Noli” University of Korça, Albania Dr. Arben Gjata – “Fan S. Noli” University of Korça, Albania Dr. Redi Buzo – “Fan S. Noli” University of Korça, Albania Dr. Desareda Mero – “Fan S. Noli” University of Korça, Albania Dr. Tanja Kamburi – “Fan S. Noli” University of Korça, Albania Dr. Rezana Pengu – “Fan S. Noli” University of Korça, Albania Dr. Sulltanë Ajçe – “Fan S. Noli” University of Korça, Albania Dr. Anisa Liti – “Aleksandër Moisiu” University of Durrës, Albania ORGANIZING COMMITTEE PhD. Jordan Jorgji — “Fan S. Noli” University, Albania Dr. Arto Adili — “Fan S. Noli” University, Albania Dr. Blerina Çeliku — “Fan S. Noli” University, Albania Dr. Lorena Margo “Fan S. Noli” University, Albania Dr. Jordan Jorgji — “Fan S. Noli” University, Albania Dr. Maria Dojçe — “F an S. Noli” University, Albania 11 12 HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES ( SHKENCA HUMANE DHE SOCIALE) 13 THE IMPORTANCE OF THE TEACHING TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES FOR STUDENTS WITH AUTISM Artur Prifti “Fan S. Noli” University of Korça, Albania arturprifti@rocketmail.com Silvi Hoxha Elementary School Teacher, Pogradec, Albania silviprifti@yahoo.com Abstract The challenges of teachers who work with students with special needs in general and with autistic students in particular, face difficulties which are related to the fulfilment of their primary duty concerning the full development of their intellectual pote ntial. It was considered as reasonable that through this study, to identify the concrete case of 2 – year’s progress of a student in primary education with autism spectrum disorder ASD. The main purpose of this study is related to the importance of the eff ects of techniques, the tools used by the assistant teacher in the Psychological Development of Students with Special Needs. In a general perspective, a description of the case study will be initially made based on the theoretical aspects of the autism spe ctrum and then, it will be presented the history of the condition and the progress of the concrete study case. A particular importance will be given to the treatment of techniques, tools that promote the psychological development of students with autism si nce the issues coming from their usage affect issues related to teachers’ background, student recognition and the effect of techniques in the student development. The methodology used for this study case will be mainly based in testing techniques of teachi ng and tools for the students with autism which will be further completed with interviews (opinions) of the teacher, psychologist and parent of the child. In conclusion, the best experiences will be presented as positive examples for other teachers in orde r to use them in similar situations 14 and to succeed in meeting the challenges of the child development with ASD Keywords : Autism ASD, study case, teaching techniques, tools, assistant teacher 1. Introduction Working with students with special needs encounters teachers with difficulties which require a wide theoretical and practical background Daily activities of the assistant teachers bring difficulties and problems related to the nature of the needs of the student with whom they work. In this contex t, beside the recognition of the nature of his difficulty, the teachers in every activity organized with students must have good creative and implementing skills in the development of students with special needs. Taking into consideration the importance of the techniques, tools used to assist in the development of students with special needs, a case study was considered as valuable to assess their impact on the development of students with autism.In an overview of the paper, a theoretical presentation of au tism - related issues will first be considered, to further continue with the concrete case study of a student with autism and the challenges of the assistant teachers, by focusing on the tools they use in stimulating their development. Regarding the case stu dy, there will be given a general description starting from the initial condition of the student, the plan up to the selection or adjustment of necessary tools assisting work process of the assistant teacher.The methodology used will focus on three directi ons, starting with the planning tools (based on the student's diagnosis) and using assessment forms during their implementation to identify effectiveness in developing their needs as well as the teacher, psychologist, parents’ opinions, etc. The results of the study will not only serve to determine the most effective tools that meet the needs of the case study but they will also serve as positive examples to be implemented to other students from the assistant teachers. 2. Autism Spectrum Disorder (Theory) 2.1 Autism spectrum disorder. 15 Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is one of the most issues discussed by teachers nowadays as they face difficult challenges on how to accomplish the main purpose on working with children with special needs. Numerous publications on autism and its forms help them to learn more about the disease and find more space to work with students. But how is the condition of children with autism today? According to a recent study (AutismSpeaks, 2018) it results that there is a significant increase in children with autism in the United States of America; 15% of children aged 8 - 11 years by determining a ratio of 1 in 59 children diagnosed with autism. In Albania, according to (Ga zeta - Shqiptare, 2018) , alarming figures of children with autism are also emerging; 1 in 68 children are born with autism All of these cases point to an alarming situation that confronts society with a worldwide challenge. The beginnings of autism date back to 1911 by psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler who defined autism as a form of schizophrenia.In the case study (Kanner, 1943) was presented a series of cases of children with behavioural disorders making a significant contribution to the treatment of behavioural disorders, autism and one year later, in 1944 Hans Asperger published his four - case study which defined the term "autistic psychopathy".Numerous studies have been conducted from this period onwards, studying the behaviours o f children with autism to discover the causes and symptoms. Children with ASD are just like other children they also have individual styles and preferences. However, they express preferences and styles in a form different from others. (Wills, 2006) According to (World Health Organization, 2017) ASD refers to a set of conditions characterized by a degree of behavioural, communication and language impairment, a narrow range of interests and activitie s that are unique to the individual and repeatedly performed. ASD occurs in childhood and tends to persist into adolescence and adulthood. In most cases the conditions are visible during the first 5 years of life. Whereas (National Autistic Society, 2016) defines ASD as a lifelong disability that affects how people perceive the world and interact with others.People with ASD see, hear, and feel the world differently than other people.All autistic people share certain difficulties , but being 16 autistic will affect them in different ways. Some autistic people also have learning disabilities, mental health issues or other conditions, which means people need different levels of support.All people on the autism spectrum learn and develop . With the right kind of support, everyone can be helped to live a more satisfying life of their choice.According to (Copeland, 2018) ASD autism spectrum disorder is a complex developmental condition that involves ongoing chall enges in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication, and restricted / repetitive behaviours. The effects of ASD and the severity of symptoms are different in different persons. In a summary of the autism description by (H&A Wilson Fondation, 2016) it is described as a generic term for a complex set of brain developmental disorders characterized by difficulties in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication as well as repetitive behaviours. Scientists are not sure what causes ASD, but two factors are defined as essential, such as genetics and the environment. They have also identified a number of genes associated with the disorder. Studies of people with ASD have found irregularities in some areas of the br ain. Other studies suggest that people with ASD have abnormal levels of serotonin or other neurotransmitters in the brain. These abnormalities suggest that ASD may be due to disruption of normal brain development early in fetal development caused by defect s in genes controlling brain growth and regulating how brain cells communicate with one another, possibly due to the influence of environmental factors on gene function.While these findings are intriguing, they are preliminary and require further study, wh ile the theory that parental practices are responsible for ASD has been rejected long ago. To conclude, according to (CDC, 2018) people with ASD often have problems with social, emotional, and communication skills.They can repe at certain behaviours and do not want to change their daily activities. Signs of ASD begin during early childhood and usually last throughout a person's life. Children or adults with ASD: - They show no interest in an object point and do not look at the object when another person points at them. - Have problems with others or have no interest in other people. 17 - Avoid eye contact and want to be alone. - They have difficulty in understanding other people's feelings or talking about their feelings. - They prefer not to be held or hugged only when they want to. - They are not aware when people talk to them, but they respond to other sounds. - They are very interested in people but do not know how to talk, play or relate to them. - Repeat the words or phrases directed to the m, or repeat words or phrases instead of normal language. - They have difficulty in expressing their needs. - Repeat actions over and over. - They have difficulty in adapting when the routine changes. All of these help us to study cases of autistic children base d on them so as not to create difficulties. 2.1.Autism and school, assistant teachers' challenges, tools to help in developing students with autism The first part of the study summarized the autism issues starting from the beginning, causes, symptoms, and condition of those affected with autism today. The following part will study the integration of children in social life, especially in schools, as an important institution of including students in knowledge without discrimination. Apart from the clinical treatment of children with special needs, inclusion in the social life of the school is the best therapy for their development even at a minimal level since the very purpose of the school, as it also defines (National Curriculum in Eng land, 2014) in one of the main goals of the school “promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society”; a training in all their fields. Autism and inclusion in education is a concept that t oday has undergone a qualitative development in pre - university education schools.The handbook extracted from (Save the Children, 2013) clearly outlines the procedures followed for the inclusion of students with special needs in schools from the aspects of legal framework to the individual assistant teacher work planning. Planning and 18 organizing the school’s procedures and strategies for the functioning and running the students' educational and social process, including inclusive education, requires first of all the respect and implementation of the legal framework and then the other elements involved. But what does inclusive school mean? An inclusive school is one in which differences between students and diversity are welcomed and the necessary measures are taken to achieve it. When we emphasize difference between students we do not mean only students with disabilities, in our case of students with ASD, but all those who have differences or specifics in learning, such as student s from the Roma community, low - income or gender - based students, etc. In a general description of the treatment of students with special needs in schools and their inclusion with other students begins with the school - level planning phase of their inclusion. This planning includes procedures for registering students with special needs, procedures for identifying them, clarifying the roles and responsibilities of members of the pedagogical staff in relation to students with disabilities, etc. At the time of re gistering students with special needs or evaluating a student with special needs, an important role is played by the commission for assessing the condition of the student; it might be a paediatrician, psychologist, social worker, teacher. A special role in this process is also played by the assistant teacher who, in collaboration with other stakeholders, monitors the progress of the student with special needs. Working with students with special needs, especially students with ASD, is a difficult process for the assistant teacher and it is impossible to perform it alone. The help he receives from a doctor, psychologist, social worker and even a parent is important as they provide him with the knowledge necessary for the following processes: - Carrying out the student's diagnosis - Drafting the Individual Education Plan - Developing strategies and creating tools for achieving learning outcomes. The assistant teacher uses all of these mentioned above in developing their progress reports according to the plan in which he sets out the 19 main strategies, where it is based the work accomplished for the student’s development in the four main areas of his / her development (communication (verbal / nonverbal), emotional, cognitive, and motor development). 3. Presentatio n of the case for study Based on the theoretical issues presented in the first part of the study, we conclude that recognizing the diagnosis of students, especially those with autism, is a primary concern for the stakeholders involved in working for his de velopment and inclusion with the rest of the class. 3.1. General description and overview of the initial state of the case study In presenting the case study, we will base our case report on psychosocial assessment by presenting the initial state assessed by the commission.Student A is a 10 - year old girl, a fifth - grade student diagnosed with pervasive developmental disorder /autism ASD by the psychosocial assessment commission at the age of 8, considering the employment of a teaching assistant for two year s.Difficulties of the student in question are reflected in difficulties mainly to the acquisition of verbal and non - verbal elements of communication, social and emotional development, cognitive and motor development. With regard to verbal elements of commu nication it is difficult to understand the student while he articulates words as he articulates irregular words without tenses and intonations. He reacts when calling him by his name, understands simple messages but does not always respond, speaks about hi mself in the third person, and understands instructions related to manipulating a simple object. On the other hand, he reacts to the affected person, understands the mimicry of a family member and understands the negative and affirmative signs. He generall y maintains eye contact, does actions to look for an object, and points to objects he likes. Through mimicry he expresses emotions and spontaneously he also expresses emotions towards family members.Regarding socio - emotional development, the student shows interest in playing in the classroom although involved in an unstructured way.He does not show interest in