Thank you for assisting with the completion of Form I-9. It is important to note that completion of Section 2 within HireRight will need to be done within 3 business days of the employee ’ s start date or this could jeopardize employment eligibility. You will receive an email from HireRight with login information on the employee’s first day . If you have not, please check your spam folder and let us know if it need s to be resen t BELOW ARE STEPS FOR COMPLETING TH E SECTION 2 PROCESS: Log into your account and click I-9 Forms > Manage I-9 Forms Click on the Pending Employer tab and select the employee Right-click on the employee record and select Verify I-9 Docs from the menu Section 2 Worksheet of Form I-9 will open Review Employee Provided Information to ensure you have accessed the selected employee’s I-9 and it appears to be completed accurately and matches the documentation provided. Physically examine the original supporting document(s) provided by the employee and ensure that the document(s) is on the List of Acceptable Documents or is an acceptable receipt. There is also an option to send Section 1 back to an employee for corrections Enter Employee’s first day of employment Document Selection - select the Document Type(s) that most accurately represents the document(s) the employee provided. Use either the drop -down menu or start typing in the document name in the field . You will be prompted to select a second document when the system recognizes you have selected a document from List B or List C. Enter the relevant document information such as State, Document Title, Issuing Authority, Document Number(s) and Expiration Date (if any) from the original document(s) presented by the employee. If Other is selected, Document Title and Issuing Authority must be typed exactly as it appears on the face of the document and click Next Employer or Authorized Representative - enter your full legal first name, last name and email as the Authorized Representative completing Section 2 . Enter your title as Authorized Representative Employer’s Business or Organization - ask the employee to assist in providing the BDO office address that they are assigned to (even if working remotely). The office address will need to be entered in this section. Worksheet Review : review the information entered and make any edits, if needed, or Confirm the information should be inserted into Section 2 of the form. Click NEXT to proceed Final Review: r eview the Section 2 electronic I-9 with the inserted worksheet information. Review for accuracy and close Attestation and E-signature : r eview and check the boxes to C omplete the Attestation section, complete e- signature section and click the E-sign and Save and Run E-Verify button to finish. Follow the prompts to upload the supporting document(s) to HireRight. If you are presented with a US Passport, Passport Card, Permanent Resident Card or Employment Authorization Card, see the I-9 Supporting Documents for additional guidance regarding steps to upload. BDO USA, LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership, is the U.S. member of BDO International Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, and forms part of the international BDO network of independent member firms. I-9 Section 2 - Helpful Hints for Authorized Representatives