Single monitor Multi- 4 games Machine yield: 80 %,82%, 84%, 86%, 87%, 88%, 90%, 92%, 94% Bill Acceptor Type: APEX7000, ID003, MEI Printer: Hand pay, Hopper, 58CR, PSA-66-ST, MAXSOMO483. Contact info: SKYPE “ PCBGAMES ” , email “ ” TEXAS BROS content AUDIT MENU P.3 I. ATTENDANT P.4 II. ACCOUNTING P.6 III. DIAGNOSTIC P.10 IV. EVENT LOG P.11 V. GAME HISTORY P.12 VI. Game setup p.13 VII. MACHINE SETUP P.14 VIII. CALIBRATION P.22 connector table p.23 HARDWARE INsTALlATION DIAGRAM P.24 Contact info: SKYPE “ PCBGAMES ” , email “ ” Audit menu Contact info: SKYPE “ PCBGAMES ” , email “ ” AttendAnt ( pAssword 0000000 ) romote in HAndpAY Credit out oF serViCe: ACtiVe / inACtiVe HAndpAY Credit out oF serViCe Here, You CAn press tHe enter button on tHe sCreen to ACtiVAte or inACtiVAte tHe mACHine. ACtiVAting tHe mACHine Allows You to loCk wHile repAiring it. onCe tHe repAiring i s done, You CAn inACtiVAte it And stArt plAYing AgAin ACCounting options mAster ACCounting periodiC ACCounting seCuritY ACCounting periodiC meter CleAr mAster ACCounting Here sHows You tHe totAl Credit in-out reCord, tHe perCentAge oF tHe mACHine Yield inClude / witHout winning, etC. periodiC ACCounting Contact info: SKYPE “ PCBGAMES ” , email “ ” periodiC meter CleAr iF You wAnt to CleAr out tHe reCord in periotiC ACCounting, You CAn press tHe CleAr button but don’t worrY, tHe mAster ACCounting reCord will still be retAined. diAgnostiC button And lAmp test Audio test touCH sCreen test Hopper test tiCket printer test eVent log Here sHows tHe reCord oF tHe lAst 100 mACHine eVents. gAme HistorY Here sHows tHe lAst 50 reCords gAme HistorY. gAme setup PAYOUT RATE : 94% / 92% / 90% / 88% / 87% / 86% / 84% / 82% / 80% mACHine setup options initiAl setup pArAmeter setup limit setup progressiVe jACkpot setup bill ACCeptor setup Hopper setup printer setup reset mACHine to deFAult initiAl setup AFTER RESETTING THE MACHINE TO DEFAULT , YOU CAN SETUP INITIAL PARAMETERS. pArAmeter setup Payout Type: Hand pay, Hopper , 58CR, PSA-66-ST, MAXSOMO483. limit setup bill ACCeptor setup THERE ARE NONE, PULSE AND APEX7000, MEI, ID003. Hopper setup printer setup reset mACHine to deFAult use tHe reset mACHine button on tHe sCreen or tHe stArt button on keYboArd to reset. pAssword: 000000